Introducing %makedoc2.r and a whole markup standard
Source code and concept originally by Carl Sassenrath REBOL Technologies
1. Introduction to %makedoc2.r
1.1 Main documentation
2. The basic rules
3. Link table
4. Different flavours
4.1 The simplest first - makespec
4.2 make-doc
4.3 texthtml
4.4 mdp MakeDocPro
4.5 nicomdoc
4.6 QML
4.8 eText
4.9 DocGen
4.10 mdlparser.r
5. Useful stuff
5.1 CheckList
5.2 Calendar
5.3 DocSearch
6. Websites and Syndication
6.1 BuildSite
6.2 Content Management
6.3 RSS
7. Source Code viewers
7.1 ColorCode
7.2 Colorize
7.3 RebDoc
8. Other Markup dialects
8.1 css
8.2 mdlparser
9. Other things
9.1 Advanced Reporting
10. MakeDoc3
1. Introduction to %makedoc2.r
MakeDoc is one of the gems of the REBOL programming environment. A simple thing made simple.
A markup processor that turns easy to read and to create text files into professional looking documents.
This document is written in makedoc, and the cool thing is, that means plain text.
The default output is HTML and can use templates to control the overall look. Being a handy REBOL
application, makedoc2.r includes a default template in the code that produces very nice looking documents.
This usage document uses the template that is built into the code itself. Right out of the box, makedoc2.r
produces very readable output, but it is so easy to customize that you can apply your own look and flair
with a minimum of effort and a maximum of creativity.
1.1 Main documentation
There is a web page that is the main MakeDoc standard
user documentation, and acts a quick start at getting productive with MakeDoc.
This usage document is mainly for completeness in the library and to point out some of the variants
this style of document creation has spawned.
2. The basic rules
MakeDoc is built around the simple concept that paragraphs are separated by blank lines.
Some markup is implied in the structure of the document. The first line being the title. An optional
boilerplate is included by an indented section that follows the title line.
Other indented sections will be treated as "examples" and will be output without further markup processing.
Very handy for listing code and other output, and MakeDoc adds to this with an == that easily separates code from the code output in the final document.
Other markup uses very simple rules. === starts a main heading, --- a sub heading, +++ subsub and ... being a fourth level of heading. These headings can be included in a hyper linked Table of Contents with very little effort.
3. Link table
Described below is a plethora of MakeDoc related scripts, this table is a quick link to sources and information.
4. Different flavours
The MakeDoc standard is %makedoc2.r, but the concept has grown to include quite a few different variants on the theme.
If you just want to produce nice documents, visit the main documentation link mentioned above and you will be up and running in no time. If you want to be spoilt for choice, then read on.
4.1 The simplest first - makespec
The script repository includes %makespec.r. This little program is a showcase program for what REBOL can accomplish in very few lines of code.
makespec includes the basic blank line separates paragraphs rule, has headings and sub-headings, allows for sidebars and indented text.
4.2 make-doc
Currently on version 2, the original %make-doc.r is still quite useful. It includes many of the features of %makedoc2.r and even includes a few features that were not upgraded to version 2. Things like the
ability to call up REBOL/View, and include the layout image right in your document.
4.3 texthtml
A simple way of producing HTML files from text, one of the original MakeDoc programs.
4.4 mdp MakeDocPro
There is an extension to MakeDoc called Make Doc Pro. Quite sophisticated documents can be created with much of the simple rules and ease of use of %makedoc2.r. This project also comes with a very nice graphical frontend
the can be found in the repository as a package filed under %mdp-gui-package.r
4.5 nicomdoc
Another extension, nicomdoc allows for TeX quality math expressions in your documentation (among it's many other features). The author, John Niclasen, comes from a very scientific background and nicomdoc is a great support
tool for such documents, but being a simple markup language is also great for general purpose use. To see the
a sample of the awesome possibilities of what can be produced with nicomdoc check out John's page at the Niels Bohr Institutet
4.6 QML
A new candidate for the standard is QML. Built for the Qtask system by Gabrielle Santilli, the publishers kindly donated the code to the REBOL community and it can be found in the repository as the qml-ed.r package. The markup engine will output HTML and can also be configured for PDF output and is destined to support others. Part of the work towards MakeDoc3.
Gabrielle also has PDF Maker. Produce portable document format output from simple plain text documents. All REBOL programmers are urged to check this out. It is a path towrd full cross-platform printing from REBOL. The inputs are fairly simple and the outputs are gorgeous.
4.7 PDF Labels
Gregg Irwinn added a label maker.
4.7 PDF Tables
Gabrielle's extension to produce very nicely formatted tables in PDF.
4.8 eText
A different take on a markup processor, Andrew Martin has published eText, %etext.r
4.9 DocGen
The repository also has %generate-doc.r
4.10 mdlparser.r
Daniel Murrill posted a fairly sophisticated markup processor as %mdlparser.r
5. Useful stuff
5.1 CheckList
If you'd like to produce a nice looking checklist, the repository has %checklist.r
5.2 Calendar
Bohdan Lechnowsky has written a nice short script for creating an HTML calendar, %html-calendar.r
5.3 DocSearch
Another somewhat related script is %document-search.r by rwvd.Zee
6. Websites and Syndication
The concept surrounding the MakeDoc standard can also be used to create websites from simple templates.
6.1 BuildSite
There is another script in the library, that was used to build the web site. %build-site.r
6.2 Content Management
A variation of the MakeDoc standard includes Christopher Ross-Gills' site management script %content-management.r
6.3 RSS
Syndicate your work with Christopher Ross-Gills' %emit-rss.r
7. Source Code viewers
7.1 ColorCode
Carl Sassenrath has also scripted %color-code.r a program that will scan REBOL source code and produce a colorized
version using HTML output. You can see a form of this script in action right on by pressing the
View in Color link while examining scripts in the repository.
7.2 Colorize
Another nice script for colorizing REBOL source code by Jeff Kreis.
7.3 RebDoc
This script by Carl Sassenrath produces an HTML file that documents the REBOL functions. With a little
tweaking, it can be used to produce nice documentation for your own scripts.
8. Other Markup dialects
8.1 css
Andrew Martin has a nice little dialect for producing css, %css.r
8.2 mdlparser
Daniel Murrill posted %mdlparser.r to the repository.
9. Other things
Not directly MakeDoc related, the script library also has a script for interfacing
to Crystal Reports?
9.1 Advanced Reporting
There is a REBOL/SDK interface to Crystal Reports? but this code uses load/library which requires a
copy of non-free REBOL. %crystal-reports.r
10. MakeDoc3
There is currently development in the area of enhancing the MakeDoc standard. Keep an eye open for the release of
MakeDoc3, a markup processor intended to output more than just HTML. Gabrielle Santilli already has a PDF emitter
and there will be other output formats supported, all using the easy and simple MakeDoc input standard text markup.