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Documentation for: parse-analysis-view.rParse Analysis Toolset /View1. What is this for?Uses REBOL/View to visualise the results of Parse. Currently provides a View representation on the results from the Tokenise-parse (see parse-analysis.r script and documentation). 2. Why is it useful?
3. What is in the script?
4. How do you use it?
if not value? 'script-manager [ script-manager: func ['word /local needs][ if any [ :word <> 'do-needs none? in system/script/header 'needs none? needs: system/script/header/needs ][return] if not parse needs: compose [(:needs)] [some file!][make error! {Expected a NEEDS block consisting of file!.}] foreach [file] needs [do file] ] ]
4.1 ExampleHere we specify the parse rules and the text. mygrammar: context [ alpha: charset [#"A" - #"Z" #"a" - #"z"] digit: charset {0123456789} word: [some alpha] number: [some digit] main: [ some [word | number | skip] ] ] text: {Word 123 +=+ 45 End} visualise-parse/ignore text mygrammar [parse/all text mygrammar/main] [alpha digit] Another example. In this example we are going leverage the built-inxml rules of REBOL. That is why the BIND is used below. ; An old xml example xml: {<movie> <title>Star Trek: Insurrection</title> <star>Patrick Stewart</star> <star>Brent Spiner</star> <theater> <theater-name>MonoPlex 2000</theater-name> <showtime>14:15</showtime> <showtime>16:30</showtime> <showtime>18:45</showtime> <showtime>21:00</showtime> <price adult="8.50" child="5.00" /> </theater> <theater price="6.00"> <theater-name>Bigscreen 1</theater-name> <showtime>19:30</showtime> </theater> </movie>} rules: bind [ element name content attribute attr-value ] xml-language visualise-parse xml rules [parse-xml xml] 4.2 What should I do with these examples?
4.2.1 Thinking about what you are seeing
5. About the script authorBrett Handley started programming REBOL early 2000 and maintains a site of REBOL information and scripts at: |