Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ Title: "Scroll Pictures" Date: 16-Jun-2000 File: %scrollpic.r Author: "P. Bevan" Purpose: "Scroll through some pictures" library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: none type: none domain: 'GUI tested-under: none support: none license: none see-also: none ] ] pics: [] find-param: function [t-param] [p-text] [ p-text: find str t-param either p-text = none [return ""] [return second p-text] ] ; setup parameters either exists? %title.txt [str: parse (read %title.txt) "="] [str: ""] ; title text title-text: find-param "Title" ;size pic-size: find-param "size" either pic-size = "" [pic-size: 640x400] [pic-size: to-pair pic-size] num-pics: 0 foreach files read %. [ p-files: (parse files ".") if (length? p-files) = 2 [ is-jpg-gif: second p-files if any[is-jpg-gif = "gif" is-jpg-gif = "jpg"] [ num-pics: num-pics + 1 pics: append pics to-string files ] ] ] pic-text: find-param (first pics) count: 0 view/title layout [ size pic-size ; 720x540 backface: backdrop (to-file (first pics)) effect [fit] at 5x5 p-text: text pic-text 400x24 with [ rate: 1 feel: make feel [ engage: func [face action event i] [ count: count + 1 if (count // 10) = 0 [ elem: 1 + (to-integer (count / 10)) if elem > num-pics [elem: 1 count: 0] filename: pick pics elem imag: load to-file filename backface/image: imag show backface p-text/text: find-param filename show p-text ] ] ] ] ] title-text
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage