Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ title: "PhotoTrackr DPL converter" purpose: "Converts memory dumps of the PhotoTrackr GPS (DPL) logger to OziExplorer/GPX formats" author: "pijoter" date: 2009-07-15/14:05:52+2:00 file: %phototrackr-converter.r License: "GNU General Public License (Version II)" Library: [ replaced-by: %dpl700-converter.r level: 'intermediate platform: 'all type: [tool] domain: [file-handling] tested-under: [ view 1.3.1 on [Linux] view 2.7.6 on [Linux WinXP] ] support: none license: 'GPL ] ] sr: context [ d: make hash! 60 unpack: func [record [binary!] /local blk b] [ blk: make block! 6 ; MTK CHIPSET: lon lat datetime alt spd tag foreach b [4 4 4 2 1 1] [ append blk reverse copy/part record b record: skip record b ] return blk ] datetime: func [dtime [binary! integer!] /local d t] [ if binary? dtime [dtime: to-integer dtime] if (dtime = -1) [return now] d: to-date reduce [ ((shift dtime 26) and 63) + 2000 ;; Y ((shift dtime 22) and 15) ;; M ((shift dtime 17) and 31) ;; D ] t: to-time reduce [ ((shift dtime 12) and 31) ;; H ((shift dtime 6) and 63) ;; Mi dtime and 63 ;; S ] to-date rejoin [d "/" t] ] location: func [lat [binary! integer!] lon [binary! integer!]] [ if binary? lat [lat: to-integer lat] if binary? lon [lon: to-integer lon] if (lat < 0) [lat: (lat - (to-integer #{80000000})) * -1] if (lon < 0) [lon: (lon - (to-integer #{80000000})) * -1] return reduce [ (to-integer (lat / 1000000)) + (((lat / 1000000) - (to-integer (lat / 1000000))) * 100 / 60) (to-integer (lon / 1000000)) + (((lon / 1000000) - (to-integer (lon / 1000000))) * 100 / 60) ] ] filter: func [b [block!] tag [block! integer!]] [ tag: to-block tag remove-each point (copy b) [not found? find tag point/tag] ] waypoints: func [b [block!]] [self/filter b 254] tracklogs: func [b [block!] /local t blk segments] [ blk: make block! 500 segments: make block! 10 t: self/filter b [99 255] foreach point t [ if all [(not empty? blk) (point/tag = 99)] [ append/only segments blk blk: copy [] ] append/only blk point ] if not empty? blk [append/only segments blk] return segments ] decode: func [sr [binary!] config [object!] /local lat lon dtm alt spd tag date stamp points i] [ i: 0 forskip sr 16 [ set [lon lat dtm alt spd tag] (self/unpack sr) if (lon = #{FFFFFFFF}) [ print [i "/" (any [attempt [((index? sr) - 1) / 16] "??"]) "records"] print ["from" (first self/d) "to" pick self/d ((length? self/d) - 1)] break ] date: self/datetime dtm if all [ any [(none? config/start) (date >= config/start)] any [(none? config/stop) (date <= config/stop) ] ][ i: i + 1 stamp: dt/to-stamp/date date points: any [ select self/d stamp make block! 10000 ] set [lat lon] (self/location lat lon) repend/only points [ 'lat lat 'lon lon 'alt (to-integer alt) 'spd (to-integer spd) * 1.852 'tag (to-integer tag) 'created date ] if ((length? points) = 1) [repend self/d [stamp points]] ] ] ] save: func [dump [object!] /local w t f stamp log] [ ;; zapis do plikow f: get in dump 'save foreach [stamp log] self/d [ w: waypoints log t: tracklogs log if function? :f [attempt [f stamp w t]] ] unset [d w t f] recycle ] ] dt: context [ to-epoch: func [date [date!] /local res] [ either res: attempt [to integer! difference date 1970-01-01/00:00:00] [res] [date - 1970-01-01/00:00:00 * 86400.0] ] from-epoch: func [val [integer!] /zone tz /local date time] [ val: to-time val date: 1970-01-01 + round/down val / 24:00:00 time: val // 24:00:00 (to-date rejoin [date "/" time]) + (any [(if value? zone [tz]) (00:00)]) ] to-human: func [dt [date!] /date /time /local pad d t s] [ pad: func [val n] [head insert/dup val: form val #"0" (n - length? val)] dt: rejoin [ (pad dt/year 4) #"-" (pad dt/month 2) #"-" (pad dt/day 2) #"/" to-itime any [dt/time 0:00] ] any [ if date [copy/part dt 10] if time [copy/part (skip dt 11) 8] dt ] ] to-stamp: func [dtm [date!] /date] [ dtm: any [ if date [self/to-human/date dtm] self/to-human dtm ] remove-each ch dtm [found? find "-/:" ch] ] to-gpx-date: func [date [date!]] [ append replace (self/to-human date) "/" "T" "Z" ] ] sr-gpx: context [ WPT-SUFFIX: {.gpx} TRK-SUFFIX: {.gpx} out: none save: func [name [string!] w [block!] t [block!] /local created gpx] [ self/out: make block! 1000 created: any [ attempt [t/1/1/created] ;; pierwszy punkt, pierwszy segment attempt [w/1/created] ;; pierwszy waypoint now ] attempt [ if not empty? w [waypoints name w] if not empty? t [tracklogs name t] ] if not empty? out [ insert head out rejoin [ {<?xml version="1.0" ?>} LF {<gpx version="1.0"} LF { creator="sr-gpx.r"} LF { xmlns:xsi=""} LF { xmlns=""} LF { xsi:schemaLocation="">} LF { <time>} dt/to-gpx-date (created) {</time>} LF ] repend out [{</gpx>} LF] gpx: to-file join name TRK-SUFFIX print gpx write/direct/binary gpx form self/out ] ] waypoints: func [name [string!] w [block!] /local i point] [ i: 0 foreach point w [ i: i + 1 append out rejoin [ { <wpt lat="} (round/to point/lat 0.000001) {" lon="} (round/to point/lon 0.000001) {">} LF { <ele>} (round/to point/alt 0.01) {</ele>} LF { <name>} (dt/to-stamp point/created) {</name>} LF { <sym>Flag, Blue</sym>} LF { <desc>speed } (round/to point/spd 0.01) { km/h</desc>} LF { <time>} (dt/to-gpx-date point/created) {</time>} LF { </wpt>} LF ] ] ] tracklogs: func [name [string!] t [block!] /local i point created track-segment] [ created: any [(attempt [t/1/1/created]) now] append out rejoin [ { <trk>} LF { <name>} dt/to-stamp/date created {</name>} LF { <number>} 1 {</number>} LF ] i: 0 foreach segment t [ i: i + 1 append out rejoin [{ <trkseg>} LF] foreach point segment [ append out rejoin [ { <trkpt lat="} (round/to point/lat 0.000001) {" lon="} (round/to point/lon 0.000001) {">} LF { <ele>} (round/to point/alt 0.01) {</ele>} LF { <time>} (dt/to-gpx-date point/created) {</time>} LF { <speed>} (round/to point/spd 0.01) {</speed>} LF { </trkpt>} LF ] ] append out rejoin [ { </trkseg>} LF ] ] append out rejoin [{ </trk>} LF] ] ] sr-ozi: context [ WPT-SUFFIX: {.wpt} TRK-SUFFIX: {.plt} save: func [name [string!] w [block!] t [block!]] [ if error? try [ if not empty? w [waypoints name w] if not empty? t [tracklogs name t] ][ print ["error!" name "format" WPT-SUFFIX TRK-SUFFIX] ] ] to-ozi-alt: func [alt [number!]] [alt * 3.28083931316019] to-ozi-date: func [date [date!]] [ date: dt/to-epoch date (date / 86400) + 25569.0 ] waypoints: func [name [string!] w [block!] /local wpt i out point] [ out: make block! 100 i: 0 append out rejoin [ "OziExplorer Waypoint File Version 1.1" CRLF "WGS 84" CRLF "Reserved 2" CRLF "Reserved 3" CRLF ] foreach point w [ i: i + 1 append out rejoin [ i "," dt/to-stamp point/created "," (round/to point/lat 0.000001) "," (round/to point/lon 0.000001) "," (to-ozi-date point/created) "," "0,0,3,0,65535," reform [(dt/to-stamp point/created) "speed" (round/to point/spd 0.01) "km/h"] "," "0,0,0," to-ozi-alt (round/to point/alt 0.01) "," "8.25,0,17" CRLF ] ] wpt: to-file join name WPT-SUFFIX print wpt write/direct/binary wpt form out ] tracklogs: func [name [string!] t [block!] /local plt i out track-segment] [ out: make block! 1000 i: 0 foreach segment t [ foreach point segment [ i: i + 1 track-segment: pick [1 0] (point = first segment) append out rejoin [ (round/to point/lat 0.000001) "," (round/to point/lon 0.000001) "," track-segment "," to-ozi-alt (round/to point/alt 0.01) "," to-ozi-date (point/created) "," dt/to-human/date (point/created) "," dt/to-human/time (point/created) CRLF ;; (round/to point/spd 0.01) CRLF ] ] ] insert (head out) rejoin [ "OziExplorer Track Point File Version 2.1" CRLF "WGS 84" CRLF "Altitude is in Feet" CRLF "Reserved 3" CRLF "0,2,255," name ",0,0,2,8421376" CRLF i CRLF ] plt: to-file join name TRK-SUFFIX print plt write/direct/binary plt form out ] ] use [data config] [ data: read/binary to-file first any [request-file halt] config: make object! [ start: none ;; date from stop: none ;; date to ] sr/decode data config sr/save sr-gpx ;; -> gpx 1.0 ;; sr/save sr-ozi ;; -> oziexplorer ] halt
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage