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rnill.rREBOL [
Title: "RNILL - REBOL Non Intelligent Language Learner"
Author: "Allen Kamp"
Email: %rebol--optushome--com--au
Date: 22-Jun-2000
File: %rnill.r
Version: 1.0.4
History: [1.0.2 [
22-Jun-2000 {Cleaned up, fixed local declarations, hopefully more GC freindly}
"Allen K" ]
1.0.3 [23-Jun-2000 {Found Hash Crash bug in Rebol and added work around} "Allen K" ]
1.0.4 [7-Jul-2000 {For absolute safety removed all use of Hash!} "Allen K" ]
Purpose: {
RNILL a REBOL implementation of a non intelligent language learner
inspired by NIALL (Non Intelligent Amos Language Learner by
Mathew Peck 1990).
Library: [
level: 'intermediate
platform: 'all
type: [demo]
domain: [ai]
tested-under: none
support: none
license: none
see-also: none
Comment: {
RNILL is a fun chatter-bot:
Just type what ever comes into your head, RNILL learns sentence structure
from what you type. RNILL starts off knowing nothing (unlike Melissa
or Eliza), so at first he may just repeat your sentences.
Type in jokes, stories, obscure comments, whatever you like, or use the
'read' command to read in texts.
But be warned sometimes RNILL's replies will be spookily accurate.
Category: [games]
;---Constants and Switches
data-file: %RNILLData.txt
;---Turn on or off welcome text and getting user name.
welcome-on: true
Preformatted-Words: [
"I" "I'll" "I'd" "I'm" "I've" "RNILL" "REBOL" "PC" "UNIX" "Amiga" "HTML"
"Australia" "UK" "USA" "Japan"
;---End Constants and Switches
;---Init Tables
Dictionary: make block! 1000
Stats: make block! 1000
Relations: make block! 1000
;---now called stats, relationships and dictionary
;---Load Tables
if exists? %RNILLData.txt [
last-chat: modified? data-file
Data: load %RNILLData.txt
Dictionary: to-block copy Data/1
Stats: copy Data/2
Relations: copy Data/3
unset 'data
welcome-user: func [
/local sentence
;---Welcoming sentences, also fed into RNILL learning process.
user: ask {Hello my name RNILL, what is your name? }
append preformatted-words copy user ; retain name formatting.
user-prompt: rejoin [user " > "]
sentence: rejoin ["Hello " user]
print ["RNILL >" sentence]
;---may as well learn this sentence too
RNILL-learns sentence
either not exists? data-file [
sentence: {Please tell me something about yourself}
sentence: {It is good to talk to someone again}
print ["RNILL >" sentence]
;---may as well learn this sentence too
RNILL-learns sentence
input-loop: func [/local sentence data] [
while [true] [
sentence: ask user-prompt
switch/default sentence [
"Quit" [
;Save RNILL Data on exit
print ["^/Goodbye" User
{it has been nice chatting with you.}]
data: copy []
insert/only tail data dictionary
insert/only tail data stats
insert/only tail data relations
save data-file data
break ;quit out of loop/end program
"?" [statistics/RNILL-info]
"Read" [
file: to-file ask {> Read Filename ? }
try [either exists? file [sentence: read file]
[Print "Read File Error..." sentence: ""]]
if (sentence <> "") [
Prin {Reading File...}
RNILL-Learns sentence
Print "Done"
;---Default evaluate and build dictionary
RNILL-Learns sentence
prin "RNILL > "
prin reply/create-quote
prin newline
;---Process Sentences
RNILL-Learns: func [
paragraph [string!] {Sentence string to learn from}
/local words
words: copy []
;---Prepare Block of Ordered Words
;---Paragraph -> Block of Sentences -> Block of words
foreach sentence parse/all paragraph {.?!}[
trim/with sentence "," ;remove commas
trim sentence ; remove beginning or trailing spaces
;---Add Sentence Begin Marker
sentence: join "|- " [sentence]
words: parse sentence none
;--- Assess Word block
build-dictionary words
build-relationships words
build-dictionary: func [
/local word-id counter found
] [
foreach word sentence-blk [
either found? found: find Dictionary word [
;---Update Known word, increment # times used
word-id: index? found
counter: pick Stats word-id
poke Stats word-id (counter + 1)
;---Add New Word
append Dictionary format-word word
append Stats 1 ; Word Usage Count
;---Insert empty series, to be
;---filled later by build-relations
insert/only tail Relations make block! []
build-relationships: func [
/local i count preword postword preword-id postword-id found relation-blk relation-stat
relation-blk: copy []
repeat i length? sentence [
preword: pick sentence i
postword: pick sentence (i + 1)
;---Use index as ID
preword-ID: index? found: find dictionary preword
;---find relations entry block for preword
relation-blk: pick relations preword-ID
either postword <> none [
;---Get PostWord-ID
postword-ID: index? found: find dictionary postword
postword-ID: -1 ; End of Sentence ID
either found? relation-stat: select relation-blk postword-ID [
;---Increment Relation count
count: relation-stat/1
change relation-stat (count + 1)
;---Add New Relation Entry
append relation-blk Postword-ID ; relation entry id
;---Set Relation Count to 1
insert/only tail relation-blk make block! [1]
; Rewritten after errors found in v2.2
format-word: func [
string [any-string!]
/local pre-formatted result
result: copy ""
pre-formatted: copy ""
either found? pre-formatted: find preformatted-words string [
result: copy first pre-formatted
] [
result: lowercase copy string
return result
;---End Process Sentences
;--RNILL Reply Functions
reply: make object! [
rnd: func [
{Return a random integer between min and max values inclusive}
min-val [integer!]
max-val [integer!]
min-val - 1 + random (max-val - min-val + 1)
fill-line: func [
{Fills reply-blk with a sentence ready for formatting}
word-Id [integer!]
reply-blk [block!]
/local relation-blk weight goal-weight chosen-word-id word-str
relation-blk: copy []
word-str: copy []
weight: 0
chosen-word-id: -1 ; End of Sentence as default.
;--goal-weight: random word usage count
goal-weight: random stats/:word-id
foreach [relation frequency] relations/:word-id [
weight: weight + first frequency
if (weight >= goal-weight) [
chosen-word-id: relation
either chosen-word-id <> -1 [
word-str: copy pick dictionary chosen-word-id
;---Capitalise first-letter-first-word.
if word-id = 1 [uppercase/part word-str 1]
append reply-blk copy word-str
fill-line chosen-word-id reply-blk ;recurse
format-reply: func [
words-min [integer!] {Min words in sentence}
words-max [integer!] {Max words in sentence}
lines-min [integer!] {Min lines in reply}
lines-max [integer!] {Max lines reply}
/term line-term [string!] {What to terminate the line with e.g "^/". Default is ". "}
/local out line-length line count lines
if not term [line-term: copy ". "]
count: 0
lines: rnd lines-min lines-max
out: copy []
while [count < lines][
line: copy []
fill-line 1 line
line-length: length? line
if all [line-length >= words-min line-length <= words-max][
append out copy join line [line-term]
count: count + 1
return out
create-quote: func [/local reply][
form format-reply/term 4 12 1 1 "^H. "
;--RNILL Stat Functions
statistics: make object! [
count-words: func [
{Returns the total number of words in RNILL's dictionary}
/local count
;---Remove start sentence maker from count
count: (length? stats) - 1
if count < 0 [count: 0]
return count
count-sentences: func [
{Returns the total number of sentences RNILL has analysed}
/local count
count: pick stats 1
if count = none [count: 0]
return count
count-relationships: func [
{Returns the total number of word relationships in RNILL's dictionary}
/local count
count: 0
foreach stat stats [count: count + stat]
return count
RNILL-info: func [{Shows RNILL Info}
/stats-only {Shows only Stats part of the info}
if not stats-only [
;prin "^(page)"
print ""
print {+------------------------------------------------------+}
print {| RNILL - The REBOL Non-Intelligent Language Learner |}
print {+------------------------------------------------------+}
print ""
print {======================Statistics=======================+}
print [{ Sentences |} count-sentences]
print [{ Words |} count-words]
print [{ Relationships |} count-relationships]
print {+------------------------------------------------------+}
print ""
if not stats-only [
print {+------------------------------------------------------+}
print {| To Exit: enter Quit | To View Stats: enter ? |}
print {| | |}
print {| To learn a text file: enter Read (and follow prompt) |}
print {+------------------------------------------------------+}
;--End RNILL stat Functions
random/seed now
prin "^(page)"
either welcome-on [welcome-user] [user-prompt: {User > } user: ""]
halt Notes