Script Library: 1240 scripts


Rebol [ title: "Looping though data" date: 29-june-2008 file: %looping-through-data.r purpose: { An example application that demonstrates how loop structures can be used to step through lists of data. Taken from the tutorial at } ] users: [ ["John" "Smith" "123 Tomline Lane" "Forest Hills, NJ" "555-1234"] ["Paul" "Thompson" "234 Georgetown Place" "Peanut Grove, AL" "555-2345"] ["Jim" "Persee" "345 Pickles Pike" "Orange Grove, FL" "555-3456"] ["George" "Jones" "456 Topforge Court" "Mountain Creek, CO" ""] ["Tim" "Paulson" "" "" "555-5678"] ] a-line: copy [] loop 65 [append a-line "-"] a-line: trim to-string a-line print-all: does [ foreach user users [ print a-line print rejoin ["User: " user/1 " " user/2] print a-line print rejoin ["Address: " user/3 " " user/4] print rejoin ["Phone: " user/5] print newline ] ] forever [ prin "^(1B)[J" print "Here are the current users in the database:^/" print a-line foreach user users [prin rejoin [user/1 " " user/2 " "]] print "" print a-line print "Type the name of a user below.^/" print "Type 'all' for a complete database listing." print "Press [Enter] to quit.^/" answer: ask {What person would you like info about? } print newline switch/default answer [ "all" [print-all] "" [ask "Goodbye! Press any key to end." quit] ][ found: false foreach user users [ if find rejoin [user/1 " " user/2] answer [ print a-line print rejoin ["User: " user/1 " " user/2] print a-line print rejoin ["Address: " user/3 " " user/4] print rejoin ["Phone: " user/5] print newline found: true ] ] if found <> true [ print "That user is not in the database!^/" ] ] ask "Press [ENTER] to continue" ]
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage