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37.1 KB
13 Mar 2003
Visual Layout Editor, now accepts more than 6 layouts
author: Carl Sassenrath, Ammon Johnson
35.7 KB
13 Mar 2003
Visual Layout Editor
author: Carl Sassenrath
REBOL Standard Document Formatter
9.3 KB
10 Jan 2005
(See MakeDoc2 for the latest version.) Converts very simple text file format into other document formats (such as HTML) with good titles, table of contents, section headers, indented fixed-spaced examples, bullets and definitons. Does the formatting so you can focus on the hard part: the words.
author: Carl Sassenrath
88.4 KB
12 Jun 2005
Easy to use VID compatible REBOL menu system (early Beta). Have menus in your REBOL apps, finally.
author: Christian Ensel
Specs Document Converter (Text to HTML)
4.3 KB
10 Jan 2005
(See MakeDoc2 for the latest version.) We use this script to save a lot of time when writing specification documents here at REBOL HQ. Very little notation is required to produce good looking HTML documents with titles, table of contents, section headers, indented fixed-spaced examples, sidebars , and more. Does all the formatting so we can focus on writing the words (the hard [...]
author: Carl Sassenrath
No 'REBOL -' in title bar
no-rebol-in-title-bar.r1.2 KB
11 Mar 2010
Remove the deault REBOL - text from _all_ GUI title bars, including alerts and requestors.
author: nick
AIOE Newsgroup Test
13.3 KB
8 Mar 2008
- an application of NNTP protocol - and an introduction
author: R.v.d.Zee
Text-Lists With One Row Hi-lite
6.8 KB
23 Jun 2006
The script was written to illustrate how a single hi-lite bar can be used with a group of text-lists. The single bar is used instead of the in-built hi-lite of the text-list style. In a group of the default text-lists, all occurrences of identical data are hi-lighted if any one of them is picked - and so no uniform hi-lite bar can be presented. The iter co-ordinates [...]
author: R.v.d.Zee
Presentation viewer
presenter.r17.6 KB
3 Nov 2011
Display a little power-point-like slide show, where the slides are read from a text file and consist of VID code describing each slide. It could be used by someone who wants to give a simple slide show without attacking a more useful, but also more complicated, presentation program.
author: Steven White
PDF Maker
51.2 KB
18 Aug 2007
A dialect to create PDF files from REBOL.
author: Gabriele Santilli
JS Promises
54.6 KB
28 Apr 2020
A Rebol-style implementation of JS Promises
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Simple file manager
18.5 KB
19 Jul 2003
A simple file manager
author: Gabriele Santilli
Pop-down style example
8.8 KB
17 Oct 2020
A quick way to add a simple pop-down to VID GUIs
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Spin-number style example
11.0 KB
17 Oct 2020
A quick way to add a simple spin-number to VID GUIs
author: Marco Antoniazzi
CMS - web site builder
sitebuilder.cgi125.6 KB
22 Dec 2012
Easily create, edit, and arrange HTML pages on your web site. Upload existing content files or use the built-in WSYIWYG HTML editor (from to layout pages visually, without having to write any code. It works just like a word processor, except it runs directly in your browser, right on your web site. You can adjust fonts, colors, and other [...]
author: nick
TFACE: Scrolling text face
tface.r16.9 KB
3 Nov 2011
This is a module that can be included in a larger program with the command 'do %tface.r' and it will provide a function (TFACE-SHOW-TEXT <text-string-parameter>' that will display a passed text string in a scrolling window. This code was copied from the REBOL cookbook and annotated so that the copier could understand it.
author: Steven White with help from Carl
Text to HTML Converter
2.4 KB
6 May 2003
A useful doc formatting language. Converts text to HTML with titles, sections, sub-sections, and code. Is used to create all REBOL How-to documents.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Title Bar - Windows API
title-bar.r1.8 KB
2 Jul 2008
This example demonstrates how to use the Windows API to adjust the title bar in your Rebol programs. Just include this code in your script if you need to eliminate the default 'Rebol - ' text at the top of your GUI programs. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
36.7 KB
17 Nov 2013
icon for vid-build.rEasily create VID guis
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Web Server Management Tool
web-tool.cgi19.2 KB
4 Oct 2009
A CGI script to manage your web server. List directory contents, upload, download, edit, and search for files, execute OS commands (chmod, ls, mv, cp, etc. - any command available on your web server's operating system), and run REBOL commands directly on your server. Edited files are automatically backed up into an edit_history folder [...]
author: [unknown]
Estimate size of a REBOL application
13.2 KB
7 Dec 2008
[no purpose header found]
author: Sunanda
Display Black Text
512 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Display black text on a white background.
author: Anonymous
7.5 KB
13 Aug 2004
Demonstrates how to set session cookies and use them to retrieve session variables. Much of the code has been cobbled together from much more structured (ie not all in one module) code used by itself
author: Sunanda
Mass mailer
6.1 KB
15 Feb 2011
icon for massmailer.rMass emailng the world!
author: Massimiliano Vessi
Simple REBOL Text Parser
6.7 KB
9 Mar 2013
Parse text using a REBOL grammar and index values found within it.
author: Brett Handley