Script Library: 1238 scripts


REBOL [ File: %quote-node-attributes.r Date: 23-11-2020 Title: "Dialect Object Model" Author: daniel murrill Emai: %inetw3--dm--gmail--com Purpose: { This script is used on data Sequence key value pairs with various different syntax styles such as DOM Vars, html,xml,css, objects, arrays, json, rebol series, etc. It attempts to reformat malformed key/value data found in a ^DSL that's usually delimited as objects, arrays, or json statement. It requotes *" "*, and can creates tagged node-elements for look up in Dialect Object Models. Witch then can be set as Vars to be used with rebol-DOM functions. You can allso fine tune your own delimiter rules as characters or words patterens to use with the strip-obj-chars-from() function. ^(DSL: domain specific language) } ] library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: 'all type: function domain: [html vid css json js array] tested-under: 'windows Author: daniel murrill support: none license: none see-also: %HTML-view.r ] ;You can use quote-node-attributes with parameters for more flexibility if needed. ;Replace *does* with *quote-node-attributes: func [(parameters: in-node-element)]* ;Make sure you include *create-tag-element with-these-attributes* ;replace sequence obj. chars. obj-chars: none strip-obj-chars-from: func [node-name obj-chars][ trim node-name remove-head-char? form node-name {"} foreach [-char +char] obj-chars: any [reduce obj-chars [ #"^/" " " " " " " {" , "} {" } {", "} {" } "," " " {" "} {" } {" : "} {: "} {":"} {: "} {":} {:} { " } "" {"[["} {"[[" "} "{" "[" "}" "]" {""} {"} { "} "" " : " ": " ":" " " { =} {=} {=} " " "'" "" "#" " " "'" {"}] ][ replace/all node-name -char +char ] ] ;replace html in-line style-obj chars. tag-tokens: to-hash [ style-obj-chars [ "<" "" {style="} " " {style=} " " " : " { "} ": " { "} ":" {*"} " " {__} {=""} " " "=" {*"} ";" {"*} {""} {"} { "} {"} {*"} { "} {"*} {" } " >" "" ">" "" "rgb" "" {__"} {"} {" "} {"} ] ] remove-tail-char?: func [in-node element][ foreach char element [ all [char = back tail to string! in-node remove back tail in-node] ] ] remove-head-char?: func [in-node element][ type: type? in-node foreach char element [ all [char = any [first to-string in-node form first in-node] to type trim to-string any [attempt [remove in-node] remove form in-node]] ] ] quote-node-attributes: does [with-these-attributes: copy "" remove-tail-char? in-node-element "/" this-node: find/match in-node-element replace node-name: first parse/all in-node-element { =">} "<" "" strip-obj-chars-from in-node-element [ #"^/" " " {:"} {"} ": {" "=true {" { ="" } {="" } { ="} " " {"=""} " " {="" } {" } "://" "&&" ] if find/any this-node "style=" [ parse/all this-node [ [to {style="} | to "style="] copy style-obj [thru {;" } | thru {;">} | thru {;>} | thru {;"} | thru {" } | thru {>} | thru "}," | to end] ( *style.node: copy style-obj foreach [style-chars found-with-in] tag-tokens/style-obj-chars [ replace/all *style.node style-chars found-with-in ] replace this-node style-obj *style.node ) ] ] foreach part replace/all this-node: parse/all this-node {<{} __,=":;[]>} [""] [] [ part: any [if find/match part "'" [ replace/all part "'" ""] part ] strip-obj-chars-from part [" " " " {,} " " "&&" "://" ". " "." {=null} {=""} "'" "" {""} "" "none" ""] append with-these-attributes mold form part ] ] create-tag-element: func [these-attr][ in-attribute-blk: to-block these-attr foreach [attr-name attr-value] in-attribute-blk [ replace in-attribute-blk attr-name to-word attr-name attempt [trim attr-value] ] attempt [insert in-attribute-blk to-word trim/all node-name] data-node: build-tag in-attribute-blk ] with-these-attributes: copy "" ;In the DOM everything grouped is a node. individual key value pairs are elements of a group. ;so we are *in a *node to requote *elements ;How to use: "this is a node full of messed up elements from a bad robot." in-node-element: {p "color":= "#0000ff" bgcolor="yellow",, "width" : "399" "height":"100", "font-styles" : "big" style={"color: green; bgcolor: purple;"} } quote-node-attributes create-tag-element with-these-attributes ;or ;quote-node-attributes ;You can also try using the Dialect Object Model *Var on your key/value data without having ;to know or care if it's malformed. It will select proper key values for multiple syntax styles ;written in string and block formats. ;with rebol set-word: & series contacts: [{Bestfriend: "[{"first": "Besty", "last": "Bestest", "number": 777-9211}]"}] ;Var 'contacts ;with rebol-dom's string! sequence ;markup-DOM [contacts: [ ; {Bestfriend: "[{"first": "Besty", "last": "Bestest", "number": 777-9211}]"} ; ] ;] Var dom/.contacts/.Bestfriend Bestfriend[first].[last].[number] ;or just... ;Var contacts: = {Bestfriend: "[{"first": "Besty", "last": "Bestest", "number": 777-9211}]"} ;Bestfriend[first] or.. contacts: :array-obj!, *![contacts] ;Bestfriend = { print {"Her first name is " ${first} |n} print {"Her last name is " ${last} |n.} print {"Her number is " ${number} |n.} }
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage