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Discussion threads (by Date)

VID1 for R3
113.6 KB
17 Apr 2022
Lets you use VID1 with R3
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Discussion posts: 31. Latest by: alexliam113 on 25-Jul.
5.4 KB
11 Sep 2004
a tool for coding the mailto info in a html page and avoid some spam
author: Philippe Le Goff
Discussion posts: 31. Latest by: mitch on 24-Jul.
args - generic command-line argument parser.
29.9 KB
17 Dec 2008
End to end command-line argument management. Using a command-line description dialect parse a command-line and if its valid, construct a context which reflects it.
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
Discussion posts: 110. Latest by: mitch on 24-Jul.
2.8 KB
2 Oct 2020
Func defines a function with given spec and body that remembers its arguments and locals after return. Clean-func defines a function with given spec and body that does not remember its arguments and locals after return.
author: Ladislav Mecir
Discussion posts: 14. Latest by: zognedamli on 19-Jul.
21.3 KB
17 Jul 2009
Zip archiver / unarchiver
author: Vincent Ecuyer
Discussion posts: 22. Latest by: dorischappel on 19-Jul.
better-than-nothing sqlite3 handler
5.7 KB
30 Jan 2006
easy access to sqlite3 database without /Pro or /Command features
author: Piotr Gapinski
Discussion posts: 80. Latest by: kyzer on 18-Jul.
CGI common procedures
8.0 KB
10 Nov 2011
This is a collection of functions that could be used in a CGI program. There is nothing in this module that has not been done better by others, but the code is more heavily annotated for beginners. Separate documentation explains how to use the functions. The comments should be helpful also. None of this is my original creation. I just assembled and annotated, [...]
author: Steven White
Discussion posts: 31. Latest by: annasmith on 17-Jul.
1.8 KB
13 Mar 2003
Provides an associative memory store.
author: Andrew Martin
Discussion posts: 40. Latest by: annasmith on 16-Jul.
Micro Web Server
2.1 KB
13 Mar 2003
Here is a web server that works quite well and can be run from just about any machine. It's not only fast, but its also small so it's easy to enhance.
author: [unknown]
Discussion posts: 36. Latest by: andyyyyy on 16-Jul.
SMTP challenger
1.5 KB
26 Nov 2005
Issues an smtp challenge to see if recipient email address exists. Some mail servers will respond okay anyway to protect users from spammers.
author: Graham Chiu
Discussion posts: 16. Latest by: fesicop12 on 15-Jul.
Dialect Object Model
5.4 KB
4 Jun 2022
This script is used on data Sequence key value pairs with various different syntax styles such as DOM Vars, html,xml,css, objects, arrays, json, rebol series, etc. It attempts to reformat malformed key/value data found in a SL that's usually delimited as objects, arrays, or json statement. It requotes *" *, and can creates tagged node-elements for look up in Dialect Object Models. Witch then can be set as Vars to be used with rebol-DOM functions. You can allso fine tune your own delimiter rules as characters or words patterens to use with the strip-obj-chars-from() function. (DSL: domain specific language)
author: [unknown]
Discussion posts: 131. Latest by: marco on 14-Jul.
REBOL Blogger
39.0 KB
11 Jul 2007
The blog system written and used by Carl Sassenrath, REBOL's creator. This script will let you post and update blogs on your website using just a web browser. Generates summary and index pages, blog searches, etc. Extensible with Makedoc2 for more formatting options.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Discussion posts: 78. Latest by: fritzsara522 on 12-Jul.
37.1 KB
13 Mar 2003
Visual Layout Editor, now accepts more than 6 layouts
author: Carl Sassenrath, Ammon Johnson
Discussion posts: 13. Latest by: zognedamli on 12-Jul.
FastCGI Broker
2.6 KB
15 Dec 2005
Rebol script broker for a hooked rebol interpreter launched as a FastCGI application. This is the root script which runs others scripts on request of the FastCGI peer. This enables REBOL/Core or REBOL/View to act as a FastCGI application without the need for REBOL/Command. This script only works on Windows with a patched REBOL interpreter. Details available at [...]
author: Pascal Hurni
Discussion posts: 44. Latest by: olive on 11-Jul.
Do pairs
861 bytes
9 Mar 2016
Do pairs with values from a block
author: Christian Le Corre
Discussion posts: 12. Latest by: sandy76 on 10-Jul.
JSON to Rebol converter
14.2 KB
6 Sep 2013
Convert a JSON string to Rebol data, and vice versa.
author: douglas crockford
Discussion posts: 97. Latest by: chavesarlene on 8-Jul.
1.0 KB
13 Mar 2003
Cumulates values in a block together, by successively applying the function to each value in Series.
author: Andrew Martin
Discussion posts: 84. Latest by: olive on 4-Jul.
Textpad syntax generator
3.3 KB
6 Sep 2010
Textpad syntax generator for Textpad 4.4 (and above) Highlighter gets lost with {{}}
author: John Kenyon
Discussion posts: 5. Latest by: gunthered on 4-Jul.
pluginable analog alarm clock
3.5 KB
20 Sep 2004
aproximate an analog clock and add alarm
author: Tom Conlin
Discussion posts: 52. Latest by: usaew2312 on 2-Jul.
Dialect Object Model
61.9 KB
4 Jun 2022
%Rebol-DOM.r mdlparser.r is a copy of the %Rebol-DOM.r mdlparser. The first copy would not download so i appended the *.r to it, wich seemed to make it able to become downloadable now. So...., down load it and tell me all about its glorious [...]
author: daniel
Discussion posts: 237. Latest by: usaew2312 on 2-Jul.
Area with scrollers style
13.7 KB
27 Sep 2004
This is a new area style with possible vertical and/or horizontal scrollers. It allow selection of text outside the viewable area and have a read-only mode.
author: Didier Cadieu (alias DideC)
Discussion posts: 32. Latest by: sekkidarku on 2-Jul.
626 bytes
8 Jul 2003
Averages the values in the Block.
author: Andrew Martin
Discussion posts: 107. Latest by: sarausa0106 on 28-Jun.
The Kasper Program
2.1 KB
13 Jun 2008
Please Ingri (my sister, the dog owner)
author: [unknown]
Discussion posts: 33. Latest by: hallyhaa on 28-Jun.
CGI wrapper function for debugging
2.6 KB
7 Jan 2005
Provides debugging info for scripts running as a CGI under a webserver
author: Sunanda
Discussion posts: 123. Latest by: jimmyberd on 18-Jun.
File globbing module and dialect
30.2 KB
19 Oct 2006
Given a file spec, and optional criteria for date, size, and attributes, the FILE-LIST function returns a block of files that match the spec and criteria. It is also a test-bed for how to integrate dialects with one-another. There are sub-dialects for date, size, and attribute tests, and FILE-LIST encapsulates those, along [...]
author: Gregg Irwin
Discussion posts: 50. Latest by: lekiwap5 on 17-Jun.
Synchronizable Calendar/Scheduler
1.4 KB
18 Oct 2013
Easy-to-use Calendar/Scheduler that can be synchronized over a network, and has popup-alerts.
author: Izkata
Discussion posts: 28. Latest by: sandy76 on 11-Jun.
57.8 KB
7 Feb 2004
Parses the make-doc-pro markup language into a datastructure that can be into other document formats (such as HTML) with good titles, table of contents, section headers, indented fixed-spaced examples, bullets and definitons.
author: Robert M. Münch
Discussion posts: 1. Latest by: nanasi12 on 11-Jun.
(R)EBOL (Un)it
19.1 KB
31 May 2008
RUn is a TestCase Framework wich allows the use of TestCases as defined by the eXtreme Programming development methodology and the test-driven development
author: Christophe 'REBOLtof' Coussement
Discussion posts: 23. Latest by: emmausa0106 on 10-Jun.
Telnet protcol scheme
4.8 KB
6 May 2003
A telnet protocol scheme
author: Frank Sievertsen
Discussion posts: 12. Latest by: sarausa0106 on 10-Jun.
Mapping a picture onto a 3D Sphere
63.5 KB
21 Feb 2006
A 3D Perspective demo
author: [unknown]
Discussion posts: 19. Latest by: pop70205 on 6-Jun.
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