Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ title: "Bar Charts" date: 9-feb-2013 file: %bar-charts.r author: "Nick Antonaccio" purpose: { Several examples demonstrating how to draw bar charts using simple REBOL GUI code. From the tutorial at: } ] ; Creating bar charts can be as simple as drawing box widgets, ; each sized to the numerical value of items in a list: REBOL [title: "Simplest Bar Chart Maker"] data: [12 3 9 38 1 23 18] gui: copy [backdrop white] foreach val data [append gui compose [box blue (as-pair (val * 10) 40)]] view layout gui ; The example below adds a number of features such as text labels, ; randomly colored bars, and a 3D look using buttons instead of box widgets: REBOL [title: "Simple Bar Chart Maker"] data: [12 3 9 38 1 23 18] labels: [Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul] gui: copy [backdrop white across] repeat i length? data [ append gui compose [ text bold 30 (form labels/:i) button random white (as-pair (data/:i * 12) 40) (mold data/:i) return ] ] view layout gui ; This example adds variables for auto scaling and sizing, a gradient and ; colored grid background pattern, and vertical bar layout: REBOL [title: "Simple Bar Chart Maker"] data: [12 3 9 38 1 23 18] labels: ["Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" "Jul"] height: 11 width: 50 gui: copy [ backdrop effect [ gradient 1x1 180.255.255 255.255.100 grid 10x10 220.220.189 ] across ] foreach val reverse data [ append gui compose [ button random white (as-pair width (val * height)) ] ] chart: to-image layout gui gui2: [ backdrop white style txt text bold (width) tabs 20 across image (chart) effect [rotate 180] return tab ] foreach label labels [append gui2 compose [txt (label)]] view center-face layout gui2
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