Script Library: 1241 scripts
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tag index: d · domain

56 scripts tagged as: [domain  ·  text]

Gateway for request to AI
2.6 KB
20 Nov
A function that makes an AI request via the Internet and returns a response.
author: Sergey Pochinok
881 bytes
14 Sep 2004
icon for ascii-chart.rDisplays an ASCII chart
author: Sunanda
8.7 KB
9 Jan 2009
Basic BBCode implementation. For more info about BBCode check
author: David 'Oldes' Oliva
Encode binary data to plain text and decode it
16.4 KB
15 Dec 2012
Converts from and to Base64, UUencode, XXencode, BinHex 4.0, Ascii85, FScode, Quoted-printable, Q-encoding, Percent-encoding
author: Marco Antoniazzi
1.2 KB
8 Nov 2006
Convert a binary file to a series of floats and back
author: Glenn M. Lewis
Call Spellchecker
2.9 KB
12 Jul 2006
The script provides a basic spell check for Rebol text areas.
author: R. v.d.Zee
Convert Character to Hexidecimal
964 bytes
7 May 2005
Convert an ASCII char to a two hex code. This is just one of those things in Rebol where you waste time looking for a solution to an otherwise extremely simple problem because the obvious doesn't work (ie: to-hex M doesn't work because to-hex wants an integer and to-integer wants a character not a string)! The C2I function [...]
author: Gordon Raboud with help from TomC and Sunanda
REBOL Heavy Script Cleaner (Pretty Printer)
clean-script-heavy.r2.4 KB
27 Mar 2005
Based on Carls %clean-script.r Cleans (pretty prints) REBOL scripts by parsing the REBOL code and supplying standard indentation and spacing. Breaks now every bracket/paren it finds (thus heavy ). If you have a really messed up script, like %ascii-chart.r from the library, you have a chance to make it readable. [...]
author: carl sassenrath
REBOL Script Cleaner (Pretty Printer)
clean-script.r1.9 KB
15 Jan 2005
Cleans (pretty prints) REBOL scripts by parsing the REBOL code and supplying standard indentation and spacing.
author: Carl Sassenrath
5.4 KB
11 Sep 2004
a tool for coding the mailto info in a html page and avoid some spam
author: Philippe Le Goff
CSV Handling Tools
11.9 KB
20 Dec 2011
Loads and formats CSV data, for enterprise or mezzanine use.
author: Brian Hawley
dates of easter
easter.r1.0 KB
1 Mar 2005
find the date Easter will fall on for a particular year
author: [unknown]
Extract URLs
1.3 KB
29 Nov 2009
To identify and extract URIs from plain text
author: Christopher Ross-Gill
5.5 KB
18 Jul 2007
Return formatted date string using strftime style format specifiers
author: Christopher Ross-Gill
generate syntx
gen-syntx.r1.6 KB
9 Jan 2004
generate the list of defined 'words separated by their 'type I used the list as a basis for syntax coloring in an editor works with versions before core 2.5.5 but does not return natives in core 2.5.5 works with some since then as well
author: Tom Conlin
Great Computer Language Shootout : hello
597 bytes
27 Sep 2005
To test startup time in the Great Computer Language Shootout
author: Lok Yek Soon
Hide E-Mail Addresses by using Javascript
2.5 KB
3 Jun 2005
This will take a web page and find all the mailto:aaa@bbb and convert the addresses to variables for use in Javascript. This effectively 'hides' the addressess from webbot e-mail address harvesters. Note: This script expects the opening tag (<a href="mailto:...">) and the closing tag (</a>) to be on one or at [...]
author: Gordon Raboud
edit-tools + little editor
23.9 KB
14 Apr 2005
Various stuff to implement an editor. Main features: Tools to plug an area with find/replace in a few lines. And a little editor with plugins.
author: Volker Nitsch
Convert 'Date' datatype to International Date - ISO 8601.
1.0 KB
8 Nov 2005
Simple one-liner function to covert date to ISO 8601 format. In my application a time stamp is not needed nor included in this function. For a function that includes a timestamp see: to-iso-8601-date.r
author: Gordon Raboud
Make And Print A CD Label
label-and-print.r6.6 KB
6 Jan 2008
This script illustrates how CD labels may be drawn and printed with REBOL and illustrates how REBOL output may be printed when incorporated into an HTML page.
author: r.
leftString Function
808 bytes
28 Aug 2005
A simple string function which returns the left most n characters.
author: Dale K. Brearcliffe
lexigraphic permutations
lexpem.r1.9 KB
26 Oct 2003
to generate permutations of a series in the order they would be found in a dictionary
author: Tom Conlin
Lowercase All Tags
886 bytes
21 Jan 2005
Given an HTML or XML file, shifts all tags to lowercase. Everything in the tag is lowercased, so you will need to inspect the resulting file names, etc. But, for most files this is easier than doing it manually. (Also shows how easy it is to do this kind of conversion.)
author: Carl Sassenrath
57.8 KB
7 Feb 2004
Parses the make-doc-pro markup language into a datastructure that can be into other document formats (such as HTML) with good titles, table of contents, section headers, indented fixed-spaced examples, bullets and definitons.
author: Robert M. Münch
Sort by multiple keys
2.4 KB
17 Apr 2006
Function to sort series with more than one field per record, by multiple keys, in any position and in ascending or descending order each one of them.
author: Cesar Chavez
Simple pager
12.8 KB
28 Mar 2008
A more less page pager; support b, r, /, ?, >, <, q and /options [rows: cols: num: eof:]
author: Brian Tiffin
libpango library interface
171.7 KB
9 Jun 2019
Code to bind pango and pango-cairo shared libraries to Rebol.
author: Marco Antoniazzi
PDF label maker
3.4 KB
17 Mar 2004
Create labels with PDF-Maker
author: Gregg Irwin
PDF Tables
4.4 KB
24 Sep 2003
Create tables with the PDF Maker
author: Gabriele Santilli
Porter Stemming Algorithm
14.2 KB
2 Apr 2009
Applies the Porter Stemming algorithm as presented in: Porter, 1980, An algorithm for suffix stripping, Program, Vol. 14, no. 3, pp 130-137.
author: Dale K. Brearcliffe
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