Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ Title: "Scripts To Change The Appearance Of Text-Lists" Date: 08-Mar-2008 Version: 1.0.0 File: %change-text-lists.r Author: "R.v.d.Zee" Owner: "R.v.d.Zee" Rights: "Copyright (C) R. v.d.Zee 2008 All Rights Reserved" Purpose: {This script is a tool that provides script writers with script that can be used to change the appearance of text-lists.} Usage: {Enter the name of your text-list in the field and select an attribute to modify. Copy the displayed script with the Ctrl & C keys, and paste into your script. Some editing may be necessary.} Notes: {More changes and methods could be added to the list, and similar scripts could be written for other GUI objects, the scroller for example. Most of the scripts included below can be found with the REBOL help command. The change of color of the Highlight Bar is from an original script written in French, I have lost the author's name - apologies!.} History: [11-Apr-2008 "Posted To Library"] Library: [ level: 'beginner platform: 'all type: [demo how-to reference] domain: [GUI] support: none tested-under: [Rebol/View 2.7.6 [Windows]] license: none ] ] list-changes: [ "Add Data" [ clear example/data append example/data copy sample-data ] "Order Data - Default Tabs 40" [ clear example/data foreach line sample-data [ foreach sample line [ list-line: [] append list-line join sample "^(tab)" ] append/only example/data list-line ] ] "Order Data - Set Tabs 80" [ clear example/data example/iter/para/tabs: 80 foreach line sample-data [ foreach sample line [ list-line: [] append list-line join sample "^(tab)" ] append/only example/data list-line ] ] "Order Data - Set Tabs 220" [ clear example/data example/iter/para/tabs: 220 foreach line sample-data [ foreach sample line [ list-line: [] append list-line join sample "^(tab)" ] append/only example/data list-line ] ] "Order Data - Script" [ clear example/data example/iter/para/tabs: 40 example/iter/font/name: "courier new" longest-strings: array/initial 5 0 sample-data2: copy/deep sample-data foreach entry sample-data2 [ longest-strings/1: max longest-strings/1 (length? entry/1) longest-strings/2: max longest-strings/2 (length? entry/2) longest-strings/3: max longest-strings/3 (length? entry/3) longest-strings/4: max longest-strings/4 (length? entry/4) longest-strings/5: max longest-strings/5 (length? entry/5) ] foreach line sample-data2 [ foreach string line [ adds: (longest-strings/1 - (length? string)) loop adds [append string " "] append string "^(tab)" longest-strings: next longest-strings ] longest-strings: head longest-strings ] clear example/data append example/data sample-data2 ] "Set Dragger" [ reset-dragger: func [list-var][ list-var/pane/pane/2/pane/1/size/y: (list-var/lc / (length? list-var/data)) * (list-var/size/y - (list-var/sld/pane/2/size/y * 2)) show list-var ] reset-face example ] "Set Dragger 2" [ reset-dragger: func [list-var] [ list-var/sld/redrag list-var/lc / max 1 (length? (head list-var/lines)) reset-face list-var ] ] "Color Track" [example/pane/pane/2/color: sky - 60] "Color Dragger" [example/sld/pane/1/color: sky - 100] "Color Top Clicker (up)" [example/sld/pane/2/colors/1: sky - 130] "Color Top Clicker (down)" [example/sld/pane/2/colors/2: orange] "Color Bottom Clicker (up)" [example/sld/pane/3/colors/1: sky - 130] "Color Bottom Clicker (down)" [example/sld/pane/3/colors/2: orange] "Red Top Clicker Edge" [example/sld/pane/2/edge/color: red] "Red Dragger Edge" [example/sld/pane/1/edge/color: red] "Red Bottom Clicker Edge" [example/sld/pane/3/edge/color: red] "Orange Font" [example/iter/font/color: orange] "Bold Font" [example/iter/font/style: 'bold] "Number Lines" [ counter: 0 reset-face example reset-face example/sld foreach line example/data [ counter: counter + 1 insert/only line join counter "^(tab)" ] ] "Hide Numbers" [example/iter/para/indent/x: -40] "Plain Edge Effect" [example/sub-area/edge/effect: none] "Thin Edge Size" [example/sub-area/edge/size: 1x1] "Red Edge" [example/sub-area/edge/color: red] "Transparent Background" [ example/pane/color: example/effect: example/sub-area/color: example/slf/color: example/image: see-chest/pane/color: see-chest/color: none example/text: "" ] "Image Background" [ show changer example/pane/color: none example/sub-area/color: example/slf/color: example/effect: see-chest/pane/color: see-chest/color: none example/text: "" either connected? [ example/image: load ][ example/image: load logo.gif ] ] "Fit Image" [example/effect: [fit aspect] show example "Fit Image"] "Gradient Background" [ example/pane/color: none example/sub-area/color: example/slf/color: see-chest/pane/color: see-chest/color: none example/text: "" example/effect: [gradient 1x0 blue red] ] "Color Background Teal" [example/slf/color: teal] "Pattern Background" [ example/pane/color: none example/sub-area/color: example/slf/color: see-chest/pane/color: see-chest/color: none example/text: "" example/effect: [ gradient 0x1 255.255.255 190.190.190 draw [ pen none fill-pen diagonal 237x806 0 295 6 2 6 box 0x0 example/size ] ] show example ] "Select Line 10" [example/picked: example/data/10] "Highlight Bar Color" [ pick-color: 163.223.220 example/iter/feel: make example/iter/feel [ redraw: func [f a e] bind [ f/color: either find picked f/text [pick-color] [slf/color] ] in example 'self ] ] "De-select" [example/picked: [] reset-face example] "Left Hand Scroller" [ example/sld/offset/x: 0 example/sub-area/offset/x: 16 ] "Adjust Height" [ see-change/size/y: see-chest/size/y: example/size/y: example/sub-area/size/y: example/pane/size/y: example/sld/size/y: example/pane/pane/2/pane-size/y: see-change/size/y + 5 example/sld/pane/3/offset/y: example/sld/pane/3/offset/y + 5 ] "No Scroller" [ example/sld/show?: false example/sub-area/size/x: 716 ] "Arial Font" [example/iter/font/name: "arial"] "Italic Font" [example/iter/font/style: 'italic] "Fixed Width Font" [example/iter/font/name: "courier new"] "Large Font" [example/iter/font/size: 18] "Large Line Height" [example/iter/size/y: 60] "Reset Font & Line" [ example/iter/font/size: 12 example/iter/size/y: 15 ] "Notes" [] ] do-list: make block! divide (length? list-changes) 2 forskip list-changes 2 [append do-list list-changes/1] main: layout [ size 800x710 backdrop effect [ gradient 0x1 255.255.255 190.190.190 draw [ pen none fill-pen cubic -354x-292 0 134 230 7 4 box 0x0 800x710 ] ] across see-chest: box 700x300 green return pad 0x20 note-pad: info 440x140 wrap font-size 14 with [ edge/effect: none edge: none color: none para/margin: 10x10 para/origin: 10x10 effect: [ draw [ pen fill-pen box 0x0 438x138 16 ] ] ] space 0 pad 52 changer: text-list 200x140 data do-list [ change-note: func [note][ note-pad/line-list: none note-pad/text: select notebook note show note-pad ] show-script: func [item][ script-pad/line-list: none reset-face scroll-script-pad script-pad/text: copy form mold select list-changes item script-pad/text: copy form mold select list-changes item replace script-pad/text "see-chest/pane/color: see-chest/color: none" "" example/text: "" if not empty? namer/text [replace/all script-pad/text "example" namer/text] if (first script-pad/text) = #"[" [remove script-pad/text] if (last script-pad/text) = #"]" [replace script-pad/text last script-pad/text ""] show script-pad ] show-script face/picked/1 change-note face/picked/1 change-text-list: func [a-change] [ reduce select list-changes a-change show example see-chest/pane: see-change show see-chest ] change-text-list face/picked/1 ] return pad 0x10 script-pad: info 685x140 font-size 14 with [ edge/effect: none edge: none color: none para/margin: 10x10 para/origin: 10x10 effect: [ draw [ pen fill-pen box 0x0 683x138 ] ] ] scroll-script-pad: scroller 14x140 (221.207.188 - 30) 206.192.173 [scroll-para script-pad scroll-script-pad] return pad 400x20 namer: field silver left middle font-size 11 with [para/origin: para/margin: 2x2] pad 25x0 btn "X" 206.192.173 + 40 font-color red 20x20 [quit] return pad 500 h4 "Text-List Name" black ] changer/sub-area/edge/size: 1x1 changer/sub-area/edge/color: 221.207.188 - 30 changer/pane/pane/2/color: 221.207.188 - 15 changer/sld/pane/1/color: 221.207.188 - 30 changer/sld/pane/2/colors/1: changer/sld/pane/3/colors/1: 221.207.188 - 30 changer/sld/pane/1/edge/color: changer/sld/pane/2/edge/color: changer/sld/pane/3/edge/color: gold changer/pane/color: changer/effect: changer/sub-area/color: changer/slf/color: none changer/text: "" scroll-script-pad/color: 206.192.173 scroll-script-pad/pane/1/color: 191.178.158 scroll-script-pad/pane/1/edge/color: gold scroll-script-pad/pane/2/colors: [191.177.158 200.200.200] scroll-script-pad/pane/3/colors: [191.177.158 200.200.200] scroll-script-pad/pane/2/edge/color: gold scroll-script-pad/pane/3/edge/color: gold scroll-script-pad/edge/size: 1x0 scroll-script-pad/edge/color: ivory scroll-script-pad/edge/effect: 'bevel see-change: layout [ origin 0x0 example: text-list 700x300 data [ "Line 1" "Line 2" "Line 3" "Line 4" "Line 5" "Line 6" "Line 7" "Line 8" "Line 9" "Line 10" "Line 11" "Line 12" "Line 13" "Line 14" "Line 15" "Line 16" "Line 17" "Line 18" "Line 19" "Line 20" ] ] see-change/offset: 0x0 see-chest/pane: see-change sample-data: [ ["0200" "AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY" "ACT" "PO Boxes" "AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNI LPO"] ["0800" "DARWIN" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0801" "DARWIN" "NT" "GPO Boxes" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0804" "PARAP" "NT" "PO Boxes" "PARAP"] ["0810" "ALAWA" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0810" "BRINKIN" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0810" "CASUARINA" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0810" "COCONUT GROVE" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0810" "JINGILI" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0810" "LEE POINT" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0810" "MILLNER" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0810" "MOIL" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0810" "MUIRHEAD" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0810" "NAKARA" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0810" "NIGHTCLIFF" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0810" "RAPID CREEK" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0810" "TIWI" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0810" "WAGAMAN" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0810" "WANGURI" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0811" "CASUARINA" "NT" "PO Boxes" "CASUARINA"] ["0812" "ANULA" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0812" "KARAMA" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0812" "LEANYER" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0812" "MALAK" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0812" "MARRARA" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0812" "SANDERSON" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0812" "WULAGI" "NT" "" "DARWIN DELIVERY CENTRE"] ["0813" "SANDERSON" "NT" "PO Boxes" "SANDERSON"] ["0814" "NIGHTCLIFF" "NT" "PO Boxes" "NIGHTCLIFF"] ] notebook: [ {} "Add Data" {Each line of the text-list has 5 strings of data. The strings run together because none of the 20 lines of text are formatted. The scroller dragger size is unchanged and it does not scroll the list. The scrollers work, like the one to the right, if the length of the text-list data is equal to or greater than the number of lines of the list - when the layout was viewed.} "Order Data - Default Tabs 40" {A tab with the default value of 40 pixels is appended to to each string of the series of 5 strings of each line. Columns appear, but they are not evenly aligned.} "Order Data - Set Tabs 80" {The value of the tabs are increased to 80, but not all of the columns have aligned. The data is from the Australian Postal Codes.} "Order Data - Set Tabs 220" {Eventually, when the tabs are about 220 across, an evenly spaced list is formed, but most of the columns appear to be quite far apart.} "Order Data - Script" {The lines can also be formatted by: - first changing to a font with fixed width characters, - then finding the longest string in each column - increasing the length of all the shorter strings in a column - appending all strings with a tab } "Set Dragger" {If no data is associated the with text-list, or if the length of the data is less than the line count, the dragger appears to be unresponsive, even when new and longer data is later added. Initially assigning an array with at least as many elements as the line count will also activate the dragger. } "Color Top Clicker (down)" {The top clicker turns orange when clicked. The arrow remains orange.} "Large Line Height" {If the font size is increased, the line height may need to be increased as well. Increasing the line height allows the text to wrap within the line, an undesired effect in this case.} "No Scroller" {A short list needs no scroller. The red edge reveals that more script could be written....} "Adjust Height" {A little untidy, the bottom line of the list was cut off. The script to change this is included, but just writing the script with the size 700x305 instead of 700x300 would do.} "Red Track Edge" {All of the scroller component edges can be modified. Providing an edge and color to the track can be done with "Red Track Edge" [ example/pane/pane/2/edge/size: 1x0 example/pane/pane/2/edge/effect: none example/pane/pane/2/edge/color: red ] but...not included - all of the tracks & facets in the layouts are changed in this script.} "Number Lines" {Numbering the lines can be useful, and can ensure that each line of the list is unique. If two or more identical lines exist, highlighting one of them will cause all of the identical lines to be highlighted. Sequentially numbered lines are not identical, only one line can be hilighted.} "Highlight Bar Color" {The new color is blue, the default color is a light yellow.} "Image Background" {Downloading image from The highlight bar in the small text-list appears before the image has downloaded - but only because the line "show changer" was written before the download instruction. Otherwise, the highlight would not appear until after the image has downloaded. The delayed feedback can be ambiguous.} "Pattern Background" {The background patterns of the script are generated by the Patterns script of the Rebol tool scripts, in the Rebol folder from the Rebol Viewtop.} "Fit Image" {If no image appears, it must first be downloaded. Click "Image Background" If not connected to the internet, the in-built REBOL logo image, logo.gif, will be loaded instead of the ocean photo.} "Arial Font" {Arial Font is not a fixed width font, so the column alignment has changed.} "Notes" {Some scripts can be copied and pasted below the layout that contains the text-list. Others, however, like "Select Line 10", "De-select" or "Set Dragger" would not be written outside the layout.} ] view main
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage