Script Library: 1240 scripts
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Line Intersection Demo
1.7 KB
10 Jan 2004
Demonstrate an algorithm used to detect an intersection between two line segments.
author: Claude Precourt
33.2 KB
16 Jan 2013
General purpose listview with many features for use in VID.
author: henrik mikael kristensen
Little Email Client
little-email-client.r793 bytes
1 Sep 2009
A very small graphical email client that can be used to send and receive messages. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
Make And Print A CD Label
label-and-print.r6.6 KB
6 Jan 2008
This script illustrates how CD labels may be drawn and printed with REBOL and illustrates how REBOL output may be printed when incorporated into an HTML page.
author: r.
35.7 KB
13 Mar 2003
Visual Layout Editor
author: Carl Sassenrath
37.1 KB
13 Mar 2003
Visual Layout Editor, now accepts more than 6 layouts
author: Carl Sassenrath, Ammon Johnson
Moving Gradients
2.5 KB
5 Feb 2011
Graphical Animations with Gradients
author: François Jouen
Specs Document Converter (Text to HTML)
4.3 KB
10 Jan 2005
(See MakeDoc2 for the latest version.) We use this script to save a lot of time when writing specification documents here at REBOL HQ. Very little notation is required to produce good looking HTML documents with titles, table of contents, section headers, indented fixed-spaced examples, sidebars , and more. Does all the formatting so we can focus on writing the words (the hard [...]
author: Carl Sassenrath
57.8 KB
7 Feb 2004
Parses the make-doc-pro markup language into a datastructure that can be into other document formats (such as HTML) with good titles, table of contents, section headers, indented fixed-spaced examples, bullets and definitons.
author: Robert M. Münch
REBOL Standard Document Formatter
9.3 KB
10 Jan 2005
(See MakeDoc2 for the latest version.) Converts very simple text file format into other document formats (such as HTML) with good titles, table of contents, section headers, indented fixed-spaced examples, bullets and definitons. Does the formatting so you can focus on the hard part: the words.
author: Carl Sassenrath
MakeDoc 2 - The REBOL Standard Document Formatter
17.0 KB
10 Mar 2007
This is the official MakeDoc document formatter that is used by REBOL Technologies for all documentation. It is the fastest and easiest way to create good looking documentation using any text editor (even ones that do not auto-wrap text). It creates titles, headings, contents, bullets, numbered lists, indented examples, note blocks, and more. For documentation, [...]
author: Carl Sassenrath
REBOL to POLAND ICM METEO map interface
4.9 KB
4 Feb 2004
Show meteo maps for Poland (Central Europe)
author: Piotr Gapinski
MDP-GUI Package
1.1 KB
30 Mar 2005
Graphical interface for make-doc-pro 1.0.8 allowing easy doc making/viewing
author: Alphé SALAS-SCHUMANN (ShadWolf)
Memory Match Game
match-game.r1.8 KB
14 Oct 2015
A configurable 'concentration' type matching game. Enter the number of rows and columns which you want to play. The total number of boxes must be even (to allow pair matching), max 11x10. Graphic size is automatically adjusted to fit the screen. To play, click on any pair of boxes. Remember the characters revealed, and match [...]
author: nick
Narriated Slideshow
3.1 KB
19 Oct 2006
To make possible simple, easy to make narrated slide shows.
author: Louis A. Turk
National Geographic Image of the Day Downloader
12.3 KB
11 Sep 2007
Downloads all the Picture Of The Day images (current and past) from the National Geographic website and saves it to a location of your choice. Revisions: Version 1.2.5 Checked to see if the large wallpaper exists and if not to use the smaller wall paper image. Version 1.2.4 Changed from Viewing the POTD to Browsing the POTD which then allows the user to go back [...]
author: Gordon Raboud
National Geographic Image of the Day Downloader
2.0 KB
9 Feb 2004
Downloads the current picture of the day from and saves it to a location of your choice. Directions: Change the 'filename' in the source to the location of your choice. The agrument -s causes it to be silent and so not print what step it is at. These directions can be seen by adding a -h agrument.
author: Charles MOUGEL
NeHe Lesson 5
6.7 KB
26 Nov 2011
Example use of %opengl-glu-glut-h.r and OpenGL. Almost ripped from John Niclasen
author: Marco Antoniazzi
NeHe Lesson 5 for GLUT
6.7 KB
25 Apr 2013
Example use of %opengl-glu-glut-h.r and OpenGL. Almost ripped from John Niclasen
author: Marco Antoniazzi
NeHe Lesson 5 SDL
10.7 KB
23 Sep 2012
Example use of %opengl-glu-glut-h.r and %sdl-h.r
author: Marco Antoniazzi