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1-million-rows-grid3.rREBOL [
title: "1 million rows grid 3"
date: 11-mar-2017
file: %1-million-rows-grid3.r
author: Nick Antonaccio
purpose: {
Demo of grid data display, with lots of features (save/load, add/remove, undo,
multiline edit, sort, search, key scroll, separator lines, etc.) using VID's 'list style.
See the minimal examples (grids 1 and 2) to learn the basics about using the
VID list widget.
sp: 0 asc: false mx: cnt: 9999
repeat i cnt [repend/only x:[] [i random now join random"ab"random"cde^/"]]
scrl: func [arg] [sp: sp + arg sl/data: sp / length? x show g]
srt: func [f] [
sort/compare x func[a b][(at a f) < (at b f)]
if asc: not asc [reverse x] show li
do [request-big: do replace replace replace mold :request-text
{field 300} "area 400x300" {with [flags: [return]]} "" {194} "294"]
updt: func [f] [f/text: request-big/default f/text show li]
view center-face g: layout [
across h4 "ID" 55 [srt 1] h4 "Date" 170 [srt 2] h4 "Text" [srt 3] return
li: list 330x400 [
text 55 blue [cnt: face/data]
text 170
text 80x30 rebolor [updt face]
return box black 400x1
] supply [
if none? e: pick x count: count + sp [face/text: none exit]
face/text: pick e index face/data: count
sl: slider 20x400 [sp: value * length? x show li] return
btn #"^~" "Remove" [ud: first at x cnt remove at x cnt show li]
btn "Undo" [if value? 'ud [insert/only at x cnt ud unset 'ud show g]]
btn "Add" [
mx: mx + 1
insert/only at x ++ cnt + 1 reduce[mx random now random "abcd"] show li
btn "Search" [
if find reduce[p: request-list"Field:"[1 2 3]h: request-text]none[exit]
u: copy[] foreach i x [foreach [j k l] i [
if find pick reduce [form j form k form l] p h [append u form i]
]] if empty? u [notify "Not found" exit] fnd: request-list "" u
repeat i length? x [if (fnd = form x/:i)[sp: i - 1 break]] show g
btn "Col2" [foreach [i j] x [append y:[] i/2] editor y]
btn "Save" [attempt [save to-file request-file/save/file %grid.txt x]]
btn "Load" [attempt [x: load request-file/only/file %grid.txt show li]]
key keycode [down][scrl 10] key keycode [up][scrl -10]
] |