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Forum Reader
forum-reader.r1.3 KB
18 May 2010
Offline reader to download, save, and read the entire collection of forum messages at (i.e., to keep the messages for later reference). The message block is stored at
author: nick
3.4 KB
13 Nov 2003
Cuts up fixed width data file into Rebol values in an association.
author: Andrew Martin
Import and Validate User Input
10.9 KB
5 Jun 2007
Filters user input based upon a given spec
author: Christopher Ross-Gill
Download stock data
5.1 KB
9 Jan 2006
Get stock data from Yahoo. Return a block of blocks: date, open, high, low, close, volume, or the csv data as a sting. Optionally store the csv data as a file.
author: matt licholai
A Variation on Conway's Game of Life
5.3 KB
21 Sep 2005
A GUI implementation of a modified version of the popular cellular automaton system. The rules: 1) Each cell (square) on the grid is either alive (blue) or dead (white) 2) For every iteration, each cell's next state depends on current state and # of live neighbors a) if cell is alive, it stays alive <=> 2 or 3 neighbors are alive b) if cell is dead, [...]
author: Ayrris Aunario
GUI CRUD App Builder
gui-crud-app-builder.r4.4 KB
11 Dec 2013
CRUD is an acronym for Create Read Update and Delete . Familiar types of apps such as contact managers, inventory systems, home video databases, etc., are examples of typical CRUD data storage applications. This script is a simple CRUD app maker that allows you to instantly create CRUD apps which store, retrieve, sort, etc. records [...]
author: nick
Hash Table
1.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
Very simple Hashtable object, but usefull!
author: Gregory Pecheret
Http tools
6.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
To grab cookies from the server and post form data.
author: Graham Chiu
ImageMagick Support
8.8 KB
23 Aug 2006
Support minimal needs for image processing using ImageMagick MagickWand and MagickCore DLLs Note: DLL's calls tend to change so this is specifically for version 6.2.9 Note: Original uses only MagickCore DLL. This version required MagickWand DLL because they moved the calls to a different DLL
author: Edgar Tolentino
Julian Calendar Converter
julian.r4.8 KB
13 Mar 2003
To provide conversions to/from julian day numbers/dates.
author: Russ Yost
Listview Demo
listview-demo.r1.2 KB
25 Nov 2010
A demo of the listview control by Henrik Mikael Kristensen. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
Looping though data
looping-through-data.r2.0 KB
29 Jun 2008
An example application that demonstrates how loop structures can be used to step through lists of data. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
How to attach two or more db files in SQLITE
more-sqlite-dbs.r595 bytes
11 Jan 2011
Simple script demonstrates how to attach second(or more) db files in SQLITE database
author: Robert Paluch alias BobikCZ
16.5 KB
2 Apr 2007
Makes a list of words from a string
author: peter
Menu demo, using choice
menudemo.r14.6 KB
15 Jan 2014
Two purposes. Number one, to break down a menu demo from Nick Antonaccio into such small pieces that I am able to understand each piece, and thus the whole. Number two, to offer an idea of how to write a REBOL script that demonstrates how to write a REBOL script. This idea has been done before, so this is not completely new, just different. It also shows [...]
author: Steven White
Mini virtual and x86 machine dll to speed-up calculations a bit
41.1 KB
24 Feb 2019
speed-up calculations a bit.
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Multi-methods implementation
9.0 KB
11 Apr 2005
Implements polyformism using multi-methods technique and typed objects
author: Jaime Vargas
MySQL database interfacing logic.
17.3 KB
13 Mar 2003
Interface to the mysql libs, needs /Pro or /Command
author: Maarten Koopmans, Ernie van der Meer
REBOL news Protocol $Revision: 1.8 $
20.7 KB
13 Mar 2003
Read and post news articles
author: Jeff Kreis
The index takes it all
3.3 KB
17 Sep 2012
This is my REBOL version of the php script from
author: Arnold van Hofwegen
NeHe Lesson 5
6.7 KB
26 Nov 2011
Example use of %opengl-glu-glut-h.r and OpenGL. Almost ripped from John Niclasen
author: Marco Antoniazzi
NeHe Lesson 5 for GLUT
6.7 KB
25 Apr 2013
Example use of %opengl-glu-glut-h.r and OpenGL. Almost ripped from John Niclasen
author: Marco Antoniazzi
AIOE Newsgroup Test
13.3 KB
8 Mar 2008
- an application of NNTP protocol - and an introduction
author: R.v.d.Zee
OpenGL library interface
125.5 KB
25 Apr 2013
Code to bind OpenGL, GLU, GLUT shared libraries to Rebol.
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Analyze of Oracle listener logs
19.7 KB
28 Jun 2004
Oracle SGBD rebtool to analyze listener log
author: Philippe Le Goff (with help of Ladislav Mecir)