Other REBOL resources
REBOL Technologies
Discussion: Join the email discussion group
REBOL.com: Official website for REBOL
REBOL.net: The REBOL Developer Network: Developer news, Carl's blog, downloads, manuals, and more
Other REBOL resources
CodeConscious: Articles, information, tips and scripts
Rebol Forces: News, articles, scripts and discussion forums
REBOL Zine: Archives and back issues of REBOL Zine -- an online magazine
REBOLWeek: A blog of all that is new in the REBOL community
RM Asset: REBOL developers'software company
TryRebol: Try out R2 or R3 in a web browser -- no download needed
Vanilla: REBOL Wiki
Wikibooks: An evolving, community-developed introduction to REBOL
Discussion forum
REBOL forum: Friendly message board for any questions about REBOL
Stackoverflow / REBOL: Programmers' Q&A website -- questions about REBOL
Synapse: REBOL forum: Another friendly message board for any questions about REBOL
Applications built in REBOL
Altme: Create your own private instant messaging network
Cerebrus: Spam email detector
Cheyenne: Web server
Directories and other sources of links
Open Directory Project: Probably the most comprehensive set of links to REBOL resources on the planet
Re-box: REBOL port of BoxWorld! game