Script Library: 1240 scripts


#!/Local/Applications/core024/rebol -cs REBOL [ Title: "OTA bitmap to GIF converter" Date: 25-Sep-2004 Version: 1.1 File: %converter.r Author: "HY" Purpose: { Converts so-called operator logos for cell phones, i.e. OTA bitmaps into ordinary two-colour GIFs. } Comment: { This script is heavily inspired by java code. I used Adam Doppelts GifEncoder (cf., which in turn is based upon Sverre H. Huseby's gifsave.c (cf., as a template. I wrote this script in part to learn rebol. LZW compression is, I believe, subject to licencing (Unisys). See for details. I don't have any licence, and so if you want to use the script in an application, don't blame me if you get in any trouble. This code is revealed to the public only because someone (e.g. myself!) could learn something from it, NOT because I have a licence. } History: [ 1.0 [ 10-Sep-2001 "Created the script." "HY" ] 1.1 [ 25-Sep-2004 "Added the script library header." "HY" ] ] Library: [ level: 'intermediate domain: [compression graphics] license: none Platform: 'all Tested-under: none Type: [function] Support: none ] ] codesize: 0 compression-block: make binary! #{} shift-left: func [value shift-count] [to-integer (value * (2 ** shift-count))] shift-right: func [value shift-count] [to-integer (value / (2 ** shift-count))] bit-holder: make object! [ get-ready: func[] [ buffer: copy array 256 bindex: 0 bitsleft: 8 ] flush: func [/local numberofbytes] [ numberofbytes: either bitsleft = 8 [bindex] [bindex + 1] if numberofbytes > zero [ append compression-block load rejoin ["#{" pick to-hex numberofbytes 7 pick to-hex numberofbytes 8 "}"] buffer: head buffer loop numberofbytes [ append compression-block first buffer buffer: next buffer ] change at head buffer 0 #{00} bindex: 0 bitsleft: 8 ] ] append-bits: func [bits number-of-bits /local bits-written numberofbytes] [ bits-written: 0 numberofbytes: 255 while [ ; this was a java do-block. I put the whole thing into the ; while-evaluation, and then nothing into the execution block. if ((bindex = 254) and (bitsleft = zero)) or (bindex > 254) [ append compression-block load rejoin ["#{" pick to-hex numberofbytes 7 pick to-hex numberofbytes 8 "}"] buffer: head buffer loop numberofbytes [ append compression-block first buffer buffer: next buffer ] change at head buffer 0 #{00} bindex: 0 bitsleft: 8 ] either number-of-bits <= bitsleft [ a: (to-integer pick head buffer (bindex + 1)) or shift-left (bits and ((shift-left 1 number-of-bits) - 1)) (8 - bitsleft) b: load rejoin ["#{" pick to-hex a 7 pick to-hex a 8 "}"] change at head buffer (bindex + 1) b bits-written: bits-written + number-of-bits bitsleft: bitsleft - number-of-bits number-of-bits: 0 ] [ a: (to-integer pick head buffer (bindex + 1)) or shift-left (bits and ((shift-left 1 bitsleft) - 1)) (8 - bitsleft) b: load rejoin ["#{" pick to-hex a 7 pick to-hex a 8 "}"] change at head buffer (bindex + 1) b bits-written: bits-written + bitsleft bits: shift-right bits bitsleft number-of-bits: number-of-bits - bitsleft bindex: bindex + 1 change at head buffer (bindex + 1) #{00} bitsleft: 8 ] number-of-bits <> zero ] [ comment { empty while execution block } ] ] ] LZW-stringtable: make object! [ res-codes: 2 hash-free: -1 next-first: -1 maxbits: 12 maxstr: shift-left 1 maxbits hashsize: 9973 hashstep: 2039 num-strings: 0 get-ready: func[] [ str-chr: copy array maxstr str-nxt: copy array maxstr str-hsh: copy array hashsize ] clear-table: func [codesize /local w] [ num-strings: 0 str-hsh: copy array/initial hashsize hash-free w: (shift-left 1 codesize) + res-codes repeat current w [ add-char-string -1 (current - 1) ] ] ; end clear-table add-char-string: func [aindex byte /local hashindex hash-plus-one] [ if num-strings >= maxstr [ return -1 ] hashindex: hash-it aindex byte hash-plus-one: hashindex + 1 while [ str-hsh/:hash-plus-one <> hash-free] [ hashindex: remainder (hashindex + hashstep) hashsize ] change at str-hsh (hashindex + 1) num-strings change at str-chr (num-strings + 1) byte change at str-nxt (num-strings + 1) either aindex = hash-free [next-first] [aindex] num-strings: num-strings + 1 return num-strings ] ; end add-char-string find-char-string: func [findex byte /local hashindex nextindex] [ if findex = hash-free [ return byte ] hashindex: hash-it findex byte while [ nextindex: to-integer pick head str-hsh (hashindex + 1) hash-free <> nextindex ] [ if ((to-integer (pick head str-nxt (nextindex + 1))) = findex) and ((to-integer (pick head str-chr (nextindex + 1))) = byte) [ return nextindex ] hashindex: remainder (hashindex + hashstep) hashsize ] return -1 ] hash-it: func [hindex lastbyte] [ return remainder (((shift-left lastbyte 8) xor hindex) and to-integer #{FFFF}) hashsize ] ; end hash-it ] ; end LZW-stringtable bits-needed: func [n [integer!] ] [ ret: 1 if n - 1 = zero [ return zero ] while [(n: to-integer n / 2) <> zero] [ ret: ret + 1 ] ret ] LZW-compress: func [tobecompressed [string!] the-size [integer!] /local index] [ prefix: -1 holder: make bit-holder [] holder/get-ready stringtable: make LZW-stringtable [] stringtable/get-ready clearcode: shift-left 1 the-size endofinfo: clearcode + 1 numberofbits: the-size + 1 limit: (shift-left 1 numberofbits) - 1 stringtable/clear-table the-size holder/append-bits clearcode numberofbits foreach c tobecompressed [ index: stringtable/find-char-string prefix to-integer to-string c either index = -1 [ holder/append-bits prefix numberofbits gg: (stringtable/add-char-string prefix to-integer to-string c) - 1 if gg > limit [ numberofbits: numberofbits + 1 if numberofbits > 12 [ holder/append-bits clearcode (numberofbits - 1) stringtable/clear-table numberofbits: codesize + 1 ] limit: (shift-left 1 numberofbits) - 1 ] prefix: (to-integer to-string c) and (to-integer #{FF}) ][ prefix: index ] ] if prefix <> -1 [ holder/append-bits to-integer prefix numberofbits ] holder/append-bits endofinfo numberofbits holder/flush compression-block ] imagedescriptor: func [separator [char!] w [integer!] h [integer!]] [ descriptor: make block! 10 append descriptor to-binary separator infobyte: 0 infobyte: infobyte or 0 ; The rightmost bit: Local Color Table (OFF) infobyte: infobyte or 0 ; Interlace flag (next bit) (OFF) infobyte: infobyte or 0 ; Sort flag (1 bit) (not sorted) infobyte: infobyte or 24 ; Two reserved bits - OFF or ON -- no difference infobyte: infobyte or 7 ; Size of Local Colour Table (3 last bits) ; (No local colour table, so this may be whatever pleases the most) ; simply setting left and top offsets to zero: append descriptor #{0000} append descriptor #{0000} ; two bytes for each offset value ; width and height parameters: append descriptor load rejoin ["#{" pick to-hex w 7 pick to-hex w 8 pick to-hex w 5 pick to-hex w 6 "}"] append descriptor load rejoin ["#{" pick to-hex h 7 pick to-hex h 8 pick to-hex h 5 pick to-hex h 6 "}"] append descriptor load rejoin ["#{" pick to-hex infobyte 7 pick to-hex infobyte 8 "}"] descriptor ] graphiccontrolextension: func [] [ extension: make block! 7 infobyte: 0 ; this infobyte contains lots of unimportant, unspecified information infobyte: infobyte or 0 ; The rightmost bit: Transparent Colour Flag. ; First, two bytes with fixed values: append extension #{21} ; Extension introducer append extension #{F9} ; Graphic Control Label append extension #{04} ; Block Size - fixed value, according to the GIF89 spec append extension load rejoin ["#{" pick to-hex infobyte 7 pick to-hex infobyte 8 "}"] append extension #{00} ; Delay Time (we don't use animation) append extension #{00} ; Delay Time (we don't use animation) (two bytes, unsigned) append extension #{00} ; Transparency index (if not transparent, this will be the Block Terminator instead) rejoin extension ] screendescriptor: func [] [ descriptor: make block! 7 infobyte: 0 infobyte: infobyte or 128 ; Global Colour Table flag (first bit) infobyte: infobyte or 112 ; Colour resolution (next 3 bits) infobyte: infobyte or zero ; Sort flag (fifth bit; set to 0, since our Global Colour Table is _not_ sorted) infobyte: infobyte or ((bits-needed(2) - 1) and 7) ; Global Colour Table size (last 3 bits) append descriptor load rejoin ["#{" pick to-hex width 7 pick to-hex width 8 pick to-hex width 5 pick to-hex width 6 "}"] append descriptor load rejoin ["#{" pick to-hex height 7 pick to-hex height 8 pick to-hex height 5 pick to-hex height 6 "}"] append descriptor load rejoin ["#{" pick to-hex infobyte 7 pick to-hex infobyte 8 "}"] append descriptor load rejoin ["#{" skip tail reverse to-hex zero -2 "}"] ; index of background colour in colour table append descriptor load rejoin ["#{" skip tail reverse to-hex zero -2 "}"] ; i.e. no pixel aspect ratio information is given comment { Something is very wrong here, but I use this script for OTA bitmap conversion only, and it works for that purpose. I recommend anyone who want to use this script for any other purpose to completely rewrite the screendescriptor method! } rejoin descriptor ] convert: func [ bitmap /local gif ] [ if not (length? bitmap) = 260 [ print "Wrong length of argument." ;return ] gif-header: to-binary "GIF89a" gif: gif-header if (first bitmap) <> #"0" [ print "First character is non-null!" ] if (second bitmap) <> #"0" [ print "Second character is non-null!" ] ; both of which are wrong, in OTAs... bitmap: skip bitmap 2 ; first the width parameter as hex, width: to-integer to-issue append to-string first bitmap second bitmap bitmap: skip bitmap 2 ; then the height, height: to-integer to-issue append to-string first bitmap second bitmap bitmap: skip bitmap 2 ; and finally the number of colours. This number should be 1, in OTAs: colours: to-integer to-issue append to-string first bitmap second bitmap bitmap: skip bitmap 2 if colours > 1 [ print "Bitmap claims to have more than two colours!" ] raster: make block! width * height loop (width * height) / 4 [ append raster to-string skip (to-string enbase/base load rejoin ["#{0" first bitmap "}"] 2) 4 bitmap: next bitmap ] if (length? bitmap) > 0 [ print "There seems to be unread bytes left in the input bitmap!" ] append gif #{48000E00F00000} ; should be: append gif screendescriptor ; I could have made a sub-routine to set the colour table, ; but since I know this is a two-colour gif, I'll simply add ; it statically, like this: append gif #{FFFFFF000000} append gif #{21F90400000000} ; should be: append gif graphiccontrolextension append gif #{00} ; Block Terminator for Graphic Control Extension append gif #{2C0000000048000E001F} ; should be: append gif imagedescriptor #"," width height codesize: bits-needed(2) ; LZW Minimum Code Size (for two colours) if codesize = 1 [ codesize: 2 ] append gif load rejoin ["#{" pick to-hex codesize 7 pick to-hex codesize 8 "}"] append gif LZW-compress to-string raster codesize append gif #{00} append gif #{3B00000000000000001F} ; should be: append gif imagedescriptor #";" 0 0 append gif to-binary "!žImage generated with REBOL" append gif #{00} ; closes the comment block gif ] get-bitmap: func [query /local bitmap] [ bitmap: find query "bitmap=" if not none? bitmap [ bitmap: skip bitmap 7 ] to-string bitmap ] print "Content-Type: image/gif^/" OTA-bitmap: get-bitmap system/options/cgi/query-string bytes: convert OTA-bitmap write-io system/ports/output bytes length? bytes ; example OTA bitmap follows underneath. Replace the four lines above with the one underneath to se the result. ;write %converted.gif convert "00480E0118000000F80FC007F818003803FC0FF007F818006F03BC0EF807F018007F83000E3C07F00800C382001C1403E01800C1C2001C1C03E01800C0C2000C1C01E01801C0C6000E1C01C01801C1C61F063800C01801C1821F03F800801800E3820101F0000019C0FF0387000000001FE03E01FF000001C01FC00000FB000001C0"
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage