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32.7 KB
17 Apr 2021
Helps test short programs (substitutes console)
author: Marco Antoniazzi
TextureLab - Texture generator
25.6 KB
31 Oct 2006
Generate mathematical textures
author: ReBolek
36.7 KB
17 Nov 2013
icon for vid-build.rEasily create VID guis
author: Marco Antoniazzi
List Widget Example
list-widget-example.r5.0 KB
10 Jul 2010
This examples demonstrates how to use REBOL's native GUI list widget to manage a grid of data values. Columns can be sorted by clicking the headers. Individual values at any column/row position can be edited by the user (just click the current value). Entire rows can be added, removed, or moved to/from user-selected positions. [...]
author: nick
17.3 KB
21 Apr 2016
icon for archiver.rBackup files
author: Marco Antoniazzi
GLayout demo
22.4 KB
10 Jul 2009
Demonstration of GLayout's features and capabilities.
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
Image Effector
image-effector.r1.8 KB
29 Jun 2008
A simple GUI demo application. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
RSS feed reader
28.9 KB
20 Jul 2007
Live Bookmarks
author: Piotr Gapinski
slidery.r23.5 KB
29 Dec 2013
See the help-text below. An MS Windows .exe. is available at
author: nick
Resizeable Table/Grid/Multi-column List Widget Example
table-grid-list.r14.3 KB
13 Jul 2011
One of the greatest things about REBOL/View is the built in GUI dialect ("VID"). It's great for building simple GUI layouts quickly and easily, but the native list widget can be confusing for newcomers. THIS EXAMPLE IS A FULL FEATURED TABLE/GRID/LIST WIDGET FOR VID GUIs. KEYS: INSERT DELETE ARROWS PAGE UP/DOWN - + [...]
author: nick
Sintezar PM-101 - Phase Manipulation Digital Synthesizer
81.3 KB
23 Jun 2006
author: Boleslav Brezovsky
Red compiler and Runner
9.9 KB
5 Dec 2012
GUI to help with compile and run your Red(/System) scripts.
author: arnold van hofwegen
Bar Charts
bar-charts.r1.9 KB
9 Feb 2013
Several examples demonstrating how to draw bar charts using simple REBOL GUI code. From the tutorial at:
author: Nick Antonaccio
blogger.r1.9 KB
22 Apr 2010
This program allows users to create and add entries to an online blog page. The GUI has text fields which allow the user to enter a title, link, and blog text, as well as a button to select an image file which will be uploaded and included in the blog entry. When the Upload button is clicked, an HTML file is created and uploaded to [...]
author: nick
Chinese Year
5.3 KB
28 Jan 2013
Chinese Year name
author: Vincent Ecuyer
CRUD Builder
crudbuilder.r2.6 KB
10 Dec 2013
A simple GUI application builder. For each unique application, just copy this script to a new file name, edit the 'filename used to store record data (replace %mycruddatafile with a filename specific to each new app), and then edit the 'widgets block. Any field or area widgets assigned a label will automatically be included in the [...]
author: nick
glayout - GLASS-based layout engine
141.6 KB
16 Nov 2006
replace vid dialect layout while keeping its basic featureset
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
HTML Form Generator and Server
html-form-generator-and-server.r7.9 KB
2 Jan 2017
Creates an HTML form, with any fields, areas, check boxes, and drop-down selectors you specify, then runs a server to collect any data entered into the form by users. A cgi version is also provided, which can be run on most shared host providers. A little GUI app is also provided to demonstrate how search and browse collected [...]
author: nick
jeopardy.r19.5 KB
7 Oct 2009
A GUI game reminiscent of the popular TV show. Click on the header image to create and save config files which contain questions and answers to separate games. Change the sizer variable to resize the entire layout to fit different screens. Taken from the tutorial at
author: [unknown]
Looping through data GUI
looping-gui.r1.4 KB
29 Jun 2008
An example demonstrating how to accomplish goals similar to the 'Looping through data' demo, using GUI techniques. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio