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filtered-import.rREBOL [
Title: "Import and Validate User Input"
Author: "Christopher Ross-Gill"
Date: 5-Jun-2007
Version: 0.1.1
File: %filtered-import.r
Rights: {Copyright (c) 2007, Christopher Ross-Gill}
Purpose: {Filters user input based upon a given spec}
Comment: {Extracted from the QuarterMaster web framework}
History: [
0.1.0 26-Apr-2007 chrisrg "First standalone release"
0.1.1 5-Jun-2007 chrisrg "Fixed optional value handling"
Library: [
level: 'intermediate
platform: 'all
type: [dialect function]
domain: [cgi db dialects parse ui]
tested-under: [Core 2.6.2 WinXP OSX]
support: none
license: 'cc-by-sa
see-also: ""
Notes: {}
context [
range!: :pair!
pop: func [stack [series! port!] /local val][
val: pick stack 1
remove stack
envelope: func [val [any-type!]][either any-block? val [val][reduce [val]]]
add-to: func [ser key val][
key: envelope key
map key func [key][as word! key]
if find key none! [return none]
until [
ser: any [
find/tail ser key/1
insert tail ser key/1
key: next key
switch type?/word ser/1 [
none! [unless tail? key [insert/only ser ser: copy []]]
string! [change/only ser ser: envelope ser/1]
block! [ser: ser/1]
if tail? key [append ser val]
get-from: func [series 'key][
key: copy envelope get key
while [all [not tail? key any-block? series]][
series: select series pop key
all [tail? key series]
comment {[
chars-n: charset [#"0" - #"9"] ; numeric
chars-la: charset [#"a" - #"z"] ; lower-alpha
chars-ua: charset [#"A" - #"Z"] ; upper-alpha
chars-a: union chars-la chars-ua ; alphabetic
chars-an: union chars-a chars-n ; alphanumeric
chars-hx: union chars-n charset [#"A" - #"F" #"a" - #"f"] ; hex
chars-ud: union chars-an charset "*-._!~'," ; url decode
chars-u: union chars-ud charset ":+%&=?" ; url
chars-id: union chars-n union chars-la charset "-_" ; id
chars-w1: union chars-a charset "*-._!+?&|" ; word-first-letter
chars-w*: union chars-w1 chars-n ; word
chars-f: insert copy chars-an #"-" ; file
chars-p: union chars-an charset "-_!+%" ; path
chars-sp: charset " ^-" ; space
chars-up: charset [#"^(80)" - #"^(FF)"] ; above ascii
chars: complement nochar: charset " ^-^/" ; no-space
chars-a: #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAAAAAAD+//8H/v//BwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=}]
chars-an: #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAAAA/wP+//8H/v//BwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=}]
chars-ud: #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAIJ0/wP+//+H/v//RwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=}]
chars-u: #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAKJ8/wf+//+H/v//RwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=}]
chars-id: #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAAAg/wMAAACA/v//BwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=}]
chars-w1: #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAEJsAID+//+H/v//FwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=}]
chars-w*: #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAEJs/4P+//+H/v//FwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=}]
chars-f: #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAAAg/wP+//8H/v//BwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=}]
chars-p: #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAKJo/wP+//+H/v//BwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=}]
chars-up: #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP////////////////////8=}]
chars: #[bitset! 64#{//n///7///////////////////////////////////8=}]
utf-b: #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP//////////AAAAAAAAAAA=}]
utf-8: [utf-2 1 utf-b | utf-3 2 utf-b | utf-4 3 utf-b | utf-5 4 utf-b]
interpolate: func [body [string!] escapes [any-block!] /local out][
body: out: copy body
parse/all body [
any [
to #"%" body: (
body: change/part body reduce any [
select/case escapes body/2 body/2
] 2
) :body
id: [chars-la 0 15 chars-id]
word: [chars-w1 0 25 chars-w*]
number: [integer!]
integer: [opt #"-" number]
masks: reduce [
issue! [some chars-u]
logic! ["true" | "on" | "yes"]
word! [word]
url! [id #":" some [chars-u | #":" | #"/"]]
email! [some chars-u #"@" some chars-u]
path! [word 0 3 [#"/" [word | integer]]]
integer! [integer]
'positive [number]
'id [id]
'key [word 0 6 [#"." word]]
system/words/as: as: func [
[catch] type [datatype!] value [any-type! none!]
/where format [none! block! word!]
case/all [
word? format [format: select masks format]
none? format [format: select masks type]
block? format [
unless parse/all form value format [return #[none]]
attempt [make type value]
result: errors: #[none]
messages: [
not-included "is not included in the list"
excluded "is reserved"
invalid "is missing or invalid"
not-confirmed "doesn't match confirmation"
not-accepted "must be accepted"
empty "can't be empty"
blank "can't be blank"
too-long "is too long (maximum is %d characters)"
too-short "is too short (minimum is %d characters)"
wrong-length "is the wrong length (should be %d characters)"
not-a-number "is not a number"
else: #[none]
otherwise: [
['else | 'or][
set else string! | copy else any [word! string!]
] | (else: #[none])
key: value: target: format: else: #[none]
constraint: use [is is-not? is-or-length-is op val val-type range group][
op: val: val-type: #[none]
is: ['is | 'are]
is-or-length-is: [
['length | 'size] (val: length? value val-type: integer!)
| (val: :value val-type: :type)
] is
is-not?: ['not (op: #[false]) | (op: #[true])]
is [
'accepted otherwise (
unless true = value [report not-accepted]
) |
'confirmed opt 'by set val get-word! otherwise (
unless value = as/where :type get-from source to-word val format [
report not-confirmed
) |
is-not? 'within set group any-block! otherwise (
either found? find group value [
unless op [report excluded]
if op [report not-included]
] |
is-or-length-is [
is-not? 'between [set range [range! | into [2 val-type]]] otherwise (
either op [
case [
val < target: range/1 [report too-short]
val > target: range/2 [report too-long]
unless any [
val < range/1
val > range/2
][report excluded]
) |
['more-than | 'after] set target val-type otherwise (
unless val > target [report too-short]
) |
['less-than | 'before] set target val-type otherwise (
unless val < target [report too-long]
) |
is-not? set target val-type otherwise (
either value = target [
unless op [report wrong-length]
if op [report wrong-length]
humanize: func [word][uppercase/part replace/all form word "-" " " 1]
report: func ['message [word!]][
message: any [
all [string? else else]
all [block? else select else message]
reform [humanize key any [select messages message ""]]
unless select errors :key [repend errors [:key copy []]]
append select errors :key interpolate message [
#"w" [form key]
#"W" [humanize key]
#"d" [form target]
#"t" [head remove back tail form type]
system/words/import: import: func [
"Imports and validates user input" [catch]
source [block!] {User input: [word! any-type! ...]}
spec [block!] {Importation and validation rules}
/else word [word!] {A word to assign an error report to}
/local required present constraints
errors: copy []
result: copy []
bind constraint 'source
bind spec 'self
unless parse compose/deep/only spec [
any [
set key set-word! (key: to-word key)
set required opt 'opt (required: required <> 'opt)
set type word! (throw-on-error [type: to-datatype :type])
set format opt block!
value: get-from source key
present: not any [
none? value
empty? trim/head/tail form value
either all [present value: as/where :type value format][
constraints: [any constraint]
repend result [key value]
constraints: [to set-word! | to end]
case [
present [report invalid]
required [report blank]
not required [repend result [key none]]
throw make error! "Could not parse Import specification"
unless set any [word 'word] all [not empty? errors errors][result]
] Notes