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Snake Game
snake-game.r2.1 KB
21 Aug 2009
A little graphic game. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick
6.3 KB
25 Nov 2010
REBOL File packer
author: Boleslav Brezovsky, based on rip.r by Carl Sassenrath/Cal Dixon
Student Photo Database
student-photo-database.r4.9 KB
8 Jun 2010
This example came from a question at: It's based on the card file example at:
author: nick
Tiny Generic CRUD App
tiny-crud-app.r990 bytes
7 Jan 2017
A very short generic data storage/retrieval app example. CRUD = create read update delete records. This can be used as the basis for any sort of rolodex-like app which allows users to enter and edit 'cards' full of information. From
author: nick
UDP Signin Client Alarm
udp-signin-client.r35.0 KB
3 Aug 2010
Together with %udp-signin-server.r this program alerts users on a network that a new user has arrived and logged in. Client users are only notified when the new user has signed in specificly to see them. Because this script uses UDP, the client alarm application does not need to connect to any specific IP. Anyone who runs the client [...]
author: nick
UDP Group Chat
udp-group-chat.r1.5 KB
3 Aug 2010
Because this script uses UDP, anyone who runs it on a local network will automatically receive messages broadcast by others on the same network. A separate server program and/or connection(s) to specific IP addresses are NOT required. A who's online function is included to list all currently logged in users.
author: nick
25.6 KB
19 Jul 2003
Implements a Wiki using Rebol and the Xitami webserver.
author: Andrew Martin
Always on Top
always-on-top.r1.0 KB
23 Dec 2013
Demonstrates how to use the Windows API to make a Rebol application always stay on top of other windows (so that the Rebol window is always visible in front of any other programs that are opened). Be sure to use the view/new option, then run the 2 Windows API functions, then do-events to show the GUI.
author: nick
App Builder
appbuilder.r26.4 KB
16 Feb 2017
An app builder to help new students learn how to write Rebol code. To create a user interface for a new app, just point and click any GUI widget (button, text field, dropdown box, etc.). You'll be prompted to edit the properties of each added widget, and you can add actions which will run when the user interacts with the widget. Actions [...]
author: nick
calculator-tutorial.r1.4 KB
1 Mar 2009
A little GUI calculator example, with printout. Taken from the tutorial at
author: [unknown]
Scripts To Change The Appearance Of Text-Lists
17.2 KB
15 Apr 2008
This script is a tool that provides script writers with script that can be used to change the appearance of text-lists.
author: R.v.d.Zee
Choose and convert colors
37.5 KB
12 Jan
icon for color-requester.rRequests a color or modify or convert it
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Core Email
core-email.r5.1 KB
12 Oct 2009
A simple email program that can run in REBOL/Core - entirely at the command line (no VID GUI components or View graphics are required). You can store configuration information for as many email accounts as you'd like in the accounts block, and easily switch between them at any point in the program. Taken from the [...]
author: nick
Currency Rate Conversion Calculator
currency-calculator.r1.9 KB
9 Feb 2013
This example downloads and parses the current (live) US Dollar exchange rates from The user selects from a list of currencies to convert to, then performs and displays the conversion from USD to the selected currency. All of the parsing occurs when the Convert button is clicked. The first half of the [...]
author: Nick Antonaccio
demo.r4.1 KB
14 Sep 2009
Amazingly small REBOL demo app: 10 useful programs in only 2.5k (LESS THAN HALF A PRINTED PAGE OF CODE!): 1 - FREEHAND PAINT: draw and save graphic images 2 - SNAKE GAME: eat food, avoid hitting the walls and yourself 3 - TILE PUZZLE, 15 : arrange the tiles into alphabetical order 4 - CALENDAR: save [...]
author: nick
Days Between
days-between.r1.4 KB
8 Aug 2009
Compute the number of days between any two dates - super simple GUI example. From the tutorial at
author: nick
Quick Email Sender
2.2 KB
13 Mar 2003
A simple GUI example of an email sender.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Easy Quick Plot
60.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
Simple tutorial for using the quick plot dialect.
author: Matt Licholai
10.3 KB
20 Jul 2003
Simple GUI for encap tools
author: Gregg Irwin
1.6 KB
13 Mar 2003
Shows how to create a simple page with paragraphs, buttons, and entry fields on a colorful backdrop.
author: Larry Palmiter