Script Library: 1238 scripts
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SDL library interface
131.3 KB
23 Sep 2012
Code to bind SDL shared library to Rebol.
author: Marco Antoniazzi
UUID Generation Example via Windows SDK
2.0 KB
10 Sep 2005
Command only example of interfacing to Windows SDK to generat UUIDs. Trivial given heavy lifting by others in Rebol community. Acknowledgements to all.
author: David McAvenue
VB Like Operator Module/pattern-matcher
6.7 KB
15 Oct 2006
The LIKE? function is a first crack at something like VB's Like operator. i.e. a *very* simple RegEx engine as you would use in shells for file globbing. The real purpose was to help me get acquainted with parse.
author: Gregg Irwin
Dialect Object Model
56.8 KB
7 Nov 2023
Use an exstensible, Rebol user-mode, Markup function to parse DSL's that will return an easy to follow tagged key value Dialect Object Model. It will allow different DSL's or programming languages to work with, or together through a Central Processing interpreter. Yes Rebol/Core. A demo example of a HTML DSL is parsed by [...]
author: daniel murrill
Server object handler script
server.r5.1 KB
19 Oct 2004
This script will parse robot.txt files and store a hash! of forbidden paths. This is very useful for webbots or spiders of any kind (at least if obeying robot exclusion standards is desirable). I looked at the ht://dig package ( script that does the same thing as this script to see if I [...]
author: hy
27.7 KB
4 Mar 2006
Time-line VID style for use in time-table editing using AGG.
author: Christian Ensel
URL Handler
14.6 KB
6 Nov 2016
A script to handle URLs as objects. Rebol's built-in 'decode-url function returns an object, but no methods to manipulate it. This script includes functions that make it possible to manipulate the URL as you please. CGI parameters are parsed into an alphabetized block for ease of comparison of URLs.
author: hy
A Button with Shortcut Key
479 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Shows how to easily add a shortcut key to a button.
author: Anonymous
Load-Parse-Tree (Parse-Analysis)
8.5 KB
5 May 2013
Load a block structure representing your input as matched by Parse.
author: Brett Handley
Parse Analysis Toolset /View
31.7 KB
24 May 2013
Some REBOL/View tools to help learn/analyse parse rules.
author: Brett Handley
Similarity Metrics
21.2 KB
19 Feb 2006
Toolkit of string distance metrics.
author: Francois Vanzeveren (fvz)
ABNF Parser
21.8 KB
11 Mar 2013
Parse ABNF rules as found in IETF RFC documents.
author: Brett Handley
19.1 KB
7 Mar 2009
Usefull example to demo and learn how to use liquid.
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
BNF Parser
7.7 KB
6 Mar 2013
Parse BNF rules.
author: Brett Handley
Client for BaseX XML Database
4.4 KB
4 Jun 2010
BaseX Native XML binding
author: Sabu Francis
OTA bitmap to GIF converter
13.9 KB
25 Sep 2004
Converts so-called operator logos for cell phones, i.e. OTA bitmaps into ordinary two-colour GIFs.
author: HY
drop-list2 widget for REBGUI
3.7 KB
9 Aug 2009
Extension of original drop-list widget. Widget receives data as pairs [value1 text1 value2 text2 ...] Widget has extension of function PICKED with options /values returning block of selected row(pair)
author: Robert Paluch 2009
LIQUID - core dataflow programming engine.
64.9 KB
28 Mar 2009
Create procedural processing networks.
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
Mirror languages module
mirror-lang.r19.5 KB
18 Jul 2012
[no purpose header found]
author: Arnold van Hofwegen
OpenGL Test
opengl.r22.6 KB
17 Oct 2003
Demonstrate the use of OpenGL in View/Pro on Windows
author: Cal Dixon