View in color | License | Download script | History | Other scripts by: carl |
9-Oct 21:31 UTC
[0.066] 12.704k
[0.066] 12.704k
downloader.rREBOL [
Title: "Downloader"
Date: 23-May-2002/0:33:57+2:00
Version: 0.2.2
File: %downloader.r
Author: "oldes"
Purpose: {To download multiple remote files and show the progress}
Email: %oliva--david--seznam--cz
library: [
level: none
platform: none
type: 'tool
domain: 'GUI
tested-under: none
support: none
license: none
see-also: none
downloader: func [
"Download multiple files from the net. Show progress. Return block of file sizes."
urls [block!] "Block of files to download"
/to dir [file!] "If the target file should be placed in other directory then in public/"
/log log-file [file! url!] "File where informations about downloaded files is written"
/update "Force update"
/local lo f tmp msg logport upd-func onclose sizes
lo: layout/size [
backdrop black
origin 1x1
box 155x38 170.185.165
at 160x2 box 35x35 black
at 157x0 box 1x42 115.150.132
at 1x1 label 155 center title-str
at 3x23 prog: progress 151x14 150.165.145 edge [size: 1x2 color: black] with [
colors: [248.172.3 217.51.51]
at 3x23 stat: h4 151x14 font [size: 9] center middle
] 200x42
lo/edge: make lo/edge [size: 1x1 color: 115.150.132]
if log [
onclose: func [f e][if e/type = 'close [close logport quit] e]
insert-event-func :onclose
msg: func[t][append logport t]
logport: open/new/write log-file
msg tmp: rejoin ["##[DOWNLOAD started: " now "]##^/"]
msg head insert/dup "" "#" (length? tmp) - 1
if to [ msg rejoin ["^/##[TARGET: " dir "]##" ] ]
view/new/options center-face lo [no-title no-border]
upd-func: func [total bytes][
prog/data: bytes / (max 1 total)
show prog
tmp: total
sizes: make block! []
foreach url reduce urls [
probe url
f: decode-url url
stat/text: f/target
show stat
tmp: 0
either to [
if none? f/path [f/path: ""]
targ: rejoin [dirize dir f/host "/" f/path]
make-dir/deep targ
either update [
read-thru/progress/update/to url :upd-func join targ f/target
][ read-thru/progress/to url :upd-func join targ f/target]
][ either update [
read-thru/progress/update url :upd-func
][ read-thru/progress url :upd-func ]
if log [msg rejoin [newline now/time/precise tab url tab tmp]]
append sizes tmp
if log [
msg "^/##[END of download]##"
close logport
remove-event-func :onclose
unview/only lo
] Notes