Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ Title: "Search Center" Date: 3-Jan-2002 Version: 1.2.1 File: %search.r Author: "Kevin Adams" Needs: "REBOL View" Purpose: {Uses various resources for various searches without having to go to their website.} Email: %kadams--netlane--com Notes: {Program first written on November 4, 2001 .A little source code take from Jos Yule's Dictionary Lookup program.} library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: none type: none domain: [other-net GUI web] tested-under: none support: none license: none see-also: none ] ] about: layout [ backdrop 219.219.219 h1 "Search Center" 28.52.86 text "Version 1.2.0" text "written by Kevin Adams, %kadams--netlane--com" button "okay" [unview] 70x20 effect [gradient 0.0.0] ] win1: layout/size [ backdrop 219.219.219 h1 "Search Center" 28.52.86 guide pad 20 button "Section One" [panels/pane: panel1 show panels] 85x20 effect [gradient 0.0.0] button "Section Two" [panels/pane: panel2 show panels] 85x20 effect [gradient 0.0.0] button "About" [view/new center-face about] 85x20 effect [gradient 0.0.0] button "Quit" [quit] 85x20 effect [gradient 0.0.0] return box 2x270 28.52.86 return panels: box 180x280 ] 350x350 panel1: layout [ backdrop 219.219.219 across h2 "Dictionary Search" 28.52.86 return word_to_lookup2: field 120 [ ] button "Go" 30 effect [gradient 0.0.0] [ browse/only join "" [ "?book=dictionary&va=" word_to_lookup2/text] ] return h2 "Google Search" 28.52.86 return word_to_lookup3: field 120 [ ] button "Go" 30 effect [gradient 0.0.0] [ browse/only join "" ["" word_to_lookup3/text "&btnG=Google+Search"] ] return h2 "Yahoo Search" 28.52.86 return word_to_lookup6: field 120 [ ] button "Go" 30 effect [gradient 0.0.0] [ browse/only join "" ["" word_to_lookup6/text ] ] return h2 "Slashdot" 28.52.86 return word_to_lookup1: field 120 [ ] button "Go" 30 effect [gradient 0.0.0] [ browse/only join "" [""word_to_lookup1/text ] ] ] panel2: layout [ backdrop 219.219.219 across return h2 "Image Search" 28.52.86 return word_to_lookup4: field 120 [ ] button "Go" 30 effect [gradient 0.0.0] [ browse/only join "" ["" word_to_lookup4/text "&btnG=Google+Search"] ] return h2 "Usenet Search" 28.52.86 return word_to_lookup5: field 120 [ ] button "Go" 30 effect [gradient 0.0.0] [ browse/only join "" ["" word_to_lookup5/text "&hl=&btnG=Google+Search"] ] return h2 "eBay Search" 28.52.86 return word_to_lookup7: field 120 [ ] button "Go" 30 effect [gradient 0.0.0] [ browse/only join "" ["" word_to_lookup7/text "&x=-567&y=-92"] ] return h2 "Stock Quote" 28.52.86 return word_to_lookup8: field 120 [ ] button "Go" 30 effect [gradient 0.0.0] [ browse/only join "" ["" word_to_lookup8/text "&d=v3"] ] ] panel1/offset: 0x0 panel2/offset: 0x0 panels/pane: panel1 view center-face win1
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage
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  • (kadams:netlane:com)