Script Library: 1240 scripts
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10.3 KB
20 Jul 2003
Simple GUI for encap tools
author: Gregg Irwin
rebol Server pages
1.6 KB
13 Mar 2003
Execute embedded rebol code, see
author: Maarten Koopmans
Easy Quick Plot
60.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
Simple tutorial for using the quick plot dialect.
author: Matt Licholai
File globbing module and dialect
30.2 KB
19 Oct 2006
Given a file spec, and optional criteria for date, size, and attributes, the FILE-LIST function returns a block of files that match the spec and criteria. It is also a test-bed for how to integrate dialects with one-another. There are sub-dialects for date, size, and attribute tests, and FILE-LIST encapsulates those, along [...]
author: Gregg Irwin
FastCGI Broker
2.6 KB
15 Dec 2005
Rebol script broker for a hooked rebol interpreter launched as a FastCGI application. This is the root script which runs others scripts on request of the FastCGI peer. This enables REBOL/Core or REBOL/View to act as a FastCGI application without the need for REBOL/Command. This script only works on Windows with a patched REBOL interpreter. Details available at [...]
author: Pascal Hurni
ftp-chmod.r990 bytes
31 Jul 2010
This is a workaround for REBOL's inability to chmod files (set permissions) with the built in FTP protocol. This script is for MS Windows, but Macintosh and Linux also have command line FTP programs built into the OS that can be used similarly with REBOL's call function.
author: nick
Fire and Smoke particles generator.
14.3 KB
18 Sep 2010
icon for fire-smoke-particle-generator.rA particle engine demo which generates fire and smoke, with a lot of control and some compositing built-in
author: [unknown]
FMOD library interface
177.5 KB
5 Nov 2011
Code to bind FMOD shared library to Rebol.
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Test FTP Commands
1.0 KB
6 May 2003
Demonstrate ftp commands and results
author: Larry Palmiter
Files Renamer
27.1 KB
17 May 2016
icon for files-renamer.rRename files
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Garmin GPS protocol handler
18.7 KB
12 Dec 2004
Garmin eTrex Legend protocol handler
author: Piotr Gapinski
1.0 KB
5 Jun 2007
Eliminate the result: copy [] ... append result value dance. Similar to Gregg's 'collect but does not require the set-word notation.
author: ReBolek
glayout - GLASS-based layout engine
141.6 KB
16 Nov 2006
replace vid dialect layout while keeping its basic featureset
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
6.7 KB
8 Jan 2013
Creates gzip archives, using the rebol compress command.
author: Vincent Ecuyer
4.1 KB
30 Dec 2004
Decompresses gzip archives.
author: Vincent Ecuyer
UUID Generation Example via Windows SDK
2.0 KB
10 Sep 2005
Command only example of interfacing to Windows SDK to generat UUIDs. Trivial given heavy lifting by others in Rebol community. Acknowledgements to all.
author: David McAvenue
GLES and EGL library interface
139.2 KB
28 Apr 2020
Use modern OpenGL with shaders
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Global services module
14.3 KB
7 Nov 2011
This is an idea for packaging up code, plus some small demos of how to do various things, harvested from the cookbook and the mailing list. They are things that are done so often and in so many situations that the author found it helpful to package them up in a file of personal functions. All these techniques are shown in various places, but this [...]
author: Steven White
Help Patch
7.2 KB
20 Nov 2003
Allows to add the following info to functions: return: [datatypes to be returned] category: [a function category e.g. math series] author: [author initials email what you want
author: Ingo Hohmann
Half-life log parser
hllogparser.r5.8 KB
4 Mar 2004
Allows a rebol script to parse server logs from the game: Half-life
author: Cal Dixon