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menu-system.rREBOL [
Title: "Menu-System"
Name: 'Menu-System
File: %menu-system.r
Version: 0.2.0
Date: 12-Jun-2005
Author: "Christian Ensel"
Email: %christian--ensel--gmx--de
Owner: "Christian Ensel"
Rights: {
Copyright (c) 2005 Christian Ensel
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
• Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
• Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
• Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without specific prior written permission.
Purpose: {
Easy to use VID compatible REBOL menu system (early Beta).
Have menus in your REBOL apps, finally.
Todo: {
• The SCROLLER-ITEM stuff is actually more of a prove of concept,
but it seems like integrating other VID-Styles should be possible.
I'd really like to see FIELD-ITEM, or maybe even a generic VID-ITEM.
Minor drawback: disabling SCROLLER-ITEM doesn't work, but that really
shouldn't be too hard to accomplish.
• Some functions like ADJUST-xy and LAYOUT-xy have to changed to
methods in FEEL or ACCESS.
• I'd like to get rid of MENU/ITEMS. Keeping it in sync with
MENU/LIST/PANE is annoying, one simple loop thru the latter should
do and won't be noticable slower.
• There's a bug in closing windows: REBOL.exe remains, with all
windows closed, waiting in the event loop. Looks like somewhere
there's one WAIT. But *where*?
History: {
0.2.0 • Mostly all code is now truly OOP due to leaving FACE/TYPE
intact (now always is 'FACE for future VID compatibility)
(hence the jump in the version number)
• Rebolish default style inbuild
• For the fun of it: Derived SLIDER-ITEM from MENU-ITEM,
and - tada! - it works!
0.1.8 • Further major code cleaning and more consistent OOP, way too
much to list here.
• Totally rewritten styling scheme, now uses flat PROPERTIES
• Inserting new items to an existing menu is now possible thanks
to "abusing" LAYOUT-MENU to create a single-item menu, whose
item is then inserted by INSERT-ITEM.
It's a bit odd though, because it doesn't inherit styles if none
we're supllied.
• For top-level menus (root-menus) it's now possible to refer
to their items by index. This doesn't work for menu-bars though.
0.1.7 • Menu-accessor method object added
• Experimental removing and reinserting of items works.
• Global functions to menu-accessors added
• Dialect is more consistent and allows specification of
normal and hovered enabled and disabled states.
• A couple of layout and style inheritence problems fixed.
• Overall code cleaning.
0.1.6 • Shortcut keys are now dialected as TAG! instead of ISSUE!,
TAG! is way more flexible.
• Styling with LAYOUT-MENU/STYLE works.
• Styling MENU-BAR and DROP-MENU with MENU-STYLE works.
• Correction of layout algorithm, still somewhat problematic.
0.1.5 • MENU-BAR style now with full keyboard support, but still
"menubar" and "baritems" aren't configurable.
• DROP-MENU now works again.
0.1.4 • Experimental MENU-BAR VID style now works.
It isn't configurable much and there are some really annoying bugs.
• Drop-Menu is broken for now.
0.1.3 • Experimental DROP-MENU VID-style.
0.1.2 • Dialect changes.
0.1.1 • Dialect changes.
0.1.0 • Refactored earlier prototype.
Credits: {
Originally this script evolved from trying to understand the inner
workings of Cyphre's menu system sketch, without that I would by
no means have come as far as shown here.
Library: [
level: 'intermediate
platform: 'all
type: [module demo]
code: 'module
domain: [user-interface vid gui]
tested-under: [view on "WinXP"]
support: none
license: 'BSD
see-also: none
ctx-menus: context [
;############################################# helper functions and alike ##
shadow-image: use [reset image] [
reset: system/options/binary-base
system/options/binary-base: 64
image: load 64#{
system/options/binary-base: reset
cast: func [value cases] [switch type?/word :value cases]
text-size?: func ["Returns a face's text size or 0x0." face [object!] /local size result] [
size: face/size
face/size: 10000x10000
result: size-text face
face/size: size
image-size?: func ["NONE-safe image/size shortcut" image [image! none!]] [
any [all [image image/size] 0x0]
instance-of: func [
"Returns TRUE if entity is of required class (NONE otherwise)."
entity [object! none!] class [word!]
all [
object? entity
'face = get in entity 'type
found? find any [get in entity 'class []] class
;############################################################# MENU-ITEMS ##
;============================================================= new-detail ==
; Detail faces are the inner faces of menu-item, each item uses five
; of them:
; - MARK: The radio- or check-mark
; - ICON: The item's icon image
; - BODY: The item's body text and/or image
; - KEY: The item's shortcut-key text
; - ARROW: The item's arrow (only for item's with sub-menu)
new-detail: func ["Returns an uninitilized item detail."] [
make system/view/vid/vid-face [ ;-- Notice that details have no feel, all item actions are triggered by
class: make block! [item-detail] ; item's feel/detect.
edge: color: effect: effects: none
offset: size: 0x0
feel: make face/feel [
redraw: func [detail offset /local item] [
item: detail/parent-face
if detail/effects [
detail/effect: pick detail/effects item <> item/menu/actor
] ] ] ] ]
;============================================================== item-feel ==
; The ITEM-FEEL is the central method object for all item related
; functions.
item-feel: make face/feel [
detect: func [item event] [
if within? event/offset win-offset? item item/size [
item/menu/feel/visit item/menu item
item/feel/enter item
redraw: func [
"Draws an item." ;-- Cares for normal and hovered en- and disabled states.
item [object!] offset [pair!]
state color
state: pick [2 1] item = item/menu/actor
state: state + pick [2 0] item/state
item/color: item/properties/item.colors/:state
item/icon/image: item/properties/item.icon.images/:state
item/icon/effect: item/properties/item.icon.images/:state
item/body/font: item/properties/item.body.font
item/body/font/color: item/properties/item.body.font/colors/:state
item/body/para: item/properties/item.body.para
item/key/font: item/properties/item.key.font
item/key/font/color: item/properties/item.key.font/colors/:state
item/key/para: item/properties/item.key.para
item/edge: item/properties/item.edge
item/edge/color: item/properties/item.edge/colors/:state
item/edge/effect: item/properties/item.edge/effects/:state
item/effect: item/properties/item.effects/:state
if not empty? item/properties/item.body.images [
item/body/effect: compose/deep [
draw [
image ;-- Images are left-aligned as well as texts are
(as-pair 0 item/body/size/y - (second image-size? item/properties/item.body.images/:state) / 2)
color: any [item/key/font/color item/body/font/color black] ;-- Hardcoded default here?!?
item/feel/draw-mark item color ;-- They know what they're doing
item/feel/draw-arrow item color ;
draw-mark: func [item [object!] color [tuple!]] [
item/mark/effect: all [
case [
instance-of item/mark 'radio [
compose/deep [
draw [pen (color) fill-pen (color) circle 7x8 3]
] ]
instance-of item/mark 'check [
compose/deep [
draw [
pen (color) line-width 2 line-cap square line-join bevel
line 3x8 6x11 12x5
] ] ] ] ] ]
draw-arrow: func [item [object!] color [tuple!]] [
item/arrow/effect: all [
compose/deep [
draw [
pen (color) fill-pen (color) polygon
(as-pair item/arrow/size/x - 8 item/arrow/size/y / 2 - 1)
(as-pair item/arrow/size/x - 11 item/arrow/size/y / 2 - 4)
(as-pair item/arrow/size/x - 11 item/arrow/size/y / 2 + 2)
(as-pair item/arrow/size/x - 8 item/arrow/size/y / 2 - 1)
] ] ] ]
visit: func [ ;-- Show that we're visited
"Visits item (draws it's hover state)." item [object!]
show item
enter: func [
"Enters item (shows it's sub-menu)."
item [object!]
/new ;-- NEW is used to differentiate between wandering through menus with
"Returns immediately from showing." ; mouse and keyboard. Whilst hovering items with sub-menus with the
; mouse, sub-menus are opened immediatly, whereas when navigating a menu
; with the keyboard, that doesn't open sub-menus (to not steal the
; keyboard focus).
if all [ ;-- Show the own sub-menu, for enabled item's with sub-menus
item/sub ; not already popped up only
not item/state
none? find system/view/pop-list item/sub
either new [
show-menu/new find-window item item/sub ;-- Keyboard entered sub-menu
show-menu find-window item item/sub ;-- Mouse opened sub-menu
leave: func [
"Leaves item (draws it's unhovered state and closes it's sub-menu)."
item [object!]
all [item/sub item/sub/feel/close item/sub]
show item
engage-mark: func [item /local items] [
case [
instance-of item/mark 'radio [
if off = item/mark/state [
item/mark/state: true
items: item/menu/list/pane
foreach sibling items [
if all [
instance-of sibling 'menu-item
sibling <> item
item/mark/group = get in sibling/mark 'group
sibling/mark/state: false
show sibling/mark
] ] ] ]
instance-of item/mark 'check [
item/mark/state: not item/mark/state
] ]
engage: func [
item action event
/local root popup start end items state
if all [action = 'up none? item/sub not item/state] [ ;-- We act only on 'UP events for nothing but enabled items without sub-menus.
if any [
instance-of item/mark 'radio
instance-of item/mark 'check
item/feel/engage-mark item
either not event/shift [ ;-- SHIFT enables multi-selection, otherwise the whole menu closes.
root: item/menu/feel/root-of item/menu
root/feel/close root
show item
if item/properties/item.action [ ;-- Trigger the items action by doing an anonymous function build
do func [item] bind item/properties/item.action in item 'self item ; from the item's action block. Should I allow for functions here, too?
;=========================================================== baritem-feel ==
baritem-feel: make item-feel [
super: item-feel
over: none
engage: none
redraw: func [item offset] [
item/color: pick item/menu/colors item <> item/menu/actor
detect: func [item event /local actor] [
case [
none? item/menu/actor [
item/menu/state: 'down-to-enter
item/menu/feel/visit item/menu item
focus/no-show item/menu
'down-to-enter = item/menu/state [
item/menu/feel/visit item/menu item
focus/no-show item/menu
if 'down = event/type [
item/menu/state: 'hover-to-enter
item/feel/enter item
'hover-to-enter = item/menu/state [
if 'move = event/type [
item/menu/feel/visit item/menu item
item/feel/enter item
] ] ]
enter: func [
"Enters item (shows it's sub-menu)."
item [object!]
"Returns immediately from showing."
if all [ ;-- Show the own sub-menu, if there's one and if it's not
item/sub ; popped up already
none? find system/view/pop-list item/sub
either new [
show-menu/offset/new find-window item/menu item/sub (win-offset? item) + (0x1 * item/size) ;-- Keyboard entered sub-menu
show-menu/offset find-window item/menu item/sub (win-offset? item) + (0x1 * item/size) ;-- Mouse opened sub-menu
] ] ] ]
;=============================================================== new-item ==
new-item: func ["Returns a uninitialised menu item."] [ ;-- No deep copying required.
make system/standard/face [
class: make block! [menu-item]
item: none ;-- ITEM is set to SELF, this makes client code easier (or harder ...)
menu: none ;-- MENU is always the menu the item belongs to, it is *not* the
; sub-menu an item may have (thats in SUB).
var: none ;-- VAR holds the word by which we later refer to the item.
text: font: image: state: none ;-- All these are unused in favour of the detail faces.
; (see comments to pane).
edge: color: effect: none ;-- All these are set depending on items properties and activation-states
; away/over enabled/disabled
state: no ;-- The enabled/disabled state. There is no explicit OVER state, that is handled
; in REDRAW dynamically.
properties: none ;-- All the item related properties. ###### SHOULDN'T THEY BE INHERITED????? #######
feel: item-feel ;-- See detailed comments on ITEM-FEEL.
data: none ;-- The item's sub-menu's description, if any.
sub: none ;-- The item's sub-menu object itself, if any.
mark: icon: body: key: arrow: none ;-- Just some shortcuts to the details in item's pane.
pane: reduce [
mark: make new-detail [group: none] ;-- GROUP is used for mark-items. Each menu starts which one initial group,
icon: new-detail [] ; implicit groups are set up by menu-dividers and additional, more complex
body: new-detail [] ; groups can be explicitly specified in the setup dialect.
key: new-detail []
arrow: new-detail []
] ] ]
;============================================================= build-item ==
build-item: func [
"Builds an item, together with all it's sub-faces."
item [object!] "a new item"
menu [object!] "the menu the item resides in"
word [word! none!] "the item's identifier"
desc [block!] "the item's description"
item/item: item/self
item/menu: menu
item/var: word
item/data: desc
menu: menu/properties
item/properties: make object! [
item.action: menu/item.action
item.effects: menu/item.effects
item.colors: menu/item.colors
item.icon.images: []
item.icon.effects: []
item.body.font: menu/item.body.font
item.body.para: menu/item.body.para
item.body.images: []
item.key.font: menu/item.key.font
item.key.para: menu/item.key.para
item.edge: menu/item.edge
item/body/font: item/properties/item.body.font
item/body/para: item/properties/item.body.para
item/key/font: item/properties/item.key.font
item/key/para: item/properties/item.key.para
item/edge: item/properties/item.edge
;========================================================== build-divider ==
; DIVIDER needs to be reworked, I guess. Currently, there are absolutely
; no config properties.
build-divider: func [
"Builds a menu divider."
parent [object!] "the divider's parent menu"
make face [
class: make block! [menu-divider]
var: none
menu: parent
properties: none
color: 172.168.153 ;-- Win XP Silver; hardcoded for now
edge: make face/edge [ ;-- Ditto, look like Win XP Silver.
size: 1x2
color: image: effect: none
;=========================================================== layout-items ==
set 'layout-items func [
"Layouts items."
menu [object!]
desc [block!]
value item properties
parse desc [
some [
[ ['divider | 'bar | '---] (
item: build-divider menu
menu/list/pane: insert menu/list/pane item
insert tail menu/items reduce [none item]
properties: item/properties
| set value opt set-word! (
value: all [:value to word! value]
[ 'item (
item: build-item new-item menu value desc
menu/list/pane: insert menu/list/pane item
insert tail menu/items reduce [item/var item]
properties: item/properties
| 'slider (
item: build-slider new-slider menu value desc
menu/list/pane: insert menu/list/pane item
insert tail menu/items reduce [item/var item]
properties: item/properties
any [
set value string! (
item/body/text: value
| set value tag! (
item/key/text: to string! value
| ['action set value block! | set value block!] (
properties/item.action: value
| ['icon | 'icons] set value [image! | word! | file! | path! | block!] (
properties/item.icon.images: cast value [
word! [get value]
file! [load value]
image! [value]
path! [do value]
block! [value]
if not block? properties/item.icon.images [
properties/item.icon.images: compose [
(properties/item.icon.images) (properties/item.icon.images)
(properties/item.icon.images) (properties/item.icon.images)
properties/item.icon.images: reduce properties/item.icon.images
item/icon/image: properties/item.icon.images
| ['image | 'images] set value [image! | file! | word! | path! | block!] (
properties/item.body.images: cast value [
file! [load value]
word! [get value]
path! [do value]
image! [value]
block! [value]
if not block? properties/item.body.images [
properties/item.body.images: compose [
(properties/item.body.images) (properties/item.body.images)
(properties/item.body.images) (properties/item.body.images)
properties/item.body.images: reduce properties/item.body.images
item/body/image: properties/item.body.images/1
| 'colors set value ['none | none! | block!] (
if any [none? value 'none = value] [value: []]
properties/item.colors: reduce value
| 'effects set value ['none | none! | block!] (
if any [none? value 'none = value] [value: []]
properties/item.effects: compose [(value)]
| 'font set value [block!] (
item/body/font: properties/item.body.font: make properties/item.body.font value
item/key/font: properties/item.key.font: make properties/item.key.font value
| 'para set value [block!] (
item/body/para: properties/item.body.para: make properties/item.body.para value
item/key/para: properties/item.key.para: make properties/item.key.para value
| 'body [
'font set value [block!] (
item/body/font: properties/item.body.font: make properties/item.body.font value
| 'para set value [block!] (
item/body/para: properties/item.body.para: make properties/item.body.para value
| 'key [
'font set value [block!] (
item/key/font: properties/item.key.font: make properties/item.key.font value
| 'para set value [block!] (
item/key/para: properties/item.key.para: make properties/item.key.para value
| 'edge set value ['none | none! | block!] (
if any [none? value 'none = value] [value: [size: 0x0]]
item/edge: properties/item.edge: make properties/item.edge value
| set value ['radio | 'check] (
append item/class 'mutual-item
append item/mark/class value
item/mark/state: off
any [
'of [opt 'group] set value [lit-word!] (
item/mark/group: value
| set value [
'on | 'true | 'yes | true |
'off | 'false | 'no | false
item/mark/state: do value
| 'menu copy value block! (
item/data: first value ;-- Remember a sub-menu's description
item/sub: layout-menu/parent item/data item ;-- And set up the sub-menu's faces
| 'effects set value ['none | none! | block!] (
if any [none? value 'none = value] [value: []]
properties/item.effects: compose [(value)]
| set value ['disable | 'enable] (
item/state: value = 'disable
;=========================================================== adjust-items == ;-- This is more of a MENU function!
; ADJUST-ITEMS' job is to establish consistent item sizes within one
; menu. It makes all items the same width (which may be a fixed width
; or the width of the widest item). It further aligns the details of
; one item to be in column with the corresponding details of other items.
adjust-items: func [
"Adjust the menu-items widths and returns total size consumed by items."
items [block!]
item mark icon body key arrow
item-size mark-size icon-size body-size key-size arrow-size size
;-- Measure the items to find the maximums
; Two pass: First loop adjusts the height of items while collecting
; information about their widths.
; The second loop applies the maximas to align the detail faces.
item-size: mark-size: icon-size: body-size: key-size: arrow-size: 0x0
foreach item items [
set [mark icon body key arrow] reduce bind [mark icon body key arrow] in item 'self
item-size/y: 0
edge-size: edge-size? item
if instance-of item 'menu-item [
mark-size: 16x16
icon-size: max icon-size icon/size: image-size? item/properties/item.icon.images/1 ;-- Images need to be same size! I'm checking against icon image 1 only!
; body-size: max body-size body/size: max 6x4 + text-size? body image-size? item/properties/item.body.images/1 ;-- Images need to be same size! I'm checking against body image 1 only!
body-size: max body-size body/size:
either body/text [6x4 + text-size? body] [0x0]
either item/properties/item.body.images/1 [
image-size? item/properties/item.body.images/1 ;-- Images need to be same size! I'm checking against body image 1 only!
key-size: max key-size key/size: either key/text [6x4 + text-size? key] [0x0]
arrow-size: 16x16
item/size/y: body/size/y:
key/size/y: first maximum-of reduce [
icon/size/y body/size/y key/size/y
mark/size/y: arrow/size/y: 16
item-size: first maximum-of reduce [icon-size body-size key-size]
mark/offset/y: max item/size/y - mark/size/y / 2 0
arrow/offset/y: max item/size/y - arrow/size/y / 2 0
icon/offset/y: max item/size/y - icon/size/y / 2 0
if instance-of item 'menu-divider [ ] ;-- For now, dividers are somewhat static, so currently this is a no-op.
if instance-of item 'slider-item [
body/size: item/slider/size
item-size: first maximum-of reduce [icon-size body-size key-size]
body-size: max body-size 6x4 + item/slider/size
item/size/y: item/size/y + second edge-size? item
;-- Apply those maximums to the smaller ones
item-offset: 0x0
item-size/x: mark-size/x + icon-size/x + body-size/x + key-size/x + arrow-size/x + 2
foreach item items [
set [mark icon body key arrow] reduce bind [mark icon body key arrow] in item 'self
item/offset/y: item-offset/y
item/size/x: item-size/x + first edge-size? item
if instance-of item 'menu-item [
mark/size/x: 16
icon/size/x: icon-size/x
body/size/x: body-size/x
key/size/x: key-size/x
arrow/size/x: 16
mark/offset/x: 0
icon/offset/x: mark/offset/x + mark/size/x
body/offset/x: icon/offset/x + icon/size/x
key/offset/x: body/offset/x + body/size/x
arrow/offset/x: key/offset/x + key/size/x
item/size/y: item/size/y + second edge-size? item
if instance-of item 'menu-divider [
item/size/x: item-size/x
item/size/y: 5 ;-- This will change with dividers become arrow configurable
if instance-of item 'slider-item [
item/slider/offset/x: item/body/offset/x + 3
item/slider/offset/y: item/body/size/y - item/slider/size/y / 2
item-offset/y: item/offset/y + item/size/y
;############################################################ SLIDER-ITEM ##
new-slider: func ["Returns an uninitialized slider item." /local slider] [
make new-item [
class: append class 'slider-item
pane: append pane slider: use [sld] [layout/tight [sld: slider 120x18] sld]
build-slider: func [
"Builds a slider item."
slider [object!] "a new slider"
menu [object!] "the menu the slider resides in"
word [word! none!] "the slider's identifier"
desc [block!] "the slider's description"
build-item slider menu word desc
;################################################################### MENU ##
;============================================================== draw-knob ==
draw-knob: func [menu dir /local knob color y] [
knob: select reduce ['less menu/less 'more menu/more] dir
color: menu/properties/item.key.font/colors/1
y: pick [[5 8] [8 5]] dir = 'less
knob/effect: compose/deep [
draw [
pen (color) fill-pen (color)
(as-pair knob/size/x / 2 y/1)
(as-pair knob/size/x / 2 - 3 y/2)
(as-pair knob/size/x / 2 + 3 y/2)
(as-pair knob/size/x / 2 y/1)
;============================================================== knob-feel ==
knob-feel: make face/feel [
over: func [knob over? offset] [
knob/rate: all [over? knob/parent-face/parent-face/properties/menu.rate]
show knob ;************ Is this necessary? ***************
engage: func [knob action event /local menu] [
if event/type = 'time [
menu: knob/parent-face/parent-face
menu/feel/scroll menu knob
;============================================================ menu-access ==
menu-access: make system/view/vid/vid-face/access [
get-face: set-face: clear-face: reset-face: none ;-- I'd rather use these, but haven't the slightest idea of what
; e.g. get-face menu should be used for. I therefore come with my own methods ...
exec: func [
"Sets or get item values (i.e. executes code in item's context)."
menu [object!] "The menu to act on"
path [path! word! integer!] "Path to an item anywhere down in the tree"
code [word! path! block!] "Code executed in item's context"
if not block? code [code: reduce [code]]
if word? path [path: to path! path]
if integer? path [path: to path! path]
item: first path: copy path
item: either not error? try [to integer! item] [
pick menu/list/pane to integer! item
select menu/items to word! item
either empty? head system/words/remove path [
do bind :code in item 'self
item/sub/access/exec item/sub path code
insert: func [
"Attaches an item into an existing menu."
root [object!] "The menu root"
path [path! word! integer! none!] "Path to an item to add to it's sub-menu"
entity [object!] "Menu or menu item already layouted"
/head "Add item at the head of the menu."
/before "Inserts item before the specified successor." succ [word! object!]
/after "Inserts item after the specified predecessor" pred [word! object!]
/tail "Inserts item at the tail of the menu (default)."
var [word! none!] "Word by which to refer to the item."
new menu items virtual
menu: either path [root/access/exec root path [self/sub]] [root]
menu/list/pane: case [
head [ menu/list/pane ]
before [ find menu/list/pane succ: either object? succ [succ] [select menu/items succ]]
after [ next find menu/list/pane pred: either object? pred [pred] [select menu/items pred]]
[system/words/tail menu/list/pane ]
menu/items: case [
head [ menu/items ]
before [ back find menu/items succ]
after [ next find menu/items pred]
[system/words/tail menu/items ]
case [
object! = type? entity [
case [
any [
instance-of entity 'menu-item
instance-of entity 'menu-divider
var: any [:var get in entity 'var]
system/words/insert menu/list/pane entity
system/words/insert menu/items reduce [var entity]
entity/menu: menu
instance-of entity 'menu [
virtual: entity
entity: virtual/access/remove virtual 1
var: any [:var get in entity 'var]
system/words/insert menu/list/pane entity
system/words/insert menu/items reduce [var entity]
entity/menu: menu
block! = type? entity [ "N/A" ]
menu/list/pane: system/words/head menu/list/pane
menu/items: system/words/head menu/items
adjust-menu menu
remove: func [
"Detaches an item from the menu and returns it."
root [object!] "The menu to remove from"
path [path! word! integer!] "Path to an item anywhere down in the tree"
item: root/access/exec root path [self]
system/words/remove find item/menu/list/pane item
system/words/remove/part back find item/menu/items item 2
item/menu: none
set 'get-menu func [
"Returns a value of menu item."
root [object!] "The menu to act on"
path [path! word! integer!] "Path to an item anywhere down in the tree"
word [word! path! block!] "Word in item"
root/access/exec root path word
set 'set-menu func [
"Returns a value of menu item."
root [object!] "The menu to act on"
path [path! word! integer!] "Path to an item anywhere down in the tree"
code [block!] "Word: Value"
root/access/exec root path code
set 'remove-menu func [
"Detaches an item from the menu and returns it."
root [object!] "The menu to remove from"
path [path! word! integer!] "Path to an item anywhere down in the tree"
root/access/remove root path
set 'insert-menu func [
"Attaches an item into an existing menu."
root [object!] "The menu root"
path [path! word! integer! none!] "Path to an item to add to it's sub-menu"
item [object!] "Menu item already layouted"
/head "Add item at the head of the menu."
/before "Inserts item before the specified successor." succ [word! object!]
/after "Inserts item after the specified predecessor" pred [word! object!]
/tail "Inserts item at the tail of the menu (default)."
var [word! none!] "Word by which to refer to the item."
var: any [:var get in item 'var]
case [
head [root/access/insert/head/as root path item var]
before [root/access/insert/before/as root path item var]
after [root/access/insert/after/as root path item var]
/default [root/access/insert/as root path item var]
;========================================================= menubar-access ==
menubar-access: make menu-access [
super: menu-access
remove: func [ ;-- This change in the methods signature is to reflect the fact, that
"Detaches an item (sub-item only) from the menu and returns it." ; adding menubar-items currently isn't possible
menubar [object!] "The menubar to remove from"
path [path!]
menubar/access/super/remove menubar path
insert: func [
"Attaches an item into an existing menu."
root [object!] "The menu root"
path [path! word! integer! none!] "Path to an item to add to it's sub-menu"
item [object!] "Menu item already layouted"
/head "Add item at the head of the menu."
/before "Inserts item before the specified successor." succ [word! object!]
/after "Inserts item after the specified predecessor" pred [word! object!]
/tail "Inserts item at the tail of the menu (default)."
var [word! none!] "Word by which to refer to the item."
new menu items virtual
if none? path [
throw make error! "Inserting top-level items to menubars isn't implemented yet!"
var: any [:var get in item 'var]
case [
head [root/access/super/insert/head/as root path item var]
before [root/access/super/insert/before/as root path item var]
after [root/access/super/insert/after/as root path item var]
/default [root/access/super/insert/as root path item var]
;============================================================== menu-feel ==
; The MENU-FEEL is the central method object for all menu related
; functions.
; There are, for convience, some shorthands to them build directly into
; menu objects. But users who use them should be aware of losing the
; benefits of additional behaviour that comes with derived / overloaded
; methods.
menu-feel: make system/view/popface-feel-win-away [
super: none
redraw: func [
"Draws a menu."
menu [object!] offset [pair!]
menu/panel/color: menu/properties/menu.color
menu/panel/effect: menu/properties/menu.effect
menu/panel/edge: menu/properties/menu.edge
inside-menu?: func [menu event] [
within? event/offset win-offset? menu menu/size
inside-menu-tree?: func [menu event] [
any [
menu/feel/inside-menu? menu event
all [
menu/feel/inside-menu-tree? menu/parent/menu event
pop-detect: func [menu event] [
case [
menu/feel/inside-menu-tree? menu event [
if find [down up move time key alt-down alt-up scroll-line] event/type [
true [
either not find [up move time scroll-line key] event/type [
menu: menu/feel/root-of menu
menu/feel/close menu
close: func [ ;-- CLOSE actually impements a custom HIDE-POPUP, if you like, call it a hack.
"Closes a menu (and all of it's items' sub-menus)." ; I simply couldn't cope with that one.
menu [object!]
/local ;-- NO-SHOW hinders multiple window refreshing closing nested menus.
/no-show ; Hidden, callers shouldn't have to care about that.
if all [menu/actor menu/actor/sub] [
menu/actor/sub/feel/close/no-show menu/actor/sub ;-- MENU/ACTOR/SUB may have a different FEEL
; (even though, for now, none are implemented).
if find system/view/pop-list menu [
unfocus menu ;
remove find menu/parent-face/pane menu ;-- Most likely to be a window, but I hope it can also be another non-menu popup :-)
remove find system/view/pop-list menu
menu/actor: none
unless no-show [show menu/parent-face]
if menu/parent [focus/no-show menu/parent/menu]
visit: func [ ;-- Visiting items may require revealing these items, which definitly is
"Visits menu item, making it the new actor." ; a job under responsibility of menus.
menu [object!] item [object!] ; Hence visiting items is implemented here instead on item level only.
if menu/actor <> item [
menu/feel/leave menu
menu/feel/reveal menu item
menu/actor: item
item/feel/visit item
leave: func ["Leaves menu actor, if any." menu [object!] /local item] [ ;-- Leaving an item should never be called explicitly, since it's done
if item: menu/actor [ ; implicitly by visiting another
menu/actor: none
item/feel/leave item ;-- Only if there was an actor, there is a item to leave (and to redraw).
root-of: func ["Returns menu's root menu." menu] [
forever [
if none? menu/parent [break/return menu]
menu: menu/parent/menu
first-of: func ["Returns first item." menu [object!]] [
foreach item menu/list/pane [
if instance-of item 'menu-item [break/return item]
prev-page-of: func ["Returns previous item." menu [object!] /local extra other] [
extra: any [menu/actor menu/feel/last-of menu]
foreach item next find reverse copy menu/list/pane extra [ ;-- This results in other being the last visble item or
if instance-of item 'menu-item [ ; none, if extra itself is the last visible one.
if menu/feel/visible? menu item [other: item]
if not menu/feel/visible? menu item [break/return other]
either other [
other ;-- Returns first item on page
menu/actor: extra
while [
all [
menu/actor <> menu/feel/first-of menu
menu/feel/visible? menu extra
menu/feel/visit menu menu/feel/prev-of menu
next-page-of: func ["Returns next item." menu [object!] /local extra other] [
extra: any [menu/actor menu/feel/first-of menu]
foreach item next find menu/list/pane extra [ ;-- This results in other being the last visble item or
if instance-of item 'menu-item [ ; none, if extra itself is the last visible one.
if menu/feel/visible? menu item [other: item]
if not menu/feel/visible? menu item [break/return other]
either other [
other ;-- Returns last item on page
menu/actor: extra
while [
all [
menu/actor <> menu/feel/last-of menu
menu/feel/visible? menu extra
menu/feel/visit menu menu/feel/next-of menu
prev-of: func ["Returns previous item." menu [object!] /wrap "Wrap at menu's top."] [
either none? menu/actor [
menu/feel/last-of menu
any [
foreach item next find reverse copy menu/list/pane menu/actor [
if instance-of item 'menu-item [break/return item]
either wrap [menu/feel/last-of menu] [menu/feel/first-of menu]
next-of: func ["Returns next item." menu [object!] /wrap "Wrap at menu's top."] [
either none? menu/actor [
menu/feel/first-of menu
any [
foreach item next find menu/list/pane menu/actor [
if instance-of item 'menu-item [break/return item]
either wrap [menu/feel/first-of menu] [menu/feel/last-of menu]
next-char-of: func [
"Returns next item starting with char (or NONE)."
menu [object!] char [char!] /local items
items: either menu/actor [
items: next find menu/list/pane menu/actor
append copy items copy/part menu/list/pane items
foreach item items [
if all [
instance-of item 'menu-item
equal? uppercase char uppercase item/body/text/1
break/return item
last-of: func ["Returns menu's last item." menu [object!]] [
foreach item reverse copy menu/list/pane [
if instance-of item 'menu-item [break/return item]
visible?: func ["Returns TRUE if is fully visible." menu [object!] item [object!]] [
not any [
menu/list/offset/y + item/offset/y < 0 ;-- Item is (partially) above the clipping region
menu/list/offset/y + item/offset/y + item/size/y > menu/clip/size/y ;-- Item is (partially) below the clipping region
show-less?: func [menu [object!]] [menu/list/offset/y < 0]
show-more?: func [menu [object!]] [menu/list/offset/y + menu/list/size/y > menu/panel/size/y]
hide-less?: func [menu [object!]] [menu/list/offset/y >= - menu/less/size/y]
hide-more?: func [menu [object!]] [menu/list/offset/y + menu/list/size/y <= (menu/clip/size/y + menu/more/size/y)]
show-less: func [menu [object!]] [
if not menu/less/show? [
menu/clip/offset/y: menu/clip/offset/y + menu/less/size/y
menu/clip/size/y: menu/clip/size/y - menu/less/size/y
menu/list/offset/y: menu/list/offset/y - menu/less/size/y
show menu/less
show-more: func [menu [object!]] [
if not menu/more/show? [
menu/clip/size/y: menu/clip/size/y - menu/more/size/y
show menu/more
hide-less: func [menu [object!]] [
if menu/less/show? [
menu/clip/offset/y: menu/clip/offset/y - menu/less/size/y ;-- Move clip to top and
menu/clip/size/y: menu/clip/size/y + menu/less/size/y ; grow it.
menu/less/rate: none
hide menu/less
hide-more: func [menu [object!]] [
if menu/more/show? [
menu/clip/size/y: menu/clip/size/y + menu/more/size/y ;-- Grow clip.
menu/list/offset/y: menu/list/offset/y + menu/more/size/y
menu/more/rate: none
hide menu/more
scroll: func [menu [object!] knob [object!]] [
case [
menu/less = knob [
menu/list/offset/y: menu/list/offset/y + menu/steps
menu/feel/show-more menu
if menu/feel/hide-less? menu [menu/feel/hide-less menu]
menu/more = knob [
menu/list/offset/y: menu/list/offset/y - menu/steps
menu/feel/show-less menu
if menu/feel/hide-more? menu [menu/feel/hide-more menu]
show menu/panel
reveal: func [
"Reveals the item (by scrolling the smallest amount necessary)."
menu [object!] item [object!]
"Don't show the changes."
delta clip list
delta: 0x0 clip: menu/clip list: menu/list
if any [
if 0 > delta/y: list/offset/y
+ item/offset/y [ ;-- Item is (maybe only partially) above the clipping region
menu/feel/show-more menu
list/offset/y: list/offset/y - delta/y
if menu/feel/hide-less? menu [menu/feel/hide-less menu]
if 0 < delta/y: list/offset/y
+ item/offset/y
+ item/size/y
- clip/size/y [ ;-- Item is (maybe onle partially) below the clipping region
menu/feel/show-less menu
list/offset/y: list/offset/y - delta/y
if menu/feel/hide-more? menu [menu/feel/hide-more menu]
if not no-show [show menu/panel]
map-key: func [
"Returns mapped EVENT/KEY."
menu [object!] event [event!] /local key
key: event/key
if event/control [
key: any [select [up page-up home home down page-down end end] key key] ;-- Control key increases key effect.
engage: func [menu action event /local actor item key] [
if event/type = 'key [
actor: menu/actor
key: menu/feel/map-key menu event
case [
'right = key [
if all [actor actor/sub] [
actor/feel/enter/new actor
item: actor/sub/feel/first-of actor/sub
item/menu/feel/visit item/menu item
wait []
#" " = key or
(#"^M" = key) [
if actor [
either actor/sub [
actor/feel/enter actor
actor/feel/engage actor 'up event
escape = key or
('left = key) or
('backspace = key) [menu/feel/close menu]
'home = key [menu/feel/visit menu menu/feel/first-of menu]
'page-up = key [menu/feel/visit menu menu/feel/prev-page-of menu]
'up = key [menu/feel/visit menu menu/feel/prev-of/wrap menu]
'down = key [menu/feel/visit menu menu/feel/next-of/wrap menu]
'page-down = key [menu/feel/visit menu menu/feel/next-page-of menu]
'end = key [menu/feel/visit menu menu/feel/last-of menu]
/default [
use [item] [if item: menu/feel/next-char-of menu key [menu/feel/visit menu item]]
;=========================================================== menubar-feel ==
; The MENUBAR-FEEL remaps cursor keys a bit to adjust them to the needs
; of horizontally layouted menubar-items.
menubar-feel: make menu-feel [
super: menu-feel
detect: func [menubar event][
menubar/feel/super/pop-detect menubar event
redraw: none
close: func [menubar] [
if menubar/actor [
if menubar/actor/sub [
menubar/actor/sub/feel/close menubar/actor/sub
menubar/feel/leave menubar
menubar/state: 'click-to-enter
reveal: none
next-page-of: :last-of
prev-page-of: :first-of
map-key: func [ ;** Overwriting feel/super/map-key, menubars behave different than menus. Hack?
"Returns mapped EVENT/KEY."
menu [object!] event [event!] /local key
key: any [
select [left up up right down right] event/key
if event/control [
key: any [select [up page-up home home down page-down end end] key key] ;-- Control key increases key effect.
pop-detect: none
over: none
reveal: none
;=============================================================== new-menu ==
new-menu: func ["Returns an uninitilized menu."] [
make system/view/vid/vid-face [
class: make block! [menu]
flags: [field]
feel: menu-feel
access: menu-access
color: edge: data: groups: properties: parent: actor: none
steps: 4 ;-- Dialect this!
items: make block! [] ;-- ITEMS holds the menu's items, the block consits
; of ID / ITEM pairs for easy selection of items. Get rid of that!
shadow: panel: less: clip: list: more: none ;-- Accessors for the various sub-faces of a menu.
; The actual items are to be found in LIST's pane,
pane: reduce [ ; but clients should use ITEMS.
shadow: make face [
color: edge: none
image: shadow-image
effect: [extend alphamul 32]
panel: make face [
color: none
edge: none
effect: none
pane: reduce [
less: make face [color: edge: none feel: knob-feel]
clip: make face [
color: edge: none
pane: reduce [
list: make face [color: edge: none pane: make block! []]
more: make face [color: edge: none feel: knob-feel]
] ] ] ] ]
;============================================================= build-menu ==
build-menu: func [
"Builds a menu and it's sub-faces."
item [object! none!] "the menu's parent item or NONE"
desc [block!] "the menu description"
menu parent
menu: new-menu
menu/parent: item
menu/data: desc
menu/properties: either parent: all [menu/parent menu/parent/menu/properties] [
context [
menu.image: parent/menu.image
menu.effect: parent/menu.effect
menu.spacing: parent/menu.spacing
menu.edge: parent/menu.edge
menu.rate: parent/menu.rate
menu.color: parent/menu.color
item.action: parent/item.action
item.effects: parent/item.effects
item.colors: parent/item.colors
item.icon.images: none ;-- no inheritence
item.icon.effects: none ;
item.body.images: none ;
item.body.font: parent/item.body.font
item.key.font: parent/item.key.font
item.body.para: parent/item.body.para
item.key.para: parent/item.key.para
item.edge: parent/item.edge
context [
menu.image: none
menu.effect: [gradient 1x1 white silver]
menu.spacing: 2x2
menu.edge: make system/standard/face/edge [size: 2x2 color: silver effect: 'bevel]
menu.rate: 64
menu.color: white
item.action: none
item.effects: reduce [none [gradient 1x1 white 255.64.64] none [gradient 1x1 white silver]]
item.colors: reduce [none silver none none]
item.icon.images: none
item.icon.effects: none
item.body.images: none
item.body.font: make system/standard/face/font [offset: 2x0 align: 'left valign: 'center colors: reduce [black black gray gray] shadow: none]
item.key.font: make system/standard/face/font [offset: 2x0 align: 'left valign: 'center colors: reduce [black black gray gray] shadow: none]
item.body.para: make system/standard/face/para [origin: 5x2 margin: indent: 0x0 wrap?: no]
item.key.para: make system/standard/face/para [origin: 5x2 margin: indent: 0x0 wrap?: no]
item.edge: make system/standard/face/edge [size: 2x2 colors: reduce [none 255.192.192 none none] effects: reduce [none 'ibevel none 'ibevel]]
;============================================================ layout-menu ==
set 'layout-menu func [
"Returns a menu (face) built from style/content description dialect."
desc [block!] "Dialect block of styles, attributes, and layouts"
"Bind menu to an item as it's sub-menu."
item [object!] "A menu-item face"
"Base menu on existing style sheet."
sheet [block!] "A style sheet of menu and item styles."
menu value properties
mark-size icon-size body-size key-size arrow-size
item-offset item-size
menu: build-menu item desc
properties: menu/properties
if style [insert desc sheet] ;-- Include the stylesheet applied and then
; go and look for style refinements
menu/panel/edge: menu/properties/menu.edge
menu/panel/color: menu/properties/menu.color
menu/panel/image: menu/properties/menu.image
parse desc [
any [
'menu 'style some [
'color set value [word! | tuple!] (
properties/menu.color: cast value [
word! [get value]
tuple! [value]
| 'spacing set value [integer! | pair!] (
properties/menu.spacing: to pair! value
| 'edge set value ['none | none! | block!] (
if any [none? value 'none = value] [value: [size: 0x0]]
properties/menu.edge: make properties/menu.edge value
| ['backdrop | 'image] set value [word! | file! | image!] (
properties/menu.image: cast value [
word! [get value]
file! [load value]
image! [value]
| 'effect set value ['none | none! | word! | lit-word! | block!] (
if any [none? value 'none = value] [value: none]
properties/menu.effect: all [value compose [(value)]]
| 'item 'style some [
'colors set value ['none | none! | block!] (
if any [none? value 'none = value] [value: []]
properties/item.colors: reduce value
| 'effects set value ['none | none! | block!] (
if any [none? value 'none = value] [value: []]
properties/item.effects: compose [(value)]
| 'font set value [block!] (
properties/item.body.font: make properties/item.body.font value
properties/item.key.font: make properties/item.key.font value
| 'para set value [block!] (
properties/item.body.para: make properties/item.body.para value
properties/item.key.para: make properties/item.key.para value
| 'body [
'font set value [block!] (
properties/item.body.font: make properties/item.body.font value
| 'para set value [block!] (
properties/item.body.para: make properties/item.body.para value
| 'key [
'font set value [block!] (
properties/item.key.font: make properties/item.key.font value
| 'para set value [block!] (
properties/item.key.para: make properties/item.key.para value
| 'edge set value ['none | none! | block!] (
if any [none? value 'none = value] [value: [size: 0x0]]
properties/item.edge: make properties/item.edge value
| 'action set value block! (
properties/item.action: value
to end
layout-items menu desc
menu/list/pane: head menu/list/pane
;============================================================ adjust-menu ==
; ADJUST-MENU calculates all values (offsets and such) that are subject
; to change between to shows of the menu.
; COMMENT: Currently, the responsibilities of ADJUST-MENU and SHOW-MENU aren't defined very clear,
; here's room for improvements.
adjust-menu: func ["Adjusts the menus size and returns its size." menu [object!]] [
menu/panel/edge: menu/properties/menu.edge
menu/panel/image: menu/properties/menu.image
adjust-items menu/list/pane
;############################################# PUBLIC INTERFACE FUNCTIONS ##
;============================================================== show-menu ==
; The SHOW-MENU actually does all the work of showing a previously set up
; menu. Client scripts that only use MENUBAR and/or DROP-MENU don't
; need to call this, they just LAYOUT-MENU their menus and feed those
; VID-Styles with them.
set 'show-menu func [
"Shows a menu."
window [object!]
menu [object!]
/offset ;-- This is of use only for top-level menus, positions of further nested
"Prescribes where to open the menu." ; menu are calculated automatically depending of WIN-OFFSET of the parent item
at [pair!] ; they're bound to.
"Restrict menu's size"
max-size [pair!]
"Opens a new window and returns immediately." ;-- Works like in VIEW.
item divider item-offset menu-size shadow-size
shadow-size: 4x4 ;-- For now, prescribe that shadows have to be 4x4 pixels wide!
max-size: any [max-size window/size]
menu-size: adjust-menu menu
menu/less/size: menu/more/size: 1x0 * menu-size/x + 0x12 ;-- Preparation of the less- and more-knobs, we'll may need them.
draw-knob menu 'less ;
draw-knob menu 'more ; This is somewhat strange, but may it be.
menu/list/offset: 0x0 ;-- Let's see how big the menu want's to be get.
menu/list/size: second span? menu/list/pane ;
menu/clip/size/x: menu/list/size/x
menu/panel/offset: menu/shadow/offset: 0x0
menu/less/offset: menu/clip/offset: menu/more/offset: menu/properties/menu.spacing
either menu/list/size/y ;-- If it's bigger than it's allowed to get,
+ (second edge-size? menu/panel) ; we need the more button
+ (2 * menu/properties/menu.spacing/y)
+ shadow-size/y
> max-size/y [
menu/less/show?: not menu/more/show?: yes
menu/clip/size/y: max-size/y ;-- of course this is only correct for offset/y = 0 and max-size/y = window/size/y
- (second edge-size? menu/panel)
- (2 * menu/properties/menu.spacing/y)
- shadow-size/y
menu/less/show?: menu/more/show?: no
menu/clip/size/y: menu/list/size/y
menu/more/offset/y: menu/clip/offset/y + menu/clip/size/y
menu/panel/size: (2 * menu/properties/menu.spacing) + menu/clip/size + edge-size? menu/panel
if menu/less/show? [menu/panel/size/y: menu/panel/size/y + menu/less/size/y]
if menu/more/show? [menu/panel/size/y: menu/panel/size/y + menu/more/size/y]
menu/shadow/size: menu/panel/size + shadow-size
at: any [ ;-- Calculating offset: Where are we supposed to open?
at ;
if menu/parent [ ; If caller made no suggestion, we position the menu at the right edge
at: win-offset? menu/parent ; vertically centered with the actor.
at/x: at/x + menu/parent/size/x ;
if menu/parent/menu/edge [
at/x: at/x + menu/parent/menu/edge/size/x
if menu/panel/edge [
at/y: at/y - menu/panel/edge/size/y
at/y: at/y + (menu/parent/size/y - menu/list/pane/1/size/y / 2)
at/y: max 0 at/y
menu/size: menu/shadow/size
if at/x + menu/size/x > window/size/x [ ;-- Right border check --
either menu/parent [
at/x: max 0 at/x - menu/panel/size/x - menu/parent/size/x
at/x: max 0 window/size/x - menu/size/x
if at/y + menu/size/y > window/size/y [ ;-- Bottom border check --
at/y: max 0 window/size/y - menu/size/y
if at/y + menu/size/y > window/size/y [ ;-- Size check, again --
menu/size/y: menu/shadow/size/y: window/size/y
menu/panel/size/y: menu/size/y - 4
menu/clip/size/y: menu/panel/size/y - 4 - menu/more/size/y
menu/more/show?: yes
menu/more/offset/y: menu/clip/size/y
menu/offset: at
show-popup/window/away menu window ;-- Finally, let's start the show
focus/no-show menu
unless new [wait []]
;############################################################# VID-Styles ##
;=============================================================== MENU-BAR ==
; The VID-style MENU-BAR. Supports easy integration of menus into a
; VID layout.
; Regarding customization: MENU-BAR is, by it's nature, available for
; styling through the usual VID dialect.
; Whereas menubar-items currently are not!
; But doing the menubar/properties/
; and menuitem/properties/ thing here, too,
; should work just fine.
stylize/master [
menu-bar: face with [
flags: [field]
class: make block! [menu-bar]
parent: none
data: none
state: 'click-to-enter
sheet: none
list: self ;-- To make all the menu/list/pane paths from menubar/feel/super/... work.
set: get: func [ ;-- Updating e.g. text of menubar-items is problematic, but it would be useful for e.g. disabling these
"Set or get item values (executes code in item's context)."
path [path! word!] "Path to an item anywhere down in the tree"
code [block!] "Code executed in item's context"
item: select items first path: to path! :path
either empty? next path [
do bind :code in item 'self
show item
item/sub/set next path :code
colors: reduce [none 178.180.191]
font: make font [name: "Tahoma" size: 11 color: black offset: space: 0x0 shadow: none]
color: none edge: none actor: none items: none
words: [
menu [new/data: first next args next args]
menu-style [new/sheet: first next args next args]
init: [
pane: copy []
list: self ;** To make all the menu/list/pane paths from menubar/feel/super/... work. Hack?
items: copy []
feel: ctx-menus/menubar-feel
access: ctx-menus/menubar-access
if all [sheet data] [insert data sheet]
use [value menu-bar specs item item-offset actor specs] [
menu-bar: self
parse data [
copy specs to set-word! (specs: any [specs copy []])
some [
set value set-word! 'item (
insert tail pane item: make new-item [
item: self
class: append class 'menu-item
menu: menu-bar
var: to word! value
font: menu-bar/font
para: make system/standard/face/para [
origin: 5x4 margin: none wrap?: no
feel: ctx-menus/baritem-feel
insert tail menu-bar/items reduce [item/var item]
any [
set value string! (
item/text: value
| 'menu set value block! (
item/data: insert value specs
item/sub: layout-menu value
item/sub/parent: item ;-- Is this hack potentially dangerous?
item-offset: 0x0
foreach item pane [
item/size: add text-size? item edge-size? item
if all [item/para item/para/origin] [
item/size: item/size + (2 * item/para/origin)
item-offset: item/size + item/offset: 1x0 * item-offset
size: add second span? pane edge-size? self
multi: make multi [
file: func [face blk] [
if pick blk 1 [
face/data: load first blk
;============================================================== DROP-MENU ==
; Much like menu-bars, but different in that the DROP-MENU actually is
; nothing but a shorthand for binding a menu to a button, with the
; one speciality that it auto-inserts the chosen items body-text
; into the containing field.
; The insertion is done in the item's action block, hence, DROP-MENU
; is currently still experimental, as it would be difficult if possible
; for clients to modify that behaviour.
stylize/master [
drop-menu: field with [
style: none
size: 100x21
font: make face/font [offset: 2x6 colors: reduce [black black] name: "Tahoma" size: 11 align: 'left]
edge: make face/edge [size: 1x1 effect: none color: 178.180.191]
para: make face/para [wrap?: no margin: 22x5]
feel: make feel [
redraw: func [face act pos] bind [
if all [in face 'colors block? face/colors] [
face/color: pick face/colors face <> focal-face
if all [in face/font 'colors block? face/colors] [
face/font/color: pick face/font/colors face <> focal-face
] in system/view 'self
engage: func [face act event] bind [
switch act [
down [
either equal? face focal-face [unlight-text] [focus/no-show face]
caret: offset-to-caret face event/offset
show face
over [
if not-equal? caret offset-to-caret face event/offset [
if not highlight-start [highlight-start: caret]
highlight-end: caret: offset-to-caret face event/offset
show face
key [
either event/key = 'down [
ctx-text/edit-text face event get in face 'action
] in system/view 'self
menu: none
words: [
menu [new/data: first next args next args]
menu-style [new/style: first next args next args]
init: [
if all [style data] [insert data style]
use [anchor parent] [
parent: anchor: self
if not string? text [text: either text [form text] [copy ""]]
colors: reduce [white yellow + 64.64.64]
pane: make-face/spec 'btn [
effect: [extend 14 draw [pen 0.0.0 fill-pen 0.0.0 polygon 5x7 11x7 8x10]]
size: 17x17
offset: 1x0 * parent/size - 20x-1
set in parent 'menu layout-menu parent/data
action: [
show-menu/offset find-window parent parent/menu (win-offset? parent) + (0x1 * parent/size) - 1x2
] Notes