Script Library: 1238 scripts
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UDP Signin Client Alarm
udp-signin-client.r35.0 KB
3 Aug 2010
Together with %udp-signin-server.r this program alerts users on a network that a new user has arrived and logged in. Client users are only notified when the new user has signed in specificly to see them. Because this script uses UDP, the client alarm application does not need to connect to any specific IP. Anyone who runs the client [...]
author: nick
UDP Signin Server
udp-signin-server.r2.0 KB
3 Aug 2010
Together with %udp-signin-client.r this program alerts users on a network that a new user has arrived and logged in. Client users are only notified when the new user has signed in specificly to see them. Because this script uses UDP, the client alarm application does not need to connect to any specific IP. Anyone who runs the client [...]
author: nick
Updating and Creating links in INDEX files
5.6 KB
13 Mar 2003
Update/create links in index files
author: JL MEYRIAL
Updating and Creating links in INDEX files
5.7 KB
7 Jan 2005
Update/create links in index files
author: JL MEYRIAL
View-Desktop packed by Volker
45.1 KB
13 Aug 2004
Make it easier to install and run open source /view-desktop
author: Volker Nitsch (of package)
My Clipboards
3.1 KB
19 Jul 2006
Manage multiple clips. So have more than just one choice when [copy]/paste; Could be helpful if repeat of pasting of a set of contents is needed.
author: Z. Yao
Visual sorting
21.4 KB
17 May 2016
icon for visual-sorting.rCollect and show various sorting algorithms.
author: Marco Antoniazzi
async event loop tutorial
vid-tutorial-async-event-loops.r1.3 KB
9 Nov 2012
Show how to do async event handling with processing loops.
author: maxim
Voice Alarms
voice-alarms.r4.5 KB
18 Nov 2009
Record your voice or other sounds to be played as alarms for any number of multiple events. Save and Load event lists. All alarm sounds repeat until stopped. Record yourself saying 'wake up you lazy bum' or 'hey dude, get up and walk the dog', then set alarms to play those voice messages on any given day/time. If you set [...]
author: Nick Antonaccio
5.1 KB
11 Jul 2006
This little utility will generate natural looking trends for you. You can set a few parameters and marker points for the trend to make it looking as you wish.
author: Varga Árpád
VID Button Set
vid-button.r2.4 KB
8 Mar 2009
A simple VID Button set. Includes Ok, Cancel, Toggle and Choice
author: Ammon Johnson
REBOL Web Server
16.0 KB
24 Oct 2005
A Simple HTTP-Server for running and debugging REBOL CGI scripts, modified %webserv.r
author: Cal Dixon
VID Shooter
vid-shooter.r1.9 KB
6 Mar 2010
A simple shooter game to demonstrate timer events and offsets in VID. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick
HTML Rainbow generator for Rebol/View
2.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
Create HTML color fade effects. Places output on the clipboard
author: Cal Dixon
Image Viewer
viewer.r1.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
A useful image viewer that shows all the jpeg, gif, bmp, png images found in the current directory.
author: Carl Sassenrath
View an Image and its File Name
589 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Display an image in a window with its file name printed directly below it.
author: Anonymous
View an Image behind File Name
562 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Display an image with its file name on top of it.
author: Anonymous
Wall Street
wall-street.r3.6 KB
5 Jun 2007
Small nice demo
author: rebolek
Demo sound player
wavplayer.r10.6 KB
4 Nov 2011
The is a complete program (as opposed to a code sample) that plays a .wav file. It is an annotated modification of a script sent to the author in response to a question on the REBOL mailing list, namely, how to find out how long a .wav file will play. Besides playing a sound file, this script is annotated to explain how to make a progress [...]
author: Steven White with help from Rosemary de Dear
Watch Various Webcams
watch-various-webcams.r823 bytes
11 Mar 2017
Display video feeds from more than 130 live webcam servers. The code used to gather the list of validated working cam URLs is also provided.
author: [unknown]
Web Cam
web-cam.r2.4 KB
2 Jul 2008
An example demonstrating how to use the Windows API to access local web cam images. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
Find a file in sites
2.8 KB
9 Nov 2012
icon for web-find-file.rFinding web page containing a text, also crawling on all page links
author: Massimiliano Vessi
Webcam Viewer
webcam-viewer.r1.3 KB
29 Jun 2008
Display video feeds from live webcam servers. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
Wiggly Text
wiggly-text.r866 bytes
13 Mar 2014
A quick demo done with a student, loosely based on the QT Wiggly example.
author: nick
Win for Life!
1.4 KB
6 Jun 2011
Win for life is an italian lotery. You have to guess 10 number over 20, plus a number over 20. The probability is about 1/3000000. This is a simply random numbers generator between 1 and 20.
author: Massimiliano Vessi