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38 scripts tagged as: [domain  ·  game]

Chess board handler
12.1 KB
28 Aug 2012
icon for cbh.rFunction as a chess board interface. Support playing a game of chess according to the rules of the game of chess.
author: Arnold van Hofwegen
Le Compte est Bon.
1.3 KB
2 May 2008
Algorithm to solve french countdown game.
author: Christian Blanvillain
Chess images
11.6 KB
26 Aug 2012
Create images.
author: Arnold van Hofwegen
Chess moves generator
59.2 KB
29 Aug 2012
Generate all legitimate moves in any position.
author: Arnold van Hofwegen
Color Match
4.7 KB
13 Mar 2003
To illustrate the three basic principles of educational objects. 1. objective: a target outcome, task or pattern. 2. experience: an interface that allows students to build relationships to the concept. 3. evaluation: integrated data collector and organizer for evaluation. This EO was first introduced in 1987 to students building scripts to animate graphics over video.
author: Scot M. Sutherland
Colormatch 1.5
colormatch15.r4.8 KB
16 Mar 2007
Color Match 1.5 simulates very closely the Amiga Version created in 1987. Junior High students learned how to created accurate colors by typing in numbers into a multimedia program.
author: Scot M. Sutherland
10x10 International checkers move generator
782 bytes
5 Dec 2012
generate all legal moves in the international 10x10 checkers game
author: Arnold van Hofwegen
10x10 International checkers move generator
732 bytes
22 Nov 2012
Play the international 10x10 checkers game
author: Arnold van Hofwegen
1.0 KB
13 Mar 2003
author: Andrew Martin
Display chess board
3.5 KB
14 Sep 2004
Display a basic chess board and some moveable counters (use a mouse to drag and drop). The most-recently selected counter comes to the front, if it was obscured by other counters. Intended as a get-you-started set of ideas if you intend to write a board game, and a demo of VID feel and other useful techniques
author: Sunanda
Drill Bits
7.6 KB
8 Aug 2005
A VID drill program to help memorize facts using repeated multiple choice question and answers.
author: mikel
F1 demo
4.8 KB
23 Nov 2012
icon for f1.rSimple car game, just t show how to scroll images
author: Massimiliano Vessi
FF3 ZSNES Saved state editor
ff3edit.r10.0 KB
4 Mar 2004
A tool to edit saved state files for Final Fantasy 3 as created by the ZSNES emulator
author: Cal Dixon
Fire and Smoke particles generator.
14.3 KB
18 Sep 2010
icon for fire-smoke-particle-generator.rA particle engine demo which generates fire and smoke, with a lot of control and some compositing built-in
author: [unknown]
Demo Msx Emulation Galaga
88.5 KB
28 Feb 2007
MSX Emulation using rebcode
author: Guest2
A Variation on Conway's Game of Life
5.3 KB
21 Sep 2005
A GUI implementation of a modified version of the popular cellular automaton system. The rules: 1) Each cell (square) on the grid is either alive (blue) or dead (white) 2) For every iteration, each cell's next state depends on current state and # of live neighbors a) if cell is alive, it stays alive <=> 2 or 3 neighbors are alive b) if cell is dead, [...]
author: Ayrris Aunario
Guess the number
guess-the-number.r1.7 KB
12 Oct 2014
This game will ask you to enter a number and will then say if it is more or less than a predefined random number with best ability and worst luck you will need (log in base 2 of MAX) tries to guess the number (if you are interested in this google Binary search [...]
author: Caridorc
Half-life log parser
hllogparser.r5.8 KB
4 Mar 2004
Allows a rebol script to parse server logs from the game: Half-life
author: Cal Dixon
Keyboard Trener
3.8 KB
25 May 2007
Learn to write rebol words faster without looking at keyboard.
author: Karol Gozlinski
Demonstration of a Package on
978 bytes
13 Aug 2004
Demonstration of a package, and competition
author: Sunanda
Magic 8 ball
1.2 KB
26 Feb 2013
It's the old Magic 8 ball game, think your question and ask the game.
author: Massimiliano Vessi
13.9 KB
2 Feb 2006
Mine-sweeper game
author: Allen Kamp
18.2 KB
29 Aug 2012
A nice logical puzzle game.
author: arnold van hofwegen
Nim engine
12.7 KB
19 Jul 2005
Calculate the best move in a game of NIM
author: Sunanda
The number-memory buttons
number-buttons-game.r3.6 KB
23 Sep 2014
In this game you will have to click the buttons and memorize the numebers, at the end you will be asked to write the bigger or the smaller. This is a race against your memory.
author: Caridorc
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