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cookie-example.r#!c:\rebol\lib-core\rebol.exe -cs
;; you will need your own shebang on the line above
Title: "cookie-example.r"
Date: 6-october-2003
Version: 1.0.1
File: %cookie-example.r
Author: "Sunanda"
Purpose: {Demonstrates how to set session cookies and use them to retrieve
session variables. Much of the code has been cobbled together from
much more structured (ie not all in one module) code used by itself}
library: [
level: 'intermediate
platform: 'all
type: 'demo
domain: [cgi web]
tested-under: none
support: none
license: bsd
see-also: none
;; function to send page
;; ----------------------
send-output: func [html [string!]]
print "Content-type: text/html^/"
print html
; =======================================
clear-place-holders: func [str [string!]
/local out-str ph
len old-len
;; ---------------------------------------
;; In some pages we'll have some place-holders
;; left over when we've finished replacing the
;; ones in use. This function removes the
;; remaining ones.
;; A place-holder is identified as starting
;; and ending with "!!".
;; -------------------------------------------
out-str: copy str
forever [
ph: none
parse/all out-str [thru "!!" copy ph to "!!"]
if none? ph [break]
replace/all out-str join "!!" [ph "!!"] ""
return trim/lines out-str ;; no one needs spaces in a web-page
;; unless you have <pre>
;; ====================================
defuse-cgi-field: func [field [string!]]
;; Input CGI fields that contain <, > or & are
;; bad for security if we just slip-stream them into
;; the output. The could contain "active" elements
;; like HTML formatting or Javascript code
;; We defuse them by converting harmful characters to
;; their equivalent entities
replace/all field "&" "&"
replace/all field "<" "<"
replace/all field ">" ">"
return field
read-cgi: func [
;; --------------------------------------------
;; Read CGI data. Return data as string or NONE.
;; Lifted from Carl's viewback.cgi.
;; --------------------------------------------
/local data buffer
switch system/options/cgi/request-method [
"POST" [
data: make string! 1020
buffer: make string! 16380
while [positive? read-io system/ports/input buffer 16380][
append data buffer
clear buffer
"GET" [data: system/options/cgi/query-string]
;; =======================
;; gets or sets the cookie
;; Assumed to be in the format
;; keyword=xxxxxxxxxxxx
;; =======================
cookie: func [/get
/set cookie-data [string!]
/local pointer
if get [
cookie-value: select system/options/cgi/other-headers "HTTP_COOKIE"
if none? cookie-value [return none]
return first parse cookie-value "="
if set
pointer: find system/options/cgi/other-headers "HTTP_COOKIE"
either none? pointer
append system/options/cgi/other-headers "HTTP_COOKIE"
append system/options/cgi/other-headers cookie-data
poke system/options/cgi/other-headers (1 + index? pointer) cookie-data
print join "set-cookie: " form cookie-data ;; sends cookie to browser
return true
;; ================================
;; Read user data from the cookie.
;; Returns:
;; -- an object if cookie points to a user data record
;; -- false if it doesn't
;; ================================
read-user-record-from-cookie: func [
/local cookie-value
[ cookie-value: cookie/get
if none? cookie-value [return "no cookie"]
if error? error-code: try [user-data: do read to-file form cookie-value]
[return join "bad read" mold disarm error-code]
return user-data
;; ========================================
write-user-record: func [user-data [object!]
user-data/last-active-date: now/precise
write to-file form cookie/get
mold user-data
return true
Web-page: {
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;CHARSET=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="Author" content="Sunanda">
<title>Cookie-example.r from the Script Library
<div class="header">
<form class="header" action="cookie-example.r" method="GET">
<p>Type stuff into the text field below. It will be reflected
into the next paragraph. Because we store a cookie in your
browser and an object on the web-server, we can rembemer what you
typed and we will reflect all previous strings typed until you
exit the browser.
<h2>Input text</h2>
<input type="text" alt="input-text" name="input-text" value="!!input-text!!" size="100">
<input type="submit" alt="send button" name="send-button" value="send">
<h2>Cumulative text from previous sends</h2>
<p style="color: blue">!!cumulative-text!!</p>
<h2>You last pressed enter on !!last-active!!</h2>
<h2>Your cookie is</h2>
<p style="color: Red">!!cookie!!</p>
;; Main processing starts here
;; ===========================
if error? cgi-error: try [
cgi-input: read-cgi
;; No cgi? Give them a page with all fields empty and retire
;; -----------------------------------------------------------
if any [none? cgi-input
"" = cgi-input
[send-output clear-place-holders web-page]
;; we got data
;; ------------
;; create object with all fields
;; ----------------------------
cgi-object: make object! []
cgi-object: construct/with decode-cgi cgi-input cgi-object
;; check if required fields are present
;; -------------------------------------
if error? try [cgi-object/input-text]
send-output clear-place-holders web-page
;; get or set the cookie
;; =====================
user-data-object: read-user-record-from-cookie
user-data-was: mold user-data-object
if not object? user-data-object
cookie/set: form checksum/secure form now/precise
user-data-object: make object!
[last-active-date: none
user-data: copy []
;; We now have a new user-data object,
;; or the one from the last time.
;; Now we add to the saved user data,
;; and reflect back all the data
append user-data-object/user-data form cgi-object/input-text
foreach text user-data-object/user-data
replace web-page "!!cumulative-text!!"
join defuse-cgi-field text [<br />"!!cumulative-text!!"]
;; Reflect the input fields to the output page
;; ------------------------------------------
replace web-page "!!input-text!!" defuse-cgi-field cgi-object/input-text
replace web-page "!!cookie!!" cookie/get
replace web-page "!!last-active!!" user-data-object/last-active-date
;; Save the user record
;; --------------------
write-user-record user-data-object
send-output clear-place-holders web-page
;; cgi error code
;; --------------
print "Content-type: text/html^/"
print "<h1>Oops we had an error</h1>"
print mold disarm cgi-error
] Notes