Script Library: 1240 scripts
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12.5 KB
27 Mar 2005
A spellchecked area
author: Volker Nitsch
11.2 KB
28 Jul 2006
funcions that allows send and receive SMS by GSM modem
author: Janeks Kamerovskis
2.1 KB
16 Dec 2004
WhoIs query, parse, and save as a file
author: David Handy
1.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
WhoIs query, parse, and save as a file
author: David Handy
25.6 KB
19 Jul 2003
Implements a Wiki using Rebol and the Xitami webserver.
author: Andrew Martin
CGI Form with Defaults
1.3 KB
13 Mar 2003
Handles a CGI form, providing default values for missing fields in the form. Returns a web page. (The associated cgiform.html file contains the form).
author: [unknown]
Example for async dns:// and spam dns server
3.9 KB
4 Oct 2003
Example code to: 1) use the dns:// protocol in async mode 2) use the dns:// protocol to check spam address in async mode
author: Romano Paolo Tenca
VID Usage
80.5 KB
10 Jan 2004
VID Usage Tutorial with Runnable Examples
author: Cybarite
REBOL Blogger
18.3 KB
10 Jan 2005
The blog system written and used by Carl Sassenrath, REBOL's creator. This script will let you post and update blogs on your website using just a web browser. Generates summary and index pages, blog searches, etc. Extensible with Makedoc2 for more formatting options.
author: Carl Sassenrath
A Reb-Site
70.8 KB
23 Mar 2008
a-reb-site.r was written to: - compare form and function of a reb-site with that of a conventional web-site. ( obliging web-site - perhaps!) & - to provide an example of a reb-site script, & - as an illustration of the compact size of a reb-site relative to the average web-site [...]
author: R.v.d.Zee
blogger.r1.9 KB
22 Apr 2010
This program allows users to create and add entries to an online blog page. The GUI has text fields which allow the user to enter a title, link, and blog text, as well as a button to select an image file which will be uploaded and included in the blog entry. When the Upload button is clicked, an HTML file is created and uploaded to [...]
author: nick
Core Email
core-email.r5.1 KB
12 Oct 2009
A simple email program that can run in REBOL/Core - entirely at the command line (no VID GUI components or View graphics are required). You can store configuration information for as many email accounts as you'd like in the accounts block, and easily switch between them at any point in the program. Taken from the [...]
author: nick
Captcha Example
captcha-example.r1.0 KB
8 Apr 2010
A minimal example demonstrating how to use the captcha library by SOFTINNOV: NOTE: the first part of this script CAN be used to create catchpa images in a non-graphic environment. You can, for example, run the first 6 lines of this script on your web server - just be sure to use REBOL/command [...]
author: nick
chmod777to555.r1.4 KB
17 Apr 2010
I use this script to make sure that there are no files chmod'd to 777 on my webservers. Built in is a routine that collects and writes the name of every folder and every file on my server, to a text file. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick
Easy CGI Form Example
1.1 KB
13 Mar 2003
Handles a CGI form and returns its values as a web page. (The associated cgiform.html file contains the form).
author: Anonymous
CGI Form Dumper
785 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Display the contents of a submitted form as a web page. Useful for debugging CGI forms.
author: [unknown]
CGI FTP Folder Copy
cgi-ftp-folder-copy.r655 bytes
17 Apr 2010
A CGI script to copy entire directories of files from one web server to another. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick
CGI with FORM with refilled data
4.9 KB
28 Aug 2012
Example of how a webform could be processed by a REBOL script, refilling previously filled fields when errors in input are detected. For performance it is always better to have some validation (using e.g. Javascript) on the client side first, but for safety the check also needs to be (re)done at the server side.
author: Arnold van Hofwegen
demo.r4.1 KB
14 Sep 2009
Amazingly small REBOL demo app: 10 useful programs in only 2.5k (LESS THAN HALF A PRINTED PAGE OF CODE!): 1 - FREEHAND PAINT: draw and save graphic images 2 - SNAKE GAME: eat food, avoid hitting the walls and yourself 3 - TILE PUZZLE, 15 : arrange the tiles into alphabetical order 4 - CALENDAR: save [...]
author: nick
Block Diagram
1.7 KB
13 Mar 2003
An example of REBOL code creating a useful diagram.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Email client
9.1 KB
13 Mar 2003
A fullblooded email-client that checks, orginizes and sends emails! autoupgradable!
author: Tommy Giessing Pedersen
rebol Server pages
1.6 KB
13 Mar 2003
Execute embedded rebol code, see
author: Maarten Koopmans
esend - smtp client
3.2 KB
2 Jul 2003
A modified version of 'send for ESMTP
author: RT, G. Scott Jones
Make a directory
414 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Make a file directory on an FTP server.
author: [unknown]
Transfer REBOL Files to Server
625 bytes
13 Mar 2003
FTP all .r files in the current directory to a server.
author: Anonymous