Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ title: "Topic Tags" name: 'topic-tags file: %topic-tags.r author: "Christian Ensel" email: %Christian--Ensel--GMX--de version: 0.2.1 date: 15-05-2004 library: [ level: 'beginner platform: 'all type: [tool] domain: [text-processing html] tested-under: [View on WinXP] support: none license: 'PD see-also: none ] purpose: { Makes tagging the mailing list a little bit more comfortable. Lists all topic tags in a window which I like to have open while tagging. Clicking on any tag copies it into clipboard so I only have to paste it into browser. } usage: { On startup you are asked whether to download all topic tags at once (on modem connections this may take a while). If you don't download at start time, single letters are downloaded first time they are left-clicked. You can update each letter by right-clicking it later. Or you may later update all letters at once by right-clicking the "active-letter" button in the top left corner. For imported tags select one from the tag-list. This tag is copied to the clipboard. For nested tags you choose between flat and deep copying by selecting one of the toggles at the top of the window. The current content of the clipboard is highlighted yellow. By clicking again (and again) you toggle between tag with/without brackets. Simply try it out, you'll get the idea. } comments: { - Beware of non-standard Joel-style intendation. - Script only tested under latest view/beta. - The script source is very messy. - If the window is to high you eventually want to lessen the HEIGHT word at top of the script. } ] HEIGHT: 700 debug?: no debug: func [info] [if debug? [print info]] topics: [] topic-index: [ "0" "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "m" "n" "o" "p" "q" "r" "s" "t" "u" "v" "w" "x" "y" "z" ] topics-selector: [ style idx button 24x18 blue + silver font [size: 12 style: none shadow: none] no-wrap ;edge [size: 1x1 color: 0.0.0 effect: none] backdrop silver origin 1x1 space 1x1 below topics-letter: idx "A" red + gray 24x37 [ update-topics to char! topics-letter/text] [ update-topics none] ] use [char] [ foreach index topic-index [ repend topics [char: first to string! index none] append topics-selector compose/deep [ idx (index) (char) [show-topics (char)] [update-topics (char)]] ] ] append topics-selector [ return flat-topic: toggle " " 200x18 left no-wrap silver + white yellow font [shadow: style: none colors: [0.0.0 0.0.0]] with [user-data: context [active?: no]] [ if flat-topic/user-data/active? [flat-topic/text: toggle-brackets flat-topic/text] write clipboard:// flat-topic/text flat-topic/state: flat-topic/user-data/active?: yes deep-topic/state: deep-topic/user-data/active?: no show flat-topic if deep-topic/user-data/visible? [show deep-topic] ] [ write clipboard:// flat-topic/text: toggle-brackets flat-topic/text flat-topic/state: flat-topic/user-data/active?: yes deep-topic/state: deep-topic/user-data/active?: no show flat-topic if deep-topic/user-data/visible? [show deep-topic] ] deep-topic: toggle " " 200x18 left no-wrap silver + white yellow font [shadow: style: none colors: [0.0.0 0.0.0]] with [user-data: context [active?: no visible?: yes]] [ if deep-topic/user-data/active? [deep-topic/text: toggle-brackets deep-topic/text] write clipboard:// deep-topic/text flat-topic/state: flat-topic/user-data/active?: no deep-topic/state: deep-topic/user-data/active?: yes show [flat-topic deep-topic] ] [ write clipboard:// deep-topic/text: toggle-brackets deep-topic/text flat-topic/state: flat-topic/user-data/active?: no deep-topic/state: deep-topic/user-data/active?: yes show [flat-topic deep-topic] ] topics-list: text-list (0x1 * HEIGHT + 200x0) font [size: 12] ;edge [size: 1x1 color: 0.0.0 effect: none] with [update-slider: does [sn: 1 sld/redrag lc / max 1 length? head lines]] data ["Choose a letter from the index." "Right click on index button updates data."] [ select-topic] at 0x0 disable: box 0x0 effect [merge grayscale luma +33 blur blur] at 0x0 dialog: box 0x0 edge [size: 2x2 effect: 'ibevel] with [ pane: layout/offset [ backdrop yellow origin 4x4 text "Updating topics ..." bold font-size 12 update: text no-wrap (reform [length? topic-index "moment(s) please."]) progress-bar: progress blue red with [data: 0] ;edge [size: 1x1 color: 0.0.0 effect: none] return ] 0x0 ] ] ;-- toggle-brackets -- ; toggle-brackets: func [ topic] [ any [ if all [#"[" <> first topic #"]" <> last topic] [ rejoin ["[" topic "]"]] if all [#"[" = first topic #"]" = last topic] [ copy/part at topic 2 -2 + length? topic] ] ] ;-- update-topics -- ; update-topics: func [ "Extract the topic tags for a given letter from mailing list archive." letter [char! none!] "The letter to extract (none for all)" /local page updated-topics topic depth uid rule ] [ debug "UPDATE-TOPICS entered" either all [ none? letter request/confirm "Update all topics at once?" ] [ disable/size: topics-selector/size dialog/size: 2 * dialog/edge/size + dialog/pane/size center-face/with dialog topics-selector dialog/offset/y: 64 show topics-selector for i 1 length? topic-index 1 [ update-topics first to string! topic-index/:i progress-bar/data: i / length? topic-index update/text: reform [- i + length? topic-index "moment(s) please."] show [progress-bar update] ] disable/size: dialog/size: 0x0 show topics-selector return ] [ if none? letter [return]] append clear topics-list/data "Updating ..." topics-list/update-slider show topics-list forever [ either attempt [ debug reform ["updating" letter " ..."] page: read join either letter = #"0" [#"2"] [letter] ] [ debug " ... okay" break ] [ debug " ... error" if true <> request/type "Couldn't retrieve data.^/Try again?" 'alert [ debug "UPDATE-TOPICS exited" return ] ] ] updated-topics: copy [] depth: 0 uid: copy "" rule: [ <ul> ( depth: depth + 1) some [ <li> [ opt ["<a href" thru ">"] copy topic to "<" ( append updated-topics head insert/dup append trim topic uid " " depth - 1 append uid " " ) opt [</a> to "<"] any rule ] </li> ] </ul> ( depth: depth - 1) ] parse page [to <ul> any rule to end] if empty? updated-topics [append updated-topics copy " (no topics)"] change/only next find topics letter updated-topics show-topics letter debug "UPDATE-TOPICS exited" ] ;-- show-topics -- ; show-topics: func [ letter [char!]] [ debug "SHOW-TOPICS entered" topics-letter/text: uppercase to string! letter show topics-letter either topics/:letter [ append clear topics-list/data select topics letter topics-list/update-slider show topics-list ] [ update-topics letter] debug "SHOW-TOPICS exited" ] ;-- select-topic -- ; select-topic: func [ /local tag tags string topics topic deep letter] [ flat-topic/text: rejoin ["[" trim copy topics-list/picked/1 "]"] deep-topic/state: not flat-topic/state: true write clipboard:// flat-topic/text deep: copy "" letter: first trim copy topic: topics-list/picked/1 hierachy: find topics-list/data topic forever [ insert deep rejoin ["//" trim copy topic: hierachy/1] if 0 = topic-level topic [break] until [ hierachy: back hierachy (topic-level hierachy/1) < topic-level topic ] ] deep-topic/text: rejoin ["[" next next deep "]"] deep-topic/user-data/active?: no show flat-topic either deep-topic/text = flat-topic/text [ deep-topic/user-data/visible?: no hide deep-topic] [ deep-topic/user-data/visible?: yes show deep-topic] ] topic-level: func [topic [string!] /local level] [level: 0 parse/all topic [some [" " (level: level + 1)] to end] level] topics-selector: view/new/offset layout topics-selector 2x28 topics-list/pane/edge: make system/standard/face/edge [size: 1x1 color: 0.0.0 effect: none] topics-list/pane/pane/1/edge: make system/standard/face/edge [size: 1x1 color: 0.0.0 effect: none] topics-list/pane/pane/2/edge: make system/standard/face/edge [size: 1x1 color: 0.0.0 effect: none] update-topics none do-events
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage