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days-between.rREBOL [
title: "Days Between"
date: 9-feb-2009
file: %days-between.r
author: Nick Antonaccio
purpose: {
Compute the number of days between any two dates - super simple GUI example.
From the tutorial at
sd: ed: now/date
view center-face layout [
btn "Select Start Date" [
sd: request-date
sdt/text: to-string sd
show sdt
db/text: to-string ((to-date edt/text) - sd)
show db
sdt: field to-string sd [
either error? try [to-date sdt/text] [
alert "Improper date format."
] [
db/text: to-string ((to-date edt/text) - (to-date sdt/text))
show db
btn "Select End Date" [
ed: request-date
edt/text: to-string ed
show edt
db/text: to-string (ed - (to-date sdt/text))
show db
edt: field to-string ed [
either error? try [to-date edt/text] [
alert "Improper date format."
] [
db/text: to-string ((to-date edt/text) - (to-date sdt/text))
show db
h1 "Days Between:"
db: field "0" [
either error? try [to-integer db/text] [
alert "Please enter a number."
] [
edt/text: to-string (
(to-date sdt/text) + (to-integer db/text)
show edt
] |