REBOL Mailing List
49091 messages
The REBOL mailing list has been inactive for some time. What we have here are archives of messages from when it was active. Use the search box or index links to navigate the archive.
REBOL discussions
There is a Google Group and also a chat area on Stack Overflow.
Much of the day-to-day chat about REBOL, including newcomers' questions, happens on AltMe worlds. We mirror some chat groups here. The REBOL3 world does not mean it was just for REBOL v3, but that it was the third world incarnation. REBOL4 is the currently active world.
To check if Altme is available on your platform, and download the free client software, visit
Thanks to...
Graham Chiu has carefully collected all the messages on both the REBOL Mailing List, and the now discontinued [ALLY] Mailing List. What you see here is a merge of those two lists