Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ title: "Mini-edit-do" file: %mini-edit-do.r author: "Marco Antoniazzi" Copyright: "(C) 2012-2021 Marco Antoniazzi. All Rights reserved." email: [luce80 AT libero DOT it] date: 15-11-2020 version: 0.8.5 Purpose: "Helps test short programs (substitutes console)" History: [ 0.0.1 [30-04-2012 "First version"] 0.5.1 [01-05-2012 "Fixed using view and quit"] 0.5.2 [05-05-2012 "Added undo and redo"] 0.5.3 [10-05-2012 "Fixed last probe"] 0.5.4 [12-05-2012 "Added halt and other minor fixes"] 0.5.5 [20-05-2012 "Fixed error inside prin and script header"] 0.5.6 [03-06-2012 "Fixed bug when deleting all"] 0.5.7 [08-06-2012 "Fixed undo after clear all"] 0.5.8 [29-07-2012 "Fixed arg1 etc. in err?"] 0.5.9 [09-08-2012 "Fixed ^X and save after clear all, arg1, do-face"] 0.6.1 [03-01-2013 "Added pseudo-console"] 0.6.2 [03-01-2013 "Fixed focus before undo/redo"] 0.6.3 [16-03-2013 "Fixed last line being a comment"] 0.6.4 [06-04-2013 "Fixed mini console button do script"] 0.6.5 [16-06-2013 "Fixed mini console resizing"] 0.6.6 [28-07-2013 "Improved word selection and skipping for area-scroll-style"] 0.6.7 [30-12-2013 "Fixed word selection and skipping for area-scroll-style"] 0.7.0 [25-01-2014 "Added mini-source level debugger"] 0.7.1 [14-05-2017 "Fixes bug when closing foreing window"] 0.8.0 [09-09-2017 "Added live VID and live Draw"] 0.8.1 [05-11-2017 "Added until to Mini SLD"] 0.8.2 [26-12-2017 "Added select all for area-scroll-style"] 0.8.3 [25-04-2018 "Modified ask_close request"] 0.8.4 [02-01-2019 "Added Clean-script, Fixed debugger-results resizing, Patched ctx-edit"] 0.8.5 [15-11-2020 "Added Show commands, Fixed VID&Draw-results resizing, Added edge to radio-lines"] ] comment: {30-Apr-2012 GUI automatically generated by VID_build. Author: Marco Antoniazzi. Derived directly from ParseAid.r } library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: 'all type: 'tool domain: [debug testing] tested-under: [View] support: none license: 'BSD see-also: %parse-aid.r ] todo: { - options: - set max area-results length - set max dumped obj length - choose between head or tail of dumped obj - gui and text colors - patch ALL functions to use err? (to output errors to my prog) - patch loops by inserting "wait 0" to allow halting infinite loops - add "Mini help/source" and/or Dictionary or buttons "Show help" and "Show source" - add profiler (use Gregg Irwin's "profile" ?) - add parse-aid.r - add obj-recontruct.r (mold objects) - add watched variables - save win pos and size - "live" error check in console (after every typed word) - resize live draw image, save live draw image - button to open Rebol console (-> confirm "Closing the console window will quit the program") - buttons to show help for VID and Draw - button to unset recently setted values } Help: { The *MINI* source level debugger is REALLY minimal (and buggy). I can not patch "if" and "either" so you have to write "dif" and "deither" to use a patched version. } program-preferences-do-not-touch-01: #{0357007F02C0026F} ;DO NOT TOUCH!;; ] ; err? err?: func [blk /local arg1 arg2 arg3 message err][;derived from 11-Feb-2007 Guest2 if not error? set/any 'err try blk [return get/any 'err] err: disarm err arg1: any [attempt [get in err 'arg1] 'unset] arg2: get in err 'arg2 arg3: get in err 'arg3 message: get err/id if block? message [bind message 'arg1] prin* ["** ERROR:" form reduce message newline] prin* ["** Near:" either block? err/near [mold/only err/near][err/near] newline] throw ] ; patches doing: false old-length: 0 old-prin: :prin old-print: :print ; use these to output to console old-probe: func [value] [old-print mold :value :value] old-quit: :quit quit: does [ ; closing all windows (except ours) is similar to quitting ... foreach face next System/view/screen-face/pane [unview/only face] ] halt: does [] ; avoid opening console prin*: func [value][ set-face/no-show output-face append get-face output-face form reduce value system/view/vid/vid-feel/move-drag output-face/vscroll/pane/3 1 ; autoscroll down ] prin: func [value] [ either all [(100000 + old-length) > length? get-face output-face doing] [ ; avoid fill mem set-face/no-show output-face append get-face output-face form err? [reduce value] system/view/vid/vid-feel/move-drag output-face/vscroll/pane/3 1 ; autoscroll down wait 0.0001 ; avoid blocking the gui ][ if confirm/with "ERROR. Probable infinite loop. Clear Results?" ["Yes" "Cancel"] [reset-face output-face] throw ] exit ; force unsetting result ] print: func [value] [prin value prin newline] probbed: none probe: func [value] [probbed: get 'value print mold :value :value] *isolator: context [ func: make function! [ "Defines a user function with given spec and body." [catch] spec [block!] {Help string (opt) followed by arg words (and opt type and string)} body [block!] "The body block of the function" ][ throw-on-error [make function! spec compose/deep [err? [(body)]]] ] view: func ; taken from "REBOL Word Browser (Dictionary)" Author: "Carl Sassenrath" first get in system/words 'view head insert copy/deep second get in system/words 'view [new: true] ] do-face: func [face value] [ ; (needs to work for functions and blocks) err?[do get in face 'action face either value [value][face/data]] ] do-face-alt: func [face value] [ err?[do get in face 'alt-action face either value [value][face/data]] ] resize-face: func [ "Resize a face." face size [number! pair!] /x "Resize only width" /y "Resize only heigth" /no-show "Do not show change yet" /local access ][ either all [ access: get in face 'access in access 'resize-face* ][ access/resize-face* face size x y ][ face/size: size * (add 1x0 to-integer not x 0x1 to-integer not y) ] if not no-show [show face] face ] ; make an unbound copy of ctx-text/edit-text and patch it change/part pick find pick find b: body-of get in ctx-text 'edit-text [if face: focal-face] 4 [tmp: tmp] 4 [(any [face-edge 0x0])] 1 ; re-make and re-bind the func ctx-text/edit-text: func spec-of get in ctx-text 'edit-text bind bind b ctx-text system/view unset 'b ; context [ ; protect our functions from being redefined ; file, undo change_title: func [/modified] [ clear find/tail main-window/text "- " either modified [append main-window/text "*" saved?: no][saved?: yes] append main-window/text to-string last split-path any [job-name %Untitled] main-window/changes: [text] show main-window ] open_file: func [/local file-name job] [ until [ file-name: request-file/title/keep/only/filter "Load a Rebol file" "Load" "*.r" if none? file-name [exit] exists? file-name ] job-name: file-name job: read file-name set-face input-face job code: copy job named: yes change_title saved?: yes ] save_file: func [/as /local file-name filt ext response job] [ ;if empty? job [return false] if not named [as: true] if as [ filt: "*.r" ext: %.r file-name: request-file/title/keep/only/save/filter "Save as Rebol file" "Save" filt if none? file-name [return false] if not-equal? suffix? file-name ext [append file-name ext] response: true if exists? file-name [response: request rejoin [{File "} last split-path file-name {" already exists, overwrite it?}]] if response <> true [return false] job-name: file-name named: yes ] flash/with join "Saving to: " job-name main-window job: get-face input-face write job-name job code: copy job wait .8 unview change_title saved?: yes ] undo: does [ if system/view/focal-face <> input-face/ar [focus input-face/ar] input-face/undo if strict-equal? code get-face input-face [change_title] ] redo: does [ if system/view/focal-face <> input-face/ar [focus input-face/ar] input-face/redo if strict-not-equal? code get-face input-face [change_title/modified] ] ; do test: func [text /console /local script result temp] [ if all [not console get-face check-clear-res] [clear-face area-results old-length: 0] if all [console get-face check-clear-res-cons] [clear-face area-console-results] err? [ if all [console empty? trim text] [exit] probbed: none text: rejoin ["[" temp: copy text "^/]"] script: attempt [load/header text] if none? script [script: load text insert script make system/script/header [] ] system/script/header: script/1 ; replace our header with the script's one doing: true if all [console get-face check-commands] [print [">>" temp]] set/any 'result do bind script *isolator text: none recycle old-length: old-length + length? get-face area-results if not unset? get/any 'result [ temp: copy/part mold :result 100000 if (length? temp) = 100000 [append temp "..."] either console [ print ["==" temp] ][ if not equal? mold :probbed temp [ ; avoid reprinting last result print temp ] ] ] doing: false ] get/any 'result ] test-code: { n: 1 loop 10 [ n: n + 1 a: n ] deither 1 > 0 [print 1 n: 3][print 2] } codeg: [] stepped: false source-debug: func [/step /local eval_code] [ if all [get-face check-clear-res-debug] [clear-face area-debug-results old-length: 0] if step [stepped: true] dprin: func [value] [ ;either all [(100000 + old-length) > length? get-face area-source doing] [ ; avoid fill mem set-face/no-show area-source append get-face area-source form err? [reduce value] system/view/vid/vid-feel/move-drag area-source/vscroll/pane/3 1 ; autoscroll down ;wait 0.0001 ; avoid blocking the gui ;][ ; if confirm/with "ERROR. Probable infinite loop. Clear Results?" ["Yes" "Cancel"] [reset-face area-source] ; throw ;] exit ; force unsetting result ] dprobe: func [value] [probbed: get 'value dprin mold/only :value :value] ; patch natives natives: [loop while until repeat for forall foreach ] foreach word natives[ set load join 'native- word get word ] loop: func [count [integer!] block [block!]] [native-loop count [eval_code block]] while: func [cond-block [block!] body-block [block!]] [native-while [eval_code cond-block] [eval_code body-block]] until: func [block [block!]] [native-until [eval_code block]] repeat: func ['word [word!] value [integer! series!] body [block!]] [native-repeat :word value [eval_code body]] for: func [[catch throw] 'word [word!] start [number! series! money! time! date! char!] end [number! series! money! time! date! char!] bump [number! money! time! char!] body [block!] ][native-for :word start end bump [eval_code body]] forall: func [[catch throw] 'word [word!] body [block!] ][forall :word [eval_code body]] ; these are unpatchables so rename them dif: func [condition then-block [block!]] [if condition [eval_code then-block]] deither: func [condition true-block [block!] false-block [block!]] [either condition [eval_code true-block][eval_code false-block]] old-length: 0 point_code: func [code] [ ;old-print ["=>" mold code] nl: new-line? code if nl [new-line code off] insert code ###>> if nl [new-line code on] clear-face area-source dprobe head codeg remove code if nl [new-line code on] ;if block? code [eval_code] ] eval_code: func [[throw] code] [ ;old-print ["ent" codeg] ;if not doing [return 0] either step [ either empty? codeg [ codeg: load get-face area-test ;if confirm "End of code reached. Reset it to beginning?" [codeg: load get-face area-test] ][ point_code code set [value codeg] do/next code print ["==" get/any 'value] ] ][ native-while [not empty? code] [ if not doing [codeg: tail codeg throw get/any 'value] point_code code set [value code] do/next code print ["==" get/any 'value] attempt [wait load get-face field-wait] ] ; show that we are at the end (because we have finished) insert tail code [ ###>>] ; keep this on a new line clear-face area-source dprobe head codeg remove back tail code ] get/any 'value ] doing: true ;old-print "1stendev" catch[eval_code codeg] if not stepped [codeg: none recycle] ;old-print "endev" doing: false old-length: old-length + length? get-face area-source ; restore original natives foreach word natives[ set word get load join 'native- word ] ;codeg: none ] ; clean script script-cleaner: make object! [ History: [ "Volker Nitsch" 1.2.0 13-Apr-2005 "Applied romanos patch to work recursion- and 'break - less" "Carl Sassenrath" 1.1.0 29-May-2003 "Fixes indent and parse rule." "Carl Sassenrath" 1.0.0 27-May-2000 "Original program." ] out: none spaced: off indent: "" emit-line: func [] [append out newline] emit-space: func [pos] [ append out either newline = last out [indent] [ pick [#" " ""] found? any [ spaced not any [find "[(" last out find ")]" first pos] ] ] ] emit: func [from to] [emit-space from append out copy/part from to] set 'clean-script func [ {Returns new script text with standard spacing (pretty printed).} script [string!] "Original Script text" /spacey "Optional spaces near brackets and parens" /local str new ] [ spaced: found? spacey clear indent out: append clear copy script newline parse script blk-rule: [ some [ str: newline (emit-line) | #";" [thru newline | to end] new: (emit str new) | ;does not work with break-less link ;[#"[" | #"("] (emit str 1 append indent tab) blk-rule | ;[#"]" | #")"] (remove indent emit str 1) break | ;but we do not need recursion [#"[" | #"("] (emit str 1 append indent tab) | [#"]" | #")"] (remove indent emit str 1) | skip (set [value new] load/next str emit str new) :new ] ] remove out if (load script) <> load out [ make error! "script-semantic changed" ] out ] ] clean-area: func [/local text new-text][ ctx-text/unlight-text text: get-face area-test area-test/ar/access/set-face* area-test/ar new-text: clean-script text ; bypass area-test set-face because it cleans undos (bug ?) area-test/ar/add_to_undo-list reduce ['r 1 copy text length? text] area-test/ar/add_to_undo-list reduce ['i 1 "" length? new-text] system/view/caret: tail area-test/ar/text focus area-test/ar show area-test/ar ] ; gui ;do %gui/area-scroll-style.r ;Copyright: {GNU Less General Public License (LGPL) - Copyright (C) Didier Cadieu 2004} ;system/options/binary-base: 64 compress mold/only/flat load %gui/area-scroll-style.r err? [ do decompress ; %area-scroll-style.r Copyright: {GNU Less General Public License (LGPL) - Copyright (C) Didier Cadieu 2004} 64#{ eJztWd2P3LYRf9dfwW4e/AEouj0bqSHYPRQBiry0T0UQQNgLeBK1Uq2VVEl7u1fD/dv7mxmKonZ15z3HRV7i2FmJnBnOBznzGyrQndFhPzxUJlb0U/7HqCSQ0bRrqipW 9KIO5VBgYl9nTayyxvQq0V1ErxsVdGY2Sq8Y1Vn269D8SjRhVfZDrPJ9nYIiHTZMd0qgeCboTWXSIdS0tpM5DYIiL49hX5WZ6cJWd3oUHKx2zb1RWskcxKVNl5X1Vg3m OKi8NFWmxCoMfr9SwZCrlczp1OC9x7swR0IHKXaKrOr0Vq101TfKvgyFUSf0RFo1qa7UsGtJl0GVfQCDgzJXdVObGzXkEamtEnMsyeCyj2msJ9+HymRbE9IzEULFXRur XVmr9XENSSCw7NFOd1uMTwNNV8oA+ZokhGwbSYGP+jzSRwiAkVGmB4zs9FFdiWwnQ8yIYq0iZRBzOAAa0Pv7v4A4kReYsybF89ERCYTaR5FX9iKD1lhDIWYK+qI5QJGA dkcXq/txixXjQ1/lMXsJtDwUHspsKGK1/kEFB0QTrtJta+pM6fpBJTyk0qbF84acbEWqpDaHyMkfuj32RbftsXDhUxRLFGMoZW2VwMyyHszWdDdMEl0L81xDmdmomnxu JeHkZGFTV9Aur/Q2pL0EgoOaJixlsx+wIMX+lNSbYVp2XpqavqcIfjRKXmB7bwZmez0eCJZxr6u9IdfQW8zbOdKdCuSBeSPHqSYWS5EbU+Gk/mvfD/bM9UIUpJXRcjyi 6Qj7o5QHeJRU3i4pt5Ef6BPRVt1Y9kXCU/35OA3K7Nrh4UaGebtbiae5BcrsoXXyosN+5A0zsVSm3g6FJ2SzmfvH08oa/6RvAg79Yji+EAiP6xkL0VE/DzwNj8txcpGk gP3Nz24YCePltXotB0rTyeAp3nHuKRJpV8erzSv2Pc+40xb4r1GT5zAjOsqC0y9WklW9gxNsJnHFXFwxF/dgxbjfx8SNW8q3+UzjmcLiQ0iUnyWVZhpZ+qO1y1vzsUhh LpCjK9mrrMuBjizlO9Q2pOhW19DWpjJWgBPyodPtjUpcoqLkKNMcqjvUmo83YKsarHStPrjNLENUaWVFS7J+d/W9/Udqu1TDStBr73QkjRTlaUozobi6NalsmhcMC2DB PXZd/9APZhfdl8hXgVfwnTUuFXhjT+ADa9efNrZurq/wR713tk3HOukMF/07nX5Ugy6raY68VPemGyJOtAVSrsfIatBSNmPNkpXAnEL3I1ohJWym8da29RskKCCUir08 eLa0W0BWhd+iFD6kUg1wlRbAJ52dxHKjYVSVMTgIhMEkig/9/y05FaWJV1mYf8ObbWk3UsrhgPLq4X3Zl3cV4j/qM1bpKg8ctFv2xGTRuSemuaeCcJknnjCSnfAlT30b T5xTjhuWB61rhBFYiS2VghSkw5GhGDJpOQgow9pps2ubHiWpL8p8UC9zIEvzCsP1gKPu3j8auK3ZUSrfzJzFW94q+ptXAHQsyIaNZKmdrjVgqJwDsZKoLLIFPlBp1QLW kcuRKqzxnJHSQgMnEfV3q9sfV+QLvDA208hfTtOirGjNGxVYnMncJBp8v6yQySwbcj8smJY6lRB2ut4CLZ8lFL/ml3VmjjdWYzr7sl2cWCVF5saziUG71Y2QBqkGbXiL RpnJ9b7CZmtCiw3Z5CR4x3gRz7FqSwSIozRtqTXO0ZfVPGEiyesNgZL19Z9P5D9X9KLUN0+xluessJrCjLxMElRwff1MAdg9MYNgPJXtXaO7LI6iqXZVLYt9+7RJFsjN MJzAN47dszQSbwTC+XttOYdqczCrH95+9+nHn97942/bDx8+2+11iU0sbrSHReJE/WxP1HNkXBClwP1HtaLSg8n8Ep8OZVOPbTwSaSQjgjYs5Kcf7vwEjAfSnNI7PakA zbqxAIEG3StBps5Scj8dEFCNx7bVQZsbovDbqEQwFOtDA1QekBJFEj0hnzJYkhELnObIjZGS5WDQNGoRM2yzFcd2aLPsrO4otsnUG4Z5WUG3GHWRXMPOcxyIWB9ykuEa SKeONuen259uw9v/3v799pfbn2//+ZkLdacPswaACijyv5+c0Zvz1AtrlIWPjO0cYAymV+dNLbB88imLmdrYN+r9h3kfJeL4OHGi8gYlcyVrhQLOclAjPAiJGKDKhLbB WWD/Eo9sRyijt+bMI+beIMK2kgE4UF7fuMRuUUfWHGpx26nJWdlr1P7MYZ6pQoTm33tdWTpS6rWnFXmvSfeubxMgRbpEWbOHxBBnjLyyVMtZwNdU80VkcJE0uhARYZXJ nylLeBdEeXqR94LJfeIJ4U/GLCg+LMAkWVeyUrI4HFtqC8aCUyIc3dhmXDpPkvRZe1lapjgwzsx9Lbz0InvKW+MCabYt7JAV3a0WIcqxdQdq7Zy14+7xlrhghf+fr76l qdz4HvTDmFuE7C1wZnMvt5szWXwxebyaD4bejYVASf8Gg5/n16LTkLsYfe49xyRibL9JV1KNVCRAGHoXreyUUxZQUJL5Wh/jEAELnPj6zNgzUz1XuTAQWlm8Qdq3NtWN obGe8YLphHAoh3JH+YyDtxQjaIJBuTEYt4eLNHljDDA9/xHXC9z3jSMuONBmDnHZo5Vd+jnRk/gYmp6Cl2meEqjXPXqMFoj+lYDoNPq13fFUVKbm+DJJj1YnaWQFO8wL nGCGLQLhAJQFssseHiHIfPL0Hhj+8PGXhc8MFOBfYBH6gjSfOvnyNX5zYZVAPS48OgKP41Gz5wm7sNVl5yD/WH/dvah/mQolr6YSXTxKEjgEbUHjCJ+lEIw9jQfIzQki F+Ru7zb3FCy+bnEf4VC2GKNxZ+AOprvAGelGD4NEldlRReRBhrT97BaTbm3pKlO9mFYASzK1MCR67F4WPqZYF3DbMYuQy5H+HerUPPDXUaGkL3G2PZuu0d0Xq7n5upeo +Z5X9oY7elDXVs50f148LWdkPc4lrq0ce7/nKZtMzy5M0ycL9/1BAkvv0xloNWB1SDuSDlXMB0+uxfjjHVq5XTkgPK61STafPr98Fa4CdDV9y99KxrmVug1XKoAC4TiD w12ZHR1PaZ98oYqJIOVj2YYek90kA/XoKaJ5QFtPRY8ymyOTegKiKAYVMpda0XU0BrAFIVA5fjxs7CIXLLAsXF8gfO6vp9aYOeGZS7kkSh8yeU1/Lds32bYSPzHz8+eK pkdmd3KtF+e+Z+I1XVUt0s2Dx6SUgPAU+JrR9dhv0cxTx1MAxOGa/nq6nSkUrkd9gs3/ACE8X6Y9IQAA } ] resize-faces: func [siz [pair!] /move] [ foreach [face dir] reduce [text-results 0x1 area-results 0x1 field-console 0x1 text-command 0x1 text-debug-results 0x1 area-debug-results 0x1 area-vid-results 0x1 area-draw-results 0x1] [face/offset: face/offset + (siz * dir)] foreach [face dir] reduce [area-test 1x1 area-results 1x0 field-console 1x0 area-console-results 1x1 area-source 1x1 area-debug-results 1x0 area-vid 0x1 panel-gui 1x1 area-draw 0x1 box-drawings 1x1] [resize-face/no-show face face/size + (siz * dir)] either not move [ foreach [face dir] reduce [panels 1x1 panel-edit 1x1 panel-console 1x1 panel-debug 1x1 panel-vid 1x1 panel-draw 1x1] [resize-face/no-show face face/size + (siz * dir)] ][ ; "undo" vertical moving and resizing foreach [face dir] reduce [field-console 0x-1 text-command 0x-1 area-vid-results 0x-1 area-draw-results 0x-1] [face/offset: face/offset + (siz * dir)] foreach [face dir] reduce [ area-results 0x-1 area-console-results 0x-1 area-debug-results 0x-1 area-vid 0x-1 panel-gui 0x-1 area-draw 0x-1 box-drawings 0x-1 ;panel-vid 0x-1 panel-draw 0x-1 ] [resize-face/no-show face face/size + (siz * dir)] ] ] feel-move: [ engage-super: :engage engage: func [face action event /local prev-offset] [ engage-super face action event if find [over away] action [ prev-offset: face/offset face/offset: 0x1 * (face/old-offset + event/offset) ; We cannot modify face/old-offset but why not use it? face/offset: 0x1 * second confine face/offset face/size area-test/offset + 0x100 area-results/offset + area-results/size - 0x100 face/offset: face/offset + 4x0 ; ?? must add spacing if prev-offset <> face/offset [ resize-faces/move (face/offset - prev-offset * 0x1) show main-window ] ] ] ] append system/view/VID/vid-styles area-style ; add to master style-sheet ; panels panel-edit: layout/tight [ do [sp: 4x4] origin sp space sp Across btn "(O)pen..." #"^O" [open_file] btn "(S)ave" #"^S" [save_file] pad (sp * -1x0) btn "as..." [save_file/as] btn "Undo" #"^z" [undo] btn "(R)edo" #"^r" [redo] btn "(D)o script" #"^D" 70 yellow [test get-face area-test] btn "Ha(l)t" #"^L" red [if doing [doing: false make error! "Halt"]] btn "Clear (T)est" #"^T" [if confirm "Are you sure?" [clear-face area-test job-name: none named: no change_title/modified]] btn "Clear R(e)sults" #"^e" [clear-face output-face old-length: 0] pad 0x1 check-clear-res: check-line "before every do" off no-wrap font [] return text-test: text bold "Test" pad 118x-3 btn "Clea(n) script" #"^n" [clean-area] Below style area-scroll area-scroll 650x200 hscroll vscroll font-name font-fixed para [origin: 2x0]; Tabs: 16] area-test: area-scroll {print "Hello world!"} with [append init [deflag-face self/ar 'tabbed ]] button-balance: button "- - - - ----- - - - -" 650x6 gray feel feel-move edge [size: 1x1] font [size: 6] text-results: text bold "Results" area-results: area-scroll silver read-only ] {panel-console: layout/tight [ do [sp: 4x4] origin sp space sp style area-scroll area-scroll 650x200 hscroll vscroll font-name font-fixed para [origin: 2x0]; Tabs: 16] area-console: area-scroll {>> probe "Hello world!"} panel-edit/size - 1x1 - 8x8 with [append init [deflag-face self/ar 'tabbed ]] do [ super-engage: get in area-console/ar/feel 'engage area-console/ar/feel/engage: func [face action event /local code result][ either #"^M" = event/key [ set-face/no-show area-console append get-face area-console newline ; append newline code: find/tail/last get-face area-console {>> } ;insert console-history code result: test/console rejoin ["[" copy code "]"] ][ super-engage face action event ] ] ] ]} console-history: copy [] panel-console: layout/tight [ do [sp: 4x4] origin sp space sp style area-scroll area-scroll hscroll vscroll font-name font-fixed para [origin: 2x0]; Tabs: 16] across check-commands: check-line "Show commands" off no-wrap font [] ; use new (empty) font because fonts are shared also with radio-lines pad 128 btn "Do script" 70 yellow [do-face field-console none] btn "H(a)lt" #"^A" red [if doing [doing: false make error! "Halt"]] pad 77 btn "Clear R(e)sults" #"^e" [clear-face output-face old-length: 0] pad 0x1 check-clear-res-cons: check-line "before every do" off no-wrap font [] below text bold "Results ==" area-console-results: area-scroll panel-edit/size - 8x108 silver read-only text-command: text bold "Command >>" field-console: field {probe "Hello world!"} panel-edit/size/x - 1 - 8 font-name font-fixed with [ append init [deflag-face self 'tabbed deflag-face self 'on-unfocus] ] feel [ super-engage: :engage engage: func [face action event /local code][ if action = 'key [ switch event/key [ up [ console-history: back console-history code: pick console-history 1 if code [set-face face code focus face] ] down [ console-history: next console-history if tail? console-history [console-history: back console-history] code: pick console-history 1 if code [set-face face code focus face] ] ] ] super-engage face action event ] ] [ ; action function if get-face check-clear-res-cons [clear-face area-console-results] use [code][ code: copy get-face face code: any [pick parse/all code "^/" 1 ""] if (pick back tail console-history 1) <> code [console-history: back insert tail console-history code] test/console code ] ] ] panel-debug: layout/tight [ do [sp: 4x4] origin sp space sp Across pad 27x0 btn "Ste(p) debug" #"^p" 70 yellow [if not stepped [codeg: load get-face area-test] doing: true source-debug/step] text "Speed (wait)" -1x22 middle field-wait: field "0.1" 30x22 text "secs" -1x22 middle btn "R(u)n debug" #"^u" 70 yellow [codeg: load get-face area-test doing: true source-debug] btn "H(a)lt" #"^A" red [if doing [doing: false ]] pad 77 btn "Clear R(e)sults" #"^e" [clear-face output-face old-length: 0] pad 0x1 check-clear-res-debug: check-line "before every do" off no-wrap font [] return Below style area-scroll area-scroll 650x200 hscroll vscroll font-name font-fixed para [origin: 2x0]; Tabs: 16] text-source: text bold "Source" area-source: area-scroll silver read-only with [append init [deflag-face self/ar 'tabbed]] ;button-balance: button "-----" 650x6 gray feel feel-move edge [size: 1x1] font [size: 6] pad 0x10 ; keep below widgets aligned with panel-edit text-debug-results: text bold "Results" area-debug-results: area-scroll silver read-only ] panel-vid: layout/tight [ do [sp: 4x4] origin sp space sp Across btn "(O)pen..." #"^O" [open_file] btn "(S)ave" #"^S" [save_file] pad (sp * -1x0) btn "as..." [save_file/as] btn "Undo" #"^z" [undo] btn "(R)edo" #"^r" [redo] btn "Refresh" 70 yellow [update-gui] pad 46x0 btn "Clear VI(D)" #"^D" [if confirm "Are you sure?" [clear-face area-vid update-gui job-name: none named: no change_title/modified]] below guide style area-scroll area-scroll 230x395 vscroll font-name font-fixed para [origin: 2x0]; Tabs: 16] text-vid: text bold "VID block" area-vid: area-scroll {across^/text "Hello world!"^/btn "OK" [alert "All right"]} hscroll with [ append init [ deflag-face self/ar 'tabbed self/ar/feel: make self/ar/feel [ old-engage: :engage engage: func [face action event][ old-engage face action event if event/type = 'key [update-gui] ] ] ] ] area-vid-results: area-scroll 230x35 silver read-only font-name font-sans-serif return text-gui: text bold "GUI" panel-gui: panel 415x435 edge [size: 1x1] [] do [attempt [panel-gui/pane: layout/offset load get-face area-vid 0x0]] ] panel-draw: layout/tight [ do [sp: 4x4] origin sp space sp Across btn "(O)pen..." #"^O" [open_file] btn "(S)ave" #"^S" [save_file] pad (sp * -1x0) btn "as..." [save_file/as] btn "Undo" #"^z" [undo] btn "(R)edo" #"^r" [redo] btn "Refresh" 70 yellow [update-draw] pad 46x0 btn "Clear Dra(w)" #"^w" [if confirm "Are you sure?" [clear-face area-draw update-draw job-name: none named: no change_title/modified]] below guide style area-scroll area-scroll 230x395 vscroll font-name font-fixed para [origin: 2x0]; Tabs: 16] text-draw: text bold "Draw block" area-draw: area-scroll {pen green^/fill-pen orange^/circle 30x30 20} hscroll with [ append init [ deflag-face self/ar 'tabbed self/ar/feel: make self/ar/feel [ old-engage: :engage engage: func [face action event][ old-engage face action event if event/type = 'key [update-draw] ] ] ] ] area-draw-results: area-scroll 230x35 silver read-only font-name font-sans-serif return text-drawings: text bold "Drawings" box-drawings: box 415x435 white effect [draw [] ]; reduce [pen 0.100.0 fill-pen 100.100.0 circle 30x30 20]] do [attempt [box-drawings/effect/draw: load get-face area-draw]] ] set 'output-face area-results ; make it global set 'input-face area-test ; make it global update-gui: has [lay][ doing: true clear area-vid-results/ar/text area-vid-results/ar/colors/1: silver either attempt [lay: layout/offset compose/deep load get-face area-vid 0x0][ panel-gui/pane: lay show panel-gui if "" <> get-face area-vid-results [area-vid-results/ar/colors/1: red + 100] ][print "" area-vid-results/ar/colors/1: red + 100] show area-vid-results doing: false ] update-draw: has [error][ doing: true clear area-draw-results/ar/text area-draw-results/ar/colors/1: silver if any [ error? set/any 'error try [box-drawings/effect/draw: compose/deep load get-face area-draw] error? set/any 'error try [show box-drawings] ][ ; print mold error: disarm error ; does not work area-draw-results/ar/colors/1: red + 100 box-drawings/effect/draw: copy [] ; FIXME: cannot clear ?! ] show area-draw-results doing: false ] show-pane: func [face [object!] pane [object!] input [object!] output [object!]][ if get-face face [set 'output-face output set 'input-face input focus input panels/pane: pane show panels] ] save_prefs: func [ /local o s myself prefs-01 ][ o: main-window/offset s: main-window/size prefs-01: mold to-binary reduce [ shift o/1 8 o/1 // 256 shift o/2 8 o/2 // 256 shift s/1 8 s/1 // 256 shift s/2 8 s/2 // 256 ] myself: read/string system/options/script change/part find/tail myself "program-preferences-do-not-touch-01: " prefs-01 length? prefs-01 write system/options/script myself ] main-window: center-face layout [ style radio-line radio-line -1x24 no-wrap para [margin: 6x2] edge [size: 1x1 color: black] feel [ redraw-super: :redraw redraw: func [face action position][ redraw-super face action position face/font/style: either face/data ['bold][none] ] ] do [sp: 4x4] origin sp space sp Across space 0x-1 radio-line "Mini editor" on [show-pane face panel-edit area-test area-results] radio-line "Mini console" off [show-pane face panel-console field-console area-console-results] radio-line "Mini source level debugger" off [set-face area-source/ar get-face area-test show-pane face panel-debug area-source area-debug-results] ;radio-line "Mini function builder" off btn-?: btn "?" sky keycode [f1] [ ssh: System/script/header if not value? 'help-win [; avoid opening win more then once help-win: view/new layout [ below space sp text 600 bold center ssh/Title text 600 center rejoin ["Version: " ssh/Version either ssh/Version <> pick tail ssh/history -2 [rejoin [" (" pick tail ssh/history -2 ")"]][""] " , " ssh/Date ". Copyright (C) " now/year " " ssh/Author] text 600 bold center "USE AT YOUR OWN RISK" across info-help: info 600x100 as-is trim/auto ssh/Help wrap edge [size: 1x1] pad -20 slider info-help/size/y * 0x1 + 16x0 with [append init [redrag 250 / 300]] [scroll-para info-help face] key (escape) (0x0 - sp) [unview] ] ] ] radio-line "Live VID" off [show-pane face panel-vid area-vid area-vid-results] radio-line "Live Draw" off [show-pane face panel-draw area-draw area-draw-results] return panels: box panel-edit/size + 1x1 edge [size: 1x1] with [pane: panel-edit] ; + 1x1 is because edge [size: 1x1] at -1000x-10000 key keycode [f2] [focus input-face] key escape (sp * 0x-1) [ask_close] do [ code: copy area-test/text old-add_to_undo-list: get in area-test/ar 'add_to_undo-list area-test/ar/add_to_undo-list: func [key] [change_title/modified old-add_to_undo-list key] ] ] main-window/user-data: reduce ['size main-window/size] insert-event-func func [face event /local siz] [ if event/face = main-window [ switch event/type [ close [ ;save_prefs ask_close return none ] resize [ face: system/view/screen-face/pane/1 siz: face/size - face/user-data/size ; compute size difference face/user-data/size: face/size ; store new size resize-faces siz button-balance/offset: button-balance/offset + (siz * 0x1) button-balance/size: button-balance/size + (siz * 1x0) show face ] scroll-line [either event/offset/y < 0 [scroll-drag area-test/vscroll scroll-drag/back/page area-test/vscroll ] [scroll-drag/back area-test/vscroll scroll-drag/page area-test/vscroll ]] ;key [the-key: event/key] ] ] if all [event/type = 'close value? 'help-win event/face = help-win] [unset 'help-win] event ] ask_close: does [ either not saved? [ switch request ["Save changes before exiting?" "Yes" "No" "Cancel"] reduce [ yes [if save_file [old-quit]] no [old-quit] ] ][ if confirm "Exit now?" [old-quit] ;old-quit ] ] ; main job-name: none named: no saved?: yes min-main-window-size: main-window/size { ; set prefs main-window/offset: to-pair reduce [ to-integer copy/part at system/script/header/program-preferences-do-not-touch-01 1 2 to-integer copy/part at system/script/header/program-preferences-do-not-touch-01 3 2 ] old-main-window-size: main-window/size main-window/size: main-window/user-data/size: to-pair reduce [ to-integer copy/part at system/script/header/program-preferences-do-not-touch-01 5 2 to-integer copy/part at system/script/header/program-preferences-do-not-touch-01 7 2 ] resize-faces main-window/size - old-main-window-size button-balance/offset: button-balance/offset + ((main-window/size - old-main-window-size) * 0x1) button-balance/size: button-balance/size + ((main-window/size - old-main-window-size) * 1x0) } main-title: join copy System/script/header/title " - Untitled" view/title/options main-window main-title reduce ['resize 'min-size min-main-window-size + system/view/title-size + 8x10 + system/view/resize-border] ] ; context
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage