Script Library: 1240 scripts
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Trapping and displaying an error
form-error.r3.1 KB
20 Dec 2006
Beginner's example for trapping errors.
author: Tim Johnson
Fast Scrolling
3.8 KB
5 Jun 2007
A fast scrolling technique
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
ftp-chmod.r990 bytes
31 Jul 2010
This is a workaround for REBOL's inability to chmod files (set permissions) with the built in FTP protocol. This script is for MS Windows, but Macintosh and Linux also have command line FTP programs built into the OS that can be used similarly with REBOL's call function.
author: nick
GLayout demo
22.4 KB
10 Jul 2009
Demonstration of GLayout's features and capabilities.
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
http-post.r3.6 KB
13 Mar 2003
This script sends a form to a webserver using the POST method. The included example translates a string in English to German by posting the data to AltaVista's translation web page and then parsing the reply.
author: Martin Johannesson
MakeDoc 2 - The REBOL Standard Document Formatter
17.0 KB
10 Mar 2007
This is the official MakeDoc document formatter that is used by REBOL Technologies for all documentation. It is the fastest and easiest way to create good looking documentation using any text editor (even ones that do not auto-wrap text). It creates titles, headings, contents, bullets, numbered lists, indented examples, note blocks, and more. For documentation, [...]
author: Carl Sassenrath
Handy Server Monitor Window
2.8 KB
13 Mar 2003
A handy script that monitors various servers (such as web and email servers) and displays them in a nice little status window.
author: Carl Sassenrath
never cache
2.7 KB
10 Oct 2004
function that outputs rebol and javascript code to ensure a page is always freshly loaded from the server
author: Anton Rolls
National Geographic Image of the Day Downloader
12.3 KB
11 Sep 2007
Downloads all the Picture Of The Day images (current and past) from the National Geographic website and saves it to a location of your choice. Revisions: Version 1.2.5 Checked to see if the large wallpaper exists and if not to use the smaller wall paper image. Version 1.2.4 Changed from Viewing the POTD to Browsing the POTD which then allows the user to go back [...]
author: Gordon Raboud
Write a log file
741 bytes
20 Jul 2003
Logs Rebol values to a file named %Log.txt. I use 'Log to help debug CGI scripts. Use 'Log like: Log/clear now ; Start a new log file. ; What's the CGI query string contents? Log Rebol/options/cgi/query-string
author: Andrew Martin
Digital PCS Phone Pager
pcspager.r4.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
Check e-mail account for messages, then process for paging to a Digital PCS phone. The processing includes chopping message/sender lengths and url-encoding. My cellular company wanted an extra $3/month just to give me an e-mail address that does what this script does. (Can you believe that? $3!) My PCS provider is Cantel AT&T [...]
author: Kevin McKinnon
RSS feed reader
28.9 KB
20 Jul 2007
Live Bookmarks
author: Piotr Gapinski
RIM - REBOL Instant Messenger
7.9 KB
13 Mar 2003
A true peer-to-peer instant messenger.
author: Sean & Carl Sassenrath
227.7 KB
7 Sep 2012
icon for rebolide.rA Rebol IDE for beginners that helps learning Rebol. I suggest you to put this script in a separete folder.
author: Massimiliano Vessi
5.2 KB
13 Mar 2003
Provides easy to use interface into RIM (Rebol Instant Messenger) communications.
author: Ryan S. Cole
Rebol Reader
64.1 KB
10 Apr 2006
The script is a method to provide an orderly collection of scripts and documents to form a Rebol reference.
author: R.v.d.Zee
Simple Multitasking Example
simple-multitasking.r1.1 KB
29 Jun 2008
A simple example demonstrating multitasking using 'feel and 'rate. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
Search Center
3.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
Searches various places,such as Google, without having to go to their website .
author: Kevin Adams
Search Center
3.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
Uses various resources for various searches without having to go to their website.
author: Kevin Adams
Sammy's manager
samman.r12.8 KB
2 Jan 2012
To generate Sammy.js files using a dialect
author: [unknown]
Topic Tags
9.3 KB
15 May 2004
Makes tagging the mailing list a little bit more comfortable. Lists all topic tags in a window which I like to have open while tagging. Clicking on any tag copies it into clipboard so I only have to paste it into browser.
author: Christian Ensel
3.3 KB
22 Apr 2005
A function which converts a Rebol date! to a string which complies with ISO 8601. If the time is not provided, a default of 00:00 is used. Truncates any milli-seconds. (NB The zone defaults to 00:00 in a Rebol date)
author: Peter WA Wood
tj-map.r2.8 KB
18 Jan 2007
Applying a function to items in a list
author: andrew martin
3.5 KB
22 Apr 2005
A function which converts a Rebol date! to a string formatted according to a strict interpretation of the RFC 822 standard. If the time is not provided, a default of 00:00 is used. If the seconds are not set, 00 is used. (NB The zone defaults to 00:00 in a Rebol date) [...]
author: Peter WA Wood
Custom math operators
tj-operators.r2.1 KB
27 Dec 2006
Math shorthand. Used by other of my library functions. Rollover operator
author: Tim Johnson