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drop-list2.rrebol [
title: "drop-list2 widget for REBGUI"
author: "Robert Paluch 2009"
nick: "bobik"
email: "%robert--paluch--seznam--cz"
version: 0.1.0
date: 9-aug-2009
file: %drop-list2.r
Purpose: {
Extension of original drop-list widget.
Widget receives data as pairs [value1 text1 value2 text2 ...]
Widget has extension of function PICKED with options /values returning block of selected row(pair)
Note: "Totally based on Ashley's widget drop-list :-)"
Need: "rebgui"
do %rebgui.r
append-widget [
drop-list2: make rebface [
tip: {
drop-list2 "a" data [1 "a" 22 "b" 333 "c"]
drop-list2 data [1 "a" 22 "b" 333 "c"]
drop-list2 data (SQL "select id,name from names")
Single column selection list with hidden values list.
Values in 'data' are structured as pairs [value1 text1 value2 text2 ....]
To get current choice use function PICKED with option /values
indexes: copy []
size: 25x5
text: ""
color: CTX-REBGUI/colors/outline-light
data: []
edge: outline-edge
font: default-font
para: make default-para [margin: as-pair CTX-REBGUI/sizes/slider + 2 2]
feel: make default-feel [
engage: make function! [face action event][
face/pane/feel/engage face/pane action event
action: make default-action [
on-unfocus: make function! [face] [
face/hidden-text: face/hidden-caret: none
;face/action face ; causes problems when set-focus used from another widget to assign and then shift focus
options: [info]
hidden-caret: hidden-text: none
; Accessor functions
picked: make function! [/values /local i] [
i: attempt [index? find data text]
if none? i [return none]
if values [return reduce [(pick indexes i) (pick data i)] ]
return i
rebind: make function! [] [
color: colors/outline-light
para/margin/x: CTX-REBGUI/sizes/line + 2
init: make function! [/local p tBlk] [
unless block? data [gui-error "drop-list expected data block"]
indexes: copy []
tBlk: copy []
foreach [a b] data [
append indexes a
append tBlk b
data: copy tBlk
para: make para [] ; avoid shared para object for scrollable input widget
p: self
pane: make arrow [
tip: none
offset: as-pair p/size/x - p/size/y + 1 1
size: as-pair p/size/y - 4 p/size/y - 4
span: if all [p/span find p/span #W] [#X]
edge: none
action: make default-action [
on-click: make function! [face /filter-data fd [block!] /local data p v lines oft] [
unless filter-data [ctx-rebgui/edit/unfocus] ; unfocus if arrow pressed
p: face/parent-face
all [find p/options 'no-click exit]
data: either fd [fd] [p/data]
unless zero? lines: length? data [
oft: either (lines * CTX-REBGUI/sizes/line) < (p/parent-face/size/y - p/offset/y - p/size/y) [
; fits below
p/offset + as-pair 0 p/size/y - 1
either (lines * CTX-REBGUI/sizes/line) <= (p/parent-face/size/y - 4) [
; fits bottom
as-pair p/offset/x p/parent-face/size/y - 2 - (lines * CTX-REBGUI/sizes/line)
; align to bottom
as-pair p/offset/x p/parent-face/size/y - 2 - (CTX-REBGUI/sizes/line * to integer! p/parent-face/size/y / CTX-REBGUI/sizes/line)
if v: choose p p/size/x oft data [
p/text: form v
p/hidden-text: p/hidden-caret: none
p/action/on-click p
either p/type = 'drop-list [show p ctx-rebgui/edit/unfocus] [set-focus p]
pane/init ; draw arrow
;;here is example of usage...
comment {
display "DROP-LIST2 Example" [
dl1: drop-list2 "a" data [1 "a" 22 "b" 333 "c"]
button 50 "Picked/values" [alert mold dl1/picked/values]
dl2: drop-list2 data [100 "aaa" 200 "bbb" 333 "ccc"]
button 50 "Picked/values" [alert mold dl2/picked/values]
} Notes