Scripts with documentation (by Date)
Gateway for request to AI | ||
ai-geteway.r discussion documentation | v:0.0.4 2.6 KB 20 Nov | A function that makes an AI request via the Internet and returns a response. author: Sergey Pochinok Documentation: by sergey on 20-Nov. |
Gateway for read from url with modern SSL/TLS | ||
reads.r discussion documentation | v:0.0.1 858 bytes 8 Jul | Function allows you to read a file via a link using the HTTPS protocol with modern methods of traffic SSL/TLS encryption author: Sergey Pochinok Documentation: by sergey on 8-Jul. |
Dialect Object Model | ||
rebol-dom-mdlparser discussion documentation | 61.9 KB 4 Jun 2022 | %Rebol-DOM.r mdlparser.r is a copy
of the %Rebol-DOM.r mdlparser.
The first copy would not download
so i appended the *.r to it, wich
seemed to make it able to become
downloadable now. So...., down
load it and tell me all about its
glorious [...] author: daniel Documentation: by inetw3dm on 25-Jan-2022. |
Dialect Object Model | ||
rebol-dom.r discussion documentation | v:1.0 56.8 KB 7 Nov 2023 | Use an exstensible, Rebol user-mode, Markup function to parse DSL's that will return an
easy to follow tagged key value Dialect Object Model. It will allow different DSL's or
programming languages to work with, or together through a Central Processing
interpreter. Yes Rebol/Core. A demo example of a HTML DSL is parsed by [...] author: daniel murrill Documentation: by inetw3dm on 3-Apr-2021. |
Dialect Object Model | ||
quote-node-attributes.r discussion documentation | 5.4 KB 4 Jun 2022 | This script is used on data Sequence key value pairs with various different syntax styles such as
DOM Vars, html,xml,css, objects, arrays, json, rebol series, etc. It attempts to reformat malformed
key/value data found in a SL that's usually delimited as objects, arrays, or json statement.
It requotes *" *, and can creates tagged node-elements for look up in Dialect Object Models. Witch
then can be set as Vars to be used with rebol-DOM functions.
You can allso fine tune your own delimiter rules as characters or words patterens to use with the
strip-obj-chars-from() function. (DSL: domain specific language) author: [unknown] Documentation: by inetw3dm on 28-Nov-2020. |
Mass mailer | ||
massmailer.r documentation | v:2.3.24 6.1 KB 15 Feb 2011 | Mass emailng the world! author: Massimiliano Vessi Documentation: by crazyaxe on 20-Mar-2013. |
RFC Parser | ||
rfc-parser.r documentation | v:1.0.0 6.3 KB 3 Mar 2013 | Parse RFC Documents. author: Brett Handley Documentation: by brett on 6-Mar-2013. |
REBOL Parse Rule Parser | ||
parserule-parser.r documentation | v:1.0.2 12.5 KB 9 Mar 2013 | Parse REBOL Parse Rules. author: Brett Handley Documentation: by brett on 6-Mar-2013. |
Simple REBOL Text Parser | ||
rebol-text-parser.r documentation | v:1.0.1 6.7 KB 9 Mar 2013 | Parse text using a REBOL grammar and index values found within it. author: Brett Handley Documentation: by brett on 6-Mar-2013. |
ABNF Parser | ||
abnf-parser.r documentation | v:1.0.1 21.8 KB 11 Mar 2013 | Parse ABNF rules as found in IETF RFC documents. author: Brett Handley Documentation: by brett on 6-Mar-2013. |
Load-Parse-Tree (Parse-Analysis) | ||
load-parse-tree.r documentation | v:2.0.1 8.5 KB 5 May 2013 | Load a block structure representing your input as matched by Parse. author: Brett Handley Documentation: by brett on 6-Mar-2013. |
Parse Analysis Toolset /View | ||
parse-analysis-view.r documentation | v:2.1.0 31.7 KB 24 May 2013 | Some REBOL/View tools to help learn/analyse parse rules. author: Brett Handley Documentation: by brett on 6-Mar-2013. |
Parse Analysis Toolset | ||
parse-analysis.r documentation | v:2.0.0 11.5 KB 3 Mar 2013 | Some tools to help learn/analyse parse rules. author: Brett Handley Documentation: by brett on 3-Mar-2013. |
gzip | ||
gzip.r documentation | v:1.1.0 6.7 KB 8 Jan 2013 | Creates gzip archives, using the rebol compress command. author: Vincent Ecuyer Documentation: by vincentecuye on 4-Feb-2013. |
Tar | ||
tar.r discussion documentation | v:1.1.0 5.5 KB 11 Jan 2013 | Creates tar archives. author: Vincent Ecuyer Documentation: by vincentecuye on 4-Feb-2013. |
Print-Hex | ||
print-hex.r documentation | v:1.0.0 4.0 KB 1 Feb 2013 | Displays binary data both in hexadecimal and filtered ASCII. author: Vincent Ecuyer Documentation: by vincentecuye on 4-Feb-2013. |
Extend | ||
extend.r documentation | v:1.0.0 6.2 KB 31 Jan 2013 | Extends a series with sequential or duplicate values. author: Vincent Ecuyer Documentation: by vincentecuye on 31-Jan-2013. |
Posterize | ||
oneliner-posterize.r documentation | v:1.0.0 1.8 KB 31 Jan 2013 | A short function for 'posterization' effects on images author: Vincent Ecuyer Documentation: by vincentecuye on 31-Jan-2013. |
Analog Clock | ||
analog-clock.r documentation | v:1.2.0 5.6 KB 28 Jan 2013 | Colorful clock with analog display author: Vincent Ecuyer Documentation: by vincentecuye on 30-Jan-2013. |
CRC-32 | ||
crc32.r documentation | v:1.2.0 9.4 KB 30 Jan 2013 | CRC32 checksum function author: Vincent Ecuyer Documentation: by vincentecuye on 30-Jan-2013. |
Static | ||
static.r documentation | 784 bytes 24 Dec 2003 | Functions with static vars author: Vincent Ecuyer Documentation: by vincentecuye on 30-Jan-2013. |
Simple gzip archiver | ||
oneliner-gzip.r3 documentation | v:1.0.0 1.1 KB 8 Jan 2013 | Creates gzip archives, 1-line r3 version. author: Vincent Ecuyer Documentation: by vincentecuye on 30-Jan-2013. |
Image to ppm converter | ||
oneliner-image-to-ppm.r documentation | v:1.0.0 1.0 KB 29 Jan 2013 | Creates a binary Portable Pixel Map (PPM - P6) from an image! source author: Vincent Ecuyer Documentation: by vincentecuye on 29-Jan-2013. |
Image to pgm converter | ||
oneliner-image-to-pgm.r documentation | v:1.0.0 1.6 KB 29 Jan 2013 | Creates a binary Portable Graymap (PGM - P5) from an image! source author: Vincent Ecuyer Documentation: by vincentecuye on 29-Jan-2013. |
Reversi | ||
reversi.r documentation | v:2.3.0 31.3 KB 27 Mar 2006 | Reversi / Othello author: Vincent Ecuyer Documentation: by vincentecuye on 29-Jan-2013. |
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