Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ title: "libpango library interface" file: %pango-h.r author: "Marco Antoniazzi" email: [luce80 AT libero DOT it] date: 09-06-2019 version: 0.5.1 needs: { %cairo-h.r - libgobject, libpangocairo shared libraries } comment: {ONLY A FEW FUNCTIONs TESTED !!!! Use example code to test others. See Rebol specific functions at the end. I know the exact name of shared library only for Windows: please check and , if necessary, change the others THIS SCRIPT NEEDS %cairo-h.r SINCE THIS PANGO DEPENDS ON CAIRO } Purpose: "Code to bind pango and pango-cairo shared libraries to Rebol." History: [ 0.1.0 [30-03-2019 "Started"] 0.5.0 [28-05-2019 "Mature enough"] 0.5.1 [09-06-2019 "Fixed flush_events (at last !!!) renamed as eat_events"] ] Category: [library graphics] library: [ level: 'advanced platform: 'all type: 'module domain: [graphics text external-library] tested-under: [View] support: none license: 'BSD see-also: none ] ] ;;;; library-support functions ;;; ;;;REBOL-NOTE: use this function to access pointers ;;; int-ptr: does [make struct! [value [integer!]] none] dbl-ptr: does [make struct! [value [double]] none] *int: make struct! [[save] ptr [struct! [value [integer!]]]] none addr: func [ptr [binary! string!]] [third make struct! [s [string!]] reduce [ptr]] get&: func [ptr] [change third *int addr ptr *int/ptr/value] &: func [ptr] [ptr: addr ptr to-integer either 'little = get-modes system:// 'endian [head reverse copy ptr][ptr]] get-mem?: func [; author: Ladislav Mecir "get the byte from a memory address" address [integer!] /nts "a null-terminated string" /part "a binary with a specified length" length [integer!] /local address_ m c r ] [ address_: make struct! [i [integer!]] reduce [address] if nts [ m: make struct! [s [string!]] none change third m third address_ return m/s ] if part [ m: make struct! compose/deep [bin [char-array (length)]] none change third m third address_ return as-binary any [m/bin #{}] ] m: make struct! [c [struct! [chr [char!]]]] none change third m third address_ m/c/chr ] ;;; ;;;REBOL-NOTE: use this function to convert a block to an initialized struct! (and use eg. as: probe third block-to-struct/doubles [1.5 3]) ;;; block-to-struct: func [ "Construct a struct! and initialize it based on given block" block [block!] /doubles /local spec type n ] [ block: copy block replace/all block 'none 0 spec: copy [] n: 1 forall block [ append spec compose/deep/only [(to-word join '_ n) [( type: type?/word first block either any [equal? type 'decimal! doubles]['double][type] )]] n: n + 1 ] make struct! spec block ] ; ;;;; load libraries ;; NEEDED ;;;; adjust path if necessary ; FIXME: do-load-thru request "Download it" "Load it" ;do load %../cairo/cairo-h.r ; using load to avoid executing example do any [ attempt [load %cairo-h.r] attempt [load %../cairo-h.r] attempt [load %../../cairo-h.r] attempt [load %../cairo/cairo-h.r] attempt [ alert rejoin ["Problems finding cairo-h.r . Load it"] load request-file/only/title "Load cairo-h.r" "Load" ] do [alert rejoin ["Problems loading cairo-h.r . Quit"] quit] ] gobjectlib-name: switch/default System/version/4 [ 2 [%libgobject-2.0-0.dylib] ;OSX 3 [%libgobject-2.0-0.dll] ;Windows ] [] if not exists? gobjectlib-name [alert "libgobject library not found in current folder. libpango needs it." quit] if not attempt [gobject-lib: load/library gobjectlib-name] [alert rejoin ["Problems loading " gobjectlib-name " . Quit"] quit] pango-lib-name: switch/default System/version/4 [ 2 [%libpango-1.0-0.dylib] ;OSX 3 [%libpango-1.0-0.dll] ;Windows ] [] if not attempt [pango-lib: load/library pango-lib-name] [alert rejoin ["Problems loading " pango-lib-name " . Quit"] quit] ; ; g_object_unref g_object_unref: make routine! [ object [integer!] ] gobject-lib "g_object_unref" ; ; types guchar: char! guint8: char! guint16: integer! gushort: integer! guint: integer! gint: integer! guint32: integer! gulong: integer! ;gdouble: decimal! gpointer: integer! gboolean: integer! gunichar: integer! GObject: integer! PangoAttribute: integer! PangoColor: integer! PangoRectangle: integer! PangoStyle: integer! PangoWeight: integer! PangoVariant: integer! PangoStretch: integer! PangoGravity: integer! PangoGravityHint: integer! PangoDirection: integer! PangoEngine: integer! PangoScript: integer! PangoGlyph: integer! PangoGlyphUnit: integer! PangoGlyphGeometry: integer! PangoGlyphVisAttr: integer! PangoAnalysis: integer! PangoFontMap: integer! PangoFcFontMap: integer! PangoFont: integer! PangoMatrix: integer! PangoFcFont: integer! PangoFontFace: integer! PangoCoreTextFontMap: integer! cairo_matrix_t: integer! cairo_font_type_t: integer! PangoWin32FontMap: integer! FT_Face: integer! HDC: integer! ; ; constants G_MAXUINT: to integer! #{7FFFFFFF} ; ; features Pango_HAS_FC_FONT: false Pango_HAS_FT2: false Pango_HAS_WIN32: false Pango_HAS_XFT: false lib: switch/default System/version/4 [ 2 [%libpangocairo-1.0-0.dylib] ;OSX 3 [%libpangocairo-1.0-0.dll] ;Windows ] [] either not pango-cairo-lib: attempt [load/library lib] [ alert rejoin ["Problems loading " lib " ."]; Quit"] quit Pango_HAS_PANGOCAIRO: false ][ Pango_HAS_PANGOCAIRO: true ] ; { pango_.h } { Pango * pango.h: * * Copyright (C) 1999 Red Hat Software * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. } { Pango version checking } { Return encoded version of Pango at run-time } pango_version: make routine! [ return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_version" ;probe pango_this_version: pango_version { Return run-time Pango version as an string } pango_version_string: make routine! [ return: [string!] ] pango-lib "pango_version_string" ;probe pango_version_string { Check that run-time Pango is as new as required } pango_version_check: make routine! [ required_major [integer!] required_minor [integer!] required_micro [integer!] return: [string!] ] pango-lib "pango_version_check" { pango-attributes.h } { Pango * pango-attributes.h: Attributed text * * Copyright (C) 2000 Red Hat Software * } { PangoColor } ;typedef struct _PangoColor PangoColor; {* * PangoColor: * @red: value of red component * @green: value of green component * @blue: value of blue component * * The #PangoColor structure is used to * represent a color in an uncalibrated RGB color-space. } _PangoColor: make struct! [ red [guint16] green [guint16] blue [guint16] ] none ; {* * PANGO_TYPE_COLOR: * * The #GObject type for #PangoColor. } pango_color_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_color_get_type" pango_color_copy: make routine! [ src [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_color_copy" pango_color_free: make routine! [ color [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_color_free" pango_color_parse: make routine! [ color [integer!] spec [string!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_color_parse" pango_color_to_string: make routine! [ color [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_color_to_string" { Attributes } {* * PANGO_TYPE_ATTR_LIST: * * The #GObject type for #PangoAttrList. } {* * PangoAttrIterator: * * The #PangoAttrIterator structure is used to represent an * iterator through a #PangoAttrList. A new iterator is created * with pango_attr_list_get_iterator(). Once the iterator * is created, it can be advanced through the style changes * in the text using pango_attr_iterator_next(). At each * style change, the range of the current style segment and the * attributes currently in effect can be queried. } {* * PangoAttrList: * * The #PangoAttrList structure represents a list of attributes * that apply to a section of text. The attributes are, in general, * allowed to overlap in an arbitrary fashion, however, if the * attributes are manipulated only through pango_attr_list_change(), * the overlap between properties will meet stricter criteria. * * Since the #PangoAttrList structure is stored as a linear list, * it is not suitable for storing attributes for large amounts * of text. In general, you should not use a single #PangoAttrList * for more than one paragraph of text. } {* * PangoAttrType: * @PANGO_ATTR_INVALID: does not happen * @PANGO_ATTR_LANGUAGE: language (#PangoAttrLanguage) * @PANGO_ATTR_FAMILY: font family name list (#PangoAttrString) * @PANGO_ATTR_STYLE: font slant style (#PangoAttrInt) * @PANGO_ATTR_WEIGHT: font weight (#PangoAttrInt) * @PANGO_ATTR_VARIANT: font variant (normal or small caps) (#PangoAttrInt) * @PANGO_ATTR_STRETCH: font stretch (#PangoAttrInt) * @PANGO_ATTR_SIZE: font size in points scaled by %PANGO_SCALE (#PangoAttrInt) * @PANGO_ATTR_FONT_DESC: font description (#PangoAttrFontDesc) * @PANGO_ATTR_FOREGROUND: foreground color (#PangoAttrColor) * @PANGO_ATTR_BACKGROUND: background color (#PangoAttrColor) * @PANGO_ATTR_UNDERLINE: whether the text has an underline (#PangoAttrInt) * @PANGO_ATTR_STRIKETHROUGH: whether the text is struck-through (#PangoAttrInt) * @PANGO_ATTR_RISE: baseline displacement (#PangoAttrInt) * @PANGO_ATTR_SHAPE: shape (#PangoAttrShape) * @PANGO_ATTR_SCALE: font size scale factor (#PangoAttrFloat) * @PANGO_ATTR_FALLBACK: whether fallback is enabled (#PangoAttrInt) * @PANGO_ATTR_LETTER_SPACING: letter spacing (#PangoAttrInt) * @PANGO_ATTR_UNDERLINE_COLOR: underline color (#PangoAttrColor) * @PANGO_ATTR_STRIKETHROUGH_COLOR: strikethrough color (#PangoAttrColor) * @PANGO_ATTR_ABSOLUTE_SIZE: font size in pixels scaled by %PANGO_SCALE (#PangoAttrInt) * @PANGO_ATTR_GRAVITY: base text gravity (#PangoAttrInt) * @PANGO_ATTR_GRAVITY_HINT: gravity hint (#PangoAttrInt) * @PANGO_ATTR_FONT_FEATURES: OpenType font features (#PangoAttrString). Since 1.38 * @PANGO_ATTR_FOREGROUND_ALPHA: foreground alpha (#PangoAttrInt). Since 1.38 * @PANGO_ATTR_BACKGROUND_ALPHA: background alpha (#PangoAttrInt). Since 1.38 * * The #PangoAttrType * distinguishes between different types of attributes. Along with the * predefined values, it is possible to allocate additional values * for custom attributes using pango_attr_type_register(). The predefined * values are given below. The type of structure used to store the * attribute is listed in parentheses after the description. } PANGO_ATTR_INVALID: 0 { 0 is an invalid attribute type } PANGO_ATTR_LANGUAGE: 1 { PangoAttrLanguage } PANGO_ATTR_FAMILY: 2 { PangoAttrString } PANGO_ATTR_STYLE: 3 { PangoAttrInt } PANGO_ATTR_WEIGHT: 4 { PangoAttrInt } PANGO_ATTR_VARIANT: 5 { PangoAttrInt } PANGO_ATTR_STRETCH: 6 { PangoAttrInt } PANGO_ATTR_SIZE: 7 { PangoAttrSize } PANGO_ATTR_FONT_DESC: 8 { PangoAttrFontDesc } PANGO_ATTR_FOREGROUND: 9 { PangoAttrColor } PANGO_ATTR_BACKGROUND: 10 { PangoAttrColor } PANGO_ATTR_UNDERLINE: 11 { PangoAttrInt } PANGO_ATTR_STRIKETHROUGH: 12 { PangoAttrInt } PANGO_ATTR_RISE: 13 { PangoAttrInt } PANGO_ATTR_SHAPE: 14 { PangoAttrShape } PANGO_ATTR_SCALE: 15 { PangoAttrFloat } PANGO_ATTR_FALLBACK: 16 { PangoAttrInt } PANGO_ATTR_LETTER_SPACING: 17 { PangoAttrInt } PANGO_ATTR_UNDERLINE_COLOR: 18 { PangoAttrColor } PANGO_ATTR_STRIKETHROUGH_COLOR: 19 { PangoAttrColor } PANGO_ATTR_ABSOLUTE_SIZE: 20 { PangoAttrSize } PANGO_ATTR_GRAVITY: 21 { PangoAttrInt } PANGO_ATTR_GRAVITY_HINT: 22 { PangoAttrInt } PANGO_ATTR_FONT_FEATURES: 23 { PangoAttrString } PANGO_ATTR_FOREGROUND_ALPHA: 24 { PangoAttrInt } { PangoAttrInt } PANGO_ATTR_BACKGROUND_ALPHA: 25 { PangoAttrInt } { PangoAttrInt } PangoAttrType: integer!; {* * PangoUnderline: * @PANGO_UNDERLINE_NONE: no underline should be drawn * @PANGO_UNDERLINE_SINGLE: a single underline should be drawn * @PANGO_UNDERLINE_DOUBLE: a double underline should be drawn * @PANGO_UNDERLINE_LOW: a single underline should be drawn at a position * beneath the ink extents of the text being * underlined. This should be used only for underlining * single characters, such as for keyboard * accelerators. %PANGO_UNDERLINE_SINGLE should * be used for extended portions of text. * @PANGO_UNDERLINE_ERROR: a wavy underline should be drawn below. * This underline is typically used to indicate * an error such as a possilble mispelling; in some * cases a contrasting color may automatically * be used. This type of underlining is available since Pango 1.4. * * The #PangoUnderline enumeration is used to specify * whether text should be underlined, and if so, the type * of underlining. } PANGO_UNDERLINE_NONE: 0 PANGO_UNDERLINE_SINGLE: 1 PANGO_UNDERLINE_DOUBLE: 2 PANGO_UNDERLINE_LOW: 3 PANGO_UNDERLINE_ERROR: 4 PangoUnderline: integer!; {* * PANGO_ATTR_INDEX_FROM_TEXT_BEGINNING: * * This value can be used to set the start_index member of a #PangoAttribute * such that the attribute covers from the beginning of the text. * * Since: 1.24 } {* * PANGO_ATTR_INDEX_TO_TEXT_END: * * This value can be used to set the end_index member of a #PangoAttribute * such that the attribute covers to the end of the text. * * Since: 1.24 } PANGO_ATTR_INDEX_FROM_TEXT_BEGINNING: 0 PANGO_ATTR_INDEX_TO_TEXT_END: G_MAXUINT {* * PangoAttribute: * @klass: the class structure holding information about the type of the attribute * @start_index: the start index of the range (in bytes). * @end_index: end index of the range (in bytes). The character at this index * is not included in the range. * * The #PangoAttribute structure represents the common portions of all * attributes. Particular types of attributes include this structure * as their initial portion. The common portion of the attribute holds * the range to which the value in the type-specific part of the attribute * applies and should be initialized using pango_attribute_init(). * By default an attribute will have an all-inclusive range of [0,%G_MAXUINT]. } _PangoAttribute: make struct! [ klass [integer!] start_index [guint] { in bytes } end_index [guint] { in bytes. The character at this index is not included } ] none ; {* * PangoAttrString: * @attr: the common portion of the attribute * @value: the string which is the value of the attribute * * The #PangoAttrString structure is used to represent attributes with * a string value. } _PangoAttrString: make struct! [ attr [PangoAttribute] value [string!] ] none ; {* * PangoAttrLanguage: * @attr: the common portion of the attribute * @value: the #PangoLanguage which is the value of the attribute * * The #PangoAttrLanguage structure is used to represent attributes that * are languages. } _PangoAttrLanguage: make struct! [ attr [PangoAttribute] value [integer!] ] none ; {* * PangoAttrInt: * @attr: the common portion of the attribute * @value: the value of the attribute * * The #PangoAttrInt structure is used to represent attributes with * an integer or enumeration value. } _PangoAttrInt: make struct! [ attr [PangoAttribute] value [integer!] ] none ; {* * PangoAttrFloat: * @attr: the common portion of the attribute * @value: the value of the attribute * * The #PangoAttrFloat structure is used to represent attributes with * a float or double value. } _PangoAttrFloat: make struct! [ attr [PangoAttribute] value [double] ] none ; {* * PangoAttrColor: * @attr: the common portion of the attribute * @color: the #PangoColor which is the value of the attribute * * The #PangoAttrColor structure is used to represent attributes that * are colors. } _PangoAttrColor: make struct! [ attr [PangoAttribute] color [PangoColor] ] none ; {* * PangoAttrSize: * @attr: the common portion of the attribute * @size: size of font, in units of 1/%PANGO_SCALE of a point (for * %PANGO_ATTR_SIZE) or of a device uni (for %PANGO_ATTR_ABSOLUTE_SIZE) * @absolute: whether the font size is in device units or points. * This field is only present for compatibility with Pango-1.8.0 * (%PANGO_ATTR_ABSOLUTE_SIZE was added in 1.8.1); and always will * be %FALSE for %PANGO_ATTR_SIZE and %TRUE for %PANGO_ATTR_ABSOLUTE_SIZE. * * The #PangoAttrSize structure is used to represent attributes which * set font size. } _PangoAttrSize: make struct! [ attr [PangoAttribute] size [integer!] absolute [guint] ; : 1; ] none ; {* * PangoAttrShape: * @attr: the common portion of the attribute * @ink_rect: the ink rectangle to restrict to * @logical_rect: the logical rectangle to restrict to * @data: user data set (see pango_attr_shape_new_with_data()) * @copy_func: copy function for the user data * @destroy_func: destroy function for the user data * * The #PangoAttrShape structure is used to represent attributes which * impose shape restrictions. } _PangoAttrShape: make struct! [ attr [PangoAttribute] ink_rect [PangoRectangle] logical_rect [PangoRectangle] data [gpointer] copy_func [integer!] ; callback] destroy_func [integer!] ; callback] ] none ; {* * PangoAttrFontDesc: * @attr: the common portion of the attribute * @desc: the font description which is the value of this attribute * * The #PangoAttrFontDesc structure is used to store an attribute that * sets all aspects of the font description at once. } _PangoAttrFontDesc: make struct! [ attr [PangoAttribute] desc [integer!] ] none ; {* * PangoAttrFontFeatures: * @attr: the common portion of the attribute * @features: the featues, as a string in CSS syntax * * The #PangoAttrFontFeatures structure is used to represent OpenType * font features as an attribute. * * Since: 1.38 } _PangoAttrFontFeatures: make struct! [ attr [PangoAttribute] features [integer!] ] none ; ; pango attribute functions pango_attr_type_register: make routine! [ name [integer!] return: [PangoAttrType] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_type_register" pango_attr_type_get_name: make routine! [ type [PangoAttrType] return: [string!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_type_get_name" pango_attribute_init: make routine! [ attr [integer!] klass [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attribute_init" pango_attribute_copy: make routine! [ attr [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attribute_copy" pango_attribute_destroy: make routine! [ attr [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attribute_destroy" pango_attribute_equal: make routine! [ attr1 [integer!] attr2 [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_attribute_equal" pango_attr_language_new: make routine! [ language [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_language_new" pango_attr_family_new: make routine! [ family [string!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_family_new" pango_attr_foreground_new: make routine! [ red [guint16] green [guint16] blue [guint16] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_foreground_new" pango_attr_background_new: make routine! [ red [guint16] green [guint16] blue [guint16] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_background_new" pango_attr_size_new: make routine! [ size [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_size_new" pango_attr_size_new_absolute: make routine! [ size [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_size_new_absolute" pango_attr_style_new: make routine! [ style [PangoStyle] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_style_new" pango_attr_weight_new: make routine! [ weight [PangoWeight] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_weight_new" pango_attr_variant_new: make routine! [ variant [PangoVariant] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_variant_new" pango_attr_stretch_new: make routine! [ stretch [PangoStretch] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_stretch_new" pango_attr_font_desc_new: make routine! [ desc [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_font_desc_new" pango_attr_underline_new: make routine! [ underline [PangoUnderline] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_underline_new" pango_attr_underline_color_new: make routine! [ red [guint16] green [guint16] blue [guint16] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_underline_color_new" pango_attr_strikethrough_new: make routine! [ strikethrough [gboolean] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_strikethrough_new" pango_attr_strikethrough_color_new: make routine! [ red [guint16] green [guint16] blue [guint16] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_strikethrough_color_new" pango_attr_rise_new: make routine! [ rise [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_rise_new" pango_attr_scale_new: make routine! [ scale_factor [double] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_scale_new" pango_attr_fallback_new: make routine! [ enable_fallback [gboolean] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_fallback_new" pango_attr_letter_spacing_new: make routine! [ letter_spacing [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_letter_spacing_new" pango_attr_shape_new: make routine! [ ink_rect [integer!] logical_rect [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_shape_new" pango_attr_shape_new_with_data: make routine! [ ink_rect [integer!] logical_rect [integer!] data [gpointer] copy_func [integer!];[callback] destroy_func [integer!];[callback] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_shape_new_with_data" pango_attr_gravity_new: make routine! [ gravity [PangoGravity] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_gravity_new" pango_attr_gravity_hint_new: make routine! [ hint [PangoGravityHint] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_gravity_hint_new" if pango_this_version >= 13800 [ pango_attr_font_features_new: make routine! [ features [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_font_features_new" pango_attr_foreground_alpha_new: make routine! [ alpha [guint16] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_foreground_alpha_new" pango_attr_background_alpha_new: make routine! [ alpha [guint16] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_background_alpha_new" ] pango_attr_list_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_list_get_type" pango_attr_list_new: make routine! [ return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_list_new" pango_attr_list_ref: make routine! [ list [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_list_ref" pango_attr_list_unref: make routine! [ list [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_list_unref" pango_attr_list_copy: make routine! [ list [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_list_copy" pango_attr_list_insert: make routine! [ list [integer!] attr [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_list_insert" pango_attr_list_insert_before: make routine! [ list [integer!] attr [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_list_insert_before" pango_attr_list_change: make routine! [ list [integer!] attr [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_list_change" pango_attr_list_splice: make routine! [ list [integer!] other [integer!] pos [gint] len [gint] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_list_splice" pango_attr_list_filter: make routine! [ list [integer!] func [integer!] data [gpointer] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_list_filter" pango_attr_list_get_iterator: make routine! [ list [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_list_get_iterator" pango_attr_iterator_range: make routine! [ iterator [integer!] start [integer!] end [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_iterator_range" pango_attr_iterator_next: make routine! [ iterator [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_iterator_next" pango_attr_iterator_copy: make routine! [ iterator [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_iterator_copy" pango_attr_iterator_destroy: make routine! [ iterator [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_iterator_destroy" pango_attr_iterator_get: make routine! [ iterator [integer!] type [PangoAttrType] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_iterator_get" pango_attr_iterator_get_font: make routine! [ iterator [integer!] desc [integer!] language [struct! []] extra_attrs [struct! []] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_iterator_get_font" pango_attr_iterator_get_attrs: make routine! [ iterator [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_attr_iterator_get_attrs" pango_parse_markup: make routine! [ markup_text [string!] length [integer!] accel_marker [gunichar] attr_list [struct! []] text [struct! []] accel_char [integer!] error [struct! []] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_parse_markup" if pango_this_version >= 13200 [ pango_markup_parser_new: make routine! [ accel_marker [gunichar] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_markup_parser_new" pango_markup_parser_finish: make routine! [ context [integer!] attr_list [struct! []] text [struct! []] accel_char [integer!] error [struct! []] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_markup_parser_finish" ] ; { pango-bidi-type.h } { Pango * pango-bidi-type.h: Bidirectional Character Types * * Copyright (C) 2008 Jürg Billeter <%j--bitron--ch> * } {* * PangoBidiType: * @PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_L: Left-to-Right * @PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_LRE: Left-to-Right Embedding * @PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_LRO: Left-to-Right Override * @PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_R: Right-to-Left * @PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_AL: Right-to-Left Arabic * @PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_RLE: Right-to-Left Embedding * @PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_RLO: Right-to-Left Override * @PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_PDF: Pop Directional Format * @PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_EN: European Number * @PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_ES: European Number Separator * @PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_ET: European Number Terminator * @PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_AN: Arabic Number * @PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_CS: Common Number Separator * @PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_NSM: Nonspacing Mark * @PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_BN: Boundary Neutral * @PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_B: Paragraph Separator * @PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_S: Segment Separator * @PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_WS: Whitespace * @PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_ON: Other Neutrals * * The #PangoBidiType type represents the bidirectional character * type of a Unicode character as specified by the * <ulink url="http:;">Unicode bidirectional algorithm</ulink>. * * Since: 1.22 * Deprecated: 1.44: Use fribidi for this information *} { Strong types } PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_L: 0 PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_LRE: 1 PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_LRO: 2 PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_R: 3 PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_AL: 4 PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_RLE: 5 PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_RLO: 6 { Weak types } PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_PDF: 7 PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_EN: 8 PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_ES: 9 PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_ET: 10 PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_AN: 11 PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_CS: 12 PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_NSM: 13 PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_BN: 14 { Neutral types } PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_B: 15 PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_S: 16 PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_WS: 17 PANGO_BIDI_TYPE_ON: 18 PangoBidiType: integer!; pango_bidi_type_for_unichar: make routine! [ ch [gunichar] return: [PangoBidiType] ] pango-lib "pango_bidi_type_for_unichar" pango_unichar_direction: make routine! [ ch [gunichar] return: [PangoDirection] ] pango-lib "pango_unichar_direction" pango_find_base_dir: make routine! [ text [integer!] length [gint] return: [PangoDirection] ] pango-lib "pango_find_base_dir" ;PANGO_DEPRECATED_FOR(g_unichar_get_mirror_char) pango_get_mirror_char: make routine! [ ch [gunichar] mirrored_ch [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_get_mirror_char" { pango-break.h } { Pango * pango-break.h: * * Copyright (C) 1999 Red Hat Software * } { Logical attributes of a character. } {* * PangoLogAttr: * @is_line_break: if set, can break line in front of character * @is_mandatory_break: if set, must break line in front of character * @is_char_break: if set, can break here when doing character wrapping * @is_white: is whitespace character * @is_cursor_position: if set, cursor can appear in front of character. * i.e. this is a grapheme boundary, or the first character * in the text. * This flag implements Unicode's * <ulink url="http:;">Grapheme * Cluster Boundaries</ulink> semantics. * @is_word_start: is first character in a word * @is_word_end: is first non-word char after a word * Note that in degenerate cases, you could have both @is_word_start * and @is_word_end set for some character. * @is_sentence_boundary: is a sentence boundary. * There are two ways to divide sentences. The first assigns all * inter-sentence whitespace/control/format chars to some sentence, * so all chars are in some sentence; @is_sentence_boundary denotes * the boundaries there. The second way doesn't assign * between-sentence spaces, etc. to any sentence, so * @is_sentence_start/@is_sentence_end mark the boundaries of those sentences. * @is_sentence_start: is first character in a sentence * @is_sentence_end: is first char after a sentence. * Note that in degenerate cases, you could have both @is_sentence_start * and @is_sentence_end set for some character. (e.g. no space after a * period, so the next sentence starts right away) * @backspace_deletes_character: if set, backspace deletes one character * rather than the entire grapheme cluster. This * field is only meaningful on grapheme * boundaries (where @is_cursor_position is * set). In some languages, the full grapheme * (e.g. letter + diacritics) is considered a * unit, while in others, each decomposed * character in the grapheme is a unit. In the * default implementation of pango_break(), this * bit is set on all grapheme boundaries except * those following Latin, Cyrillic or Greek base characters. * @is_expandable_space: is a whitespace character that can possibly be * expanded for justification purposes. (Since: 1.18) * @is_word_boundary: is a word boundary. * More specifically, means that this is not a position in the middle * of a word. For example, both sides of a punctuation mark are * considered word boundaries. This flag is particularly useful when * selecting text word-by-word. * This flag implements Unicode's * <ulink url="http:;">Word * Boundaries</ulink> semantics. (Since: 1.22) * * The #PangoLogAttr structure stores information * about the attributes of a single character. } { struct _PangoLogAttr { guint is_line_break { Can break line in front of character } guint is_mandatory_break { Must break line in front of character } guint is_char_break { Can break here when doing char wrap } guint is_white { Whitespace character } { Cursor can appear in front of character (i.e. this is a grapheme * boundary, or the first character in the text). } guint is_cursor_position { Note that in degenerate cases, you could have both start/end set on * some text, most likely for sentences (e.g. no space after a period, so * the next sentence starts right away). } guint is_word_start { first character in a word } guint is_word_end { is first non-word char after a word } { There are two ways to divide sentences. The first assigns all * intersentence whitespace/control/format chars to some sentence, * so all chars are in some sentence; is_sentence_boundary denotes * the boundaries there. The second way doesn't assign * between-sentence spaces, etc. to any sentence, so * is_sentence_start/is_sentence_end mark the boundaries of those * sentences. } guint is_sentence_boundary guint is_sentence_start { first character in a sentence } guint is_sentence_end { first non-sentence char after a sentence } { If set, backspace deletes one character rather than * the entire grapheme cluster. } guint backspace_deletes_character { Only few space variants (U+0020 and U+00A0) have variable * width during justification. } guint is_expandable_space { Word boundary as defined by UAX#29 } guint is_word_boundary { is NOT in the middle of a word } }; } { Determine information about cluster/word/line breaks in a string * of Unicode text. } pango_break: make routine! [ text [integer!] length [integer!] analysis [integer!] attrs [integer!] attrs_len [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_break" pango_find_paragraph_boundary: make routine! [ text [integer!] length [gint] paragraph_delimiter_index [integer!] next_paragraph_start [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_find_paragraph_boundary" pango_get_log_attrs: make routine! [ text [string!] length [integer!] level [integer!] language [integer!] log_attrs [integer!] attrs_len [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_get_log_attrs" ;#ifdef PANGO_ENABLE_ENGINE { This is the default break algorithm, used if no language * engine overrides it. Normally you should use pango_break() * instead; this function is mostly useful for chaining up * from a language engine override. } pango_default_break: make routine! [ text [integer!] length [integer!] analysis [integer!] attrs [integer!] attrs_len [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_default_break" ColorEntry: make struct! [ name_offset [guint16] red [guchar] green [guchar] blue [guchar] ] none ; { pango-context.h } { Pango * pango-context.h: Rendering contexts * * Copyright (C) 2000 Red Hat Software * } { Sort of like a GC - application set information about how * to handle scripts } ;pango context functions pango_context_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_context_get_type" pango_context_new: make routine! [ return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_context_new" if pango_this_version >= 13200 [ pango_context_changed: make routine! [ context [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_context_changed" pango_context_get_serial: make routine! [ context [integer!] return: [guint] ] pango-lib "pango_context_get_serial" ] pango_context_set_font_map: make routine! [ context [integer!] font_map [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_context_set_font_map" pango_context_get_font_map: make routine! [ context [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_context_get_font_map" pango_context_list_families: make routine! [ context [integer!] families [integer!] n_families [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_context_list_families" pango_context_load_font: make routine! [ context [integer!] desc [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_context_load_font" pango_context_load_fontset: make routine! [ context [integer!] desc [integer!] language [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_context_load_fontset" pango_context_get_metrics: make routine! [ context [integer!] desc [integer!] language [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_context_get_metrics" pango_context_set_font_description: make routine! [ context [integer!] desc [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_context_set_font_description" pango_context_get_font_description: make routine! [ context [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_context_get_font_description" pango_context_get_language: make routine! [ context [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_context_get_language" pango_context_set_language: make routine! [ context [integer!] language [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_context_set_language" pango_context_set_base_dir: make routine! [ context [integer!] direction [PangoDirection] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_context_set_base_dir" pango_context_get_base_dir: make routine! [ context [integer!] return: [PangoDirection] ] pango-lib "pango_context_get_base_dir" pango_context_set_base_gravity: make routine! [ context [integer!] gravity [PangoGravity] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_context_set_base_gravity" pango_context_get_base_gravity: make routine! [ context [integer!] return: [PangoGravity] ] pango-lib "pango_context_get_base_gravity" pango_context_get_gravity: make routine! [ context [integer!] return: [PangoGravity] ] pango-lib "pango_context_get_gravity" pango_context_set_gravity_hint: make routine! [ context [integer!] hint [PangoGravityHint] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_context_set_gravity_hint" pango_context_get_gravity_hint: make routine! [ context [integer!] return: [PangoGravityHint] ] pango-lib "pango_context_get_gravity_hint" pango_context_set_matrix: make routine! [ context [integer!] matrix [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_context_set_matrix" pango_context_get_matrix: make routine! [ context [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_context_get_matrix" { Break a string of Unicode characters into segments with * consistent shaping/language engine and bidrectional level. * Returns a #GList of #PangoItem's } pango_itemize: make routine! [ context [integer!] text [string!] start_index [integer!] length [integer!] attrs [integer!] cached_iter [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_itemize" pango_itemize_with_base_dir: make routine! [ context [integer!] base_dir [PangoDirection] text [string!] start_index [integer!] length [integer!] attrs [integer!] cached_iter [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_itemize_with_base_dir" { pango-coverage.h } { Pango * pango-coverage.h: Coverage sets for fonts * * Copyright (C) 2000 Red Hat Software * } {* * PangoCoverageLevel: * @PANGO_COVERAGE_NONE: The character is not representable with the font. * @PANGO_COVERAGE_FALLBACK: The character is represented in a way that may be * comprehensible but is not the correct graphical form. * For instance, a Hangul character represented as a * a sequence of Jamos, or a Latin transliteration of a Cyrillic word. * @PANGO_COVERAGE_APPROXIMATE: The character is represented as basically the correct * graphical form, but with a stylistic variant inappropriate for * the current script. * @PANGO_COVERAGE_EXACT: The character is represented as the correct graphical form. * * Used to indicate how well a font can represent a particular Unicode * character point for a particular script. } PANGO_COVERAGE_NONE: 0 PANGO_COVERAGE_FALLBACK: 1 PANGO_COVERAGE_APPROXIMATE: 2 PANGO_COVERAGE_EXACT: 3 PangoCoverageLevel: integer!; ; pango coverage functions pango_coverage_new: make routine! [ return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_coverage_new" pango_coverage_ref: make routine! [ coverage [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_coverage_ref" pango_coverage_unref: make routine! [ coverage [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_coverage_unref" pango_coverage_copy: make routine! [ coverage [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_coverage_copy" pango_coverage_get: make routine! [ coverage [integer!] index_ [integer!] return: [PangoCoverageLevel] ] pango-lib "pango_coverage_get" pango_coverage_set: make routine! [ coverage [integer!] index_ [integer!] level [PangoCoverageLevel] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_coverage_set" pango_coverage_max: make routine! [ coverage [integer!] other [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_coverage_max" pango_coverage_to_bytes: make routine! [ coverage [integer!] bytes [struct! []] n_bytes [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_coverage_to_bytes" pango_coverage_from_bytes: make routine! [ bytes [integer!] n_bytes [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_coverage_from_bytes" { pango-direction.h } { Pango * pango-direction.h: Unicode text direction * * Copyright (C) 2018 Matthias Clasen * } {* * PangoDirection: * @PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR: A strong left-to-right direction * @PANGO_DIRECTION_RTL: A strong right-to-left direction * @PANGO_DIRECTION_TTB_LTR: Deprecated value; treated the * same as %PANGO_DIRECTION_RTL. * @PANGO_DIRECTION_TTB_RTL: Deprecated value; treated the * same as %PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR * @PANGO_DIRECTION_WEAK_LTR: A weak left-to-right direction * @PANGO_DIRECTION_WEAK_RTL: A weak right-to-left direction * @PANGO_DIRECTION_NEUTRAL: No direction specified * * The #PangoDirection type represents a direction in the * Unicode bidirectional algorithm; not every value in this * enumeration makes sense for every usage of #PangoDirection; * for example, the return value of pango_unichar_direction() * and pango_find_base_dir() cannot be %PANGO_DIRECTION_WEAK_LTR * or %PANGO_DIRECTION_WEAK_RTL, since every character is either * neutral or has a strong direction; on the other hand * %PANGO_DIRECTION_NEUTRAL doesn't make sense to pass * to pango_itemize_with_base_dir(). * * The %PANGO_DIRECTION_TTB_LTR, %PANGO_DIRECTION_TTB_RTL * values come from an earlier interpretation of this * enumeration as the writing direction of a block of * text and are no longer used; See #PangoGravity for how * vertical text is handled in Pango. * * If you are interested in text direction, you should * really use fribidi directly. PangoDirection is only * retained because it is used in some public apis. *} PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR: 0 PANGO_DIRECTION_RTL: 1 PANGO_DIRECTION_TTB_LTR: 2 PANGO_DIRECTION_TTB_RTL: 3 PANGO_DIRECTION_WEAK_LTR: 4 PANGO_DIRECTION_WEAK_RTL: 5 PANGO_DIRECTION_NEUTRAL: 6 PangoDirection: integer!; { pango-engine.h } { Pango * pango-engine.h: Engines for script and language specific processing * * Copyright (C) 2000,2003 Red Hat Software * } ;#ifdef PANGO_ENABLE_ENGINE {* * PANGO_RENDER_TYPE_NONE: * * A string constant defining the render type * for engines that are not rendering-system specific. * * Deprecated: 1.38 } PANGO_RENDER_TYPE_NONE: "PangoRenderNone" { #define PANGO_TYPE_ENGINE (pango_engine_get_type ()) #define PANGO_ENGINE(object) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((object), PANGO_TYPE_ENGINE, PangoEngine)) #define PANGO_IS_ENGINE(object) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((object), PANGO_TYPE_ENGINE)) #define PANGO_ENGINE_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), PANGO_TYPE_ENGINE, PangoEngineClass)) #define PANGO_IS_ENGINE_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), PANGO_TYPE_ENGINE)) #define PANGO_ENGINE_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), PANGO_TYPE_ENGINE, PangoEngineClass)) } ; pango_engine_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_engine_get_type" ; ; {* * PangoEngineShape: * * The #PangoEngineShape class is implemented by engines that * customize the rendering-system dependent part of the * Pango pipeline for a particular script or language. * A #PangoEngineShape implementation is then specific to both * a particular rendering system or group of rendering systems * and to a particular script. For instance, there is one * #PangoEngineShape implementation to handle shaping Arabic * for Fontconfig-based backends. * * Deprecated: 1.38 *} _PangoEngineShape: make struct! [ parent_instance [PangoEngine] ] none ; { pango-font.h } { Pango * pango-font.h: Font handling * * Copyright (C) 2000 Red Hat Software * } {* * PangoFontDescription: * * The #PangoFontDescription structure represents the description * of an ideal font. These structures are used both to list * what fonts are available on the system and also for specifying * the characteristics of a font to load. } {* * PangoFontMetrics: * * A #PangoFontMetrics structure holds the overall metric information * for a font (possibly restricted to a script). The fields of this * structure are private to implementations of a font backend. See * the documentation of the corresponding getters for documentation * of their meaning. } {* * PangoStyle: * @PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL: the font is upright. * @PANGO_STYLE_OBLIQUE: the font is slanted, but in a roman style. * @PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC: the font is slanted in an italic style. * * An enumeration specifying the various slant styles possible for a font. *} PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL: 0 PANGO_STYLE_OBLIQUE: 1 PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC: 2 PangoStyle: integer!; {* * PangoVariant: * @PANGO_VARIANT_NORMAL: A normal font. * @PANGO_VARIANT_SMALL_CAPS: A font with the lower case characters * replaced by smaller variants of the capital characters. * * An enumeration specifying capitalization variant of the font. } PANGO_VARIANT_NORMAL: 0 PANGO_VARIANT_SMALL_CAPS: 1 PangoVariant: integer!; {* * PangoWeight: * @PANGO_WEIGHT_THIN: the thin weight (= 100; Since: 1.24) * @PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT: the ultralight weight (= 200) * @PANGO_WEIGHT_LIGHT: the light weight (= 300) * @PANGO_WEIGHT_SEMILIGHT: the semilight weight (= 350; Since: 1.36.7) * @PANGO_WEIGHT_BOOK: the book weight (= 380; Since: 1.24) * @PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL: the default weight (= 400) * @PANGO_WEIGHT_MEDIUM: the normal weight (= 500; Since: 1.24) * @PANGO_WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD: the semibold weight (= 600) * @PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD: the bold weight (= 700) * @PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD: the ultrabold weight (= 800) * @PANGO_WEIGHT_HEAVY: the heavy weight (= 900) * @PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRAHEAVY: the ultraheavy weight (= 1000; Since: 1.24) * * An enumeration specifying the weight (boldness) of a font. This is a numerical * value ranging from 100 to 1000, but there are some predefined values: } PANGO_WEIGHT_THIN: 100 PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT: 200 PANGO_WEIGHT_LIGHT: 300 PANGO_WEIGHT_SEMILIGHT: 350 PANGO_WEIGHT_BOOK: 380 PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL: 400 PANGO_WEIGHT_MEDIUM: 500 PANGO_WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD: 600 PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD: 700 PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD: 800 PANGO_WEIGHT_HEAVY: 900 PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRAHEAVY: 1000 PangoWeight: integer!; {* * PangoStretch: * @PANGO_STRETCH_ULTRA_CONDENSED: ultra condensed width * @PANGO_STRETCH_EXTRA_CONDENSED: extra condensed width * @PANGO_STRETCH_CONDENSED: condensed width * @PANGO_STRETCH_SEMI_CONDENSED: semi condensed width * @PANGO_STRETCH_NORMAL: the normal width * @PANGO_STRETCH_SEMI_EXPANDED: semi expanded width * @PANGO_STRETCH_EXPANDED: expanded width * @PANGO_STRETCH_EXTRA_EXPANDED: extra expanded width * @PANGO_STRETCH_ULTRA_EXPANDED: ultra expanded width * * An enumeration specifying the width of the font relative to other designs * within a family. } PANGO_STRETCH_ULTRA_CONDENSED: 0 PANGO_STRETCH_EXTRA_CONDENSED: 1 PANGO_STRETCH_CONDENSED: 2 PANGO_STRETCH_SEMI_CONDENSED: 3 PANGO_STRETCH_NORMAL: 4 PANGO_STRETCH_SEMI_EXPANDED: 5 PANGO_STRETCH_EXPANDED: 6 PANGO_STRETCH_EXTRA_EXPANDED: 7 PANGO_STRETCH_ULTRA_EXPANDED: 8 PangoStretch: integer!; {* * PangoFontMask: * @PANGO_FONT_MASK_FAMILY: the font family is specified. * @PANGO_FONT_MASK_STYLE: the font style is specified. * @PANGO_FONT_MASK_VARIANT: the font variant is specified. * @PANGO_FONT_MASK_WEIGHT: the font weight is specified. * @PANGO_FONT_MASK_STRETCH: the font stretch is specified. * @PANGO_FONT_MASK_SIZE: the font size is specified. * @PANGO_FONT_MASK_GRAVITY: the font gravity is specified (Since: 1.16.) * @PANGO_FONT_MASK_VARIATIONS: OpenType font variations are specified (Since: 1.42) * * The bits in a #PangoFontMask correspond to fields in a * #PangoFontDescription that have been set. } PANGO_FONT_MASK_FAMILY: 1 ; = 1 << 0, PANGO_FONT_MASK_STYLE: 2 ; = 1 << 1, PANGO_FONT_MASK_VARIANT: 4 ; = 1 << 2, PANGO_FONT_MASK_WEIGHT: 8 ; = 1 << 3, PANGO_FONT_MASK_STRETCH: 16 ; = 1 << 4, PANGO_FONT_MASK_SIZE: 32 ; = 1 << 5, PANGO_FONT_MASK_GRAVITY: 64 ; = 1 << 6, PANGO_FONT_MASK_VARIATIONS: 128 ; = 1 << 7, PangoFontMask: integer!; { CSS scale factors (1.2 factor between each size) } {* * PANGO_SCALE_XX_SMALL: * * The scale factor for three shrinking steps (1 / (1.2 * 1.2 * 1.2)). } {* * PANGO_SCALE_X_SMALL: * * The scale factor for two shrinking steps (1 / (1.2 * 1.2)). } {* * PANGO_SCALE_SMALL: * * The scale factor for one shrinking step (1 / 1.2). } {* * PANGO_SCALE_MEDIUM: * * The scale factor for normal size (1.0). } {* * PANGO_SCALE_LARGE: * * The scale factor for one magnification step (1.2). } {* * PANGO_SCALE_X_LARGE: * * The scale factor for two magnification steps (1.2 * 1.2). } {* * PANGO_SCALE_XX_LARGE: * * The scale factor for three magnification steps (1.2 * 1.2 * 1.2). } PANGO_SCALE_XX_SMALL: 0.5787037037037 PANGO_SCALE_X_SMALL: 0.6444444444444 PANGO_SCALE_SMALL: 0.8333333333333 PANGO_SCALE_MEDIUM: 1.0 PANGO_SCALE_LARGE: 1.2 PANGO_SCALE_X_LARGE: 1.4399999999999 PANGO_SCALE_XX_LARGE: 1.728 { * PangoFontDescription } {* * PANGO_TYPE_FONT_DESCRIPTION: * * The #GObject type for #PangoFontDescription. } pango_font_description_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_get_type" pango_font_description_new: make routine! [ return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_new" pango_font_description_copy: make routine! [ desc [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_copy" pango_font_description_copy_static: make routine! [ desc [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_copy_static" pango_font_description_hash: make routine! [ desc [integer!] return: [guint] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_hash" pango_font_description_equal: make routine! [ desc1 [integer!] desc2 [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_equal" pango_font_description_free: make routine! [ desc [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_free" pango_font_descriptions_free: make routine! [ descs [struct! []] n_descs [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_descriptions_free" pango_font_description_set_family: make routine! [ desc [integer!] family [string!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_set_family" pango_font_description_set_family_static: make routine! [ desc [integer!] family [string!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_set_family_static" pango_font_description_get_family: make routine! [ desc [integer!] return: [string!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_get_family" pango_font_description_set_style: make routine! [ desc [integer!] style [PangoStyle] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_set_style" pango_font_description_get_style: make routine! [ desc [integer!] return: [PangoStyle] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_get_style" pango_font_description_set_variant: make routine! [ desc [integer!] variant [PangoVariant] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_set_variant" pango_font_description_get_variant: make routine! [ desc [integer!] return: [PangoVariant] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_get_variant" pango_font_description_set_weight: make routine! [ desc [integer!] weight [PangoWeight] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_set_weight" pango_font_description_get_weight: make routine! [ desc [integer!] return: [PangoWeight] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_get_weight" pango_font_description_set_stretch: make routine! [ desc [integer!] stretch [PangoStretch] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_set_stretch" pango_font_description_get_stretch: make routine! [ desc [integer!] return: [PangoStretch] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_get_stretch" pango_font_description_set_size: make routine! [ desc [integer!] size [gint] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_set_size" pango_font_description_get_size: make routine! [ desc [integer!] return: [gint] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_get_size" pango_font_description_set_absolute_size: make routine! [ desc [integer!] size [double] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_set_absolute_size" pango_font_description_get_size_is_absolute: make routine! [ desc [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_get_size_is_absolute" pango_font_description_set_gravity: make routine! [ desc [integer!] gravity [PangoGravity] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_set_gravity" pango_font_description_get_gravity: make routine! [ desc [integer!] return: [PangoGravity] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_get_gravity" if pango_this_version >= 14200 [ pango_font_description_set_variations_static: make routine! [ desc [integer!] settings [string!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_set_variations_static" pango_font_description_set_variations: make routine! [ desc [integer!] settings [string!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_set_variations" pango_font_description_get_variations: make routine! [ desc [integer!] return: [string!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_get_variations" ] pango_font_description_get_set_fields: make routine! [ desc [integer!] return: [PangoFontMask] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_get_set_fields" pango_font_description_unset_fields: make routine! [ desc [integer!] to_unset [PangoFontMask] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_unset_fields" pango_font_description_merge: make routine! [ desc [integer!] desc_to_merge [integer!] replace_existing [gboolean] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_merge" pango_font_description_merge_static: make routine! [ desc [integer!] desc_to_merge [integer!] replace_existing [gboolean] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_merge_static" pango_font_description_better_match: make routine! [ desc [integer!] old_match [integer!] new_match [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_better_match" pango_font_description_from_string: make routine! [ str [string!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_from_string" pango_font_description_to_string: make routine! [ desc [integer!] return: [string!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_to_string" pango_font_description_to_filename: make routine! [ desc [integer!] return: [string!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_description_to_filename" { * PangoFontMetrics } {* * PANGO_TYPE_FONT_METRICS: * * The #GObject type for #PangoFontMetrics. } pango_font_metrics_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_font_metrics_get_type" pango_font_metrics_ref: make routine! [ metrics [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_metrics_ref" pango_font_metrics_unref: make routine! [ metrics [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_metrics_unref" pango_font_metrics_get_ascent: make routine! [ metrics [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_metrics_get_ascent" pango_font_metrics_get_descent: make routine! [ metrics [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_metrics_get_descent" pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_char_width: make routine! [ metrics [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_char_width" pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_digit_width: make routine! [ metrics [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_digit_width" pango_font_metrics_get_underline_position: make routine! [ metrics [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_metrics_get_underline_position" pango_font_metrics_get_underline_thickness: make routine! [ metrics [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_metrics_get_underline_thickness" pango_font_metrics_get_strikethrough_position: make routine! [ metrics [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_metrics_get_strikethrough_position" pango_font_metrics_get_strikethrough_thickness: make routine! [ metrics [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_metrics_get_strikethrough_thickness" pango_font_metrics_new: make routine! [ return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_metrics_new" _PangoFontMetrics: make struct! [ { <private> } ref_count [guint] ascent [integer!] descent [integer!] approximate_char_width [integer!] approximate_digit_width [integer!] underline_position [integer!] underline_thickness [integer!] strikethrough_position [integer!] strikethrough_thickness [integer!] ] none ; { * PangoFontFamily } pango_font_family_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_font_family_get_type" pango_font_family_list_faces: make routine! [ family [integer!] faces [integer!] n_faces [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_family_list_faces" pango_font_family_get_name: make routine! [ family [integer!] return: [string!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_family_get_name" pango_font_family_is_monospace: make routine! [ family [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_font_family_is_monospace" if pango_this_version >= 14400 [ pango_font_family_is_variable: make routine! [ family [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_font_family_is_variable" ] {* * PangoFontFamily: * * The #PangoFontFamily structure is used to represent a family of related * font faces. The faces in a family share a common design, but differ in * slant, weight, width and other aspects. } _PangoFontFamily: make struct! [ parent_instance [GObject] ] none ; { * PangoFontFace } pango_font_face_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_font_face_get_type" pango_font_face_describe: make routine! [ face [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_face_describe" pango_font_face_get_face_name: make routine! [ face [integer!] return: [string!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_face_get_face_name" pango_font_face_list_sizes: make routine! [ face [integer!] sizes [struct! []] n_sizes [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_face_list_sizes" pango_font_face_is_synthesized: make routine! [ face [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_font_face_is_synthesized" {* * PangoFontFace: * * The #PangoFontFace structure is used to represent a group of fonts with * the same family, slant, weight, width, but varying sizes. } _PangoFontFace: make struct! [ parent_instance [GObject] ] none ; { * PangoFont } pango_font_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_font_get_type" pango_font_describe: make routine! [ font [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_describe" pango_font_describe_with_absolute_size: make routine! [ font [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_describe_with_absolute_size" pango_font_get_coverage: make routine! [ font [integer!] language [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_get_coverage" pango_font_find_shaper: make routine! [ font [integer!] language [integer!] ch [guint32] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_find_shaper" pango_font_get_metrics: make routine! [ font [integer!] language [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_get_metrics" pango_font_get_glyph_extents: make routine! [ font [integer!] glyph [PangoGlyph] ink_rect [integer!] logical_rect [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_get_glyph_extents" pango_font_get_font_map: make routine! [ font [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_get_font_map" {* * PangoFont: * * The #PangoFont structure is used to represent * a font in a rendering-system-independent matter. * To create an implementation of a #PangoFont, * the rendering-system specific code should allocate * a larger structure that contains a nested * #PangoFont, fill in the <structfield>klass</structfield> member of * the nested #PangoFont with a pointer to * a appropriate #PangoFontClass, then call * pango_font_init() on the structure. * * The #PangoFont structure contains one member * which the implementation fills in. } _PangoFont: make struct! [ parent_instance [GObject] ] none ; { used for very rare and miserable situtations that we cannot even * draw a hexbox } PANGO_UNKNOWN_GLYPH_WIDTH: 10 PANGO_UNKNOWN_GLYPH_HEIGHT: 14 ; PANGO GLYPH {* * PANGO_GLYPH_EMPTY: * * The %PANGO_GLYPH_EMPTY macro represents a #PangoGlyph value that has a * special meaning, which is a zero-width empty glyph. This is useful for * example in shaper modules, to use as the glyph for various zero-width * Unicode characters (those passing pango_is_zero_width()). } {* * PANGO_GLYPH_INVALID_INPUT: * * The %PANGO_GLYPH_INVALID_INPUT macro represents a #PangoGlyph value that has a * special meaning of invalid input. #PangoLayout produces one such glyph * per invalid input UTF-8 byte and such a glyph is rendered as a crossed * box. * * Note that this value is defined such that it has the %PANGO_GLYPH_UNKNOWN_FLAG * on. * * Since: 1.20 } {* * PANGO_GLYPH_UNKNOWN_FLAG: * * The %PANGO_GLYPH_UNKNOWN_FLAG macro is a flag value that can be added to * a #gunichar value of a valid Unicode character, to produce a #PangoGlyph * value, representing an unknown-character glyph for the respective #gunichar. } {* * PANGO_GET_UNKNOWN_GLYPH: * @wc: a Unicode character * * The way this unknown glyphs are rendered is backend specific. For example, * a box with the hexadecimal Unicode code-point of the character written in it * is what is done in the most common backends. * * Returns: a #PangoGlyph value that means no glyph was found for @wc. } PANGO_GLYPH_EMPTY: 268435455 PANGO_GLYPH_INVALID_INPUT: -1 PANGO_GLYPH_UNKNOWN_FLAG: 268435456 ;PANGO_GET_UNKNOWN_GLYPH(wc) PANGO_GLYPH_UNKNOWN_FLAG { pango-fontmap.h } { Pango * pango-font.h: Font handling * * Copyright (C) 2000 Red Hat Software * } pango_font_map_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_font_map_get_type" pango_font_map_create_context: make routine! [ fontmap [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_map_create_context" pango_font_map_load_font: make routine! [ fontmap [integer!] context [integer!] desc [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_map_load_font" pango_font_map_load_fontset: make routine! [ fontmap [integer!] context [integer!] desc [integer!] language [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_map_load_fontset" pango_font_map_list_families: make routine! [ fontmap [integer!] families [integer!] n_families [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_map_list_families" if pango_this_version >= 13200 [ pango_font_map_get_serial: make routine! [ fontmap [integer!] return: [guint] ] pango-lib "pango_font_map_get_serial" ] if pango_this_version >= 13400 [ pango_font_map_changed: make routine! [ fontmap [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_font_map_changed" ] {* * PangoFontMap: * * The #PangoFontMap represents the set of fonts available for a * particular rendering system. This is a virtual object with * implementations being specific to particular rendering systems. To * create an implementation of a #PangoFontMap, the rendering-system * specific code should allocate a larger structure that contains a nested * #PangoFontMap, fill in the <structfield>klass</structfield> member of the nested #PangoFontMap with a * pointer to a appropriate #PangoFontMapClass, then call * pango_font_map_init() on the structure. * * The #PangoFontMap structure contains one member which the implementation * fills in. } _PangoFontMap: make struct! [ parent_instance [GObject] ] none ; {* * PangoFontMapClass: * @parent_class: parent #GObjectClass. * @load_font: a function to load a font with a given description. See * pango_font_map_load_font(). * @list_families: A function to list available font families. See * pango_font_map_list_families(). * @load_fontset: a function to load a fontset with a given given description * suitable for a particular language. See pango_font_map_load_fontset(). * @shape_engine_type: the type of rendering-system-dependent engines that * can handle fonts of this fonts loaded with this fontmap. * @get_serial: a function to get the serial number of the fontmap. * See pango_font_map_get_serial(). * @changed: See pango_font_map_changed() * * The #PangoFontMapClass structure holds the virtual functions for * a particular #PangoFontMap implementation. } { pango-fontset.h } { Pango * pango-fontset.h: Font set handling * * Copyright (C) 2001 Red Hat Software * } { * PangoFontset } pango_fontset_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_fontset_get_type" pango_fontset_get_font: make routine! [ fontset [integer!] wc [guint] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_fontset_get_font" pango_fontset_get_metrics: make routine! [ fontset [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_fontset_get_metrics" pango_fontset_foreach: make routine! [ fontset [integer!] func [integer!];[callback] data [gpointer] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_fontset_foreach" {* * PangoFontset: * * A #PangoFontset represents a set of #PangoFont to use * when rendering text. It is the result of resolving a * #PangoFontDescription against a particular #PangoContext. * It has operations for finding the component font for * a particular Unicode character, and for finding a composite * set of metrics for the entire fontset. } _PangoFontset: make struct! [ parent_instance [GObject] ] none ; {* * PangoFontsetClass: * @parent_class: parent #GObjectClass. * @get_font: a function to get the font in the fontset that contains the * best glyph for the given Unicode character; see pango_fontset_get_font(). * @get_metrics: a function to get overall metric information for the fonts * in the fontset; see pango_fontset_get_metrics(). * @get_language: a function to get the language of the fontset. * @foreach: a function to loop over the fonts in the fontset. See * pango_fontset_foreach(). * * The #PangoFontsetClass structure holds the virtual functions for * a particular #PangoFontset implementation. } { * PangoFontsetSimple } {* * PANGO_TYPE_FONTSET_SIMPLE: * * The #GObject type for #PangoFontsetSimple. } {* * PangoFontsetSimple: * * #PangoFontsetSimple is a implementation of the abstract * #PangoFontset base class in terms of an array of fonts, * which the creator provides when constructing the * #PangoFontsetSimple. } pango_fontset_simple_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_fontset_simple_get_type" pango_fontset_simple_new: make routine! [ language [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_fontset_simple_new" pango_fontset_simple_append: make routine! [ fontset [integer!] font [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_fontset_simple_append" pango_fontset_simple_size: make routine! [ fontset [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_fontset_simple_size" { pango-glyph-item.h } { Pango * pango-glyph-item.h: Pair of PangoItem and a glyph string * * Copyright (C) 2002 Red Hat Software * } {* * PangoGlyphItem: * @item: corresponding #PangoItem. * @glyphs: corresponding #PangoGlyphString. * * A #PangoGlyphItem is a pair of a #PangoItem and the glyphs * resulting from shaping the text corresponding to an item. * As an example of the usage of #PangoGlyphItem, the results * of shaping text with #PangoLayout is a list of #PangoLayoutLine, * each of which contains a list of #PangoGlyphItem. } _PangoGlyphItem: make struct! [ item [integer!] glyphs [integer!] ] none ; pango_glyph_item_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_item_get_type" pango_glyph_item_split: make routine! [ orig [integer!] text [string!] split_index [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_item_split" pango_glyph_item_copy: make routine! [ orig [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_item_copy" pango_glyph_item_free: make routine! [ glyph_item [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_item_free" pango_glyph_item_apply_attrs: make routine! [ glyph_item [integer!] text [string!] list [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_item_apply_attrs" pango_glyph_item_letter_space: make routine! [ glyph_item [integer!] text [string!] log_attrs [integer!] letter_spacing [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_item_letter_space" pango_glyph_item_get_logical_widths: make routine! [ glyph_item [integer!] text [string!] logical_widths [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_item_get_logical_widths" {* * PangoGlyphItemIter: * * A #PangoGlyphItemIter is an iterator over the clusters in a * #PangoGlyphItem. The <firstterm>forward direction</firstterm> of the * iterator is the logical direction of text. That is, with increasing * @start_index and @start_char values. If @glyph_item is right-to-left * (that is, if <literal>@glyph_item->item->analysis.level</literal> is odd), * then @start_glyph decreases as the iterator moves forward. Moreover, * in right-to-left cases, @start_glyph is greater than @end_glyph. * * An iterator should be initialized using either of * pango_glyph_item_iter_init_start() and * pango_glyph_item_iter_init_end(), for forward and backward iteration * respectively, and walked over using any desired mixture of * pango_glyph_item_iter_next_cluster() and * pango_glyph_item_iter_prev_cluster(). A common idiom for doing a * forward iteration over the clusters is: * <programlisting> * PangoGlyphItemIter cluster_iter; * gboolean have_cluster; * * for (have_cluster = pango_glyph_item_iter_init_start (&cluster_iter, * glyph_item, text); * have_cluster; * have_cluster = pango_glyph_item_iter_next_cluster (&cluster_iter)) * { * ... * } * </programlisting> * * Note that @text is the start of the text for layout, which is then * indexed by <literal>@glyph_item->item->offset</literal> to get to the * text of @glyph_item. The @start_index and @end_index values can directly * index into @text. The @start_glyph, @end_glyph, @start_char, and @end_char * values however are zero-based for the @glyph_item. For each cluster, the * item pointed at by the start variables is included in the cluster while * the one pointed at by end variables is not. * * None of the members of a #PangoGlyphItemIter should be modified manually. * * Since: 1.22 } _PangoGlyphItemIter: make struct! [ glyph_item [integer!] text [integer!] start_glyph [integer!] start_index [integer!] start_char [integer!] end_glyph [integer!] end_index [integer!] end_char [integer!] ] none ; pango_glyph_item_iter_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_item_iter_get_type" pango_glyph_item_iter_copy: make routine! [ orig [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_item_iter_copy" pango_glyph_item_iter_free: make routine! [ iter [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_item_iter_free" pango_glyph_item_iter_init_start: make routine! [ iter [integer!] glyph_item [integer!] text [string!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_item_iter_init_start" pango_glyph_item_iter_init_end: make routine! [ iter [integer!] glyph_item [integer!] text [string!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_item_iter_init_end" pango_glyph_item_iter_next_cluster: make routine! [ iter [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_item_iter_next_cluster" pango_glyph_item_iter_prev_cluster: make routine! [ iter [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_item_iter_prev_cluster" { pango-glyph.h } { Pango * pango-glyph.h: Glyph storage * * Copyright (C) 2000 Red Hat Software * } { 1024ths of a device unit } {* * PangoGlyphUnit: * * The #PangoGlyphUnit type is used to store dimensions within * Pango. Dimensions are stored in 1/%PANGO_SCALE of a device unit. * (A device unit might be a pixel for screen display, or * a point on a printer.) %PANGO_SCALE is currently 1024, and * may change in the future (unlikely though), but you should not * depend on its exact value. The PANGO_PIXELS() macro can be used * to convert from glyph units into device units with correct rounding. } { Positioning information about a glyph } {* * PangoGlyphGeometry: * @width: the logical width to use for the the character. * @x_offset: horizontal offset from nominal character position. * @y_offset: vertical offset from nominal character position. * * The #PangoGlyphGeometry structure contains width and positioning * information for a single glyph. } _PangoGlyphGeometry: make struct! [ width [PangoGlyphUnit] x_offset [PangoGlyphUnit] y_offset [PangoGlyphUnit] ] none ; { Visual attributes of a glyph } {* * PangoGlyphVisAttr: * @is_cluster_start: set for the first logical glyph in each cluster. (Clusters * are stored in visual order, within the cluster, glyphs * are always ordered in logical order, since visual * order is meaningless; that is, in Arabic text, accent glyphs * follow the glyphs for the base character.) * * The PangoGlyphVisAttr is used to communicate information between * the shaping phase and the rendering phase. More attributes may be * added in the future. } _PangoGlyphVisAttr: make struct! [ is_cluster_start [guint] ;: 1 ] none ; { A single glyph } {* * PangoGlyphInfo: * @glyph: the glyph itself. * @geometry: the positional information about the glyph. * @attr: the visual attributes of the glyph. * * The #PangoGlyphInfo structure represents a single glyph together with * positioning information and visual attributes. * It contains the following fields. } _PangoGlyphInfo: make struct! [ glyph [PangoGlyph] geometry [PangoGlyphGeometry] attr [PangoGlyphVisAttr] ] none ; { A string of glyphs with positional information and visual attributes - * ready for drawing } {* * PangoGlyphString: * @num_glyphs: number of the glyphs in this glyph string. * @glyphs: (array length=num_glyphs): array of glyph information * for the glyph string. * @log_clusters: logical cluster info, indexed by the byte index * within the text corresponding to the glyph string. * * The #PangoGlyphString structure is used to store strings * of glyphs with geometry and visual attribute information. * The storage for the glyph information is owned * by the structure which simplifies memory management. } _PangoGlyphString: make struct! [ num_glyphs [gint] glyphs [integer!] { This is a memory inefficient way of representing the information * here - each value gives the byte index within the text * corresponding to the glyph string of the start of the cluster to * which the glyph belongs. } log_clusters [integer!] {< private >} space [gint] ] none ; pango_glyph_string_new: make routine! [ return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_string_new" pango_glyph_string_set_size: make routine! [ string [integer!] new_len [gint] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_string_set_size" pango_glyph_string_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_string_get_type" pango_glyph_string_copy: make routine! [ string [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_string_copy" pango_glyph_string_free: make routine! [ string [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_string_free" pango_glyph_string_extents: make routine! [ glyphs [integer!] font [integer!] ink_rect [integer!] logical_rect [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_string_extents" pango_glyph_string_get_width: make routine! [ glyphs [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_string_get_width" pango_glyph_string_extents_range: make routine! [ glyphs [integer!] start [integer!] end [integer!] font [integer!] ink_rect [integer!] logical_rect [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_string_extents_range" pango_glyph_string_get_logical_widths: make routine! [ glyphs [integer!] text [string!] length [integer!] embedding_level [integer!] logical_widths [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_string_get_logical_widths" pango_glyph_string_index_to_x: make routine! [ glyphs [integer!] text [string!] length [integer!] analysis [integer!] index_ [integer!] trailing [gboolean] x_pos [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_string_index_to_x" pango_glyph_string_x_to_index: make routine! [ glyphs [integer!] text [string!] length [integer!] analysis [integer!] x_pos [integer!] index_ [integer!] trailing [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_glyph_string_x_to_index" { Turn a string of characters into a string of glyphs } pango_shape: make routine! [ text [integer!] length [gint] analysis [integer!] glyphs [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_shape" if pango_this_version >= 13200 [ pango_shape_full: make routine! [ item_text [integer!] item_length [gint] paragraph_text [integer!] paragraph_length [gint] analysis [integer!] glyphs [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_shape_full" ] pango_reorder_items: make routine! [ logical_items [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_reorder_items" { pango-gravity.h } { Pango * pango-gravity.h: Gravity routines * * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Red Hat Software * } {* * PangoGravity: * @PANGO_GRAVITY_SOUTH: Glyphs stand upright (default) * @PANGO_GRAVITY_EAST: Glyphs are rotated 90 degrees clockwise * @PANGO_GRAVITY_NORTH: Glyphs are upside-down * @PANGO_GRAVITY_WEST: Glyphs are rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise * @PANGO_GRAVITY_AUTO: Gravity is resolved from the context matrix * * The #PangoGravity type represents the orientation of glyphs in a segment * of text. This is useful when rendering vertical text layouts. In * those situations, the layout is rotated using a non-identity PangoMatrix, * and then glyph orientation is controlled using #PangoGravity. * Not every value in this enumeration makes sense for every usage of * #PangoGravity; for example, %PANGO_GRAVITY_AUTO only can be passed to * pango_context_set_base_gravity() and can only be returned by * pango_context_get_base_gravity(). * * See also: #PangoGravityHint * * Since: 1.16 *} PANGO_GRAVITY_SOUTH: 0 PANGO_GRAVITY_EAST: 1 PANGO_GRAVITY_NORTH: 2 PANGO_GRAVITY_WEST: 3 PANGO_GRAVITY_AUTO: 4 PangoGravity: integer!; {* * PangoGravityHint: * @PANGO_GRAVITY_HINT_NATURAL: scripts will take their natural gravity based * on the base gravity and the script. This is the default. * @PANGO_GRAVITY_HINT_STRONG: always use the base gravity set, regardless of * the script. * @PANGO_GRAVITY_HINT_LINE: for scripts not in their natural direction (eg. * Latin in East gravity), choose per-script gravity such that every script * respects the line progression. This means, Latin and Arabic will take * opposite gravities and both flow top-to-bottom for example. * * The #PangoGravityHint defines how horizontal scripts should behave in a * vertical context. That is, English excerpt in a vertical paragraph for * example. * * See #PangoGravity. * * Since: 1.16 *} PANGO_GRAVITY_HINT_NATURAL: 0 PANGO_GRAVITY_HINT_STRONG: 1 PANGO_GRAVITY_HINT_LINE: 2 PangoGravityHint: integer!; {* * PANGO_GRAVITY_IS_VERTICAL: * @gravity: the #PangoGravity to check * * Whether a #PangoGravity represents vertical writing directions. * * Returns: %TRUE if @gravity is %PANGO_GRAVITY_EAST or %PANGO_GRAVITY_WEST, * %FALSE otherwise. * * Since: 1.16 *} PANGO_GRAVITY_IS_VERTICAL: func [gravity][ any [gravity = PANGO_GRAVITY_EAST gravity = PANGO_GRAVITY_WEST] ] {* * PANGO_GRAVITY_IS_IMPROPER: * @gravity: the #PangoGravity to check * * Whether a #PangoGravity represents a gravity that results in reversal of text direction. * * Returns: %TRUE if @gravity is %PANGO_GRAVITY_WEST or %PANGO_GRAVITY_NORTH, * %FALSE otherwise. * * Since: 1.32 *} PANGO_GRAVITY_IS_IMPROPER: func [gravity][ any [gravity = PANGO_GRAVITY_NORTH gravity = PANGO_GRAVITY_WEST] ] pango_gravity_to_rotation: make routine! [ gravity [PangoGravity] return: [double] ] pango-lib "pango_gravity_to_rotation" pango_gravity_get_for_matrix: make routine! [ matrix [integer!] return: [PangoGravity] ] pango-lib "pango_gravity_get_for_matrix" pango_gravity_get_for_script: make routine! [ script [PangoScript] base_gravity [PangoGravity] hint [PangoGravityHint] return: [PangoGravity] ] pango-lib "pango_gravity_get_for_script" pango_gravity_get_for_script_and_width: make routine! [ script [PangoScript] wide [gboolean] base_gravity [PangoGravity] hint [PangoGravityHint] return: [PangoGravity] ] pango-lib "pango_gravity_get_for_script_and_width" { pango-item.h } { Pango * pango-item.h: Structure for storing run information * * Copyright (C) 2000 Red Hat Software * } {* * PANGO_ANALYSIS_FLAG_CENTERED_BASELINE: * * Whether the segment should be shifted to center around the baseline. * Used in vertical writing directions mostly. * * Since: 1.16 } PANGO_ANALYSIS_FLAG_CENTERED_BASELINE: 1 ; (1 << 0) {* * PANGO_ANALYSIS_FLAG_IS_ELLIPSIS: * * This flag is used to mark runs that hold ellipsized text, * in an ellipsized layout. * * Since: 1.36.7 } PANGO_ANALYSIS_FLAG_IS_ELLIPSIS: 2 ; (1 << 1) {* * PangoAnalysis: * @shape_engine: the engine for doing rendering-system-dependent processing. * @lang_engine: the engine for doing rendering-system-independent processing. * @font: the font for this segment. * @level: the bidirectional level for this segment. * @gravity: the glyph orientation for this segment (A #PangoGravity). * @flags: boolean flags for this segment (currently only one) (Since: 1.16). * @script: the detected script for this segment (A #PangoScript) (Since: 1.18). * @language: the detected language for this segment. * @extra_attrs: extra attributes for this segment. * * The #PangoAnalysis structure stores information about * the properties of a segment of text. } _PangoAnalysis: make struct! [ shape_engine [integer!] lang_engine [integer!] font [integer!] level [guint8] gravity [guint8] { PangoGravity } flags [guint8] script [guint8] { PangoScript } language [integer!] extra_attrs [integer!] ] none ; {* * PangoItem: * @offset: byte offset of the start of this item in text. * @length: length of this item in bytes. * @num_chars: number of Unicode characters in the item. * @analysis: analysis results for the item. * * The #PangoItem structure stores information about a segment of text. } _PangoItem: make struct! [ offset [gint] length [gint] num_chars [gint] analysis [PangoAnalysis] ] none ; pango_item_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_item_get_type" pango_item_new: make routine! [ return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_item_new" pango_item_copy: make routine! [ item [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_item_copy" pango_item_free: make routine! [ item [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_item_free" pango_item_split: make routine! [ orig [integer!] split_index [integer!] split_offset [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_item_split" { pango-language.h } { Pango * pango-language.h: Language handling routines * * Copyright (C) 1999 Red Hat Software * } {* * PANGO_TYPE_LANGUAGE: * * The #GObject type for #PangoLanguage. } pango_language_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_language_get_type" pango_language_from_string: make routine! [ language [string!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_language_from_string" pango_language_to_string: make routine! [ language [integer!] return: [string!] ] pango-lib "pango_language_to_string" pango_language_get_sample_string: make routine! [ language [integer!] return: [string!] ] pango-lib "pango_language_get_sample_string" pango_language_get_default: make routine! [ return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_language_get_default" pango_language_matches: make routine! [ language [integer!] range_list [string!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_language_matches" pango_language_includes_script: make routine! [ language [integer!] script [PangoScript] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_language_includes_script" pango_language_get_scripts: make routine! [ language [integer!] num_scripts [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_language_get_scripts" ; { pango-layout.h } { Pango * pango-layout.h: High-level layout driver * * Copyright (C) 2000 Red Hat Software * } {* * PangoLayoutRun: * * The #PangoLayoutRun structure represents a single run within * a #PangoLayoutLine; it is simply an alternate name for * #PangoGlyphItem. * See the #PangoGlyphItem docs for details on the fields. } {* * PangoAlignment: * @PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT: Put all available space on the right * @PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER: Center the line within the available space * @PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT: Put all available space on the left * * A #PangoAlignment describes how to align the lines of a #PangoLayout within the * available space. If the #PangoLayout is set to justify * using pango_layout_set_justify(), this only has effect for partial lines. } PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT: 0 PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER: 1 PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT: 2 PangoAlignment: integer!; {* * PangoWrapMode: * @PANGO_WRAP_WORD: wrap lines at word boundaries. * @PANGO_WRAP_CHAR: wrap lines at character boundaries. * @PANGO_WRAP_WORD_CHAR: wrap lines at word boundaries, but fall back to character boundaries if there is not * enough space for a full word. * * A #PangoWrapMode describes how to wrap the lines of a #PangoLayout to the desired width. } PANGO_WRAP_WORD: 0 PANGO_WRAP_CHAR: 1 PANGO_WRAP_WORD_CHAR: 2 PangoWrapMode: integer!; {* * PangoEllipsizeMode: * @PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE: No ellipsization * @PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_START: Omit characters at the start of the text * @PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE: Omit characters in the middle of the text * @PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END: Omit characters at the end of the text * * The #PangoEllipsizeMode type describes what sort of (if any) * ellipsization should be applied to a line of text. In * the ellipsization process characters are removed from the * text in order to make it fit to a given width and replaced * with an ellipsis. } PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE: 0 PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_START: 1 PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE: 2 PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END: 3 PangoEllipsizeMode: integer!; {* * PangoLayoutLine: * @layout: (allow-none): the layout this line belongs to, might be %NULL * @start_index: start of line as byte index into layout->text * @length: length of line in bytes * @runs: (allow-none) (element-type Pango.LayoutRun): list of runs in the * line, from left to right * @is_paragraph_start: #TRUE if this is the first line of the paragraph * @resolved_dir: #Resolved PangoDirection of line * * The #PangoLayoutLine structure represents one of the lines resulting * from laying out a paragraph via #PangoLayout. #PangoLayoutLine * structures are obtained by calling pango_layout_get_line() and * are only valid until the text, attributes, or settings of the * parent #PangoLayout are modified. * * Routines for rendering PangoLayout objects are provided in * code specific to each rendering system. } _PangoLayoutLine: make struct! [ layout [integer!] start_index [gint] { start of line as byte index into layout->text } length [gint] { length of line in bytes } runs [integer!] is_paragraph_start [guint]{: 1} { TRUE if this is the first line of the paragraph } resolved_dir [guint] {: 3} { Resolved PangoDirection of line } ] none ; pango_layout_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_type" pango_layout_new: make routine! [ context [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_new" pango_layout_copy: make routine! [ src [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_copy" pango_layout_get_context: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_context" pango_layout_set_attributes: make routine! [ layout [integer!] attrs [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_set_attributes" pango_layout_get_attributes: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_attributes" pango_layout_set_text: make routine! [ layout [integer!] text [string!] length [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_set_text" pango_layout_get_text: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [string!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_text" pango_layout_get_character_count: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [gint] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_character_count" pango_layout_set_markup: make routine! [ layout [integer!] markup [string!] length [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_set_markup" pango_layout_set_markup_with_accel: make routine! [ layout [integer!] markup [string!] length [integer!] accel_marker [gunichar] accel_char [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_set_markup_with_accel" pango_layout_set_font_description: make routine! [ layout [integer!] desc [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_set_font_description" pango_layout_get_font_description: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_font_description" pango_layout_set_width: make routine! [ layout [integer!] width [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_set_width" pango_layout_get_width: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_width" pango_layout_set_height: make routine! [ layout [integer!] height [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_set_height" pango_layout_get_height: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_height" pango_layout_set_wrap: make routine! [ layout [integer!] wrap [PangoWrapMode] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_set_wrap" pango_layout_get_wrap: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [PangoWrapMode] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_wrap" pango_layout_is_wrapped: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_is_wrapped" pango_layout_set_indent: make routine! [ layout [integer!] indent [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_set_indent" pango_layout_get_indent: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_indent" pango_layout_set_spacing: make routine! [ layout [integer!] spacing [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_set_spacing" pango_layout_get_spacing: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_spacing" pango_layout_set_justify: make routine! [ layout [integer!] justify [gboolean] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_set_justify" pango_layout_get_justify: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_justify" pango_layout_set_auto_dir: make routine! [ layout [integer!] auto_dir [gboolean] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_set_auto_dir" pango_layout_get_auto_dir: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_auto_dir" pango_layout_set_alignment: make routine! [ layout [integer!] alignment [PangoAlignment] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_set_alignment" pango_layout_get_alignment: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [PangoAlignment] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_alignment" pango_layout_set_tabs: make routine! [ layout [integer!] tabs [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_set_tabs" pango_layout_get_tabs: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [integer|] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_tabs" pango_layout_set_single_paragraph_mode: make routine! [ layout [integer!] setting [gboolean] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_set_single_paragraph_mode" pango_layout_get_single_paragraph_mode: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_single_paragraph_mode" pango_layout_set_ellipsize: make routine! [ layout [integer!] ellipsize [PangoEllipsizeMode] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_set_ellipsize" pango_layout_get_ellipsize: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [PangoEllipsizeMode] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_ellipsize" pango_layout_is_ellipsized: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_is_ellipsized" pango_layout_get_unknown_glyphs_count: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_unknown_glyphs_count" pango_layout_context_changed: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_context_changed" if pango_this_version >= 13200 [ pango_layout_get_serial: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [guint] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_serial" ] pango_layout_get_log_attrs: make routine! [ layout [integer!] attrs [struct! []] n_attrs [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_log_attrs" if pango_this_version >= 13000 [ pango_layout_get_log_attrs_readonly: make routine! [ layout [integer!] n_attrs [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_log_attrs_readonly" ] pango_layout_index_to_pos: make routine! [ layout [integer!] index_ [integer!] pos [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_index_to_pos" pango_layout_index_to_line_x: make routine! [ layout [integer!] index_ [integer!] trailing [gboolean] line [integer!] x_pos [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_index_to_line_x" pango_layout_get_cursor_pos: make routine! [ layout [integer!] index_ [integer!] strong_pos [integer!] weak_pos [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_cursor_pos" pango_layout_move_cursor_visually: make routine! [ layout [integer!] strong [gboolean] old_index [integer!] old_trailing [integer!] direction [integer!] new_index [integer!] new_trailing [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_move_cursor_visually" pango_layout_xy_to_index: make routine! [ layout [integer!] x [integer!] y [integer!] index_ [integer!] trailing [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_xy_to_index" pango_layout_get_extents: make routine! [ layout [integer!] ink_rect [integer!] logical_rect [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_extents" pango_layout_get_pixel_extents: make routine! [ layout [integer!] ink_rect [integer!] logical_rect [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_pixel_extents" pango_layout_get_size: make routine! [ layout [integer!] width [integer!] height [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_size" pango_layout_get_pixel_size: make routine! [ layout [integer!] width [struct![]] height [struct![]] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_pixel_size" pango_layout_get_baseline: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_baseline" pango_layout_get_line_count: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_line_count" pango_layout_get_line: make routine! [ layout [integer!] line [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_line" pango_layout_get_line_readonly: make routine! [ layout [integer!] line [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_line_readonly" pango_layout_get_lines: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_lines" pango_layout_get_lines_readonly: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_lines_readonly" pango_layout_line_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_line_get_type" pango_layout_line_ref: make routine! [ line [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_line_ref" pango_layout_line_unref: make routine! [ line [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_line_unref" pango_layout_line_x_to_index: make routine! [ line [integer!] x_pos [integer!] index_ [integer!] trailing [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_line_x_to_index" pango_layout_line_index_to_x: make routine! [ line [integer!] index_ [integer!] trailing [gboolean] x_pos [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_line_index_to_x" pango_layout_line_get_x_ranges: make routine! [ line [integer!] start_index [integer!] end_index [integer!] ranges [struct! []] n_ranges [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_line_get_x_ranges" pango_layout_line_get_extents: make routine! [ line [integer!] ink_rect [integer!] logical_rect [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_line_get_extents" pango_layout_line_get_pixel_extents: make routine! [ layout_line [integer!] ink_rect [integer!] logical_rect [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_line_get_pixel_extents" pango_layout_iter_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_iter_get_type" pango_layout_get_iter: make routine! [ layout [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_get_iter" pango_layout_iter_copy: make routine! [ iter [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_iter_copy" pango_layout_iter_free: make routine! [ iter [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_iter_free" pango_layout_iter_get_index: make routine! [ iter [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_iter_get_index" pango_layout_iter_get_run: make routine! [ iter [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_iter_get_run" pango_layout_iter_get_run_readonly: make routine! [ iter [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_iter_get_run_readonly" pango_layout_iter_get_line: make routine! [ iter [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_iter_get_line" pango_layout_iter_get_line_readonly: make routine! [ iter [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_iter_get_line_readonly" pango_layout_iter_at_last_line: make routine! [ iter [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_iter_at_last_line" pango_layout_iter_get_layout: make routine! [ iter [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_iter_get_layout" pango_layout_iter_next_char: make routine! [ iter [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_iter_next_char" pango_layout_iter_next_cluster: make routine! [ iter [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_iter_next_cluster" pango_layout_iter_next_run: make routine! [ iter [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_iter_next_run" pango_layout_iter_next_line: make routine! [ iter [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_iter_next_line" pango_layout_iter_get_char_extents: make routine! [ iter [integer!] logical_rect [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_iter_get_char_extents" pango_layout_iter_get_cluster_extents: make routine! [ iter [integer!] ink_rect [integer!] logical_rect [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_iter_get_cluster_extents" pango_layout_iter_get_run_extents: make routine! [ iter [integer!] ink_rect [integer!] logical_rect [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_iter_get_run_extents" pango_layout_iter_get_line_extents: make routine! [ iter [integer!] ink_rect [integer!] logical_rect [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_iter_get_line_extents" { All the yranges meet, unlike the logical_rect's (i.e. the yranges * assign between-line spacing to the nearest line) } pango_layout_iter_get_line_yrange: make routine! [ iter [integer!] y0_ [integer!] y1_ [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_iter_get_line_yrange" pango_layout_iter_get_layout_extents: make routine! [ iter [integer!] ink_rect [integer!] logical_rect [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_iter_get_layout_extents" pango_layout_iter_get_baseline: make routine! [ iter [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_layout_iter_get_baseline" ; { pango-matrix.h } { Pango * pango-matrix.h: Matrix manipulation routines * * Copyright (C) 2002, 2006 Red Hat Software * } {* * PangoMatrix: * @xx: 1st component of the transformation matrix * @xy: 2nd component of the transformation matrix * @yx: 3rd component of the transformation matrix * @yy: 4th component of the transformation matrix * @x0: x translation * @y0: y translation * * A structure specifying a transformation between user-space * coordinates and device coordinates. The transformation * is given by * * <programlisting> * x_device = x_user * matrix->xx + y_user * matrix->xy + matrix->x0; * y_device = x_user * matrix->yx + y_user * matrix->yy + matrix->y0; * </programlisting> * * Since: 1.6 *} _PangoMatrix: make struct! [ xx [double] xy [double] yx [double] yy [double] x0 [double] y0 [double] ] none ; {* * PANGO_MATRIX_INIT: * * Constant that can be used to initialize a PangoMatrix to * the identity transform. * * <informalexample><programlisting> * PangoMatrix matrix = PANGO_MATRIX_INIT; * pango_matrix_rotate (&matrix, 45.); * </programlisting></informalexample> * * Since: 1.6 *} ;#define PANGO_MATRIX_INIT { 1., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0. } { for PangoRectangle } pango_matrix_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_matrix_get_type" pango_matrix_copy: make routine! [ matrix [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_matrix_copy" pango_matrix_free: make routine! [ matrix [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_matrix_free" pango_matrix_translate: make routine! [ matrix [integer!] tx [double] ty [double] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_matrix_translate" pango_matrix_scale: make routine! [ matrix [integer!] scale_x [double] scale_y [double] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_matrix_scale" pango_matrix_rotate: make routine! [ matrix [integer!] degrees [double] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_matrix_rotate" pango_matrix_concat: make routine! [ matrix [integer!] new_matrix [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_matrix_concat" pango_matrix_transform_point: make routine! [ matrix [integer!] x [integer!] y [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_matrix_transform_point" pango_matrix_transform_distance: make routine! [ matrix [integer!] dx [integer!] dy [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_matrix_transform_distance" pango_matrix_transform_rectangle: make routine! [ matrix [integer!] rect [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_matrix_transform_rectangle" pango_matrix_transform_pixel_rectangle: make routine! [ matrix [integer!] rect [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_matrix_transform_pixel_rectangle" pango_matrix_get_font_scale_factor: make routine! [ matrix [integer!] return: [double] ] pango-lib "pango_matrix_get_font_scale_factor" if pango_this_version >= 13800 [ pango_matrix_get_font_scale_factors: make routine! [ matrix [integer!] xscale [integer!] yscale [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_matrix_get_font_scale_factors" ] { pango-ot.h } { Pango * pango-ot.h: * * Copyright (C) 2000,2007 Red Hat Software * } { Deprecated. Use HarfBuzz directly! } {* * PangoOTTag: * * The #PangoOTTag typedef is used to represent TrueType and OpenType * four letter tags inside Pango. Use PANGO_OT_TAG_MAKE() * or PANGO_OT_TAG_MAKE_FROM_STRING() macros to create <type>PangoOTTag</type>s manually. } {* * PANGO_OT_TAG_MAKE_FROM_STRING: * @s: The string representation of the tag. * * Creates a #PangoOTTag from a string. The string should be at least * four characters long (pad with space characters if needed), and need * not be nul-terminated. This is a convenience wrapper around * PANGO_OT_TAG_MAKE(), but cannot be used in certain situations, for * example, as a switch expression, as it dereferences pointers. } { #define PANGO_OT_TAG_MAKE(c1,c2,c3,c4) ((PangoOTTag) FT_MAKE_TAG (c1, c2, c3, c4)) #define PANGO_OT_TAG_MAKE_FROM_STRING(s) (PANGO_OT_TAG_MAKE(((const char *) s)[0], \ ((const char *) s)[1], \ ((const char *) s)[2], \ ((const char *) s)[3])) } {* * PangoOTTableType: * @PANGO_OT_TABLE_GSUB: The GSUB table. * @PANGO_OT_TABLE_GPOS: The GPOS table. * * The <type>PangoOTTableType</type> enumeration values are used to * identify the various OpenType tables in the * <function>pango_ot_info_*</function> functions. } PANGO_OT_TABLE_GSUB: 0 PANGO_OT_TABLE_GPOS: 1 PangoOTTableType: integer!; {* * PANGO_OT_ALL_GLYPHS: * * This is used as the property bit in pango_ot_ruleset_add_feature() when a * feature should be applied to all glyphs. * * Since: 1.16 } {* * PANGO_OT_NO_FEATURE: * * This is used as a feature index that represent no feature, that is, should be * skipped. It may be returned as feature index by pango_ot_info_find_feature() * if the feature is not found, and pango_ot_ruleset_add_feature() function * automatically skips this value, so no special handling is required by the user. * * Since: 1.18 } {* * PANGO_OT_NO_SCRIPT: * * This is used as a script index that represent no script, that is, when the * requested script was not found, and a default ('DFLT') script was not found * either. It may be returned as script index by pango_ot_info_find_script() * if the script or a default script are not found, all other functions * taking a script index essentially return if the input script index is * this value, so no special handling is required by the user. * * Since: 1.18 } {* * PANGO_OT_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: * * This is used as the language index in pango_ot_info_find_feature() when * the default language system of the script is desired. * * It is also returned by pango_ot_info_find_language() if the requested language * is not found, or the requested language tag was PANGO_OT_TAG_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE. * The end result is that one can always call pango_ot_tag_from_language() * followed by pango_ot_info_find_language() and pass the result to * pango_ot_info_find_feature() without having to worry about falling back to * default language system explicitly. * * Since: 1.16 } PANGO_OT_ALL_GLYPHS: 65535 PANGO_OT_NO_FEATURE: 65535 PANGO_OT_NO_SCRIPT: 65535 PANGO_OT_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: 65535 {* * PANGO_OT_TAG_DEFAULT_SCRIPT: * * This is a #PangoOTTag representing the special script tag 'DFLT'. It is * returned as script tag by pango_ot_tag_from_script() if the requested script * is not found. * * Since: 1.18 } {* * PANGO_OT_TAG_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: * * This is a #PangoOTTag representing a special language tag 'dflt'. It is * returned as language tag by pango_ot_tag_from_language() if the requested * language is not found. It is safe to pass this value to * pango_ot_info_find_language() as that function falls back to returning default * language-system if the requested language tag is not found. * * Since: 1.18 } ;#define PANGO_OT_TAG_DEFAULT_SCRIPT PANGO_OT_TAG_MAKE ('D', 'F', 'L', 'T') ;#define PANGO_OT_TAG_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE PANGO_OT_TAG_MAKE ('d', 'f', 'l', 't') { Note that this must match hb_glyph_info_t } {* * PangoOTGlyph: * @glyph: the glyph itself. * @properties: the properties value, identifying which features should be * applied on this glyph. See pango_ot_ruleset_add_feature(). * @cluster: the cluster that this glyph belongs to. * @component: a component value, set by the OpenType layout engine. * @ligID: a ligature index value, set by the OpenType layout engine. * @internal: for Pango internal use * * The #PangoOTGlyph structure represents a single glyph together with * information used for OpenType layout processing of the glyph. * It contains the following fields. } _PangoOTGlyph: make struct! [ glyph [guint32] properties [guint] cluster [guint] component [gushort] ligID [gushort] internal [guint] ] none ; {* * PangoOTFeatureMap: * @feature_name: feature tag in represented as four-letter ASCII string. * @property_bit: the property bit to use for this feature. See * pango_ot_ruleset_add_feature() for details. * * The #PangoOTFeatureMap typedef is used to represent an OpenType * feature with the property bit associated with it. The feature tag is * represented as a char array instead of a #PangoOTTag for convenience. * * Since: 1.18 } _PangoOTFeatureMap: make struct! [ feature_name [char!] ;[5]; _2 [char!] _3 [char!] _4 [char!] _5 [char!] property_bit [gulong] ] none ; {* * PangoOTRulesetDescription: * @script: a #PangoScript. * @language: a #PangoLanguage. * @static_gsub_features: (nullable): static map of GSUB features, * or %NULL. * @n_static_gsub_features: length of @static_gsub_features, or 0. * @static_gpos_features: (nullable): static map of GPOS features, * or %NULL. * @n_static_gpos_features: length of @static_gpos_features, or 0. * @other_features: (nullable): map of extra features to add to both * GSUB and GPOS, or %NULL. Unlike the static maps, this pointer * need not live beyond the life of function calls taking this * struct. * @n_other_features: length of @other_features, or 0. * * The #PangoOTRuleset structure holds all the information needed * to build a complete #PangoOTRuleset from an OpenType font. * The main use of this struct is to act as the key for a per-font * hash of rulesets. The user populates a ruleset description and * gets the ruleset using pango_ot_ruleset_get_for_description() * or create a new one using pango_ot_ruleset_new_from_description(). * * Since: 1.18 } _PangoOTRulesetDescription: make struct! [ script [PangoScript] language [integer!] static_gsub_features [integer!] n_static_gsub_features [guint] static_gpos_features [integer!] n_static_gpos_features [guint] other_features [integer!] n_other_features [guint] ] none ; { pango-renderer.h } { Pango * pango-renderer.h: Base class for rendering * * Copyright (C) 2004, Red Hat, Inc. * } {* * PangoRenderPart: * @PANGO_RENDER_PART_FOREGROUND: the text itself * @PANGO_RENDER_PART_BACKGROUND: the area behind the text * @PANGO_RENDER_PART_UNDERLINE: underlines * @PANGO_RENDER_PART_STRIKETHROUGH: strikethrough lines * * #PangoRenderPart defines different items to render for such * purposes as setting colors. * * Since: 1.8 *} { When extending, note N_RENDER_PARTS #define in pango-renderer.c } PANGO_RENDER_PART_FOREGROUND: 0 PANGO_RENDER_PART_BACKGROUND: 1 PANGO_RENDER_PART_UNDERLINE: 2 PANGO_RENDER_PART_STRIKETHROUGH: 3 PangoRenderPart: integer!; {* * PangoRenderer: * @matrix: (nullable): the current transformation matrix for * the Renderer; may be %NULL, which should be treated the * same as the identity matrix. * * #PangoRenderer is a base class for objects that are used to * render Pango objects such as #PangoGlyphString and * #PangoLayout. * * Since: 1.8 *} _PangoRenderer: make struct! [ {< private >} parent_instance [GObject] underline [PangoUnderline] strikethrough [gboolean] active_count [integer!] {< public >} matrix [integer!] { May be NULL } {< private >} priv [integer!] ] none ; {* * PangoRendererClass: * @draw_glyphs: draws a #PangoGlyphString * @draw_rectangle: draws a rectangle * @draw_error_underline: draws a squiggly line that approximately * covers the given rectangle in the style of an underline used to * indicate a spelling error. * @draw_shape: draw content for a glyph shaped with #PangoAttrShape. * @x, @y are the coordinates of the left edge of the baseline, * in user coordinates. * @draw_trapezoid: draws a trapezoidal filled area * @draw_glyph: draws a single glyph * @part_changed: do renderer specific processing when rendering * attributes change * @begin: Do renderer-specific initialization before drawing * @end: Do renderer-specific cleanup after drawing * @prepare_run: updates the renderer for a new run * @draw_glyph_item: draws a #PangoGlyphItem * * Class structure for #PangoRenderer. * * Since: 1.8 *} pango_renderer_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_renderer_get_type" pango_renderer_draw_layout: make routine! [ renderer [integer!] layout [integer!] x [integer!] y [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_renderer_draw_layout" pango_renderer_draw_layout_line: make routine! [ renderer [integer!] line [integer!] x [integer!] y [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_renderer_draw_layout_line" pango_renderer_draw_glyphs: make routine! [ renderer [integer!] font [integer!] glyphs [integer!] x [integer!] y [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_renderer_draw_glyphs" pango_renderer_draw_glyph_item: make routine! [ renderer [integer!] text [string!] glyph_item [integer!] x [integer!] y [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_renderer_draw_glyph_item" pango_renderer_draw_rectangle: make routine! [ renderer [integer!] part [PangoRenderPart] x [integer!] y [integer!] width [integer!] height [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_renderer_draw_rectangle" pango_renderer_draw_error_underline: make routine! [ renderer [integer!] x [integer!] y [integer!] width [integer!] height [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_renderer_draw_error_underline" pango_renderer_draw_trapezoid: make routine! [ renderer [integer!] part [PangoRenderPart] y1_ [double] x11 [double] x21 [double] y2 [double] x12 [double] x22 [double] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_renderer_draw_trapezoid" pango_renderer_draw_glyph: make routine! [ renderer [integer!] font [integer!] glyph [PangoGlyph] x [double] y [double] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_renderer_draw_glyph" pango_renderer_activate: make routine! [ renderer [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_renderer_activate" pango_renderer_deactivate: make routine! [ renderer [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_renderer_deactivate" pango_renderer_part_changed: make routine! [ renderer [integer!] part [PangoRenderPart] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_renderer_part_changed" pango_renderer_set_color: make routine! [ renderer [integer!] part [PangoRenderPart] color [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_renderer_set_color" pango_renderer_get_color: make routine! [ renderer [integer!] part [PangoRenderPart] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_renderer_get_color" if pango_this_version >= 13800 [ pango_renderer_set_alpha: make routine! [ renderer [integer!] part [PangoRenderPart] alpha [guint16] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_renderer_set_alpha" pango_renderer_get_alpha: make routine! [ renderer [integer!] part [PangoRenderPart] return: [guint16] ] pango-lib "pango_renderer_get_alpha" ] pango_renderer_set_matrix: make routine! [ renderer [integer!] matrix [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_renderer_set_matrix" pango_renderer_get_matrix: make routine! [ renderer [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_renderer_get_matrix" pango_renderer_get_layout: make routine! [ renderer [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_renderer_get_layout" pango_renderer_get_layout_line: make routine! [ renderer [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_renderer_get_layout_line" { pango-script.h } { Pango * pango-script.h: Script tag handling * * Copyright (C) 2002 Red Hat Software * } {* * PangoScript: * @PANGO_SCRIPT_INVALID_CODE: a value never returned from pango_script_for_unichar() * @PANGO_SCRIPT_COMMON: a character used by multiple different scripts * @PANGO_SCRIPT_INHERITED: a mark glyph that takes its script from the * base glyph to which it is attached * @PANGO_SCRIPT_ARABIC: Arabic * @PANGO_SCRIPT_ARMENIAN: Armenian * @PANGO_SCRIPT_BENGALI: Bengali * @PANGO_SCRIPT_BOPOMOFO: Bopomofo * @PANGO_SCRIPT_CHEROKEE: Cherokee * @PANGO_SCRIPT_COPTIC: Coptic * @PANGO_SCRIPT_CYRILLIC: Cyrillic * @PANGO_SCRIPT_DESERET: Deseret * @PANGO_SCRIPT_DEVANAGARI: Devanagari * @PANGO_SCRIPT_ETHIOPIC: Ethiopic * @PANGO_SCRIPT_GEORGIAN: Georgian * @PANGO_SCRIPT_GOTHIC: Gothic * @PANGO_SCRIPT_GREEK: Greek * @PANGO_SCRIPT_GUJARATI: Gujarati * @PANGO_SCRIPT_GURMUKHI: Gurmukhi * @PANGO_SCRIPT_HAN: Han * @PANGO_SCRIPT_HANGUL: Hangul * @PANGO_SCRIPT_HEBREW: Hebrew * @PANGO_SCRIPT_HIRAGANA: Hiragana * @PANGO_SCRIPT_KANNADA: Kannada * @PANGO_SCRIPT_KATAKANA: Katakana * @PANGO_SCRIPT_KHMER: Khmer * @PANGO_SCRIPT_LAO: Lao * @PANGO_SCRIPT_LATIN: Latin * @PANGO_SCRIPT_MALAYALAM: Malayalam * @PANGO_SCRIPT_MONGOLIAN: Mongolian * @PANGO_SCRIPT_MYANMAR: Myanmar * @PANGO_SCRIPT_OGHAM: Ogham * @PANGO_SCRIPT_OLD_ITALIC: Old Italic * @PANGO_SCRIPT_ORIYA: Oriya * @PANGO_SCRIPT_RUNIC: Runic * @PANGO_SCRIPT_SINHALA: Sinhala * @PANGO_SCRIPT_SYRIAC: Syriac * @PANGO_SCRIPT_TAMIL: Tamil * @PANGO_SCRIPT_TELUGU: Telugu * @PANGO_SCRIPT_THAANA: Thaana * @PANGO_SCRIPT_THAI: Thai * @PANGO_SCRIPT_TIBETAN: Tibetan * @PANGO_SCRIPT_CANADIAN_ABORIGINAL: Canadian Aboriginal * @PANGO_SCRIPT_YI: Yi * @PANGO_SCRIPT_TAGALOG: Tagalog * @PANGO_SCRIPT_HANUNOO: Hanunoo * @PANGO_SCRIPT_BUHID: Buhid * @PANGO_SCRIPT_TAGBANWA: Tagbanwa * @PANGO_SCRIPT_BRAILLE: Braille * @PANGO_SCRIPT_CYPRIOT: Cypriot * @PANGO_SCRIPT_LIMBU: Limbu * @PANGO_SCRIPT_OSMANYA: Osmanya * @PANGO_SCRIPT_SHAVIAN: Shavian * @PANGO_SCRIPT_LINEAR_B: Linear B * @PANGO_SCRIPT_TAI_LE: Tai Le * @PANGO_SCRIPT_UGARITIC: Ugaritic * @PANGO_SCRIPT_NEW_TAI_LUE: New Tai Lue. Since 1.10 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_BUGINESE: Buginese. Since 1.10 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_GLAGOLITIC: Glagolitic. Since 1.10 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_TIFINAGH: Tifinagh. Since 1.10 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_SYLOTI_NAGRI: Syloti Nagri. Since 1.10 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_OLD_PERSIAN: Old Persian. Since 1.10 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_KHAROSHTHI: Kharoshthi. Since 1.10 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_UNKNOWN: an unassigned code point. Since 1.14 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_BALINESE: Balinese. Since 1.14 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_CUNEIFORM: Cuneiform. Since 1.14 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_PHOENICIAN: Phoenician. Since 1.14 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_PHAGS_PA: Phags-pa. Since 1.14 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_NKO: N'Ko. Since 1.14 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_KAYAH_LI: Kayah Li. Since 1.20.1 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_LEPCHA: Lepcha. Since 1.20.1 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_REJANG: Rejang. Since 1.20.1 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_SUNDANESE: Sundanese. Since 1.20.1 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_SAURASHTRA: Saurashtra. Since 1.20.1 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_CHAM: Cham. Since 1.20.1 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_OL_CHIKI: Ol Chiki. Since 1.20.1 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_VAI: Vai. Since 1.20.1 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_CARIAN: Carian. Since 1.20.1 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_LYCIAN: Lycian. Since 1.20.1 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_LYDIAN: Lydian. Since 1.20.1 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_BATAK: Batak. Since 1.32 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_BRAHMI: Brahmi. Since 1.32 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_MANDAIC: Mandaic. Since 1.32 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_CHAKMA: Chakma. Since: 1.32 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_MEROITIC_CURSIVE: Meroitic Cursive. Since: 1.32 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_MEROITIC_HIEROGLYPHS: Meroitic Hieroglyphs. Since: 1.32 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_MIAO: Miao. Since: 1.32 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_SHARADA: Sharada. Since: 1.32 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_SORA_SOMPENG: Sora Sompeng. Since: 1.32 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_TAKRI: Takri. Since: 1.32 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_BASSA_VAH: Bassa. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_CAUCASIAN_ALBANIAN: Caucasian Albanian. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_DUPLOYAN: Duployan. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_ELBASAN: Elbasan. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_GRANTHA: Grantha. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_KHOJKI: Kjohki. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_KHUDAWADI: Khudawadi, Sindhi. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_LINEAR_A: Linear A. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_MAHAJANI: Mahajani. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_MANICHAEAN: Manichaean. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_MENDE_KIKAKUI: Mende Kikakui. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_MODI: Modi. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_MRO: Mro. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_NABATAEAN: Nabataean. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_OLD_NORTH_ARABIAN: Old North Arabian. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_OLD_PERMIC: Old Permic. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_PAHAWH_HMONG: Pahawh Hmong. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_PALMYRENE: Palmyrene. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_PAU_CIN_HAU: Pau Cin Hau. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_PSALTER_PAHLAVI: Psalter Pahlavi. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_SIDDHAM: Siddham. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_TIRHUTA: Tirhuta. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_WARANG_CITI: Warang Citi. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_AHOM: Ahom. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_ANATOLIAN_HIEROGLYPHS: Anatolian Hieroglyphs. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_HATRAN: Hatran. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_MULTANI: Multani. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_OLD_HUNGARIAN: Old Hungarian. Since: 1.40 * @PANGO_SCRIPT_SIGNWRITING: Signwriting. Since: 1.40 * * The #PangoScript enumeration identifies different writing * systems. The values correspond to the names as defined in the * Unicode standard. * Note that new types may be added in the future. Applications should be ready * to handle unknown values. This enumeration is interchangeable with * #GUnicodeScript. See <ulink * url="http:;">Unicode Standard Annex * #24: Script names</ulink>. } { ISO 15924 code } PANGO_SCRIPT_INVALID_CODE: -1 PANGO_SCRIPT_COMMON: 0 { Zyyy } PANGO_SCRIPT_INHERITED: 1 { Qaai } PANGO_SCRIPT_ARABIC: 2 { Arab } PANGO_SCRIPT_ARMENIAN: 3 { Armn } PANGO_SCRIPT_BENGALI: 4 { Beng } PANGO_SCRIPT_BOPOMOFO: 5 { Bopo } PANGO_SCRIPT_CHEROKEE: 6 { Cher } PANGO_SCRIPT_COPTIC: 7 { Qaac } PANGO_SCRIPT_CYRILLIC: 8 { Cyrl (Cyrs) } PANGO_SCRIPT_DESERET: 9 { Dsrt } PANGO_SCRIPT_DEVANAGARI: 10 { Deva } PANGO_SCRIPT_ETHIOPIC: 11 { Ethi } PANGO_SCRIPT_GEORGIAN: 12 { Geor (Geon, Geoa) } PANGO_SCRIPT_GOTHIC: 13 { Goth } PANGO_SCRIPT_GREEK: 14 { Grek } PANGO_SCRIPT_GUJARATI: 15 { Gujr } PANGO_SCRIPT_GURMUKHI: 16 { Guru } PANGO_SCRIPT_HAN: 17 { Hani } PANGO_SCRIPT_HANGUL: 18 { Hang } PANGO_SCRIPT_HEBREW: 19 { Hebr } PANGO_SCRIPT_HIRAGANA: 20 { Hira } PANGO_SCRIPT_KANNADA: 21 { Knda } PANGO_SCRIPT_KATAKANA: 22 { Kana } PANGO_SCRIPT_KHMER: 23 { Khmr } PANGO_SCRIPT_LAO: 24 { Laoo } PANGO_SCRIPT_LATIN: 25 { Latn (Latf, Latg) } PANGO_SCRIPT_MALAYALAM: 26 { Mlym } PANGO_SCRIPT_MONGOLIAN: 27 { Mong } PANGO_SCRIPT_MYANMAR: 28 { Mymr } PANGO_SCRIPT_OGHAM: 29 { Ogam } PANGO_SCRIPT_OLD_ITALIC: 30 { Ital } PANGO_SCRIPT_ORIYA: 31 { Orya } PANGO_SCRIPT_RUNIC: 32 { Runr } PANGO_SCRIPT_SINHALA: 33 { Sinh } PANGO_SCRIPT_SYRIAC: 34 { Syrc (Syrj, Syrn, Syre) } PANGO_SCRIPT_TAMIL: 35 { Taml } PANGO_SCRIPT_TELUGU: 36 { Telu } PANGO_SCRIPT_THAANA: 37 { Thaa } PANGO_SCRIPT_THAI: 38 { Thai } PANGO_SCRIPT_TIBETAN: 39 { Tibt } PANGO_SCRIPT_CANADIAN_ABORIGINAL: 40 { Cans } PANGO_SCRIPT_YI: 41 { Yiii } PANGO_SCRIPT_TAGALOG: 42 { Tglg } PANGO_SCRIPT_HANUNOO: 43 { Hano } PANGO_SCRIPT_BUHID: 44 { Buhd } PANGO_SCRIPT_TAGBANWA: 45 { Tagb } { Unicode-4.0 additions } PANGO_SCRIPT_BRAILLE: 46 { Brai } PANGO_SCRIPT_CYPRIOT: 47 { Cprt } PANGO_SCRIPT_LIMBU: 48 { Limb } PANGO_SCRIPT_OSMANYA: 49 { Osma } PANGO_SCRIPT_SHAVIAN: 50 { Shaw } PANGO_SCRIPT_LINEAR_B: 51 { Linb } PANGO_SCRIPT_TAI_LE: 52 { Tale } PANGO_SCRIPT_UGARITIC: 53 { Ugar } { Unicode-4.1 additions } PANGO_SCRIPT_NEW_TAI_LUE: 54 { Talu } PANGO_SCRIPT_BUGINESE: 55 { Bugi } PANGO_SCRIPT_GLAGOLITIC: 56 { Glag } PANGO_SCRIPT_TIFINAGH: 57 { Tfng } PANGO_SCRIPT_SYLOTI_NAGRI: 58 { Sylo } PANGO_SCRIPT_OLD_PERSIAN: 59 { Xpeo } PANGO_SCRIPT_KHAROSHTHI: 60 { Khar } { Unicode-5.0 additions } PANGO_SCRIPT_UNKNOWN: 61 { Zzzz } PANGO_SCRIPT_BALINESE: 62 { Bali } PANGO_SCRIPT_CUNEIFORM: 63 { Xsux } PANGO_SCRIPT_PHOENICIAN: 64 { Phnx } PANGO_SCRIPT_PHAGS_PA: 65 { Phag } PANGO_SCRIPT_NKO: 66 { Nkoo } { Unicode-5.1 additions } PANGO_SCRIPT_KAYAH_LI: 67 { Kali } PANGO_SCRIPT_LEPCHA: 68 { Lepc } PANGO_SCRIPT_REJANG: 69 { Rjng } PANGO_SCRIPT_SUNDANESE: 70 { Sund } PANGO_SCRIPT_SAURASHTRA: 71 { Saur } PANGO_SCRIPT_CHAM: 72 { Cham } PANGO_SCRIPT_OL_CHIKI: 73 { Olck } PANGO_SCRIPT_VAI: 74 { Vaii } PANGO_SCRIPT_CARIAN: 75 { Cari } PANGO_SCRIPT_LYCIAN: 76 { Lyci } PANGO_SCRIPT_LYDIAN: 77 { Lydi } { Unicode-6.0 additions } PANGO_SCRIPT_BATAK: 78 { Batk } PANGO_SCRIPT_BRAHMI: 79 { Brah } PANGO_SCRIPT_MANDAIC: 80 { Mand } { Unicode-6.1 additions } PANGO_SCRIPT_CHAKMA: 81 { Cakm } PANGO_SCRIPT_MEROITIC_CURSIVE: 82 { Merc } PANGO_SCRIPT_MEROITIC_HIEROGLYPHS: 83 { Mero } PANGO_SCRIPT_MIAO: 84 { Plrd } PANGO_SCRIPT_SHARADA: 85 { Shrd } PANGO_SCRIPT_SORA_SOMPENG: 86 { Sora } PANGO_SCRIPT_TAKRI: 87 { Takr } { Unicode 7.0 additions } PANGO_SCRIPT_BASSA_VAH: 88 { Bass } PANGO_SCRIPT_CAUCASIAN_ALBANIAN: 89 { Aghb } PANGO_SCRIPT_DUPLOYAN: 90 { Dupl } PANGO_SCRIPT_ELBASAN: 91 { Elba } PANGO_SCRIPT_GRANTHA: 92 { Gran } PANGO_SCRIPT_KHOJKI: 93 { Khoj } PANGO_SCRIPT_KHUDAWADI: 94 { Sind } PANGO_SCRIPT_LINEAR_A: 95 { Lina } PANGO_SCRIPT_MAHAJANI: 96 { Mahj } PANGO_SCRIPT_MANICHAEAN: 97 { Manu } PANGO_SCRIPT_MENDE_KIKAKUI: 98 { Mend } PANGO_SCRIPT_MODI: 99 { Modi } PANGO_SCRIPT_MRO: 100 { Mroo } PANGO_SCRIPT_NABATAEAN: 101 { Nbat } PANGO_SCRIPT_OLD_NORTH_ARABIAN: 102 { Narb } PANGO_SCRIPT_OLD_PERMIC: 103 { Perm } PANGO_SCRIPT_PAHAWH_HMONG: 104 { Hmng } PANGO_SCRIPT_PALMYRENE: 105 { Palm } PANGO_SCRIPT_PAU_CIN_HAU: 106 { Pauc } PANGO_SCRIPT_PSALTER_PAHLAVI: 107 { Phlp } PANGO_SCRIPT_SIDDHAM: 108 { Sidd } PANGO_SCRIPT_TIRHUTA: 109 { Tirh } PANGO_SCRIPT_WARANG_CITI: 110 { Wara } { Unicode 8.0 additions } PANGO_SCRIPT_AHOM: 111 { Ahom } PANGO_SCRIPT_ANATOLIAN_HIEROGLYPHS: 112 { Hluw } PANGO_SCRIPT_HATRAN: 113 { Hatr } PANGO_SCRIPT_MULTANI: 114 { Mult } PANGO_SCRIPT_OLD_HUNGARIAN: 115 { Hung } { Sgnw } PANGO_SCRIPT_SIGNWRITING: 116 { Sgnw } { Sgnw } PangoScript: integer!; pango_script_for_unichar: make routine! [ ch [gunichar] return: [PangoScript] ] pango-lib "pango_script_for_unichar" pango_script_iter_new: make routine! [ text [string!] length [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_script_iter_new" pango_script_iter_get_range: make routine! [ iter [integer!] start [struct! []] end [struct! []] script [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_script_iter_get_range" pango_script_iter_next: make routine! [ iter [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_script_iter_next" pango_script_iter_free: make routine! [ iter [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_script_iter_free" pango_script_get_sample_language: make routine! [ script [PangoScript] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_script_get_sample_language" { pango-tabs.h } { Pango * pango-tabs.h: Tab-related stuff * * Copyright (C) 2000 Red Hat Software * } {* * PangoTabAlign: * @PANGO_TAB_LEFT: the tab stop appears to the left of the text. * * A #PangoTabAlign specifies where a tab stop appears relative to the text. } PANGO_TAB_LEFT: 0 { These are not supported now, but may be in the * future. * * PANGO_TAB_RIGHT, * PANGO_TAB_CENTER, * PANGO_TAB_NUMERIC } PangoTabAlign: integer!; {* * PANGO_TYPE_TAB_ARRAY: } pango_tab_array_new: make routine! [ initial_size [gint] positions_in_pixels [gboolean] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_tab_array_new" pango_tab_array_new_with_positions: make routine! [ size [gint] positions_in_pixels [gboolean] first_alignment [PangoTabAlign] first_position [gint] ;... return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_tab_array_new_with_positions" pango_tab_array_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_tab_array_get_type" pango_tab_array_copy: make routine! [ src [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_tab_array_copy" pango_tab_array_free: make routine! [ tab_array [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_tab_array_free" pango_tab_array_get_size: make routine! [ tab_array [integer!] return: [gint] ] pango-lib "pango_tab_array_get_size" pango_tab_array_resize: make routine! [ tab_array [integer!] new_size [gint] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_tab_array_resize" pango_tab_array_set_tab: make routine! [ tab_array [integer!] tab_index [gint] alignment [PangoTabAlign] location [gint] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_tab_array_set_tab" pango_tab_array_get_tab: make routine! [ tab_array [integer!] tab_index [gint] alignment [integer!] location [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_tab_array_get_tab" pango_tab_array_get_tabs: make routine! [ tab_array [integer!] alignments [struct! []] locations [struct! []] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_tab_array_get_tabs" pango_tab_array_get_positions_in_pixels: make routine! [ tab_array [integer!] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_tab_array_get_positions_in_pixels" { pango-types.h } { Pango * pango-types.h: * * Copyright (C) 1999 Red Hat Software * } { A index of a glyph into a font. Rendering system dependent } {* * PangoGlyph: * * A #PangoGlyph represents a single glyph in the output form of a string. } {* * PANGO_SCALE: * * The %PANGO_SCALE macro represents the scale between dimensions used * for Pango distances and device units. (The definition of device * units is dependent on the output device; it will typically be pixels * for a screen, and points for a printer.) %PANGO_SCALE is currently * 1024, but this may be changed in the future. * * When setting font sizes, device units are always considered to be * points (as in "12 point font"), rather than pixels. } {* * PANGO_PIXELS: * @d: a dimension in Pango units. * * Converts a dimension to device units by rounding. * * Return value: rounded dimension in device units. } {* * PANGO_PIXELS_FLOOR: * @d: a dimension in Pango units. * * Converts a dimension to device units by flooring. * * Return value: floored dimension in device units. * Since: 1.14 } {* * PANGO_PIXELS_CEIL: * @d: a dimension in Pango units. * * Converts a dimension to device units by ceiling. * * Return value: ceiled dimension in device units. * Since: 1.14 } PANGO_SCALE: 1024 { #define PANGO_PIXELS(d) (((int)(d) + 512) >> 10) #define PANGO_PIXELS_FLOOR(d) (((int)(d)) >> 10) #define PANGO_PIXELS_CEIL(d) (((int)(d) + 1023) >> 10) } { The above expressions are just slightly wrong for floating point d; * For example we'd expect PANGO_PIXELS(-512.5) => -1 but instead we get 0. * That's unlikely to matter for practical use and the expression is much * more compact and faster than alternatives that work exactly for both * integers and floating point. * * PANGO_PIXELS also behaves differently for +512 and -512. } {* * PANGO_UNITS_ROUND: * @d: a dimension in Pango units. * * Rounds a dimension to whole device units, but does not * convert it to device units. * * Return value: rounded dimension in Pango units. * Since: 1.18 } { #define PANGO_UNITS_ROUND(d) \ (((d) + (PANGO_SCALE >> 1)) & ~(PANGO_SCALE - 1)) } pango_units_from_double: make routine! [ d [double] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_units_from_double" pango_units_to_double: make routine! [ i [integer!] return: [double] ] pango-lib "pango_units_to_double" {* * PangoRectangle: * @x: X coordinate of the left side of the rectangle. * @y: Y coordinate of the the top side of the rectangle. * @width: width of the rectangle. * @height: height of the rectangle. * * The #PangoRectangle structure represents a rectangle. It is frequently * used to represent the logical or ink extents of a single glyph or section * of text. (See, for instance, pango_font_get_glyph_extents()) * } _PangoRectangle: make struct! [ x [integer!] y [integer!] width [integer!] height [integer!] ] none ; { Macros to translate from extents rectangles to ascent/descent/lbearing/rbearing } {* * PANGO_ASCENT: * @rect: a #PangoRectangle * * Extracts the <firstterm>ascent</firstterm> from a #PangoRectangle * representing glyph extents. The ascent is the distance from the * baseline to the highest point of the character. This is positive if the * glyph ascends above the baseline. } {* * PANGO_DESCENT: * @rect: a #PangoRectangle * * Extracts the <firstterm>descent</firstterm> from a #PangoRectangle * representing glyph extents. The descent is the distance from the * baseline to the lowest point of the character. This is positive if the * glyph descends below the baseline. } {* * PANGO_LBEARING: * @rect: a #PangoRectangle * * Extracts the <firstterm>left bearing</firstterm> from a #PangoRectangle * representing glyph extents. The left bearing is the distance from the * horizontal origin to the farthest left point of the character. * This is positive for characters drawn completely to the right of the * glyph origin. } {* * PANGO_RBEARING: * @rect: a #PangoRectangle * * Extracts the <firstterm>right bearing</firstterm> from a #PangoRectangle * representing glyph extents. The right bearing is the distance from the * horizontal origin to the farthest right point of the character. * This is positive except for characters drawn completely to the left of the * horizontal origin. } { #define PANGO_ASCENT(rect) (-(rect).y) #define PANGO_DESCENT(rect) ((rect).y + (rect).height) #define PANGO_LBEARING(rect) ((rect).x) #define PANGO_RBEARING(rect) ((rect).x + (rect).width) } pango_extents_to_pixels: make routine! [ inclusive [integer!] nearest [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_extents_to_pixels" { pango-utils.h } { Pango * pango-utils.c: Utilities for internal functions and modules * * Copyright (C) 2000 Red Hat Software * } { Functions for parsing textual representations * of PangoFontDescription fields. They return TRUE if the input string * contains a valid value, which then has been assigned to the corresponding * field in the PangoFontDescription. If the warn parameter is TRUE, * a warning is printed (with g_warning) if the string does not * contain a valid value. } pango_parse_style: make routine! [ str [string!] style [integer!] warn [gboolean] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_parse_style" pango_parse_variant: make routine! [ str [string!] variant [integer!] warn [gboolean] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_parse_variant" pango_parse_weight: make routine! [ str [string!] weight [integer!] warn [gboolean] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_parse_weight" pango_parse_stretch: make routine! [ str [string!] stretch [integer!] warn [gboolean] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_parse_stretch" { Hint line position and thickness. } pango_quantize_line_geometry: make routine! [ thickness [integer!] position [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_quantize_line_geometry" { A routine from fribidi that we either wrap or provide ourselves. } pango_log2vis_get_embedding_levels: make routine! [ text [integer!] length [integer!] pbase_dir [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_log2vis_get_embedding_levels" { Unicode characters that are zero-width and should not be rendered * normally. } pango_is_zero_width: make routine! [ ch [gunichar] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_is_zero_width" { pangocairo.h } if Pango_HAS_PANGOCAIRO [ { Pango * pangocairo.h: * * Copyright (C) 1999, 2004 Red Hat, Inc. * } {* * PangoCairoShapeRendererFunc: * @cr: a Cairo context with current point set to where the shape should * be rendered * @attr: the %PANGO_ATTR_SHAPE to render * @do_path: whether only the shape path should be appended to current * path of @cr and no filling/stroking done. This will be set * to %TRUE when called from pango_cairo_layout_path() and * pango_cairo_layout_line_path() rendering functions. * @data: user data passed to pango_cairo_context_set_shape_renderer() * * Function type for rendering attributes of type %PANGO_ATTR_SHAPE * with Pango's Cairo renderer. } { typedef void (* PangoCairoShapeRendererFunc) (cairo_t *cr, PangoAttrShape *attr, gboolean do_path, gpointer data); } { * PangoCairoFontMap } pango_cairo_font_map_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_font_map_get_type" pango_cairo_font_map_new: make routine! [ return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_font_map_new" pango_cairo_font_map_new_for_font_type: make routine! [ fonttype [cairo_font_type_t] return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_font_map_new_for_font_type" pango_cairo_font_map_get_default: make routine! [ return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_font_map_get_default" pango_cairo_font_map_set_default: make routine! [ fontmap [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_font_map_set_default" pango_cairo_font_map_get_font_type: make routine! [ fontmap [integer!] return: [cairo_font_type_t] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_font_map_get_font_type" pango_cairo_font_map_set_resolution: make routine! [ fontmap [integer!] dpi [double] return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_font_map_set_resolution" pango_cairo_font_map_get_resolution: make routine! [ fontmap [integer!] return: [double] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_font_map_get_resolution" { * PangoCairoFont } pango_cairo_font_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_font_get_type" pango_cairo_font_get_scaled_font: make routine! [ font [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_font_get_scaled_font" { Update a Pango context for the current state of a cairo context } pango_cairo_update_context: make routine! [ cr [integer!] context [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_update_context" pango_cairo_context_set_font_options: make routine! [ context [integer!] options [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_context_set_font_options" pango_cairo_context_get_font_options: make routine! [ context [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_context_get_font_options" pango_cairo_context_set_resolution: make routine! [ context [integer!] dpi [double] return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_context_set_resolution" pango_cairo_context_get_resolution: make routine! [ context [integer!] return: [double] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_context_get_resolution" pango_cairo_context_set_shape_renderer: make routine! [ context [integer!] func [integer!];[callback] data [gpointer] dnotify [integer!];[callback] return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_context_set_shape_renderer" pango_cairo_context_get_shape_renderer: make routine! [ context [integer!] data [integer!] return: [PangoCairoShapeRendererFunc] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_context_get_shape_renderer" { Convenience } pango_cairo_create_context: make routine! [ cr [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_create_context" pango_cairo_create_layout: make routine! [ cr [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_create_layout" pango_cairo_update_layout: make routine! [ cr [integer!] layout [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_update_layout" { * Rendering } pango_cairo_show_glyph_string: make routine! [ cr [integer!] font [integer!] glyphs [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_show_glyph_string" pango_cairo_show_glyph_item: make routine! [ cr [integer!] text [string!] glyph_item [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_show_glyph_item" pango_cairo_show_layout_line: make routine! [ cr [integer!] line [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_show_layout_line" pango_cairo_show_layout: make routine! [ cr [integer!] layout [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_show_layout" pango_cairo_show_error_underline: make routine! [ cr [integer!] x [double] y [double] width [double] height [double] return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_show_error_underline" { * Rendering to a path } pango_cairo_glyph_string_path: make routine! [ cr [integer!] font [integer!] glyphs [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_glyph_string_path" pango_cairo_layout_line_path: make routine! [ cr [integer!] line [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_layout_line_path" pango_cairo_layout_path: make routine! [ cr [integer!] layout [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_layout_path" pango_cairo_error_underline_path: make routine! [ cr [integer!] x [double] y [double] width [double] height [double] return: [integer!] ] pango-cairo-lib "pango_cairo_error_underline_path" ] { pangocoretext.h } { Pango * pangocoretext.h: * * Copyright (C) 2005 Imendio AB * Copyright (C) 2010 Kristian Rietveld <%kris--gtk--org> * } {* * PANGO_RENDER_TYPE_CORE_TEXT: * * A string constant identifying the CoreText renderer. The associated quark (see * g_quark_from_string()) is used to identify the renderer in pango_find_map(). } PANGO_RENDER_TYPE_CORE_TEXT: "PangoRenderCoreText" _PangoCoreTextFont: make struct! [ parent_instance [PangoFont] priv [integer!] ] none ; if Pango_HAS_FC_FONT [ { pangofc-decoder.h } { Pango * pangofc-decoder.h: Custom encoders/decoders on a per-font basis. * * Copyright (C) 2004 Red Hat Software * } {* * PangoFcDecoder: * * #PangoFcDecoder is a virtual base class that implementations will * inherit from. It's the interface that is used to define a custom * encoding for a font. These objects are created in your code from a * function callback that was originally registered with * pango_fc_font_map_add_decoder_find_func(). Pango requires * information about the supported charset for a font as well as the * individual character to glyph conversions. Pango gets that * information via the #get_charset and #get_glyph callbacks into your * object implementation. * * Since: 1.6 *} _PangoFcDecoder: make struct! [ {< private >} parent_instance [GObject] ] none ; {* * PangoFcDecoderClass: * @get_charset: This returns an #FcCharset given a #PangoFcFont that * includes a list of supported characters in the font. The * #FcCharSet that is returned should be an internal reference to your * code. Pango will not free this structure. It is important that * you make this callback fast because this callback is called * separately for each character to determine Unicode coverage. * @get_glyph: This returns a single #PangoGlyph for a given Unicode * code point. * * Class structure for #PangoFcDecoder. * * Since: 1.6 *} { pangofc-font.h } { Pango * pangofc-font.h: Base fontmap type for fontconfig-based backends * * Copyright (C) 2003 Red Hat Software * } {* * PANGO_RENDER_TYPE_FC: * * A string constant used to identify shape engines that work * with the fontconfig based backends. See the @engine_type field * of #PangoEngineInfo. *} PANGO_RENDER_TYPE_FC: "PangoRenderFc" {* * PangoFcFont: * * #PangoFcFont is a base class for font implementations * using the Fontconfig and FreeType libraries and is used in * conjunction with #PangoFcFontMap. When deriving from this * class, you need to implement all of its virtual functions * other than shutdown() along with the get_glyph_extents() * virtual function from #PangoFont. *} _PangoFcFont: make struct! [ parent_instance [PangoFont] font_pattern [integer!] { fully resolved pattern } fontmap [integer!] { associated map } priv [gpointer] { used internally } matrix [PangoMatrix] { used internally } description [integer!] metrics_by_lang [integer!] is_hinted [guint] {: 1;} is_transformed [guint] {: 1;} ] none ; pango_fc_font_has_char: make routine! [ font [integer!] wc [gunichar] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_font_has_char" pango_fc_font_get_glyph: make routine! [ font [integer!] wc [gunichar] return: [guint] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_font_get_glyph" pango_fc_font_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_font_get_type" pango_fc_font_lock_face: make routine! [ font [integer!] return: [FT_Face] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_font_lock_face" pango_fc_font_unlock_face: make routine! [ font [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_font_unlock_face" { pangofc-fontmap.h } { Pango * pangofc-fontmap.h: Base fontmap type for fontconfig-based backends * * Copyright (C) 2003 Red Hat Software * } {* * PangoFcFontsetKey: * * An opaque structure containing all the information needed for * loading a fontset with the PangoFc fontmap. * * Since: 1.24 *} pango_fc_fontset_key_get_language: make routine! [ key [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_fontset_key_get_language" pango_fc_fontset_key_get_description: make routine! [ key [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_fontset_key_get_description" pango_fc_fontset_key_get_matrix: make routine! [ key [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_fontset_key_get_matrix" pango_fc_fontset_key_get_absolute_size: make routine! [ key [integer!] return: [double] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_fontset_key_get_absolute_size" pango_fc_fontset_key_get_resolution: make routine! [ key [integer!] return: [double] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_fontset_key_get_resolution" pango_fc_fontset_key_get_context_key: make routine! [ key [integer!] return: [gpointer] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_fontset_key_get_context_key" {* * PangoFcFontKey: * * An opaque structure containing all the information needed for * loading a font with the PangoFc fontmap. * * Since: 1.24 *} pango_fc_font_key_get_pattern: make routine! [ key [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_font_key_get_pattern" pango_fc_font_key_get_matrix: make routine! [ key [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_font_key_get_matrix" pango_fc_font_key_get_context_key: make routine! [ key [integer!] return: [gpointer] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_font_key_get_context_key" pango_fc_font_key_get_variations: make routine! [ key [integer!] return: [string!] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_font_key_get_variations" {* * PangoFcFontMap: * * #PangoFcFontMap is a base class for font map implementations * using the Fontconfig and FreeType libraries. To create a new * backend using Fontconfig and FreeType, you derive from this class * and implement a new_font() virtual function that creates an * instance deriving from #PangoFcFont. *} _PangoFcFontMap: make struct! [ parent_instance [PangoFontMap] priv [integer!] ] none ; pango_fc_font_map_shutdown: make routine! [ fcfontmap [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_font_map_shutdown" pango_fc_font_map_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_font_map_get_type" pango_fc_font_map_cache_clear: make routine! [ fcfontmap [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_font_map_cache_clear" pango_fc_font_map_config_changed: make routine! [ fcfontmap [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_font_map_config_changed" pango_fc_font_map_set_config: make routine! [ fcfontmap [integer!] fcconfig [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_font_map_set_config" pango_fc_font_map_get_config: make routine! [ fcfontmap [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_font_map_get_config" {* * PangoFcDecoderFindFunc: * @pattern: a fully resolved #FcPattern specifying the font on the system * @user_data: user data passed to pango_fc_font_map_add_decoder_find_func() * * Callback function passed to pango_fc_font_map_add_decoder_find_func(). * * Return value: a new reference to a custom decoder for this pattern, * or %NULL if the default decoder handling should be used. *} pango_fc_font_map_add_decoder_find_func: make routine! [ fcfontmap [integer!] findfunc [PangoFcDecoderFindFunc] user_data [gpointer] dnotify [integer!];[callback] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_font_map_add_decoder_find_func" pango_fc_font_map_find_decoder: make routine! [ fcfontmap [integer!] pattern [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_font_map_find_decoder" pango_fc_font_description_from_pattern: make routine! [ pattern [integer!] include_size [gboolean] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_fc_font_description_from_pattern" {* * PANGO_FC_GRAVITY: * * String representing a fontconfig property name that Pango sets on any * fontconfig pattern it passes to fontconfig if a #PangoGravity other * than %PANGO_GRAVITY_SOUTH is desired. * * The property will have a #PangoGravity value as a string, like "east". * This can be used to write fontconfig configuration rules to choose * different fonts for horizontal and vertical writing directions. * * Since: 1.20 } PANGO_FC_GRAVITY: "pangogravity" {* * PANGO_FC_VERSION: * * String representing a fontconfig property name that Pango sets on any * fontconfig pattern it passes to fontconfig. * * The property will have an integer value equal to what * pango_version() returns. * This can be used to write fontconfig configuration rules that only affect * certain pango versions (or only pango-using applications, or only * non-pango-using applications). * * Since: 1.20 } PANGO_FC_VERSION: "pangoversion" {* * PANGO_FC_PRGNAME: * * String representing a fontconfig property name that Pango sets on any * fontconfig pattern it passes to fontconfig. * * The property will have a string equal to what * g_get_prgname() returns. * This can be used to write fontconfig configuration rules that only affect * certain applications. * * This is equivalent to FC_PRGNAME in versions of fontconfig that have that. * * Since: 1.24 } PANGO_FC_PRGNAME: "prgname" {* * PANGO_FC_FONT_FEATURES: * * String representing a fontconfig property name that Pango reads from font * patterns to populate list of OpenType features to be enabled for the font * by default. * * The property will have a number of string elements, each of which is the * OpenType feature tag of one feature to enable. * * This is equivalent to FC_FONT_FEATURES in versions of fontconfig that have that. * * Since: 1.34 } PANGO_FC_FONT_FEATURES: "fontfeatures" {* * PANGO_FC_FONT_VARIATIONS: * * String representing a fontconfig property name that Pango reads from font * patterns to populate list of OpenType font variations to be used for a font. * * The property will have a string elements, each of which a comma-separated * list of OpenType axis setting of the form AXIS=VALUE. } PANGO_FC_FONT_VARIATIONS: "fontvariations" ] if Pango_HAS_FT2 [ { pangoft2.h } { Pango * pangoft2.h: * * Copyright (C) 1999 Red Hat Software * Copyright (C) 2000 Tor Lillqvist * } { Calls for applications } pango_ft2_render: make routine! [ bitmap [integer!] font [integer!] glyphs [integer!] x [gint] y [gint] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_ft2_render" pango_ft2_render_transformed: make routine! [ bitmap [integer!] matrix [integer!] font [integer!] glyphs [integer!] x [integer!] y [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_ft2_render_transformed" pango_ft2_render_layout_line: make routine! [ bitmap [integer!] line [integer!] x [integer!] y [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_ft2_render_layout_line" pango_ft2_render_layout_line_subpixel: make routine! [ bitmap [integer!] line [integer!] x [integer!] y [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_ft2_render_layout_line_subpixel" pango_ft2_render_layout: make routine! [ bitmap [integer!] layout [integer!] x [integer!] y [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_ft2_render_layout" pango_ft2_render_layout_subpixel: make routine! [ bitmap [integer!] layout [integer!] x [integer!] y [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_ft2_render_layout_subpixel" pango_ft2_font_map_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_ft2_font_map_get_type" pango_ft2_font_map_new: make routine! [ return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_ft2_font_map_new" pango_ft2_font_map_set_resolution: make routine! [ fontmap [integer!] dpi_x [double] dpi_y [double] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_ft2_font_map_set_resolution" pango_ft2_font_map_set_default_substitute: make routine! [ fontmap [integer!] func [PangoFT2SubstituteFunc] data [gpointer] notify [GDestroyNotify] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_ft2_font_map_set_default_substitute" pango_ft2_font_map_substitute_changed: make routine! [ fontmap [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_ft2_font_map_substitute_changed" { API for rendering modules } ] if Pango_HAS_WIN32 [ { TrueType defines: } { #define MAKE_TT_TABLE_NAME(c1, c2, c3, c4) \ (((guint32)c4) << 24 | ((guint32)c3) << 16 | ((guint32)c2) << 8 | ((guint32)c1)) #define CMAP (MAKE_TT_TABLE_NAME('c','m','a','p')) } CMAP_HEADER_SIZE: 4 ;#define NAME (MAKE_TT_TABLE_NAME('n','a','m','e')) NAME_HEADER_SIZE: 6 ENCODING_TABLE_SIZE: 8 APPLE_UNICODE_PLATFORM_ID: 0 MACINTOSH_PLATFORM_ID: 1 ISO_PLATFORM_ID: 2 MICROSOFT_PLATFORM_ID: 3 SYMBOL_ENCODING_ID: 0 UNICODE_ENCODING_ID: 1 UCS4_ENCODING_ID: 10 { All the below structs must be packed! } cmap_encoding_subtable: make struct! [ platform_id [guint16] encoding_id [guint16] offset [guint32] ] none ; format_4_cmap: make struct! [ format [guint16] length [guint16] language [guint16] seg_count_x_2 [guint16] search_range [guint16] entry_selector [guint16] range_shift [guint16] reserved [guint16] arrays [guint16] ;[1]; ] none ; format_12_cmap: make struct! [ format [guint16] reserved [guint16] length [guint32] language [guint32] count [guint32] groups [guint32] ;[1]; ] none ; name_header: make struct! [ format_selector [guint16] num_records [guint16] string_storage_offset [guint16] ] none ; name_record: make struct! [ platform_id [guint16] encoding_id [guint16] language_id [guint16] name_id [guint16] string_length [guint16] string_offset [guint16] ] none ; { pangowin32.h } { Pango * pangowin32.h: * * Copyright (C) 1999 Red Hat Software * Copyright (C) 2000 Tor Lillqvist * Copyright (C) 2001 Alexander Larsson * } {* * PANGO_RENDER_TYPE_WIN32: * * A string constant identifying the Win32 renderer. The associated quark (see * g_quark_from_string()) is used to identify the renderer in pango_find_map(). } PANGO_RENDER_TYPE_WIN32: "PangoRenderWin32" { Calls for applications } pango_win32_render: make routine! [ hdc [HDC] font [integer!] glyphs [integer!] x [gint] y [gint] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_win32_render" pango_win32_render_layout_line: make routine! [ hdc [HDC] line [integer!] x [integer!] y [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_win32_render_layout_line" pango_win32_render_layout: make routine! [ hdc [HDC] layout [integer!] x [integer!] y [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_win32_render_layout" pango_win32_render_transformed: make routine! [ hdc [HDC] matrix [integer!] font [integer!] glyphs [integer!] x [integer!] y [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_win32_render_transformed" ;#ifdef PANGO_ENABLE_ENGINE pango_win32_font_get_glyph_index: make routine! [ font [integer!] wc [gunichar] return: [gint] ] pango-lib "pango_win32_font_get_glyph_index" pango_win32_get_dc: make routine! [ return: [HDC] ] pango-lib "pango_win32_get_dc" pango_win32_get_debug_flag: make routine! [ return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_win32_get_debug_flag" pango_win32_font_select_font: make routine! [ font [integer!] hdc [HDC] return: [gboolean] ] pango-lib "pango_win32_font_select_font" pango_win32_font_done_font: make routine! [ font [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_win32_font_done_font" pango_win32_font_get_metrics_factor: make routine! [ font [integer!] return: [double] ] pango-lib "pango_win32_font_get_metrics_factor" ;#endif { API for libraries that want to use PangoWin32 mixed with classic * Win32 fonts. } pango_win32_font_cache_new: make routine! [ return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_win32_font_cache_new" pango_win32_font_cache_free: make routine! [ cache [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_win32_font_cache_free" pango_win32_font_cache_load: make routine! [ cache [integer!] logfont [integer!] return: [HFONT] ] pango-lib "pango_win32_font_cache_load" pango_win32_font_cache_loadw: make routine! [ cache [integer!] logfont [integer!] return: [HFONT] ] pango-lib "pango_win32_font_cache_loadw" pango_win32_font_cache_unload: make routine! [ cache [integer!] hfont [HFONT] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_win32_font_cache_unload" pango_win32_font_map_for_display: make routine! [ return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_win32_font_map_for_display" pango_win32_shutdown_display: make routine! [ return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_win32_shutdown_display" pango_win32_font_map_get_font_cache: make routine! [ font_map [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_win32_font_map_get_font_cache" pango_win32_font_logfont: make routine! [ font [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_win32_font_logfont" pango_win32_font_logfontw: make routine! [ font [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_win32_font_logfontw" pango_win32_font_description_from_logfont: make routine! [ lfp [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_win32_font_description_from_logfont" pango_win32_font_description_from_logfontw: make routine! [ lfp [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_win32_font_description_from_logfontw" ] if Pango_HAS_XFT [ { pangoxft-render.h } { Pango * pangoxft-render.h: Rendering routines for the Xft library * * Copyright (C) 2004 Red Hat Software * } {* * PangoXftRenderer: * * #PangoXftRenderer is a subclass of #PangoRenderer used for rendering * with Pango's Xft backend. It can be used directly, or it can be * further subclassed to modify exactly how drawing of individual * elements occurs. * * Since: 1.8 } _PangoXftRenderer: make struct! [ {< private >} parent_instance [PangoRenderer] display [integer!] screen [integer!] draw [integer!] priv [integer!] ] none ; pango_xft_renderer_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_xft_renderer_get_type" pango_xft_renderer_new: make routine! [ display [integer!] screen [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_xft_renderer_new" pango_xft_renderer_set_draw: make routine! [ xftrenderer [integer!] draw [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_xft_renderer_set_draw" pango_xft_renderer_set_default_color: make routine! [ xftrenderer [integer!] default_color [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_xft_renderer_set_default_color" pango_xft_render: make routine! [ draw [integer!] color [integer!] font [integer!] glyphs [integer!] x [gint] y [gint] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_xft_render" pango_xft_picture_render: make routine! [ display [integer!] src_picture [Picture] dest_picture [Picture] font [integer!] glyphs [integer!] x [gint] y [gint] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_xft_picture_render" pango_xft_render_transformed: make routine! [ draw [integer!] color [integer!] matrix [integer!] font [integer!] glyphs [integer!] x [integer!] y [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_xft_render_transformed" pango_xft_render_layout_line: make routine! [ draw [integer!] color [integer!] line [integer!] x [integer!] y [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_xft_render_layout_line" pango_xft_render_layout: make routine! [ draw [integer!] color [integer!] layout [integer!] x [integer!] y [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_xft_render_layout" { pangoxft.h } { Pango * pangoxft.h: * * Copyright (C) 1999 Red Hat Software * Copyright (C) 2000 SuSE Linux Ltd * } { Calls for applications } pango_xft_get_font_map: make routine! [ display [integer!] screen [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_xft_get_font_map" pango_xft_shutdown_display: make routine! [ display [integer!] screen [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_xft_shutdown_display" pango_xft_set_default_substitute: make routine! [ display [integer!] screen [integer!] func [PangoXftSubstituteFunc] data [gpointer] notify [GDestroyNotify] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_xft_set_default_substitute" pango_xft_substitute_changed: make routine! [ display [integer!] screen [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_xft_substitute_changed" pango_xft_font_map_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_xft_font_map_get_type" pango_xft_font_get_type: make routine! [ return: [GType] ] pango-lib "pango_xft_font_get_type" { For shape engines } ;#ifdef PANGO_ENABLE_ENGINE pango_xft_font_get_font: make routine! [ font [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_xft_font_get_font" pango_xft_font_get_display: make routine! [ font [integer!] return: [integer!] ] pango-lib "pango_xft_font_get_display" ;#endif { PANGO_ENABLE_ENGINE } ] ; {************************************************************ ** Rebol specific functions ************************************************************} mini_make-pango-doc: funct [string [string!] size][ digit: charset [#"0" - #"9"] hexdigit: union digit charset "abcdefABCDEF" space: charset " ^-" no-dec: complement charset "^/*/_#" col: copy "" txt: copy "" text: copy "" bold: [ "**" (append text "*") | "*" copy txt to "*" "*" (append text <b> parse/all txt part-line append text </b>) ] italic: [ "//" (append text "/") | "/" copy txt to "/" "/" (append text <i> parse/all txt part-line append text </i>) ] underline: [ "__" (append text "_") | "_" copy txt to "_" "_" (append text <u> parse/all txt part-line append text </u>) ] ; color eg. the #green#tree# is a vegetable, the #00FF45#leafs of it# are another color: [ "##" (append text "#") | "#" [copy col 6 hexdigit (col: mold to-issue col) | copy col to "#" ] "#" copy txt to "#" "#" ( append text append copy <span color=> mold col parse/all txt part-line append text </span> ) ] part-line: [some [ bold | italic | underline | color | copy txt some no-dec (append text txt) ]] text-line: [some [part-line newline (append text newline)]] paragraph: [text-line (emit-size medium text)] bull-line: [part-line newline opt [newline (append text newline)] (emit indent 0 - (size * 2.5) head insert text "^-•^-") ] bull-list: [some [tab "*" some space bull-line]] section: [text-line (emit-size xx-large text)] subsect: [text-line (emit-size large text)] parts: [ newline | "===" section | "---" subsect | bull-list | paragraph ] emit: func ['word value string] [ append out reduce [word value 'markup form string] clear text ] emit-size: func ['attr data][ append out reduce ['indent 0 'markup rejoin [{<span size="} attr {">} data </span>]] clear text ] out: copy [] parse/all string [some parts] out ] system/error: make system/error [ pango-cairo: make object! [ code: 1010 type: "Pango cairo Error" syntax: ["in text block Near: " :arg1] ] ] draw-pango-text: funct [ ; all locals "Draws markup text using pango-cairo graphics to a face's image. Returns total size." [catch] face [object!] block [block!] /local ; these are "setted" inside rules value ][ ;recycle ;recycle/off ; avoid crush when using images image: face/image: any [face/image make image! (face/size - edge-size? face)] image/alpha: 255 ; clear alpha cairo-ctx: cairo_create surface: image-to-surface image ; make clear transparent background (otherwise transparencies are "partial") cairo_set_operator cairo-ctx CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR cairo_set_source_rgba cairo-ctx 1 1 1 1 cairo_paint cairo-ctx cairo_set_operator cairo-ctx CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER ; restore default cairo_set_source_rgba cairo-ctx 0 0 0 1 ; default color is black pango-lay: pango_cairo_create_layout cairo-ctx if face/para/wrap? [ pango_layout_set_width pango-lay image/size/x - (face/para/origin/x + face/para/margin/x) * PANGO_SCALE ] ;pango_layout_set_height pango-lay image/size/y - (face/para/origin/y + face/para/margin/y) * PANGO_SCALE tab-arr: pango_tab_array_new 0 1 ; these 2 tabs are for the bullet list, and should be inside pango-layout block pango_tab_array_set_tab tab-arr 0 PANGO_TAB_LEFT face/font/size pango_tab_array_set_tab tab-arr 1 PANGO_TAB_LEFT face/font/size * 2.5 pango_layout_set_tabs pango-lay tab-arr f.d.: pango_font_description_from_string reform [face/font/name face/font/size] pango_layout_set_font_description pango-lay f.d. point1: face/para/origin offset: point1 + face/para/scroll cairo_move_to cairo-ctx offset/x offset/y pen: black bgpen: white left: top: right: bottom: 0 ; block: convert-block-words compose/deep block fail: [end skip] rules: [ 'INDENT set value opt number! (pango_layout_set_indent pango-lay (any [value 0]) * PANGO_SCALE) | 'MARKUP set value string! ( offset: point1 + face/para/scroll cairo_move_to cairo-ctx offset/x offset/y pango_layout_set_markup pango-lay value -1 pango_cairo_show_layout cairo-ctx pango-lay &w: int-ptr &h: int-ptr pango_layout_get_pixel_size pango-lay &w &h { ; only for debug ;print [&w/value &h/value] cairo_set_line_width cairo-ctx 1 cairo_rectangle cairo-ctx offset/x offset/y &w/value &h/value cairo_stroke cairo-ctx } point1: point1 + (&h/value * 0x1 + 0x1) right: max right (point1/x + &w/value) bottom: max bottom point1/y ) | 'TEXT set value string! ( bg: "" if tuple? bgpen [ bg: mold copy/part to-hex to-integer to-binary bgpen + 6; ;alpha only v.>1.38 bg: rejoin [{background="} bg {"}] ] offset: point1 + face/para/scroll cairo_move_to cairo-ctx offset/x offset/y pango_layout_set_markup pango-lay rejoin ["<span " bg ">" value "</span>"] -1 pango_cairo_show_layout cairo-ctx pango-lay ) | 'MOVE set point1 pair! ( cairo_move_to cairo-ctx point1/x point1/y left: min left point1/x top: min top point1/y ) | 'FOREGROUND set pen tuple! ( pen: pen + cairo_set_source_rgba cairo-ctx pen/1 / 255.0 pen/2 / 255.0 pen/3 / 255.0 255 - pen/4 / 255.0 ) | 'BACKGROUND set bgpen tuple! | 'ELLIPSIZE set value logic! (pango_layout_set_ellipsize pango-lay either value [PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END][PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE]) ;| tab | tabs | width | height | align | wrap | spacing | justify | font | font-description ; etc. ; ;| block! ; just skip ;| set var word! (go: either none? try [get var] [[]][fail]) go | pos: (if not tail? pos [throw make error! reduce ['pango-cairo 'syntax mold pos]]) thru end ] parse head block [some rules] cairo_surface_flush surface cairo_surface_finish surface image/rgb: white image/alpha: 255 ; same as Rebol-AGG but doesn't seem the better choice draw image reduce ['image surface-to-image surface] pango_font_description_free f.d. pango_tab_array_free tab-arr ; SHOULD I REALLY NEED TO OPEN ANOTHER DLL ONLY TO FREE SOME MEM ALLOCATED BY PANGO ??!!! g_object_unref pango-lay cairo_destroy cairo-ctx cairo_surface_destroy surface ;recycle/on ;recycle face/para/margin + as-pair (right - left) (bottom - top) ] {************************************************************ *** example • ************************************************************} do ; just comment this line to avoid executing example [ if system/script/title = "libpango library interface" [;do examples only if script started by us ; doc-ify and styl-ize license license: system/license replace/all license "^/^/" "##" replace/all license "^/" " " replace/all license "##" "^/^/" replace/case license "REBOL End" "===REBOL End" replace/case license "IMPORTANT. READ CAREFULLY." "---*IMPORTANT. READ CAREFULLY.*" replace/case license "REBOL grants" "^-* REBOL grants" replace/case license "The copy" "^-* The copy" replace/case license "You agree" "^-* You agree" replace/case license "You may re" "^-* You may re" replace/case license "WWW.REBOL.COM" "#blue#_WWW.REBOL.COM_#" replace/case/all license "REBOL " "#brown#*REBOL*# " replace/case/all license "AGREEMENT" "/*AGREEMENT*/" ;probe markedup-license: mini_make-pango-doc license 12 ; 12 is font size width: 390 height: 256 eat_events: func [{derived from flush_events 12-May-2007 Anton Rolls} /only events [block!] /local evt] [ events: any [events [move]] ; Remove the event-port remove find system/ports/wait-list system/view/event-port ; Clear the event port of queued events while [evt: pick system/view/event-port 1][if not find events evt/type [do evt]] ; fixed by luce80 ; Re-add the event-port to the wait-list insert system/ports/wait-list system/view/event-port ] insert-event-func func [face event /local siz][ if event/type = 'resize [ face: event/face siz: face/size - face/user-data/size ; compute size difference face/user-data/size: face/size ; store new size resize-faces face siz show face ] event ] resize-faces: func [window siz [pair!]] [ image-title/size: image-title/size + (siz * 1x0) image-title/image: make image! (image-title/size - edge-size? image-title) image-pango/size: image-pango/size + (siz * 1x1) image-pango/image: make image! (image-pango/size - edge-size? image-pango) scroller-pango/offset: scroller-pango/offset + (siz * 1x0) scroller-pango/resize scroller-pango/size + (siz * 0x1) ;sizer/offset: sizer/offset + (siz * 1x1) sizer/offset: win/size - sizer/size ; this flickers less ] win: layout [ image-title: image white as-pair width 50 para [] ;;;;;; <<<<<-- MUST create a new para since all faces share the same para ! feel [ redraw: func [face action position][ if action = 'show [ draw-pango-text face [ ellipsize true markup {<span foreground="blue">Blue text</span><span foreground="red" background="yellow" font="20"> <b>is</b> <i>cool</i>!</span> and black text is not that bad.} ] ] ] ] across image-pango: image white as-pair width height effect none ; avoid stretching edge [size: 1x1] font [name: "Serif" size: 12] para [] ;;;;;; <<<<<-- MUST create a new para since all faces share the same para ! feel [ redraw: func [face action position /local pre-total visible total][ if action = 'show [ visible: face/size/y - second edge-size? face pre-total: total: face/pango-size/y face/para/scroll/y: min 0 0 - scroller-pango/data * (total - visible) face/pango-size: draw-pango-text face markedup-license ; since total size could have been changed, recalc values total: face/pango-size/y face/para/scroll/y: min 0 0 - scroller-pango/data * (total - visible) scroller-pango/refresh visible total ; if resizing changed total size and scrolling then redraw if pre-total <> total [draw-pango-text face markedup-license] ] ] ] with [ pango-size: 0x0 ] pad -8x0 scroller-pango: scroller image-pango/size/y * 0x1 + 16x0 0.0 [ ;scrolling is done inside image-pango show show image-pango eat_events; speedup movement by avoiding following all events ] with [ refresh: func [visible total][ step: 1 / max 1 (total - visible) / 10 ; FIXME: 10 is arbitrary, which is the right value ? redrag min (max 1 visible) / (max 1 total) 1 self ] append init [ refresh 0 0 ] ] pad -28x0 sizer: box 21x21 edge [size: 1x1 effect: 'ibevel color:] effect [ draw [ line-width 1 pen line 2x20 20x2 line 7x20 20x7 line 12x20 20x12 pen line 3x20 20x3 line 8x20 20x8 line 13x20 20x13 ] ] feel [ engage: func [face action event /local root-face] [ if flag-face? face disabled [exit] if action = 'down [face/data: event/offset] if find [over away] action [ face/offset: face/offset + event/offset - face/data root-face: find-window face root-face/size: face/offset + face/size show root-face eat_events; speedup movement by avoiding following all events ] ] ] ] ; put sizer on window's bottom-right corner and keep it there sizer/user-data: sizer/offset: win/size - sizer/size win/user-data: reduce ['size win/size] view/options win 'resize free pango-cairo-lib free pango-lib free cairo-lib free gobject-lib ] ; if title ]
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage
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