Script Library: 1238 scripts


REBOL [ title: "Pop-down style example" file: %simple-pop-down-style.r author: "Marco Antoniazzi" email: [luce80 AT libero DOT it] date: 23-09-2020 version: 0.3.1 Purpose: {A quick way to add a simple pop-down to VID GUIs} comment: {You are strongly encouraged to post an enhanced version of this script} History: [ 0.0.1 [21-09-2014 "First version"] 0.0.2 [23-05-2020 "Changed show/hide mechanism, similar to html modal popups"] 0.0.3 [13-06-2020 "Added if title..."] 0.0.4 [18-06-2020 "Fixed size. Added data"] 0.0.5 [13-09-2020 "Fixed offset/y"] 0.3.0 [20-09-2020 "Added arrow keys support, scroller"] 0.3.1 [23-09-2020 "Added mouse wheel support. Added default choice. Refactored"] ] Category: [util vid view] library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: 'all type: 'how-to domain: [gui vid] tested-under: [View] support: none license: none see-also: none ] ] simple-pop-down-style-ctx: context [ update-face: func [ face [object!] value ] [ set-face face value do-face face get-face face ] hide-face: func [ face [object!] ] [ face/offset: 0x0 - face/size show face ] stylize/master [ choice-btn: btn para [origin: origin + 2x0] feel [ redraw-super: :redraw redraw: func [face act pos][ redraw-super face act pos if face/update [face/text: get-face face] ] engage: func [face action event /local win pop-list pop-row pop-list-height offset maxy scroller][ if action = 'down [ if empty? face/data [exit] pop-list: face/list/pane/1 focus/no-show pop-list ; allows key control pop-row: pop-list/subface/pane/1 pop-list/offset: (win-offset? face) + (face/size * 0x1) pop-list/offset/x: pop-list/offset/x - pop-list/size/x + face/size/x ; right aligned win: find-window face ; cover entire window ; FIXME: or parent panel ? face/list/size: win/size face/list/offset: 0x0 maxy: win/size/y - face/offset/y - face/size/y ; FIXME: - edge maxy: round/floor/to maxy pop-row/size/y offset: pop-list/offset ; keep inside window offset/x: min max 0 offset/x win/size/x - pop-list/size/x if all [ offset/y > (win/size/y - pop-list/size/y) offset/y > (win/size/y / 2) ] [ maxy: round/floor/to face/offset/y pop-row/size/y offset/y: face/offset/y - min pop-list/size/y maxy ] pop-list/offset: offset ; if too much tall then add scroller scroller: face/list/pane/2 pop-list-height: pop-row/size/y * length? face/data ; FIXME: + edge either pop-list-height > maxy [ pop-list/size/y: maxy ; show scroller scroller/offset: pop-list/offset + (pop-list/size/x * 1x0 - 12x0) ][ ; hide scroller hide-face scroller ] scroller/resize as-pair 12 pop-list/size/y scroller/update (to-integer pop-list/size/y / pop-row/size/y) (length? face/data) ; show chosen item scroller/scroll-to face/chosen - 1 ; put list on top remove find win/pane face/list append win/pane face/list show win ] ] ] with [ pad: 6 font: make font [align: 'left] ; must assign this here and not with the vid word font-btn: font ; give font another name to copy its size to list text update: true ; update face when an item is chosen chosen: none ; to store chosen item list: none list-size: none texts: any [texts copy []] data: make block! length? texts colors-back: none colors-fore: none scroll-count: 0 access: context [ set-face*: func [face value][face/chosen: index? find face/data value] ; will give error if not found get-face*: func [face][pick face/data face/chosen] ] words: [ update [new/update: second args next args] data [new/data: copy second args next args] ] insert init [ unless find data texts [insert data texts] if empty? data [insert data copy ""] text: any [text first data] if text = "" [update: false] if not update [remove data] ; remove first text chosen: index? any [find data text ""] if size/x <> -1 [pad: 0] ] append init [ ; draw arrow append effect compose/deep [draw [ pen none fill-pen (font/color) translate (size / 2) scale 4x3 triangle -1x-1 1x-1 0x1 ]] size/x: size/x + pad ; add space for arrow (unless width is already defined) ; set arrow position effect/draw/translate: as-pair (size/x - 10 ) (size/y / 2) list: layout/tight [ list as-pair -1 (4 + second size-text self) * (length? data) + 2 edge [size: 1x1 color: black] [ txt 10000 "" no-wrap with [ ; use txt if text is modified colors-back: reduce [white black] colors-fore: reduce [black white] font: make font [color: first colors-fore size: font-btn/size] color: first colors-back active: false feel: make feel [ redraw: func [face act pos][ face/font/color: pick face/colors-fore not face/active face/color: pick face/colors-back not face/active ] over: func [face action event][ face/active: action show face ] engage: func [face action event /local button][ if event/type = 'down [ button: list/pane/1/data update-face button face/text button/feel/over button false none ; remove orange border hide-face list ] ] ] ] ] supply [ face/text: data/(count + scroll-count) if count > length? data [return none] ] feel [ engage: func [face action event /local scroller][ scroller: list/pane/2 case [ find [up down] event/key [ ; face/data is main button face/data/chosen: min max 1 (face/data/chosen + either event/key = 'up [-1][1]) scroller/total show face/data do-face face/data get-face face/data scroller/scroll-to face/data/chosen - 1 ] event/type = 'scroll-line [ do pick [scroll-drag scroll-drag/back] event/offset/y > 0 scroller ] event/type = 'scroll-page [ do pick [scroll-drag/page scroll-drag/page/back] event/offset/y > 0 scroller ] 'else [ ;hide covering face hide-face list ] ] ] ] with [ append init [ ; must append this, cannot simply set it (!?) style: 'choice-list ; unique name to better distinguish this especially when focused ] ] at 0x0 scroller 12 [ list/pane/1/subface/pane/1/active: false value: to-integer value * (face/total - face/visible) if value <> scroll-count [ scroll-count: value show list ] ] with [ visible: total: 0 update: func [visible [integer!] total [integer!]][ self/visible: visible self/total: total step: 1 / max 1 (total - visible) redrag min (max 1 visible) / (max 1 total) 1 self ] scroll-to: func [pos [integer!]] [ pos: (min pos (total - visible)) / max 1 (total - visible) update-face self pos ] append init [ update 0 0 ] ] ] list/style: 'choice-list list/color: none ; place a color here to see what is happening list/pane/1/data: self ; store btn face use [t tmp maxx pop-row] [ maxx: 0 pop-row: list/pane/1/subface/pane/1 pop-row/colors-back: any [reduce colors-back reduce [white black]] pop-row/colors-fore: any [reduce colors-fore reduce [black white]] foreach t data [ pop-row/text: t pop-row/size/x: 10000 tmp: size-text pop-row pop-row/size/x: either tmp [tmp/x + font/offset/x + 5][50] maxx: max maxx pop-row/size/x ] list/pane/1/size/x: pop-row/size/x: any [list-size max size/x maxx] ] list/feel: make face/feel [ engage: func [face action event][ ; remove orange border list/pane/1/data/feel/over list/pane/1/data false none ; hide covering face hide-face face ] ] ] ] ] ; stylize ] ; context do ; comment this line to comment example code [ if system/script/title = "Pop-down style example" [;do examples only if script started by us txts: copy [] repeat n 20 [append txts join "text" form n] view center-face layout [ across text1: text as-is "text4 " cb1: choice-btn "text4" data (txts) [set-face text1 value] text "simple case" return text2: text "not chosen" choice-btn "Choose a text" "1st text" "2nd text" red update false font [color: yellow] with [colors-back: [white blue] colors-fore: [black green]] [set-face text2 value] text "This has a fixed text" return field1: field ; NOTE the empty first text choice-btn "" "1st choice" "2nd choice" "3rd" "4th" [set-face field1 value] return text "This is an example of various pop-downs" ] ] ; if title ]
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage