Script Library: 1240 scripts


Rebol [ Title: "Resizer" File: %resizer.r Author: "Massimiliano Vessi" Date: 2011-07-22 Version: 1.2.3 email: %maxint--tiscali--it Purpose: {Simple image resizer} Library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: 'all type: [tool demo ] domain: [all] tested-under: [view Windows Linux ] support: %maxint--tiscali--it license: 'gpl see-also: none ] ] suff: "_small" ridimensiona: does [ immagini: request-file foreach immagine_f immagini [ immagine_i: load-image immagine_f temp_imm: load-image immagine_f ;we'll use this for height check if x/data [ dimensioni: immagine_i/size max_L: to-integer maxL/text if dimensioni/1 > max_L [ fattore: dimensioni/1 / max_L temp_L: layout/tight [ image (dimensioni / fattore) immagine_i ] temp_imm: to-image temp_L ;this will be used for heigh check if png/data [save/png (to-file rejoin [ immagine_f suff_f/text ".png" ]) temp_imm] if bmp/data [save/bmp (to-file rejoin [ immagine_f suff_f/text ".bmp" ]) temp_imm] ] ] if y/data [ dimensioni: temp_imm/size ;this way, we'll use the X resized image or the original image max_H: to-integer maxH/text if dimensioni/2 > max_H [ fattore: dimensioni/2 / max_H temp_L: layout/tight [ image (dimensioni / fattore) immagine_i ] temp_imm: to-image temp_L if png/data [save/png (to-file rejoin [ immagine_f suff_f/text ".png" ]) temp_imm] if bmp/data [save/bmp (to-file rejoin [ immagine_f suff_f/text ".bmp" ]) temp_imm] ] ] ] alert "DONE!" ] help_L: layout [ title "Help" text 250 {This is software aims to create small copy of the original images, resize the to smaller size. You can choose what dimensions use, if software should check just length or height or both. You can select multiple files at one time. You can choose the suffix to append at the new images. If you need further help, you can contact me:} text (rejoin [ "maxint" "@" "" ]) ] view layout [ title "THUMBNAIL GENERATOR" across x: check true h4 "Max Leight:" maxL: field "70" return y: check h4 "Max Height:" maxH: field "70" return h4 "Suffix:" suff_f: field suff ;ths suffix to append at the file names of thumbnail immages return h4 "Output image format:" bmp: radio text ".bmp" png: radio true text ".png" return button "Select image(s)" [ ridimensiona ] btn-help [ view/new help_L ] ]
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage
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  • (maxint:tiscali:it)