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Dialect Object Model
61.9 KB
4 Jun 2022
%Rebol-DOM.r mdlparser.r is a copy of the %Rebol-DOM.r mdlparser. The first copy would not download so i appended the *.r to it, wich seemed to make it able to become downloadable now. So...., down load it and tell me all about its glorious [...]
author: daniel
VID Usage
80.5 KB
10 Jan 2004
VID Usage Tutorial with Runnable Examples
author: Cybarite
Micro Web Server
2.1 KB
13 Mar 2003
Here is a web server that works quite well and can be run from just about any machine. It's not only fast, but its also small so it's easy to enhance.
author: [unknown]
using dict protocol from
8.7 KB
27 Feb 2008
Some usage words for dict:// protocol based on RFC2229
author: Brian Tiffin
1 million rows grid 3
1-million-rows-grid3.r2.2 KB
11 Mar 2017
Demo of grid data display, with lots of features (save/load, add/remove, undo, multiline edit, sort, search, key scroll, separator lines, etc.) using VID's 'list style. See the minimal examples (grids 1 and 2) to learn the basics about using the VID list widget.
author: nick
ARCFOUR and CipherSaber
arcfour.r3.8 KB
18 Jan 2004
Provides encryption and decryption using the ARCFOUR algorithm
author: Cal Dixon
A Reb-Site
70.8 KB
23 Mar 2008
a-reb-site.r was written to: - compare form and function of a reb-site with that of a conventional web-site. ( obliging web-site - perhaps!) & - to provide an example of a reb-site script, & - as an illustration of the compact size of a reb-site relative to the average web-site [...]
author: R.v.d.Zee
ARFF Data Mining
arff-datamining.r2.7 KB
26 Feb 2009
Implement a framework for Data Mining algorithms that works on ARFF files. Includes various algorithms. Assumes class being mined for is the last attribute.
author: Izkata
BDF font library for REBOL.
43.7 KB
1 Mar 2011
To make REBOL capable of rendering nice fonts on all platforms, not just Windows
author: Andras Suller
8.7 KB
9 Jan 2009
Basic BBCode implementation. For more info about BBCode check
author: David 'Oldes' Oliva
Send Message to GSM Cellphone
cellphone.r1.8 KB
13 Mar 2003
To post a message via MTN's SMS gateway to a GSM phone
author: Graham Chiu
Choice Button Menu Example
choice-button-menu-example.r1.6 KB
28 Sep 2010
A quick way to add a simple menu to VID GUIs
author: nick
Scripts To Change The Appearance Of Text-Lists
17.2 KB
15 Apr 2008
This script is a tool that provides script writers with script that can be used to change the appearance of text-lists.
author: R.v.d.Zee
Rebol Code colorizer
18.7 KB
19 Jan 2009
To convert Rebol script into html with colorized code. Using string based parsing.
author: David 'Oldes' Oliva
Chord Accompaniment Player
chord-accompaniment-player.r2.4 KB
30 Jun 2008
Plays music backup tracks, based on chord progressions entered as text. See for a case study about how this program was created.
author: nick antonaccio
cacheserver.r2.2 KB
25 Sep 2004
This is a tiny cache server, about as small as can be. It may not be usable in a real-world application, but it sure was a lot more fun to write than the 600 line java application...
author: [unknown]
2.8 KB
13 Mar 2003
To download multiple remote files and show the progress
author: oldes
Drill Bits
7.6 KB
8 Aug 2005
A VID drill program to help memorize facts using repeated multiple choice question and answers.
author: mikel
Save email attachments to disk
detach.r2.3 KB
13 Mar 2003
Detach mail attachments
author: Sterling Newton
Easy Drawer
9.2 KB
11 Feb 2007
Easy way to test draw commands
author: Guest2