Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ title: "HSV Lab" author: "Christopher Ross-Gill" home: file: %hsv-lab.r date: 25-Nov-2003 needs: [1.2.1 'View] purpose: { Functions that manipulate of REBOL colour values using the HSV (Hue Saturation Brightness) model. Includes example functions for use with colour tuple! and image! values. } library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: 'all type: [function tool] domain: [graphics] tested-under: none support: none license: "" see-also: none ] ] ; example [rgb-hsv 255.0.0] rgb-hsv: func [ "Converts an RGB colour into an HSV colour." color [tuple!] "The RGB colour to be converted." /local r g b a h s v mn mx delta ][ r: color/1 / 255 g: color/2 / 255 b: color/3 / 255 if not a: color/4 [a: 0] mn: first minimum-of reduce [r g b] mx: first maximum-of reduce [r g b] v: mx delta: mx - mn either delta = 0 [ s: 0 h: 0 ][ s: delta / mx either r = mx [ h: (g - b) / delta ][ either g = mx [ h: 2 + ((b - r) / delta) ][ h: 4 + ((r - g) / delta) ] ] h: h * 60 if h < 0 [h: h + 360] ] return reduce [h s v a] ] ; example [hsv-rgb [240 0.5 0.5 0]] hsv-rgb: func [ "Converts an HSV colour into an RGB colour." color [block!] "The HSV colour to be converted. H: 0-360 S: 0-1 V: 0-1" /local h s v r g b i f p q t ][ h: color/1 s: color/2 v: color/3 if not a: color/4 [a: 0] either s = 0 [ r: g: b: v ][ h: h / 60 i: to-integer h f: h - i p: v * (1 - s) q: v * (1 - (s * f)) t: v * (1 - (s * (1 - f))) switch/default i [ 0 [r: v g: t b: p] 1 [r: q g: v b: p] 2 [r: p g: v b: t] 3 [r: p g: q b: v] 4 [r: t g: p b: v] ][r: v g: p b: q] ] return to-tuple reduce [ to-integer (r * 255) to-integer (g * 255) to-integer (b * 255) a ] ] ; example [adjust-hue 153.255.0 -60] adjust-hue: func [ "Modifies an RGB colour only by adjusting the Hue value." color [tuple!] "The colour to be manipulated" amt [tuple! integer!] { Either a colour to provide hue, or an integer to increase/decrease hue. } /local hsv hsv-new ][ hsv: rgb-hsv color either tuple? amt [ hsv-new: rgb-hsv amt if hsv-new/2 <> 0 [hsv/1: hsv-new/1] ][ hsv/1: hsv/1 + amt ] hsv/1: remainder hsv/1 360 if negative? hsv/1 [hsv/1: hsv/1 + 360] return hsv-rgb hsv ] ; example [apply-hue load %image.jpg 51.204.0] apply-hue: func [ "Takes an image and a colour and applies the hue of the colour to an image" img [image!] "The image file to colourise" col [tuple! integer!] "A colour to provide the hue, or a hue shift (angle)" /local hsv hue sz ][ if not integer? col [ hsv: rgb-hsv col if hsv/2 = 0 [return img] ] img: copy img sz: img/size/x * img/size/y repeat pix :sz [poke img pix adjust-hue img/:pix col] return img ] ; example [negate-color 153.255.0] negate-color: func [ "Creates the negative colour of the supplied colour." col [tuple!] "The colour to negate" /local hsv ][ hsv: rgb-hsv col hsv/1: either hsv/1 < 180 [hsv/1 + 180][hsv/1 - 180] hsv/3: 1 - hsv/3 return hsv-rgb hsv ] ; example [negate-image load %image.jpg] negate-image: func [ "Creates a negative copy of the supplied image." img [image!] "The image file to process" /local sz ][ img: copy img sz: img/size/x * img/size/y repeat pix :sz [poke img pix negate-color img/:pix] return img ] ; example [negate-image-byrgb load %image.jpg] negate-image-byrgb: func [ "Creates a negative copy of the supplied image." img [image!] "The image file to process" /local sz ][ img: copy img sz: img/size/x * img/size/y repeat pix :sz [poke img pix 255.255.255 - img/:pix] return img ] ; example [desaturate load %image.jpg] desaturate: func [ { Removes saturation from an image. Slightly different approach from grayscale. } img [image!] "The image file to process" /local sz hsv ][ img: copy img sz: img/size/x * img/size/y repeat pix :sz [ hsv: rgb-hsv img/:pix hsv/2: 0 poke img pix hsv-rgb hsv ] return img ] ; example [contrast load %image.jpg contrast/factor load %image.jpg 0.1] contrast: func [ "Increases image contrast." img [image!] "The image file to process" /factor amt /local sz hsv sign ][ if not factor [amt: 0.5] img: copy img sz: img/size/x * img/size/y repeat pix :sz [ hsv: rgb-hsv img/:pix hsv/3: (hsv/3 * 2) - 1 sign: sign? hsv/3 hsv/3: (1 + (((hsv/3 * sign) ** (amt)) * sign)) / 2 poke img pix hsv-rgb hsv ] return img ]
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