104 scripts tagged as: [author · nick]
1 million rows grid - simplest | ||
1-million-rows-grid1.r | 591 bytes 11 Mar 2017 | Simplest demo of grid data display, using VID's 'list style
See http://re-bol.com/grid-list.r for more features author: nick |
1 million rows grid 2 | ||
1-million-rows-grid2.r | 914 bytes 11 Mar 2017 | Demo of grid data display, with some features (edit, save, arrow keys scroll),
using VID's 'list style
See http://re-bol.com/grid-list.r for more features author: nick |
1 million rows grid 3 | ||
1-million-rows-grid3.r | 2.2 KB 11 Mar 2017 | Demo of grid data display, with lots of features (save/load, add/remove, undo,
multiline edit, sort, search, key scroll, separator lines, etc.) using VID's 'list style.
See the minimal examples (grids 1 and 2) to learn the basics about using the
VID list widget. author: nick |
Little 3D Game | ||
3d-game.r | 3.8 KB 2 Jan 2017 | Try to click the bouncing REBOLs as many times as possible in 30 seconds.
The speed increases with each click! The 3D logic and calculations in this
script were taken directly from Gregory Pecheret's ebuc-cube script, at:
This script can also be found in the tutorial at http://re-bol.com [...] author: nick |
99 Bottles of Beer | ||
99-bottles-of-beer.r | 834 bytes 7 Dec 2013 | Prints the 99 Bottles of Beer song lyrics, with proper grammar.
Bottles changed to bottle at the end of the 2 line, and
throughout the 1 line. 0 changed to No in the last line. author: nick |
Always on Top | ||
always-on-top.r | 1.0 KB 23 Dec 2013 | Demonstrates how to use the Windows API to make a Rebol
application always stay on top of other windows (so that the
Rebol window is always visible in front of any other programs
that are opened). Be sure to use the view/new option, then
run the 2 Windows API functions, then do-events to show the
GUI. author: nick |
App Builder | ||
appbuilder.r | 26.4 KB 16 Feb 2017 | An app builder to help new students learn how to write Rebol code.
To create a user interface for a new app, just point and click any GUI widget
(button, text field, dropdown box, etc.). You'll be prompted to edit the properties
of each added widget, and you can add actions which will run when the user
interacts with the widget. Actions [...] author: nick |
Asynchronous Get Keys | ||
async-get-keys.r | 602 bytes 17 Apr 2010 | Demonstrates how to check for async keystrokes (including arrow keys) in the REBOL console.
Taken from the tutorial at http://re-bol.com author: nick |
Binary File Transfer | ||
binary-file-transfer.r | 1.2 KB 4 Dec 2009 | Demonstrates how to transfer binary files between 2 computers
connected by a TCP port. This is a shortened version of the script
explained at http://www.rebol.net/cookbook/recipes/0058.html .
There are 2 separate programs here - one to run as server, and another
to run as client. The script is configured to demonstrate on a single [...] author: nick |
Bingo Board | ||
bingo.r | 3.7 KB 12 Jan 2011 | Commercial bingo boards cost several thousand dollars. We hook this up
to a projector and use it to run Bingo for a non-profit organization :) author: nick |
Blogger | ||
blogger.r | 1.9 KB 22 Apr 2010 | This program allows users to create and add entries to an online blog page.
The GUI has text fields which allow the user to enter a title, link, and blog text,
as well as a button to select an image file which will be uploaded and included
in the blog entry. When the Upload button is clicked, an HTML file is created
and uploaded to [...] author: nick |
Captcha Example | ||
captcha-example.r | 1.0 KB 8 Apr 2010 | A minimal example demonstrating how to use the captcha library by SOFTINNOV:
NOTE: the first part of this script CAN be used to create catchpa images
in a non-graphic environment. You can, for example, run the first 6 lines
of this script on your web server - just be sure to use REBOL/command [...] author: nick |
Card File | ||
card-file.r | 2.0 KB 5 Mar 2010 | This is the quintessential simple text field storage application.
It can be used as shown here, to save contact information, but by
adjusting just a few lines of code and text labels, it could be easily
adapted to store recipes, home inventory information, or any other
type of related pages of data.
A version of this script [...] author: nick |
Catch Game | ||
catch-game.r | 1.1 KB 19 May 2010 | A tiny game to demonstrate the basics of VID.
Taken from the tutorial at http://re-bol.com author: nick |
CGI Event Calendar | ||
cgi-event-calendar.r | 2.4 KB 17 Apr 2010 | A web site CGI application that displays events in the current
calendar month, with links to specified event pages. Events
are stored in the file %bb.db, in the format:
["event 1" 18-Apr-2010 http://website.com/event1.html]
["event 2" 20-Apr-2010 http://website.com/event2.html]
["event 3" 20-Apr-2010 http://website.com/event3.html] [...] author: nick |
CGI FTP Folder Copy | ||
cgi-ftp-folder-copy.r | 655 bytes 17 Apr 2010 | A CGI script to copy entire directories of files from one web server to another.
Taken from the tutorial at http://re-bol.com author: nick |
chmod777to555 | ||
chmod777to555.r | 1.4 KB 17 Apr 2010 | I use this script to make sure that there are no files chmod'd to 777
on my webservers. Built in is a routine that collects and writes the
name of every folder and every file on my server, to a text file.
Taken from the tutorial at http://re-bol.com author: nick |
Choice Button Menu Example | ||
choice-button-menu-example.r | 1.6 KB 28 Sep 2010 | A quick way to add a simple menu to VID GUIs author: nick |
Coin Flip | ||
coinflip.r | 592 bytes 4 Dec 2013 | A little example for a student. Click the button to randomly flip the coin image.
Based on the example video at http://visualruby.net
Video at http://youtu.be/0zckFPgQ2Co author: nick |
Convert Decimal to Binary | ||
convert-decimal-to-binary.r | 392 bytes 2 Aug 2014 | A quick example demonstrating the technique at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdZqk8BXPwg author: nick |
Core Email | ||
core-email.r | 5.1 KB 12 Oct 2009 | A simple email program that can run in REBOL/Core - entirely
at the command line (no VID GUI components or View graphics
are required). You can store configuration information for as
many email accounts as you'd like in the accounts block, and
easily switch between them at any point in the program.
Taken from the [...] author: nick |
CRUD Builder | ||
crudbuilder.r | 2.6 KB 10 Dec 2013 | A simple GUI application builder. For each unique application, just copy this
script to a new file name, edit the 'filename used to store record data (replace
%mycruddatafile with a filename specific to each new app), and then edit the
'widgets block. Any field or area widgets assigned a label will automatically be
included in the [...] author: nick |
Days Between | ||
days-between.r | 1.4 KB 8 Aug 2009 | Compute the number of days between any two dates - super simple GUI example.
From the tutorial at http://musiclessonz.com/rebol.html author: nick |
Demo | ||
demo.r | 4.1 KB 14 Sep 2009 | Amazingly small REBOL demo app: 10 useful programs in only 2.5k
1 - FREEHAND PAINT: draw and save graphic images
2 - SNAKE GAME: eat food, avoid hitting the walls and yourself
3 - TILE PUZZLE, 15 : arrange the tiles into alphabetical order
4 - CALENDAR: save [...] author: nick |
File Download CGI | ||
file-download-cgi.r | 1.5 KB 10 Aug 2010 | Push file download from web server to browser. author: nick |
FizzBuzz | ||
fizzbuzz.r | 339 bytes 17 Apr 2010 | A 92 character version of the classic FizzBuzz program.
Taken from the tutorial at http://re-bol.com author: nick |
REBOL/flash Build Tool | ||
flash-build.r | 1.6 KB 8 Apr 2010 | A simple script to help new users experiment with editing, compiling and viewing
.swf files created with REBOL/flash. It uses the built-in REBOL text editor to
repeatedly run through the edit/compile/run process, so that code changes can
be made quickly and easily, and the compiled results viewed immediately in the
browser. [...] author: nick |
Format Decimal | ||
format-decimal.r discussion | 624 bytes 20 Aug 2010 | Converts decimal numbers formatted in scientific notation to decimal notation. author: nick |
HTML Form Server | ||
formserver.r | 1.7 KB 30 Dec 2013 | Creates a web server which serves an HTML form, and then
processes the data input by users. This can be useful when tallying
information from users on a Local Area Network. The users can use
any device (iPhone, Android, netbook, etc.) to enter information into
a shared system, as long as the device has a basic web browser
and [...] author: nick |
Forum Reader | ||
forum-reader.r | 1.3 KB 18 May 2010 | Offline reader to download, save, and read the entire collection
of forum messages at http://rebolforum.com (i.e., to keep the
messages for later reference). The message block is stored at
http://rebolforum.com/bb.db. author: nick |
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