Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ Title: "RAR parser" Date: 3-Dec-2001/13:40:57+1:00 Version: 0.1.1 File: %rar.r Author: "Oldes" Usage: "rar/examine %some-archive.rar" Purpose: {Just if you need to search inside your RAR archives (for example)} Email: %oliva--david--seznam--cz library: [ level: 'advanced platform: none type: 'tool domain: 'file-handling tested-under: none support: none license: none see-also: none ] ] rar: context [ ;---- variables ----- HEAD_CRC: HEAD_FLAGS: HEAD_SIZE: RESERVED1: RESERVED2: COMM: DICT_SIZE: PACK:_SIZE UNP_SIZE: HOST_OS: FILE_CRC: FTIME: UNP_VER: METHOD: NAME_SIZE: ATTR: FILE_NAME: COMM_CRC: INFO: SUB_TYPE: DATA: none s: hs: 0 ;event handlers - modify it if you need some other functionality on-parse-file_head: does [ if integer? DICT_SIZE [ print [ pad/left File_Name 25 pad PACK_SIZE 8 "/" pad/left UNP_SIZE 8 pad/left msdate-to-date FTIME 20 OS/:HOST_OS get-int UNP_VER METHOD ] ] ] on-parse-MAIN_HEAD: does [ if HEAD_FLAGS/6 = #"1" [print "Authenticity information present"] ] on-parse-COMM_HEAD: does [probe comm] on-parse-EXTRA_INFO: does [probe info] on-parse-SUBBLOCK: none ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ;---- help functions ----- get-int: func[i][to-integer head reverse to-binary i] ;------------------------- dict_sizes: [ "000" 64 "001" 128 "010" 256 "011" 512 "100" 1024 "111" ["dir"] ] OS: ["MS DOS" "OS/2" "Win32" "Unix"] Packing_methods: [ "0" "storing" "1" "fastest compression" "2" "fast compression" "3" "normal compression" "4" "good compression" "5" "best compression" ] ;-----PARSE RULES------ ;Marker block MARK_HEAD: to-string #{526172211A0700} ;Archive header MAIN_HEAD: [ copy HEAD_CRC 2 skip #{73} ;type copy HEAD_FLAGS 2 skip (HEAD_FLAGS: enbase/base head reverse HEAD_FLAGS 2) copy HEAD_SIZE 2 skip (HEAD_SIZE: get-int HEAD_SIZE hs: HEAD_SIZE - 13) copy RESERVED1 2 skip copy RESERVED2 4 skip copy COMM hs skip (if not none? COMM [parse COMM [any [COMM_HEAD]]]) ( on-parse-MAIN_HEAD ) ] ;File header (File in archive) FILE_HEAD: [ copy HEAD_CRC 2 skip #{74} ;type copy HEAD_FLAGS 2 skip ( HEAD_FLAGS: enbase/base head reverse HEAD_FLAGS 2 DICT_SIZE: switch copy/part at HEAD_FLAGS 9 3 dict_sizes ) copy HEAD_SIZE 2 skip (HEAD_SIZE: get-int HEAD_SIZE) copy PACK_SIZE 4 skip (PACK_SIZE: get-int PACK_SIZE) copy UNP_SIZE 4 skip (UNP_SIZE: get-int UNP_SIZE) copy HOST_OS 1 skip (HOST_OS: 1 + get-int HOST_OS) copy FILE_CRC 4 skip copy FTIME 4 skip copy UNP_VER 1 skip copy METHOD 1 skip copy NAME_SIZE 2 skip (s: get-int Name_size) copy ATTR 4 skip copy FILE_NAME s skip ( hs: Head_size - 32 - s ) copy COMM hs skip (if not none? COMM [parse COMM [any [COMM_HEAD]]]) PACK_SIZE skip ( on-parse-FILE_HEAD ) ] ;Comment block COMM_HEAD: [ copy HEAD_CRC 2 skip #{75} ;type copy HEAD_FLAGS 2 skip (HEAD_FLAGS: enbase/base head reverse HEAD_FLAGS 2) copy HEAD_SIZE 2 skip ( hs: (get-int HEAD_SIZE) - 13 ) copy UNP_SIZE 2 skip copy UNP_VER 1 skip copy METHOD 1 skip copy COMM_CRC 2 skip copy COMM hs skip (on-parse-COMM_HEAD) ] ;Extra info block EXTRA_INFO: [ copy HEAD_CRC 2 skip #{76} ;type copy HEAD_FLAGS 2 skip (HEAD_FLAGS: enbase/base head reverse HEAD_FLAGS 2) copy HEAD_SIZE 2 skip ( hs: (get-int HEAD_SIZE) - 7 ) copy INFO hs skip (on-parse-EXTRA_INFO) ] ;Subblock SUBBLOCK: [ copy HEAD_CRC 2 skip #{77} ;type copy HEAD_FLAGS 2 skip (HEAD_FLAGS: enbase/base head reverse HEAD_FLAGS 2) copy HEAD_SIZE 2 skip ( hs: (get-int HEAD_SIZE) - 7 ) copy DATA_SIZE 4 skip (DATA_SIZE: get-int DATA_SIZE) copy SUB_TYPE 2 skip copy RESERVED1 1 skip copy DATA DATA_SIZE skip (on-parse-SUBBLOCK) ] ;-----MAIN FUNCTION---- examine: func[ "Prints the content of the RAR archive" rar-file [file! url!] "RAR file to parse" /local ][ parse/all read/binary rar-file [ thru MARK_HEAD any [MAIN_HEAD | FILE_HEAD | COMM_HEAD | EXTRA_INFO | SUBBLOCK] ] recycle ] ] ;end of context pad: func [arg count /left /with ch /local txt L][ txt: make string! 10 L: (length? form arg) - count either L > 0 [ txt: join copy/part form arg (count - 3) "..." ][ loop abs L [append txt either with [ch][" "]] either left [ insert head txt arg ][ append txt arg ] ] txt ] msdate-to-date: func[ "Converts standard MS DOS binary time to Rebol's" ms [binary! string!] /local to-int y m d h mi s ][ ms: enbase/base head reverse ms 2 to-int: func[v][ insert/dup v "0" 8 - length? v to-integer debase/base head v 2 ] parse ms [ copy y 7 skip (y: 1980 + to-int y) copy m 4 skip (m: to-int m) copy d 5 skip (d: to-int d) copy h 5 skip (h: to-int h) copy mi 6 skip (mi: to-int mi) copy s 5 skip (s: 2 * to-int s) ] to-date rejoin [d "-" m "-" y "/" h ":" mi ":" s] ]
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