Script Library: 1240 scripts
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tag index: l · level

533 scripts tagged as: [level  ·  intermediate]

Reflect all Directions
reflect-all.r681 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Displays all reflection directions.
author: [unknown]
Regset - Regular expression convertor to bitset!
2.1 KB
31 May 2007
Make bitset from simple regex-like dialect.
author: Boleslav Brezovsky
Cellphone reminder
5.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
Reads a file 'data.txt' containing appointment data, and sends my cell phone a text message 5 minutes before the appointment.
author: Graham Chiu
Remote file Utility
6.0 KB
25 Sep 2003
Exchange files over a network without ftp
author: Ingo Hohmann
Simple Rich Text renderer
4.7 KB
16 Jan 2004
Defines the render-rich-text function, that is able to render simple rich text in a face.
author: Gabriele Santilli
request time
request-time.r4.6 KB
20 Sep 2004
widget to return a valid time datatype
author: Tom Conlin
2.3 KB
1 Oct 2013
icon for resizer.rSimple image resizer
author: Massimiliano Vessi
6.1 KB
2 Jan 2005
Using a (forth-featured) rewrite-grammar to plot recursive (turtle) graphics
author: Piotr Gapinski
3.9 KB
13 Aug 2010
Minimalistic Rebol Indexed file, append only database manager
author: Pavel
RNILL - REBOL Non Intelligent Language Learner
10.8 KB
19 Feb 2004
RNILL a REBOL implementation of a non intelligent language learner inspired by NIALL (Non Intelligent Amos Language Learner by Mathew Peck 1990).
author: Allen Kamp
Simple file manager
18.5 KB
19 Jul 2003
A simple file manager
author: Gabriele Santilli
1.1 KB
13 Mar 2003
To Encode and Decode Rot-13 strings
author: Allen Kamp
Round Function
round-2.r975 bytes
23 Jul 2004
A function to round a number
author: Marco
4.2 KB
21 Jul 2008
Create, Manager, and Use simplified RRD DB
author: Roger McIlmoyle
Run sequence encoded integer data sets
7.0 KB
21 Feb 2007
Provide an API for compacting/compressing sets of integers
author: christian
RSS feed reader
28.9 KB
20 Jul 2007
Live Bookmarks
author: Piotr Gapinski
runner.r4.5 KB
18 Oct 2013
Run rebol scripts or open websites at certain time intervals. For example, I use it with an email-checking script and a few others I just felt like compressing it to save some space - I use floppy disks a lot. do this in the console to get the source: write %RunnerDecomp.txt decompress pick (load %Runner.r) 3
author: Izkata
Safe CGI data retriever
3.4 KB
22 Jun 2011
Safely retrieves CGI GET or POST data into a REBOL object.
author: Sunanda
Sammy's manager
samman.r12.8 KB
2 Jan 2012
To generate Sammy.js files using a dialect
author: [unknown]
Save Scheme
8.8 KB
2 Nov 2016
Saves scheme specification to a file.
author: Annick Ecuyer
Recursively scan directory
2.0 KB
9 Oct 2008
Scans a directory recursively and returns path to all files in a block. Allows file matching and a callback function per file.
author: Henrik Mikael Kristensen
895 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Returns the script source code for a word.
author: Andrew Martin
Scrolling layout demo
scrollinglayout.r22.7 KB
7 Feb 2013
This is a demo of making a sub-layout, on a main window, that is too big for the main window and can be scrolled. It was adapted from the REBOL cookbook and heavily annotated as an aid in learning how the scroller works.
author: Steven White with help from Carl and MaxV
Scroll Pictures
scrollpic.r1.9 KB
13 Mar 2003
Scroll through some pictures
author: P. Bevan
SDL library interface
131.3 KB
23 Sep 2012
Code to bind SDL shared library to Rebol.
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Search Center
3.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
Uses various resources for various searches without having to go to their website.
author: Kevin Adams
11.2 KB
22 Oct 2005
Cleans up parent markers in a path, whilst restricting the output to a sandbox directory
author: anton rolls
Server object handler script
server.r5.1 KB
19 Oct 2004
This script will parse robot.txt files and store a hash! of forbidden paths. This is very useful for webbots or spiders of any kind (at least if obeying robot exclusion standards is desirable). I looked at the ht://dig package ( script that does the same thing as this script to see if I [...]
author: hy
REBOL Prompt Setter
set-prompt.r613 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Demonstrates how to set the prompt in REBOL
author: Bohdan Lechnowsky
SHA1 Message-Digest Algorithm
5.3 KB
16 Dec 2012
Returns a sha1 message digest of an input string as a binary!
author: Marco Antoniazzi
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