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tag index: l · license

55 scripts tagged as: [license  ·  gpl]

Advanced R3D demo
6.8 KB
17 Oct 2012
icon for advanced-r3d.rR3D demo
author: Massimiliano Vessi
36.0 KB
26 Sep 2003
To visually examine nested objects/blocks. Examples: monitor monitor system/words monitor svv
author: Romano Paolo Tenca
Ascii math
2 KB
10 Mar 2009
Defines functions and variables for arithmetic ASCII characters
author: Scott Wall
Base conversion functions
8.0 KB
2 Sep 2005
Functions to convert an decimal whole number to and from any arbitrary base
author: Sunanda
better-than-nothing sqlite3 handler
5.7 KB
30 Jan 2006
easy access to sqlite3 database without /Pro or /Command features
author: Piotr Gapinski
Clausius Clapeyron
1.6 KB
1 Feb 2012
Given the data, check if it's steam or water, and give the temperature for boiling water. It usese the Clausius-Clapeyron equation and give the flow in the tube to reach the atmosfere.
author: Massimiliano Vessi
Unit converter
24.2 KB
2 Jul 2013
icon for convertitore.rThe best unit converter on earth!
author: Massimiliano Vessi
Dice roller generator
1.1 KB
19 Jul 2012
icon for dice-roller.rFrom an idea of Adrew Martin a dice rolling generator for role-playing game like D&d or D20.
author: Massimiliano Vessi
DNS protocol
13.6 KB
21 Feb 2005
REBOL DIG : Implementation of DNS protocol (RFC 1035) URL is dig://name-server/TYPE/name ans: read dig:// ans: read dig:// ans: read dig::/ you can see a list of available TYPEs in cmd-list in beginning of code use ans/to-str to [...]
author: VDemong
PhotoTrackr DPL700 to GPX/PLT converter
dpl700-converter.r20.8 KB
3 Oct 2009
Converts memory dumps of the Gisteq PhotoTrackr GPS logger (MTK) to GPX/OziExplorer formats
author: pijoter
PhotoTrackr DPL700
dpl700.r11.8 KB
30 Sep 2009
Reads the memory from the Gisteq PhotoTrackr GPS logger to a file
author: pijoter
EuroJackpot extractor
1.3 KB
20 Jun 2012
icon for eurojackpot.rEuroJackpot is a transnational lottery in Europe, Participating countries are (in alphabetical order) Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Slovenia. The goal is to choose the five correct numbers out of 50 plus 2 out of another 8 numbers. If you are lucky, please send me an email.
author: Massimiliano Vessi
F1 demo
4.8 KB
23 Nov 2012
icon for f1.rSimple car game, just t show how to scroll images
author: Massimiliano Vessi
Obscure File Server
fileserver.r14.4 KB
3 Sep 2009
Share files over HTTP protocol +NLS
author: pijoter
Find a file in directories / folders
2.6 KB
9 Nov 2012
icon for find-file-gui.r[no purpose header found]
author: Massimiliano Vessi
free-mem.r891 bytes
13 Dec 2004
A tiny function to free the memory occuped by a variable that is no more used in the program. This code is the best code given to us by DocKimble around the memory clearance. So it's the fruit of a colaborative work around memory management that we do using the forum of
author: DocKimble
GeoRSS converter
georss.r24.5 KB
7 Oct 2009
Converts GeoRSS xml to GPX/KML/OziExplorer formats
author: pijoter
Garmin IMG decoder
1.1 KB
6 Dec 2004
Dekoduje pliki zakodowane funkcja XOR Skrypt moze byc wykorzystywany jedynie w celach edukacyjnych.
author: Piotr Gapinski
1.8 KB
6 Aug 2010
Add to index.r all the files and directory of the current directory
author: Massimiliano Vessi
JSON to Rebol converter
14.2 KB
6 Sep 2013
Convert a JSON string to Rebol data, and vice versa.
author: douglas crockford
Logging Framework For Rebol
10.8 KB
19 Feb 2006
Logging within the context of program development constitutes inserting statements into the program that provide some kind of output information that is useful to the developer. Examples of logging are trace statements, dumping of structures and the familiar 'prin or 'print debug statements. log4reb offers a hierarchical way to insert logging statements within a [...]
author: Francois Vanzeveren
Magic 8 ball
1.2 KB
26 Feb 2013
It's the old Magic 8 ball game, think your question and ask the game.
author: Massimiliano Vessi
Markdown entry for R3
4.2 KB
7 Jan 2013
make markdown entry from defined words, example: my? append (then you can paste directly (CTRL+V), see This works with Rebol3
author: Massimiliano Vessi
Mass mailer
6.1 KB
15 Feb 2011
icon for massmailer.rMass emailng the world!
author: Massimiliano Vessi
MDP-GUI Package
1.1 KB
30 Mar 2005
Graphical interface for make-doc-pro 1.0.8 allowing easy doc making/viewing
author: Alphé SALAS-SCHUMANN (ShadWolf)
Who wants to be a Millionaire
4.9 KB
3 Jan 2014
icon for millionaire.rWho wants to be a Millionaire game
author: Massimiliano Vessi
National Instruments Rebol Wrapper
180.9 KB
19 Sep 2008
A wrapper allowing to use National Instrument DAQmx base library with Rebol
author: Francois Jouen (ldci)
periodic table
11.9 KB
15 Aug 2007
Display a periodic table of the elements as REBOL buttons
author: Brian Tiffin
17.4 KB
13 Mar 2007
Combine GPS tracklog and jpeg/exif files to find out where digital photos were taken
author: Piotr Gapinski
PhotoTrackr DPL converter
phototrackr-converter.r8.8 KB
27 Oct 2010
Converts memory dumps of the PhotoTrackr GPS (DPL) logger to OziExplorer/GPX formats
author: pijoter
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