Script Library: 1246 scripts
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tag index: l · level

536 scripts tagged as: [level  ·  intermediate]

Simple GradCol Example
gradcol.r791 bytes
19 Jul 2003
Demomstrate graduated colors
author: Jeff
Test Dot Graphviz with com2Rebol
1.6 KB
5 Apr 2006
REBOL COM.interfacing with WinGraphviz
author: Ph. Le Goff
0.9 KB
13 Mar 2003
Greek changes all upper and lower case letters to random letters, preserving their case, and changes digits to random digits as well.
author: Andrew Martin
Grey-Soft: Bluetooth Accelerometer Acquisition 2.0
147.3 KB
6 Jul 2010
Using GS bluetooth XYZ devices with Rebol. This a demo version.
author: François Jouen
UUID Generation Example via Windows SDK
2.0 KB
10 Sep 2005
Command only example of interfacing to Windows SDK to generat UUIDs. Trivial given heavy lifting by others in Rebol community. Acknowledgements to all.
author: David McAvenue
Hash Table
1.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
Very simple Hashtable object, but usefull!
author: Gregory Pecheret
Visual Illusions Series: Heaver Illusion
heaver.r1.8 KB
16 Jun 2005
show some visual illusions with rebol (view 1.3)
author: Franois Jouen
Help Patch
7.2 KB
20 Nov 2003
Allows to add the following info to functions: return: [datatypes to be returned] category: [a function category e.g. math series] author: [author initials email what you want
author: Ingo Hohmann
REBOL Mezzanine Functions: Help
help.r6.5 KB
8 Dec 2006
enhance original help with a secure way of showing functions in paths of objects and ports and show information about ports similar to objects
author: [unknown]
Histogram maker
9.6 KB
18 Apr 2011
To produce a histogram from a data series, to display it in a window, to save it as PNG file and/or as a data file
author: Rudolf W. Meijer
Library History
2.1 KB
13 Mar 2003
Show file change dates for the REBOL public library. Click on a file to view it.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Half-life log parser
hllogparser.r5.8 KB
4 Mar 2004
Allows a rebol script to parse server logs from the game: Half-life
author: Cal Dixon
hsv-lab.r5.0 KB
27 Nov 2003
Functions that manipulate of REBOL colour values using the HSV (Hue Saturation Brightness) model. Includes example functions for use with colour tuple! and image! values.
author: Christopher Ross-Gill
HTML calendar
1.4 KB
5 Dec 2003
Creates an HTML file containing the current calendar month and displays it in the browser
author: Bohdan Lechnowsky
http/1.1 get
1.0 KB
13 Mar 2003
dumps the response header from requesting a file via TCP from a host using http/1.1
author: Viktor Pavlu
733 bytes
24 Feb 2005
Issue a HTTP HEAD command
author: Tom Conlin
ICO view 2
3.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
To view the images from the ICO files (windows icons)
author: oldes
Iconic Image Browser
4.7 KB
29 May 2004
Browse a directory of images using a scrolling list of icons. Displays a progress bar while icons are being created.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Iconic Image Browser
2.0 KB
3 Dec 2012
icon for icon-browse2.rBrowse a directory of images using a scrolling list of icons.
author: carl sassenrath
identity.r16.3 KB
7 Dec 2010
functions from the article
author: Ladislav Mecir
2.8 KB
28 Jan 2004
Provides conversion to and from IEEE-32 float (binary)
author: Piotr Gapinski
IFF dialect
4.3 KB
16 Jan 2013
Electronic Arts Interchange File Format (IFF) dialect
author: Vincent Ecuyer
Image Sorter
4.1 KB
13 Mar 2003
A handy tool for sorting images into separate directories or deleting images. Includes scrolling list of image files with highlight and scrolling list of target directories. Also uses cursor keys, space, and backspace for navigation.
author: Carl Sassenrath
IMAP Handler
36.8 KB
30 Mar 2006
Add some RFC3501 (full imap) behaviour to the imap scheme.
author: rt & ingo hohmann
Import Script
3.8 KB
26 Feb
Loads and runs a script inside a new context.
author: Annick ECUYER
Increment and Decrement
incdec.r645 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Increment and decrement a variable by one.
author: [unknown]
Include Files
include.r867 bytes
13 Mar 2003
A useful function for including a single file or a block of files. Web and other file paths are allowed.
author: [unknown]
3.9 KB
3 Mar 2013
Indexing of values.
author: Brett Handley
Input via CGI
input-cgi.r721 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Get CGI input with either POST or GET
author: Mike Yaunish
edit-tools + little editor
23.9 KB
14 Apr 2005
Various stuff to implement an editor. Main features: Tools to plug an area with find/replace in a few lines. And a little editor with plugins.
author: Volker Nitsch
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