Script Library: 1240 scripts
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tag index: l · level

170 scripts tagged as: [level  ·  advanced]

JS Promises
54.6 KB
28 Apr 2020
A Rebol-style implementation of JS Promises
author: Marco Antoniazzi
11.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
This script serves many purposes. 1. Act as an HTTP proxy 2. See what your broswer sends out as an HTTP request 3. Add data filters to remove Javascript pop-up windows, remove banner ads, and more... Uncomment line towards the bottom of the script marked for JavaScript to enable JavaScript popup window death!!
author: Sterling Newton
Qtask Markup Language - parser and other common code
97.1 KB
28 May 2007
This program implements the base for QML (Qtask Markup Language) converters (for example it's the base for a QML to XHTML converter used in Qtask), by implementing the parsing of a QML text string into a QML document tree.
author: Gabriele Santilli
Qtask Markup Language Editor
496 bytes
23 Aug 2006
Edit QML files, create HTML from QML
author: Gabriele Santilli
Qtask source code archive
qtask-source.r464 bytes
27 Jul 2012
This is a package that contains the source code for Qtask
author: Qtask
Raging Bull page downloader
raging-bull.r2.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
This script reads sequential pages from the Raging-Bull on-line bulletin board.
author: Jim Goodnow II
RAR parser
5.6 KB
13 Mar 2003
Just if you need to search inside your RAR archives (for example)
author: Oldes
Basic RC4 algorithm
rc4.r2.2 KB
30 Apr 2004
Provides encryption and decryption using the basic RC4 algorithm
author: Arthur Beltrao (Brasil)
RCON protocol handler
rcon.r3.0 KB
17 Oct 2003
Allow rebol scripts to perform remote server administration tasks for Half-life game servers
author: Cal Dixon
Mail Reader
143.0 KB
29 Jun 2007
Browse/Read/Retrieve E-mail
author: [unknown]
RebGUI and RebDB Sample
17.6 KB
3 Jul 2007
A quick demonstration of RebGUI with RebDB
author: Brian Tiffin
REBOL Document Generator
3.9 KB
13 Mar 2003
Generates an HTML formatted document of all REBOL defined words (from the information found within the REBOL program itself). The output file is rebdoc.html.
author: Carl Sassenrath
8.0 KB
27 Apr 2006
RebelXML provides a set of functions which allows to easily create/modify/delete XML data
author: Christophe 'REBOLtof' Coussement
3.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
RebProcessor is a cross between an HTML pre-processor and a website content manager. The user creates source files (foo.src) which can contain any combination of HTML and RP commands, and the script will generate the target file (foo.html) for further use. ** EMail me for the help file, and for the example source file **
author: Seth Chromick
21.3 KB
17 Jul 2009
Zip archiver / unarchiver
author: Vincent Ecuyer
Rectangle Module
6.8 KB
11 Oct 2003
Code from a REBOLForces article ( that provides support for rectangle-related operations. It was also used to explore the concept of function spec templates. You could refactor that concept out though if you want.
author: Gregg Irwin
reffects.r1.3 KB
19 Jul 2003
Demonstates many VID effects
author: Jeff
Reflection Demo
reflect.r796 bytes
19 Jul 2003
Demonstrates VID effects
author: Jeff
13.9 KB
13 Mar 2003
View and modify data of windows registry.
author: Frank Sievertsen
REM 0.4.2 - Text Editor - self extracting archive
25.9 KB
13 Mar 2003
REM is a powerful full screen text editor for Rebol/Core and Rebol/View
author: Cal Dixon
Rename & Renumber Pictures
8.5 KB
11 May 2008
Renumber & Rename pictures in a folder
author: [unknown]
1.9 KB
13 Mar 2003
To do recursive replace in all files in the directory
author: Oldes
request-date object/func optimization and enhancment
5.4 KB
11 Mar 2004
This is an enhanced replacement for the original request-date function, the embedded date picker in view (datepicker). - Clean, correct and optimize the code. - add day names at top of window (use system/locales/days). - add first-day-of-week value to choose starting with Sunday or Monday. (I think this value should be part of system/locales) - add Today [...]
author: Didier Cadieu
Directory selector (treeview)
4.2 KB
26 Sep 2003
Open a requestor to select a directory. The current directories path is shown as a tree, and sub-dirs are shown for selection.
author: Didier CADIEU
Request List Enhanced
16.4 KB
18 Aug 2014
An enhancement to the regular request-list that allows selecting items from a request list by typing in the first few characters of the item. Works with text, word and number lists. Designed to make optimum use of the keyboard. - New refinement request-list-enhanced/return-index will return the index of the item not the value. - Keys used; cursor up, down, page-up, [...]
author: mike yaunish
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