A short function for creating 'posterization' effects on images
2. Usage
'posterize applies a type of color reduction on images, ignoring the less significative bits of each color channel, the result having flat colors zones instead of gradual transitions.
result: posterize value (image!) depth (integer!)
where 'depth is between 1 and 7, with 1 keeping only 8 colors, and 7 with the less noticeable effect. The result is darker so a brightness correction would be appropriate: for the strongest setting, with depth = 1 (8 colors), half the brightness is lost, so applying a VID 'effect like “multiply 255” would do the trick.
Other 'depth values:
depth = 0 or less gives a black result (0 bit/color channel),
depth = 8 does nothing (8 bits/color channel as the original),
depth > 8 gives a false color effect (but darker so one should compensate with 'multiply or similar).
3. Examples
; save a posterized version of a picture
save/png %img-dest.png posterize load %img-src.png 3
; directly used in a display
view layout [
image posterize load http://www.rebol.com/view/demos/nyc.jpg 1
effect [multiply 255]
4. Commented Code
posterize: func [
"Applies a posterize effect (color reduction) and returns the result."
value [image!] "Source image."
depth [integer!] "Color depth: bits / color channel."
/local t
; ands the source with a mask having only the most significant bits left
make image! reduce [
; same size as the source
; trashes the n (= depth) least significant bits with an
; integer division and multiplication
255.255.255 / (t: 2 ** (8 - depth)) * t