Script Library: 1238 scripts
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Attribute Values Extractor
ave.r2.1 KB
23 Jan 2006
Extract attribute values from (HTML) tags
author: hy
19.1 KB
7 Mar 2009
Usefull example to demo and learn how to use liquid.
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
Piles of Button Styles
4.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
Displays 52 button styles out of the hundreds possible.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Encode binary data to plain text and decode it
16.4 KB
15 Dec 2012
Converts from and to Base64, UUencode, XXencode, BinHex 4.0, Ascii85, FScode, Quoted-printable, Q-encoding, Percent-encoding
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Cisco config to text file
cisco-extract.r25.4 KB
5 Jul 2009
To read multiple Cisco IOS & CATOS files & create a summary of key information paticularly interface details
author: [unknown]
libcairo library interface
165.4 KB
20 May 2019
Code to bind cairo graphics shared library to Rebol.
author: Marco Antoniazzi
OTA bitmap to GIF converter
13.9 KB
25 Sep 2004
Converts so-called operator logos for cell phones, i.e. OTA bitmaps into ordinary two-colour GIFs.
author: HY
Rebol Code colorizer
18.7 KB
19 Jan 2009
To convert Rebol script into html with colorized code. Using string based parsing.
author: David 'Oldes' Oliva
contexts.r10.5 KB
7 Jul 2013
REBOL code from the bindology article
author: Ladislav Mecir
Can Rebol Print?
13.4 KB
12 Oct 2008
This script illustrate some possible methods of printing script output.
author: mr.z
Windows clock sync
clock-sync.r1.5 KB
24 Oct 2009
Synchronize your Windows date and time with the clock on your web server. The 4 line CGI script given at the end of this example prints out the current date and time on your web server, and this script reads it and sets the operating system clock to match it. (To do the same thing in Linux, see Ladislav Mecir's set-system-time-lin [...]
author: [unknown]
closure.r1.9 KB
14 May 2009
CLOSURE is suggested instead of FUNC when you need functions exhibiting async behaviour, e.g. for: - View - Async Ports - Higher Order Functions Closures differ from normal Rebol functions by using a fresh context every time they are called. Rule of thumb: if your function is returning a new function, block, or a local word, you will be safe if [...]
author: Ladislav Mecir
Call Spellchecker
2.9 KB
12 Jul 2006
The script provides a basic spell check for Rebol text areas.
author: R. v.d.Zee
Core Email
core-email.r5.1 KB
12 Oct 2009
A simple email program that can run in REBOL/Core - entirely at the command line (no VID GUI components or View graphics are required). You can store configuration information for as many email accounts as you'd like in the accounts block, and easily switch between them at any point in the program. Taken from the [...]
author: nick
Rebol CGI library
cgi.r6.8 KB
4 Mar 2004
Provide everything needed to create a CGI script
author: Cal Dixon
Chess moves generator
59.2 KB
29 Aug 2012
Generate all legitimate moves in any position.
author: Arnold van Hofwegen
Simple Rebol DBMS
24.7 KB
13 Mar 2003
RebolBase is a simple database managment system written entirely in Rebol. Its main feature is that it stores its data in plain, newline delimited text files. This allows the database to be accessed and modified by other programs.
author: Jamey Cribbs
using dict protocol from
8.7 KB
27 Feb 2008
Some usage words for dict:// protocol based on RFC2229
author: Brian Tiffin
#define dialected function
2.7 KB
13 Nov 2003
Make it easier to map C #define statements. Eliminates the need to manually call datatype conversion functions for each item.
author: Gregg Irwin
Parser for Dicom Header
105.5 KB
7 Apr 2008
Parse dicom headers
author: Willem Michiels
6.2 KB
21 May 2014
Decodes POST-data used in Form-based File Upload in HTML as specified in RFC 1867, encoded as multipart/form-data as specified in RFC 2388.
author: andreas bolka
PhotoTrackr DPL700
dpl700.r11.8 KB
30 Sep 2009
Reads the memory from the Gisteq PhotoTrackr GPS logger to a file
author: pijoter
PhotoTrackr DPL700 to GPX/PLT converter
dpl700-converter.r20.8 KB
3 Oct 2009
Converts memory dumps of the Gisteq PhotoTrackr GPS logger (MTK) to GPX/OziExplorer formats
author: pijoter
Easy VID Tutorial
16.2 KB
13 Mar 2003
Beginner's tutorial to VID.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Easy Quick Plot
60.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
Simple tutorial for using the quick plot dialect.
author: Matt Licholai