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63 scripts tagged as: [type  ·  tutorial]

Can Rebol Print?
13.4 KB
12 Oct 2008
This script illustrate some possible methods of printing script output.
author: mr.z
Console capture
1.1 KB
13 Mar 2003
Capture console output in a string!
author: Nenad Rakocevic
CGI common procedures
8.0 KB
10 Nov 2011
This is a collection of functions that could be used in a CGI program. There is nothing in this module that has not been done better by others, but the code is more heavily annotated for beginners. Separate documentation explains how to use the functions. The comments should be helpful also. None of this is my original creation. I just assembled and annotated, [...]
author: Steven White
CGI Web Page Comment Poster
3.0 KB
13 Mar 2003
Allows viewers to add comments to a web page. (needs webcomment.r to create example forms file).
author: Carl Sassenrath
Clausius Clapeyron
1.6 KB
1 Feb 2012
Given the data, check if it's steam or water, and give the temperature for boiling water. It usese the Clausius-Clapeyron equation and give the flow in the tube to reach the atmosfere.
author: Massimiliano Vessi
737 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Console prompt output save,saves all console input to history.log file when in console mode.
author: Norman Deppenbroek
Unit converter
24.2 KB
2 Jul 2013
icon for convertitore.rThe best unit converter on earth!
author: Massimiliano Vessi
2.1 KB
25 Jul 2007
DOS-like DIR command.
author: REBolek
Draw A Mouse Over Round Button
2.9 KB
12 Mar 2008
draw a round button with a mouse over effect
author: R. v.d.Zee
Easy VID Tutorial
16.2 KB
13 Mar 2003
Beginner's tutorial to VID.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Easy Quick Plot
60.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
Simple tutorial for using the quick plot dialect.
author: Matt Licholai
1.4 KB
3 Aug 2005
Well-known fire-demo for your pleasure
author: Rebolek
Global services module
14.3 KB
7 Nov 2011
This is an idea for packaging up code, plus some small demos of how to do various things, harvested from the cookbook and the mailing list. They are things that are done so often and in so many situations that the author found it helpful to package them up in a file of personal functions. All these techniques are shown in various places, but this [...]
author: Steven White
Gradient Colorize Examples
2.6 KB
13 Mar 2003
Applies multiple gradients to a single image.
author: Carl at REBOL
Guess the number
guess-the-number.r1.7 KB
12 Oct 2014
This game will ask you to enter a number and will then say if it is more or less than a predefined random number with best ability and worst luck you will need (log in base 2 of MAX) tries to guess the number (if you are interested in this google Binary search [...]
author: Caridorc
identity.r16.3 KB
7 Dec 2010
functions from the article
author: Ladislav Mecir
1.8 KB
6 Aug 2010
Add to index.r all the files and directory of the current directory
author: Massimiliano Vessi
Keep an ISP Connection Alive
keep-alive.r818 bytes
13 Mar 2003
This script can be used to keep an ISP connection alive by accessing the net every so often.
author: Jim Goodnow II
keyboard input sequencer
939 bytes
13 Mar 2003
a replacement for the missing keyboard input sequences table in REBOL/Core User Guide Version 2.3, Appendix C-4
author: viktor pavlu
Magic 8 ball
1.2 KB
26 Feb 2013
It's the old Magic 8 ball game, think your question and ask the game.
author: Massimiliano Vessi
Markdown entry for R3
4.2 KB
7 Jan 2013
make markdown entry from defined words, example: my? append (then you can paste directly (CTRL+V), see This works with Rebol3
author: Massimiliano Vessi
Mass mailer
6.1 KB
15 Feb 2011
icon for massmailer.rMass emailng the world!
author: Massimiliano Vessi
Menu demo, using choice
menudemo.r14.6 KB
15 Jan 2014
Two purposes. Number one, to break down a menu demo from Nick Antonaccio into such small pieces that I am able to understand each piece, and thus the whole. Number two, to offer an idea of how to write a REBOL script that demonstrates how to write a REBOL script. This idea has been done before, so this is not completely new, just different. It also shows [...]
author: Steven White
Who wants to be a Millionaire
4.9 KB
3 Jan 2014
icon for millionaire.rWho wants to be a Millionaire game
author: Massimiliano Vessi
Natural numbers sum
natural-numbers-sum.r1.0 KB
27 Sep 2014
Sums all the natural numbers up to a given input. Uses the equality: 1 + 2 + 3 +... + n = n*(n+1)/2 to avoid looping.
author: Caridorc
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